Jordi Fernández-Castro

Jordi Fernández-Castro
Autonomous University of Barcelona | UAB ·  Departamento de Psicología Básica, Evolutiva y de la Educación



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January 1992 - present
Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (132)
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Background Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) appear to be effective for improving the mental health of healthcare professionals (HCPs). However, the effectiveness of MBIs on extreme psychological trauma caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is largely unknown. The aim of this paper was to systematically review empirical st...
Los supervivientes de cáncer deben adaptarse en muchos casos a secuelas y limitaciones que producen malestar emocional y estrés de manera cotidiana. El apoyo social puede ayudar a reducir tal molestia, pero no está clara la frecuencia con que debe recibirse, y tampoco si su falta produce efectos negativos. En esta investigación sobre el malestar co...
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Background: Nurses’ work engagement is essential both for the quality of the service provided and occupational health. However, there is a lack of adequate information about nurses’ engagement in healthcare organizations that are affected by various factors in the context of Health Psychology. Purpose: This study was aimed at investigating the ass...
Aim The objective of this study was to identify the key dimensions of transformational leadership that influence the promotion of engagement and structural empowerment in a population of nurses from different care settings. Method A cross-sectional survey study asking about engagement, leadership style and structural empowerment was used. Descript...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of primary and secondary appraisal, and of coping strategies, on daily stress, taking into account any possible effect of the big five personality traits. Over 10 days, a cohort of 122 people filled out an on-line diary in which they recorded the most important stressful event each day, their prim...
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The objective of this study is to make a quick assessment of the psychological resources and emotional distress of the general population locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic (in Catalonia, Spain), and to observe their evolution over the course of two waves during lockdown: at two weeks and at one month (April 1th to 3th and April 17th to 19th)...
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The objective of this study was to assess the choice of coping strategies in relation to daily stress, taking into account the influence of the primary and secondary appraisals and the Big Five traits of personality. Over 10 days, a cohort of 122 individuals filled out an online diary in which they recorded the most important stressful event each d...
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Se presentó la Unidad de Coaching y Acompañamiento Académico de la UAB (UCAA_UAB) en el XVII Encuentro de Servicios Psicológicos y Psicopedagógicos Universitarios (ESPPU) que se celebró los días 15 y 16 de abril del 2021 en la Universidad de Cádiz. El XVII ESPPU facilitó el intercambio de ideas, de propuestas, de reflexiones y experiencias, sobre...
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Introducción: El número de supervivientes de cáncer ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. Estas personas presentan necesidades asistenciales específicas, y se sienten vulnerables ante cualquier tipo de problema de salud, por lo que, contrariamente a lo que sería esperable, la finalización del tratamiento parece dar inicio a una etapa...
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El segon cicle d’activitats setmanals del campus SiS es va iniciar el dijous 18 de febrer amb un webinar dedicat a l’impacte psicosocial de la pandèmia. En aquest segon període es van tractar temes d'interès general per a la comunitat universitària sempre dins del marc de millorar la salut de la col·lectivitat i d’aconseguir una Universitat més sos...
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Background During their workday, nurses face a variety of stressors that are dealt with using different coping strategies. One criticism of the contextual models of work stress is that they fail to focus on individual responses like coping with stress. Neverthless, little is know about the momentary determinants of coping in nurses. Objectives To...
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Nurses experience significant stress and emotional exhaustion, leading to burnout and fatigue. This study assessed how the nurses' mood and fatigue evolves during their shifts, and the temporal factors that influence these phenomena. Performing a two-level design with repeated measures with moments nested into a person level, a random sample of 96...
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Nurses experience significant stress and emotional exhaustion, leading to burnout and fatigue. This study assessed how the nurses’ mood and fatigue evolves during their shifts, and the lagged and accumulated factors that influence these phenomena. A two-level design with repeated measures was applied to a sample of 113 nurses, performing an ecologi...
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Work engagement is one of the critical factors at an organization, so considering some factors such as leadership styles and organizational support is important. Lack of attention to these factors can lead to undesirable environments for workers. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review based on these variables. Data for this res...
Background Migration is a potentially stressful process due to the sociocultural changes and the adaptation processes that go along with it. However, social support can mitigate the impact of stress, ease the adaptation process and contribute to migrants’ overall well-being. The aim of this study was to explore to what extent social support buffers...
Commentary on: Gillet N, Huyghebaert-Zouaghi T, Reveillere C, et al. The effects of job demands on nurses’ burnout and presenteeism through sleep quality and relaxation. J Clin Nurs 2020;29(3–4):583–592. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15116. Epub 2019 Dec 9. Implications for practice and research ►► Work shifts have to consider the role of sleep quality in reco...
Actualmente, mientras crecen los indicadores sociales de estrés y malestar, proliferan las ofertas de métodos pseudocientíficos infalibles, rápidos y sencillos para obtener la felicidad. Este libro quiere salir del paso de los tópicos y lugares comunes sobre el estrés y el bienestar emocional y explicar, con un lenguaje preciso pero comprensible, l...
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Risk perception among climbers is a factor that can contribute to injury prevention. The purpose of this study was to analyze how expert climbers make judgments about potential risks to their safety. Specifically, we studied how climbers combine the available information on environmental conditions and personal resources in order to arrive at risk...
Background and aims: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the influence of each perceived emotional intelligence dimension on coping strategies in the face of daily stress. Material and methods: The sample was comprised of 50 people aged 18 to 25 years. PEI was assessed through the TMMS-24 that evaluates three dimensions: emotional at...
Introduction. The performance of occupational roles can be a source of stress, tension and conflict, but can also be related to experiencing s satisfaction. Several studies have been carried out in the general population and in the elderly with the aim of analyzing this relationship. However, no research has been conducted on this topic in adults w...
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It is not clear whether optimism moderates the effect of psychological interventions on cancer patients. The present paper analyzes whether optimism was related to the effectiveness of an intervention based on the potentiation of positive emotions in a sample of 24 colorectal cancer patients who received over chemotherapy. The results indicated tha...
Aim To analyze the relationships among structural empowerment, the leadership style of managers and the engagement of nurses in a health organization of Spain. Background Transformational leadership has an impact on patient security and satisfaction as well as the well‐being and engagement of health care workers. Empowerment is a management practi...
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Antecedentes: El engagement o implicación laboral consiste en un estado positivo en relación al trabajo, caracterizado por la sensación de vigor, por la dedicación y por estar absorbido en las tareas (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, & Bakker, 2002). Las enfermeras constituyen una parte esencial de cualquier sistema de atención a la salud, tenie...
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Objective: To adapt and to validate the Experience of Caregiving Inventory (ECI) in a Spanish population, providing empirical evidence of its internal consistency, internal structure and validity. Method: Psychometric validation of the adapted version of the ECI. One hundred and seventy-two caregivers (69.2% women), mean age 57.51 years (range:...
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Resumen Las actuales características demográficas y económicas de los países de la Unión Europea, y de España en particular, plantean la necesidad de prestar atención al mantenimiento de la capacidad laboral de los trabajadores a partir de los 50 años. El objetivo del equipo de trabajo del proyecto CapLab fue el estudio y análisis de los factores q...
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INTRODUCCIÓN: La emoción expresada (EE) de los cuidadores puede influir en el pronóstico de personas con trastorno mental grave (TMG). OBJETIVO: Estudiar predictores de EE de cuidadores de TMG y valorar cambios en el seguimiento longitudinal. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: SUJETOS Incluidas 71 cuidadoras y 33 cuidadores de personas con esquizofrenia, trastorno...
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NTRODUCCIÓN Cuidar a personas con trastorno mental grave (TMG) puede repercutir en la calidad de vida (CV) del cuidador. OBJETIVO Estudiar la CV de cuidadores de TMG. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: SUJETOS Cuidadores de personas con esquizofrenia o trastorno esquizoafectivo subtipo depresivo (TE), o subtipo bipolar o trastorno biploar I (TB), atendidas en un c...
How does the experience of flow among nurses influences their health? This question is addressed on the basis of a model of flow, stress, burnout, and coping. The results indicate that promoting flow can be a way to enhance the health of ward nurses in a hospital work context.
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Background: Currently the research on work stress is dominated by the Demand-Control model proposed by Karasek and colleagues and the Effort-Reward model by Siegrist and colleagues. Mostly, this research is based on retrospective evaluation questionnaires, so workers have to remember retrospectively workplace situations and stress occurred in the p...
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In the present study we investigated the influence and implications of emotional intelligence dimensions on the tendency to adopt certain strategies to cope with daily stress. The sample consisted of 50 people aged 18 to 25 years old. Emotional intelligence was evaluated through the TMMS-24 Scale, which assesses three dimensions of EI (Emotional at...
Background Work-related stress is a prevalent condition in the nursing profession, and its influence may vary according to changeable individual and situational factors. It is, therefore, important to investigate the real-time momentary changes in these factors and their relationship to emotional exhaustion experienced by nurses. Objectives We aim...
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Introducción: Desde el Instituto Catalán de Oncología de Duran i Reinals, se desarrolla un modelo de Psicoterapia grupal Centrada en la Compasión” (PCC), enfocada a pacientes con cáncer en fase avanzada. El modelo trabaja constructos terapéuticos como “compasión” o “autocompasión”, junto a la atención consciente (mindfulness) para mejorar el bienes...
To identify common issues of nurses with high engagement to enable us to develop the construct as it applies to nursing in more depth.
Objective: To identify common issues of nurses with high engagement to enable us to develop the construct as it applies to nursing in more depth. Method: Based on the constructivist paradigm and with a phenomenological approach, a qualitative content analysis was conducted using an inductive approach. Participants were nurses working in direct c...
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Background: Easy measures are needed in EMA. We explain the construction, validity and feasibility of a 10-item coping questionnaire, based on COPE, following a structure of one item for each strategy, grouped on four dimensions: problem-focused (active coping and planning); emotion-focused (acceptance, reinterpretation and relaxation); seeking for...
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Objective: To examine the effectiveness of an “Enhancing Positive Emotions Procedure” (EPEP) based on positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy in relieving distress at the time of adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in colorectal cancer patients (CRC). It is expected that EPEP will increase quality of life and positive affect in CRC patient...
Aim: The present study aimed to deepen the understanding of the relationships among job demands, control, social support, burnout and engagement in nurses. Background: Burnout is a prevalent phenomenon among nurses because of the interaction between high demands and low resources, according to the job demands-resources model. Methods: A descriptive...
Aim: The present study aimed to deepen the understanding of the relationships among job demands, control, social support, burnout and engagement in nurses. Background: Burnout is a prevalent phenomenon among nurses because of the interaction between high demands and low resources, according to the job demands-resources model. Methods: A descri...
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Background: Passion has been shown to be involved in psychological processes that emerge in diverse human activities like physical activity and sports, work, leisure, videogaming, pathological gambling, and interpersonal relationships. We aimed to present evidence of validity and internal consistency of the Passion Scale in Spanish based on the Du...
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Background: Passion has been shown to be involved in psychological processes that emerge in diverse human activities like physical activity and sports, work, leisure, videogaming, pathological gambling, and interpersonal relationships. We aimed to present evidence of validity and internal consistency of the Passion Scale in Spanish based on the Dua...
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The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and recovering from negative emotions induction, using a performance test to measure EI. Sixty seven undergraduates participated in the procedure, which lasted 75 min and was divided into three stages. At Time 1, subjects answered the State-Trait Anxiet...
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It can be stated from the previous research that positive emo-tions should allow to better health outcomes in sick populations. The aim of the present work is to know the state-of-the-art of how positive affect (PA) relates with quality of life in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, as well as to give some guidelines to develop more efficacious psych...
AimTo critically review empirical research about work engagement in nursing and to synthesise the findings to better understand this construct.Background Empirical research shows that engagement is positively related to work performance, workers’ health and client loyalty in different professions. It is, therefore, necessary to increase our underst...
Conference Paper
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Resumen En el entorno de los deportes de montaña, existe una gran preocupación debido a que el número de rescates realizados no deja de crecer, junto con el de lesionados. Por ello, sigue siendo necesario analizar cómo los deportistas interactúan con su entorno, perciben el riesgo y toman decisiones seguras. En este contexto los responsables de las...
Conference Paper
Introducción La alta tasa de rescates, lesiones y muertes, unido a la previsión de su incremento futuro, es una preocupación importante en los deportes de montaña. Por ello, sigue siendo necesario analizar cómo los deportistas interactúan con su entorno, perciben el riesgo y toman decisiones seguras. En este contexto las autoridades deportivas han...
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This study aims to identify the factors that favor the intention to continue working or to retire in workers over 50 years old. The sample consisted of 186 workers of both sexes from the industry and services sectors who answered a questionnaire which recorded their perceived health, job quality and their perception of the benefits or drawbacks of...
Conference Paper
Hay una relación entre apoyo social y estrategias de afrontamiento? • ¿En qué grado existe relación entre estrategias de afrontamiento, apoyo social y calidad de vida en la fase de supervivencia?
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This study investigates the relationship between protective and vulnerability factors affecting health (distress) in medical staff. Participants were 127 doctors from four public hospitals, who were administered the Occupational Stress in Health Professionals Inventory, the Ways of Coping Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Symptom Ch...
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Este artículo presenta una revisión en torno al papel de las emociones humanas en la salud y la enfermedad. El interés en los factores psicológicos y la enfermedad se basa en datos epidemiológicas. Los autores examen la enfermedad de Graves como un ejemplo de estas relaciones. También se revisan los datos que sostienen la evidencia de la influencia...
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Se investigó la relación entre las creencias de los profesores, el burnout y las diferencias de edad. Participaron 165 profesores de educación secundaria. Se evaluó: actitud hacia la profesión, fuentes de estrés; burnout; eficacia docente, competencia personal, y afrontamiento. Los resultados indicaron que en el grupo de maestros entre 46 y 60 años...
To evaluate the influence of chronic stress (CS) on urine composition of calcium oxalate (CaOx) stone patients and controls. This case-control study enrolled 128 patients during a period of 20 months. The cases were CaOx stone formers with a recent stone episode. Controls were matched by sex and age. Dimensions of CS were evaluated in cases and con...
This pilot study examined how the information provided by avalanche bulletin (terrain exposure and avalanche risk), and carrying safety gear are appraised to generate risk perception and affect decision making.
Conference Paper
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Studies and knowledge of human factor in avalanche fatalities are scarce or even null in the study area. Consequently, research into how people evaluate and react in front of avalanche risk is still necessary. The present study examined how the information provided by avalanche bulletin, terrain exposure and carrying safety gear is combined by back...
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Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el papel de la inteligencia emocional percibida (IEP) y la impulsividad en el abuso de cánnabis en jóvenes universitarios. Ciento cuarenta y seis universitarios participaron voluntariamente en este estudio y respondieron de forma anónima a preguntas sobre datos demográficos, consumo de cánnabis y al...
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Chronic emotional stress is associated with increased cortisol release and metabolism disorders. However, few studies have evaluated the influence of chronic stress on calcium oxalate (CaOx) stone disease and its recurrence. A total of 128 patients were enrolled in this case-control study over a period of 20 months. All patients were CaOx stone for...
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Based on Lazarus' transactional model of stress, this study examined how the information provided in a medical diagnosis (the severity of the illness, the effectiveness of the treatment and the self-efficacy to follow this treatment) are combined to generate perception of stress. Twenty-seven scenarios were presented to 152 volunteer students and t...
This study explores the role of psychological stress in the circulating levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in a group of HIV-1 infected individuals on effective cART. We developed a cross-sectional study with 50 individuals with confirmed diagnosis of HIV-1 infection ≥1 and ≤8 years, on continuous cART for >1 and <8 years and with plasma viral load <50...
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This study was designed with two objectives: (1) analyse the relationship between resilience (resilient coping strategies) and life satisfaction; and (2) examine whether this relationship is moderated or mediated by perceived emotion regulation. A sample of 254 undergraduate psychology students completed the Perceived Emotional Repair (REP) subscal...
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The aim of this work was to design an observational scale to enable the evaluation of cabin crew management of disruptive passengers, from the point of view of both safety and service quality; and to analyze the role of cabin crews’ emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in efficient intervention in such situations. Five judges (two experts and t...
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The aim of work was to design a procedure which allows to simulate, with realism, potentially stressful, frequent and real situations with passengers and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in perceived stress, emotional dissonance, perceived difficulty and performance of flight attendants in the face of disruptive passengers. Every one of t...
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Risk perception among mountain athletes is a determining factor in preventing injuries. The objective of this paper is to understand how the level of concern (as a measure of risk perception) is generated on the basis of variables related to the context (difficulty of terrain and time pressure) and the individuals (self-confidence and fatigue). To...
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The objective of this study was to analyze the role of perceived personal competence on death anxiety in 146 undergraduate nursing students with an average age of 21.8 years (SD=5.6). Students filled out the Perceived Personal Competence scale (Wallston, 1992) and the Death Anxiety Inventory (Tomás-Sábado & Gómez-Benito, 2005). The main results sho...
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Tisk perception among mountain athletes is a determining factor in preventing injuries. The objective of this paper is to understand how the level of concern (as a measure of risk perception) is generated on the basis of variables related to the context (difficulty of terrain and time pressure) and the individuals (self-confidence and fatigue). To...
Two experiments were carried out to clarify whether the relation between primary appraisal, outcome expectancies and self-efficacy (Experiment 1) or self-confidence (Experiment 2) are interactive or additive when determining perceived stress level. This was tested in two threatening moments of the academic examination stress process: the anticipato...
"In summary, patients who reported high levels of stress had significantly higher levels of peripheral proinflammatory cytokines, especially IL-6. The levels in our patients who reported stress averaged more than 6 times the standard cut off of 2.5 pg/mL, which has been determined to be predictive of physical decline.12 TNF-α levels were also signi...
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En el presente artículo se formula un modelo teórico del comportamiento de evitación. Seguidamente, se exponen una serie de experimentos, realizados en el Laboratori de Conducta (UAB), sobre inundación (bloqueo de respuesta) y su efecto sobre la extinción de la evitación y de las respuestas emocionales. Finalmente, se discute críticamente la evitac...
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between optimism and perceived competence. Dispositional optimism, dispositional perceived competence, and optimism and perceived competence related to health, exams and social relationships were measured in a sample of 237 undergraduates. Stability of the dispositional measures and of the o...
Each year, accidents involving mountain sports have many repercussions, including alarming public opinion and society. This study outlines the results of a qualitative study on the responses of 135 survivors of accidents that took place while mountaineering, climbing, downhill skiing and ski mountaineering, hiking, cross-country biking, and mountai...
ObjectivesTo examine several psychological mechanisms mediating the efficacy of goal setting in endurance sports.DesignThe athletes were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions in a 2×2×3 mixed design.MethodsParticipants were 35 male endurance athletes ranging in age from 15 to 34 years who competed at different athletic clubs of the Cata...
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This study adopts a theoretical and empirical approach to the concept of gaudiebility which has been defined as the set of mediators (skills, beliefs and lifestyles) which regulate the enjoyment that people experience. The psychometric properties of the Gaudiebility Scale were analyzed in three samples (N= 371, 202, and 369). This scale is made up...