Jordi GalbanyUniversity of Barcelona | UB · Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Jordi Galbany
Lecturer at University of Barcelona - Faculty of Psychology
Codirector of Research at the Jane Goodall Institute Spain
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I'm currently a lecturer at the University of Barcelona (Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology), teaching animal behavior and related topics.
Additional affiliations
August 2013 - July 2018
June 2007 - May 2010
September 2001 - January 2006
October 2001 - June 2006
Publications (123)
Acoustic signals that reliably indicate body size, which usually determines competitive ability, are of particular interest for understanding how animals assess rivals and choose mates. Whereas body size tends to be negatively associated with formant dispersion in animal vocalizations, non-vocal signals have received little attention. Among the mos...
Mountain gorillas are particularly inbred compared to other gorillas and even the most inbred human populations. As mountain gorilla skeletal material accumulated during the 1970s, researchers noted their pronounced facial asymmetry and hypothesized that it reflects a population-wide chewing side preference. However, asymmetry has also been linked...
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are categorized as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and habitat loss due to conversion of land for agriculture is one of the major threats to wild populations of this species. This challenging scenario can lead to negative human-chimpanzee interactions, including crop feeding. Chimpanze...
The current distribution of Campbell’s monkeys Cercopithecus campbelli extends from southwestern Gambia to the western Ivory Coast. In Senegal, it has only been confirmed in the western part of the country. Here, we report for the first time its presence in southeastern Senegal. We obtained camera trap footage of a Campbell’s monkey individual in t...
Chimpanzees use spatiotemporal cognition for fruit foraging by remembering tree locations and fruiting seasons. However, the spatiotemporal cognition behind exploiting other foods has rarely been studied. Here, we investigate whether chimpanzees use memory to exploit concealed, underground army ant nests. We analyse 679 chimpanzee visits to four ne...
Resumen La integración morfológica refleja la interdependencia fenotípica de estructuras biológicas con demandas funcionales comunes. La dentición es un modelo ideal de estudio debido a su desarrollo modular y función masticatoria. Estudios de genética cuantitativa en primates definen módulos premolares y molares, mostrando la dentición mandibular...
Galbany J & Manzano C (2023) Agenda primatológica: VII Iberian Primatological Conference. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 30(1): 208-215.
en The African brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus africanus) is a rodent common from West to East Africa. The last IUCN assessment stated that its presence is uncertain in Senegal. Here, we report the presence of the African brush-tailed porcupine in the Dindefelo Community Nature Reserve (Dindefelo), in southeastern Senegal, and across the border i...
Galbany J (2022) Asimetría facial y conservación de los gorilas. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 29(1): 40-47.
Size and shape variation of molar crowns in primates plays an important role in understanding how species adapted to their environment. Gorillas are commonly considered to be folivorous primates because they possess sharp cusped molars which are adapted to process fibrous leafy foods. However, the proportion of fruit in their diet can vary signific...
Parallel-laser photogrammetry is growing in popularity as a way to collect non-invasive body size data from wild mammals. Despite its many appeals, this method requires researchers to hand-measure (i) the pixel distance between the parallel laser spots (inter-laser distance) to produce a scale within the image, and (ii) the pixel distance between t...
Size and shape variation of molar crowns in primates plays an important role in understanding how species adapted to their environment. Gorillas are commonly considered to be folivorous primates because they possess sharp cusped molars which are adapted to process fibrous leafy foods. However, the proportion of fruit in their diet can vary signific...
Galbany J (2021) Golpe en el pecho: los gorilas de montaña no van de farol. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 28(1): 28-35.
Olesti O, Guàrdia J, Mercadal O, Nadal J & Galbany J (2021) Un macaco del s. VI. In: Història de la Cerdanya. Col·leció “Història de les comarques gironines” – Volum VII (Aliaga S, Gascón C, Mercadal O, Obiols L, Olesti O & Simon E, coordinadors). Diputació de Girona. Pp. 272-274. ISBN: 978-84-15808-94-7.
Galbany J, Guàrdia J, Nadal J & Mercadal O (2021) Característiques d’edat i sexe i anàlisi del patró de microestriació dentària del primat cercopitècid Macaca sylnanus UE74. In: Història de la Cerdanya. Col·leció “Història de les comarques gironines” – Volum VII (Aliaga S, Gascón C, Mercadal O, Obiols L, Olesti O & Simon E, coordinadors). Diputació...
Galbany J, in behalf of the Jane Goodall Institute Spain (2020) Investigación y conservación de los chimpancés de Dindefelo, Senegal, en tiempos de COVID-19. International Primatological Society Bulletin: “IPS Covid Chronicles - The Status of Primates, Primatologists, and Primatological Research and Conservation during COVID-19:” Fall 2020, 45(2):...
Galbany J (2020) Morfología de campo en primates. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 27(1): 32-45.
According to life history theory, natural selection has shaped trade-offs for allocating energy among growth, reproduction and maintenance to maximize individual fitness. In social mammals body size and dominance rank are two key variables believed to influence female reproductive success. However, few studies have examined these variables together...
Despite the scarcity of fossil specimens of Theropithecus oswaldi in Eurasia, its presence out of Africa attests to the great dispersal of this Papionini genus during the Early Pleistocene. In the present study, we analyze the buccal dental microwear of T. oswaldi (T. o. leakeyi) fossil specimens from Cueva Victoria (Southeastern Spain). This analy...
Tourism can have a positive impact for conserving natural areas but also a negative one on the environment and animal populations. Specifically, proximity between people and great apes increases the potential for disease transmission and alters the apes’ natural behaviour. A well-known national and international tourist attraction in Senegal is the...
Coll Monteagudo R & Galbany J (2019). La bòbila de Can Jordana (Tiana, El Maresme). Un jaciment del Neolític Mitjà?. In: XXV Sessió d'Estudis Mataronins - 2018 (Ed: Museu Arxiu Santa Maria). Mataró. Pp. 223-241
De Gibert N, Cuadrado L, Murua E, Vélez del Burgo I, Flores L, Galbany J (2019). Agenda Primatológica: Congreso IPS Nairobi 2018. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 26(1): 140-149.
Galbany J, Twahirwa JC, Baiges-Sotos L, Kane EE, Tuyisingize D, Kaleme P, Rwetsiba A, Bitariho R, Cranfield MR, Bromage TG, Mudakikwa A, Stoinski TS, Robbins MM, McFarlin SC (2020) Dental macrowear in catarrhine primates: variability across species. In: Schmidt C & Watson JT (Eds.) Dental wear in evolutionary and biocultural contexts. Pp. 11-37. El...
Body size is a key determinant of male fighting ability and reproductive success in many animal species, but relationships between these variables have only rarely been examined in group-living animals in which body size often correlates with dominance rank. We examined the relationships between body size (crest height, back breadth and body length...
McFarlin SC, Baiges-Sotos L, Galbany J, Glowacka H, Junno JA, Muhire T, Ruff CB, Bromage TG, Cranfield MR, Eckardt W, Gilardi K, Stoinski TS, Mudakikwa A (2019) Abstract: Skeletal aging in Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168 (S68): 160. ABSTRACT: D...
Romero A, Torrijo-Boix S, Gómez-Torres MJ, Galbany J & Pérez-Pérez A (2018) Cúspide de carabelli y variación morfométrica del diente. In: Malgosa Morera A & Aluja París MP (Eds.), La antropología física en la era de la genómica. Actas del XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Antropología Física. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Pp. 346-352. ABST...
92. McFarlin SC, Galbany J, Vakiener MM, Abavandimwe D, Cranfield MR, Eckardt W, Mudakikwa A, Ndagijimana F, Stoinski TS (2018). Abstract: Dental emergence in wild Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Rwanda. American Journal of Primatology 80 (Issue S1): 62-63, Abstract #217.
Dental development provides a basis for assessing...
Ecological factors, but also tooth‐to‐tooth contact over time, have a dramatic effect on tooth wear in primates. The aim of this study is to test whether incisor tooth wear changes predictably with age and can thus be used as an age estimation method in a wild population of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes Nat...
De Gibert N & Galbany J (2018) Cuarentena y transmisión de enfermedades infeccionas entre humanos y chimpancés. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 25(1): 76-81.
Desde hace décadas los grandes simios han sido habituados a la presencia humana para poder realizar proyectos de investigación. En algunos proyectos incluso se ha incorporado...
Coll Monteagudo R & Galbany J (2018) Sepulcres de tipus indeterminat: Can Cues (Alella, Maresme). In: Bassols Fernández I, Daví Salvanyà D, Font Cot JO, Lleonart Casadevall R & Lou Martínez T (Eds.), Dòlmens i menhirs entre la Tordera i el Besòs. El grup megalític del Maresme i el Baix Vallès. Monografies (#13) del Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Pr...
Coll Monteagudo R & Galbany J (2018) Cripta sepulcral de la urbanització Mar i Muntanya (Alella, Maresme). In: Bassols Fernández I, Daví Salvanyà D, Font Cot JO, Lleonart Casadevall R & Lou Martínez T (Eds.), Dòlmens i menhirs entre la Tordera i el Besòs. El grup megalític del Maresme i el Baix Vallès. Monografies (#13) del Seminari d’Estudis i Rec...
Percher AM, Merceron G, Nsi Akoue G, Galbany J, Romero A, Charpentier MJ. Dental microwear textural analysis as an analytical tool to depict individual traits and reconstruct the diet of a primate. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2017;00:1–16.
Objectives: Dental microwear is a promising tool to reconstruct animals' diet because it reflects the interplay bet...
Analyses of dental micro- and macro-wear offer valuable information about dietary adaptations. The buccal surface of the teeth does not undergo attrition, indicating that dental microwear may directly inform about food properties. Only a few studies have, however, investigated the environmental and individual factors involved in the formation of su...
Effects of image quality on buccal microwear variables.
Eight qualitative scores were attributed to each analyzed SEM micrograph (degree of fuzziness or erosion, patina, presence of highly curved scratches, holes, artifacts or pits, presence of visible perikymata). A total of 48 LMM were run to study their individual effects on each of the six stud...
Buccal microwear data for the 73 SEM micrographs analyzed in this study.
Detailed information about individuals for which both feeding behavior and PDE data are available.
These individuals were used to analyze the relationships between PDE and diet (Spearman correlation tests). Date of dental molding, individual’s age, PDE, residuals of PDE (independent of age) and percentages (noted “%”) of food items consumed accordi...
Information about the buccal tooth surfaces analyzed in this study.
Details about individual’s sex, age and date of capture are provided. This table also indicates if every dental mold was used for PDE analyses. All the dental molds and replicas are stored in the Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier, at the University of Montpellier,...
Comparison of buccal scratch patterns between the studied mandrills and other primates, considering average values for five microwear variables based on Estebaranz and colleagues (2012).
For the sake of clarity, the mandrill population we studied is highlighted (*), by contrast with the other mandrill population, which corresponds to four samples c...
Great apes show considerable diversity in socioecology and life history, but knowledge of their physical growth in natural settings is scarce. We characterized linear body size growth in wild mountain gorillas from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, a population distinguished by its extreme folivory and accelerated life histories.
Tis work is a preliminary approach to the study of craniofacial morphological variability in hominins using 2D Geometric Morphometrics for the skull base and 3D GM for the rest of the craniofacial region (braincase and splanchnocranium). Our aim is to characterize the involvement of the diet and abrasiveness of food resources in the craniofacial mo...
Álvarez-Solas S & Galbany J (2017) Primatología Internacional: una visión de los avances de la primatología en todo el mundo. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 24(1): 110-117.
El pasado mes de agosto se celebró la 26ª edición del «Congreso de la International Primatological Society (IPS)», que este año se realizó conjuntamente con el...
Hominin dietary specialization is crucial to understanding the evolutionary changes of craniofacial biomechanics and the interaction of food processing methods’ effects on teeth. However, the diet-related dental wear processes of the earliest European hominins remain unknown because most of the academic attention has focused on Neandertals. Non-occ...
Objectives: Two-dimensional dental microwear analyses on occlusal and nonocclusal enamel surfaces have been widely applied to reconstruct the feeding behaviors of extant primates and to infer ecological adaptations in fossil hominins. To date, analyses of dental microwear texture, using three-dimensional, Scale-Sensitive Fractal Analysis approaches...
Romero A, Galbany J & Pérez-Pérez A (2016) Ecología dental en primates y homininos fósiles. In: Homenaje al Dr. José Gibert Clols. Una vida dedicada a la ciencia y al conocimiento de los primeros europeos (Coordinador: Ribot Trafí F). Granada: Publicaciones Diputación de Granada. Pp. 163-175.
ABSTRACT: La ecología dental es un enfoque clave para ex...
here is much debate on the dietary adaptations of the robust hominin lineages during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. It has been argued that the shift from C3 to C4 ecosystems in Africa was the main factor responsible for the robust dental and facial anatomical adaptations of Paranthropus taxa, which might be indicative of the consumption of f...
Pearson correlations between the first five discriminant functions derived from the LDA and the 8 microwear variables considered.
Confusion matrix (percentage of post-hoc correctly classified specimens over total group sample) after jack-knife cross-validation.
Similarity matrix between groups derived from the LDA (values are Fisher's distance between pairs of taxa in S1 Table.
Raw data of all studied variables for all the specimens considered (EXCEL file).
Eigenvalues and percent of total variance explained by the first five discriminant functions derived from the LDA.
Confusion matrix (percentage of post-hoc correctly classified specimens over total group sample) before jack-knife cross-validation.
Wilks' Lambda test (Rao's approximation) of significance of the differences among groups.
One-dimensional ANOVA test of equality of group means.
Significance (P-value) of Fisher's distance (dF) between groups.
Recent phylogenetic analyses suggest that platyrrhines constitute a monophyletic group represented by three families: Cebidae, Atelidae, and Pitheciidae. Morphological variability between and within these three families, however, is widely discussed and debated. The aim of this study was to assess molar shape variability in platyrrhines, to explore...
Galbany J (2016) Dardeo de primates salvajes: motivos y consecuencias. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 23(1): 32-35.
The phylogenetic position of many fossil platyrrhines with respect to extant ones is not yet clear. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: the
successive radiations
hypothesis suggests that Patagonian fossils are Middle Miocene stem platyrrhines lacking modern descendants, whereas the
long lineage
hypothesis argues for an evolutionary c...
Raw coordinates of M1 tooth of platyrrhines
Raw coordinates of M2 tooth of platyrrhines
The ability to accurately measure morphological characteristics of wild primates in the field is challenging, yet critical for understanding fundamental aspects of their biology and behavior. Recent studies have shown that digital photogrammetry can be used to non-invasively measure morphological traits of wild primates, as it allows for the determ...
The phylogenetic position of many fossil platyrrhines with respect to extant ones is not yet clear. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: the layered or successive radiations hypothesis suggests that Patagonian fossils are Middle Miocene stem platyrrhines lacking modern descendants, whereas the long lineage hypothesis argues for an evolutionary c...
The phylogenetic position of many fossil platyrrhines with respect to extant ones is not yet clear. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: the layered or successive radiations hypothesis suggests that Patagonian fossils are Middle Miocene stem platyrrhines lacking modern descendants, whereas the long lineage hypothesis argues for an evolutionary c...
The phylogenetic position of many fossil platyrrhines with respect to extant ones is not yet clear. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: the layered or successive radiations hypothesis suggests that Patagonian fossils are Middle Miocene stem platyrrhines lacking modern descendants, whereas the long lineage hypothesis argues for an evolutionary c...
Ecological factors have a dramatic effect on tooth wear in primates, although it remains unclear how individual age contributes to functional crown morphology. The aim of this study is to determine how age and individual diet are related to tooth wear in wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes National Park, Rwa...
Tooth morphology has been widely used to infer taxonomic affinities. Both morphological and genetic analyses have revealed significant differences among capuchin monkeys, suggesting that two distinct monophyletic groups exist: the gracile capuchins (Cebus) and the robust capuchins (Sapajus). We developed a geometric morphometrics (GM) model to dete...
Canines represent an essential component of the dentition for any heterodont mammal. In primates, like many other mammals, canines are frequently used as weapons. Hence, tooth size and wear may have significant implications for fighting ability, and consequently for social dominance rank, reproductive success, and fitness. We evaluated sources of v...
Galbany J (2015) Investigación y conservación de los gorilas de montaña en Ruanda. Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española 22(1): 8-17.
Los gorilas son unos primates que nos resultan muy familiares, quizá porque estamos acostumbrados a verlos en los parques zoológicos, pero también porque son muy speciales. No solo se trata del primate de...
Physical ontogeny is critical to understanding life history evolution. Great apes, including gorillas, have shown diverse life history strategies attributed to differences in their dietary ecology and social behavior. Virunga mountain gorillas are characterized by earlier ages at weaning, female first birth, and higher fertility compared to more fr...
Morphometric variation of biological structures has been widely used to determine taxonomic affinities among taxa, and teeth are especially informative for both deep phylogenetic relationships and specific ecological signals. We report 2-dimensional geometric morphometrics (GM) analyses of occlusal crown surfaces of lower molars (M1, n = 141; M2, n...
Tooth wear in primates is caused by aging and ecological factors. However, comparative data that would allow us to delineate the contribution of each of these factors are lacking. Here, we contrast age-dependent molar tooth wear by scoring percent of dentine exposure (PDE) in two wild African primate populations from Gabonese forest and Kenyan sava...
La microestriación o microdesgaste dental (dental microwear) se define como el conjunto de altera-ciones físicas microscópicas producidas en la superficie del esmalte dental y que resultan de la interac-ción entre las partículas abrasivas presentes en los alimentos durante su masticación. Por tanto, el análi-sis de las abrasiones que las caracterís...
Los dientes constituyen la evidencia más abundante del registro fósil ya que están formados por ma-teriales resistentes y duros, con una excelente preservación a lo largo del tiempo. A diferencia de otras estructuras biológicas, no sufren cambios durante la vida del individuo una vez completada su minerali-zación, por lo que son menos susceptibles...
52 4th Iberian Primatological Congress was carried out at the Fundació Mona with a sample of 15 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Data were collected over 7 years (2007 to 2013). Behavioural (n = 20) and spatial data were recorded using a scan sampling technique. We measured: (1) spatial welfare indicators: weighted exploration index, core activity fi...