Jonte Bernhard

Jonte Bernhard
Linköping University | LiU · Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL)

Doctor of Engineering


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November 2012 - May 2023
Linköping University
  • Professor
  • Professor in Engineering Education Research


Publications (108)
Conference Paper
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There is a growing interest in engineering education that the curriculum should include collaborative design projects. Collaboration and collaborative learning imply a shared activity, a shared purpose, a joint problem-solving space, and mutual interdependence to achieve intended learning outcomes. The focus, in this study, is 1 Corresponding Autho...
Conference Paper
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CONTEXT: There is a growing interest in engineering education that the curriculum should include collaborative design projects. The problem-based and project-based learning context of this study is a design project in the fifth semester of the problem-based Architecture and Design programme at Aalborg University. The students had the task to design...
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This study aims to investigate affordances of models and modelling in design projects in technology education. To learn more about affordances when working with models and modelling, four Swedish technology teachers were interviewed using a narrative approach. Despite a small number of informants data were rich, containing detailed descriptions of...
Conference Paper
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The use of “digital tools” have usually played an important role in the transformation to “emergency remote teaching” during the pandemic. However, even before the pandemic there has been a strong pressure that education should become more “digital”. Nevertheless, we see several problems associated with the present discourse related to “digitalisat...
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In this paper, we explore the notion of ecotones and argue how it can contribute to postdigital thinking. We do so using two empirical examples as backdrop for our discussions. We argue the concept of ecotones can add to postdigital research particularly in relation to addressing problematic dichotomies such as the digital vs ana-logue/material. We...
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In engineering education there has been a growing interest that the curriculum should include collaborative design projects. However, students' collaborative learning processes in design projects have, with a few exceptions, not been studied in earlier research. Most previous studies have been performed in artificial settings with individual studen...
Previous studies of engineering and design students found that they are less competent than professionals in managing iterative processes, working with ill-structured problems and integrating objects and materials into their design process. Accordingly, there is a broad interest in understanding how students learn to design collaboratively and how...
In this chapter, we analyse selected video data from a long-term, collabora- tive problem-based project work conducted by a group of Architecture and Design (A&D) students within the frame of the Aalborg PBL model. We initially discuss this pedagogical model in relation to the analytic framework for transfer developed in Chapters 2 and 3. Following...
Contribution: This work reports engineering students' practical epistemic cognition by studying their interactional work in situ. Studying "epistemologies in action" the study breaks away from mainstream approaches that describe this in terms of beliefs or of stage theories. Background: In epistemology, knowledge is traditionally seen as "justifie...
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According to variation theory, it is essential to enable students to focus on the object of learning and discern its critical features, but the features that it is possible to discern often depend on the equipment used. Thus, in labs, the experimental technologies used may shape students’ experience of focal phenomena, in a human–mediating tools–wo...
Conference Paper
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In engineering education students’ are commonly expected to think and learn collaboratively in, for example, problem-based-learning, design projects, and lab-work. Thinking collaboratively is seen as a critical and creative process that leads to deep and meaningful learning experiences. Collaboration implies a shared activity and should thus not be...
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Modelling is a central activity in practical engineering and something that is also useful in engineering education research (EER). Additionally, qualitative research methods have found important applications in engineering research, although their use in EER has not always been widely accepted. Design science research is a qualitative research app...
Conference Paper
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Are simulations or 'real' labs better for students' learning?" is frequently discussed. Often positions in this debate are phrased in either or terms. In this study we report from a redesign of a lab where computer simulations were included together with experiments on real circuits in a transient response lab in an electric circuit theory course....
Conference Paper
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In this study we report from our experiences designing and redesigning a lab where engineering students studied transient response in electric circuits. In the first version of the lab students had difficulties doing the mathematical modeling of the experimentally measured graphs as it required students' to link the time-and frequency domains as we...
Conference Paper
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Active learning is generally defined as an approach that engages students in the learning process and is supposed to lead to consistently better and deeper understanding. In an earlier study students in mechanics were offered the choice between labs using probe-ware (MBL) [FMCE normalised gain: 48%] and experimental problem-solving labs [18% gain]....
The Laplace transform is an important tool in many branches of engineering, for example, electric and control engineering, but is also regarded as a difficult topic for students to master. We have interviewed 22 university teachers from five universities in three countries (Mexico, Spain and Sweden) about their views on relationships among mathemat...
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The understanding of quality in scientific work is fundamental and determines what researchers judge to represent reliable knowledge in their field. Although quality criteria are used daily in research, there are few extensive discussions available especially in Engineering Education Research (EER). For the development of future high-quality resear...
Conference Paper
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BACKGROUND: Commonly in electric circuit theory courses, circuit laws are first introduced in the context of direct current (DC) electricity and first thereafter are alternating currents (AC) introduced. The extension of DC-theory to AC is quite easily done mathematically but is conceptually difficult for students. Engineering students have difficu...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we introduce some literature relevant for design-based learning, in particular for design-implement experiences in line with CDIO Standard 5. The aim is to inform the development of such learning experiences and to indicate some areas where new research would be of relevance to educators. KEYWORDS Design-based learning, design-impleme...
Conference Paper
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Design Science Research is a research approach that is widely used in information systems, IS, but also in other areas where the development of an artefact is parallel to the development of a theory or methodology for this development. In our research we have developed the model " the learning of a complex concept " , LCC, as a method to analyze le...
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This paper investigates the emergence of an engineering education research (EER) community in three Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland and Sweden. First, an overview of the current state of Nordic EER authorship is produced through statistics on international publication. Then, the history of EER and its precursor activities is described in three n...
In engineering the student is often ‘faced with contrasting representations or models’ (Entwistle et al., 2005, p. 9), which Entwistle explores as ‘ways of thinking and practising’ (ibid). These contrasting representations are in electric circuits for example: graphs, mathematical models, drawings of circuits and the real circuits. In our research...
In engineering the student is often ‘faced with contrasting representations or models’ (Entwistle et al., 2005, p. 9), which Entwistle explores as ‘ways of thinking and practising’ (ibid). These contrasting representations are in electric circuits for example: graphs, mathematical models, drawings of circuits and the real circuits.
Conference Paper
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Inom såväl ingenjörs- som naturvetenskap är experimentell verksamhet central och olika instrumentella tekniker såsom oscilloskop, mikroskop, röntgenapparater och andra sensorer används som medierande verktyg för att erfara världen med. Laborationer är ett centralt inslag i undervisningen i dessa ämnen. Vi visar i våra studier att instrumentering oc...
Conference Paper
Co-creation is a term that has been used to emphasize collaborative learning in design education. Allowing students to develop both hard and soft skills has been demonstrated important to facilitate effective learning [1]. Mixing disciplines with each other is an important catalyser to gain new insights and also grow applicability on societal chall...
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Engineering Education Research (EER) has recently emerged as a field of research worldwide. In this context one could focus on the conceptual difficulties experienced by engineers learning about educational research. However, in this chapter I explore the contributions that engineering and engineers can make to education research, based on the view...
Conference Paper
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as part of the SIG9 invited symposium Understanding educational practice through attending aspects of teaching, learning and materiality organised by Airi Rovio-Johansson and Åke Ingerman with Keith Wood as discussant. According to Variation theory one necessary condition for learning is that students are able to focus on the object of learning and...
Conference Paper
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The conception of quality in scientific work is fundamental and determines what researchers judge as reliable knowledge in their field. Although criteria of quality is used daily in research there are few extensive reviews available especially in Engineering Education Research (EER). For the development of high-quality research in EER in the future...
Background In recent years, engineering education research (EER) has emerged as an internationally connected field of inquiry through the establishment of EER conferences, interest groups within engineering education societies, Ph.D. programs, and departments and centers at universities. Improving the preparation and training of engineers through E...
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For a long time, most research relating to science and engineering education has examined "misconceptions" about "single concepts", despite the fact that one common objective in many subjects is "to learn relationships". In this paper we introduce the notion of "a complex concept", i.e. the idea of describing knowledge as a complex, a holistic unit...
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I describe a series of projects on the design and implementation of "conceptual labs" aimed at developing insightful learning, following work that began in 1994/95. The main focus has been on courses in mechanics and electric circuit theory. The approach taken in designing these innovative curricula can be described as "design-based research". A co...
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In both engineering and physics education, a common objective is that students should learn to use theories and models in order to understand the relation between theories and models, and objects and events, and to develop holistic, conceptual knowledge. During lab-work, students are expected to use, or learn to use, symbolic and physical tools (su...
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Understanding time-dependent responses, such as transients, is important in electric circuit theory and other branches of engineering. However, transient response is considered difficult to learn since familiarity with advanced mathematical tools such as Laplace transforms is required. Here, we analyse and describe a novel learning environment desi...
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give another summary,of the 10 papers finally published ‐that is given inthe abstracts of the papers. Rather we will try point out some common,topics and make some cross-paper comparisons. We believe it is necessary in educational research and in engineering to use quantitative as well as qualitative approaches. However, thereis a tension between q...
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Human experience of our world is shaped and transformed by physical and symbolic tools (mediating tools). The concept of mediation could be represented by: Human ⇔ Mediating tools ⇔ World. Questions about the role of technology (artifacts) in everyday human experience include: How do technological artifacts affect the existence of humans and their...
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Most previous educational research on university teaching and learning has looked for generic principles, which could then be used to inform practice"(6). Research in engineering education has for example dealt with the alignment of assessment to the curriculum or progressive teaching/learning environments. Through research in specific subject area...
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Human cognition cannot be properly understood if we do not take the use of tools into account. The English word cognition stems from the Latin “cognoscere,” meaning “to become acquainted with” or “to come to know.” Following the original Latin meaning we should not only study “what happens in the head” if we want to study cognition. Experientially...
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Different cases of physics instructor's implementations of Microcomputer Based Laboratory (MBL) in physics teaching have been studied. When implemented as a technological tool only poor learning results were observed while when MBL were used as both a technological and cognitive tool good learning results were observed. New technology thus does not...
Conference Paper
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Fourteen teacher students have been working with miniprojects in physics in their second physics course “Electrodynamics for Teachers”. Their work were analysed from the perspective of motivation, ownership and competence. Miniproject is an instructional approach related to problem-based learning (PBL). Students work for a limited time on their own...
The magnetic structure of the hexagonal polymorph of FeGe has been investigated by means of neutron diffraction on single crystals at low temperature and for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the c axis. Between 410 and approximately 55K the magnetic structure is collinear c-axis antiferromagnetic. Below approximately 55K the structure chang...
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Microcomputer based laboratories (MBL) have successfully been used to promote conceptual change in mechanics. In MBL-labs students do real experiments and taking advantage of the real-time display of the experimental results facilitates conceptual change by the computer. Thus students' alternative conceptions can successfully be addressed. KEYWORDS...
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Students come to our courses with a personal theory of physics. Most students do not change their personal theories during a traditionally taught physics course. In this paper I will give some reasons for this and also highlight some successful active-engagement curricula who help students to modify their personal theories of physics and thus help...
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It is not only possible for a student sitting in a wheelchair to participate in many active engagement activities. Using a wheelchair is also of extra value for non-physically disabled students in many experiential mechanics activities since the friction is low and kinesthetic experience involved. A wheelchair can also be used as an engaging ``tool...
The magnetic ordering of a single crystal of the cubic polymorph of FeGe has been studied by small-angle neutron scattering. The compound orders magnetically at TN=278.7 K into a long-range spiral (period approximately 683-700 AA) propagating along equivalent <100> directions at high temperatures and along equivalent <111> directions at low tempera...
Single crystals of ErRh311B2 were grown using the high temperature solution method. The crystal structure was determined and refined by the powder technique. The compound crystallizes in the space group with cell dimensions a = 5.3561(4) Å, b = 9.2819(7)Å, c = 3.1013(3) Å and β = 90.898(8)°. The final unweighted profile R value is 6.4% and the conv...
Single crystals of ErRh3B2 grown from a high-temperature copper solution have been studied by X-ray diffraction. This compound crystallizes in a superstructure which can be derived from a basic structure of the ErIr3B2 type. The crystal structure of ErRh3B2 belongs to the monoclinic system with a crystal lattice slightly distorted from hexagonal sy...
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The structure of B6O has been determined by the Rietveld analysis of X‐ray powder diffraction data. The sample material was prepared by oxidation of amorphous boron with ZnO at 1350 °C in an argon atmosphere. The structure [Space group, R3̄m; ahex.=5.374(2) Å, chex.=12.331 (3) Å], is of the α‐rhombohedral boron structure with two oxygen atoms in...
Structures of Cu4.2B105 Al2.6Cu1.8B105, Al3.2Cu1.4B105, Al3.8Cu0.8B105, Al3.7Cu0.5B105, and Al3.4B105 (−120 °C) have been analyzed by the single-crystal X-ray diffractometry. They crystallize in the β-rhombohedral boron structure. There is marked difference in the metal distributions between the Al-containing crystals and Cu4.2B105. In the Al-conta...
The magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal polymorph of FeGe has been determined by means of neutron diffraction on a single crystal at low temperature and for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the c axis. Between 410 and approximately 60 K the magnetic order is c-axis collinear antiferromagnetic. In zero magnetic field the structure change...
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It is argued that all learning and thinking is about establishing experiential human – world relationships. Thinking and learning cannot be studied in isolation. Human experiences of our lifeworld are shaped by physical and symbolic tools (mediating tools). A common denominator in the design of many "innovative" learning environments is the insight...
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This study has been developed within a systematic framework to design innovative learning environments in science and engineering education. The aim of our research is to help students acquire a functional understanding of the subject matter. During for example labwork, students are expected to link observed data to either theoretical models, or to...
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A series of projects focusing on the design and implementation of "conceptual labs", aimed at developing insightful learning, are described. The work commenced in 1994/95 and has been followed by a series of projects. The main focus has been on courses in mechanics and electric circuit theory. The approach taken in designing these innovative curric...
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Different designs of learning environments facilitate different opportunities for students to learn. In this paper a study how different designs of laborative learning environments in physics using interactive technologies give students various opportunities to learn will be reported. In particular it is focused on this in relation to the diversity...
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Sammanfattning I denna uppsats beskrivs ett försök med att uppnå bättre begreppsinlärning i fysik och funktionell förståelse, framförallt inom grundläggande mekanik-undervisning, med hjälp av laborationer som förenar "hands-on" med datorstödd mätteknik. Försöket genomfördes när författaren tidigare var verksam vid Högskolan Dalarna och projektstöd...
During lab-work students are expected to link observed data, often represented by graphs, to either theoretical models, or to the real world that they are exploring. In recent research some of the problems have been examined, e.g. that students do not generalize in a scientifically epistemic manner and that they do not make links between the object...
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It is argued that all learning and thinking is about establishing experiential human - world relationships. Thinking and learning cannot be studied in isolation. Human contact with reality is always mediated. Technology offers one form of mediation and projects in engineering education are presented here where learning through technology is central...
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Human experiences of our lifeworld are shaped by physical and symbolic tools (mediating tools). A common denominator in the design of many "innovative" learning environments is the insightful and careful application of computer based measurement technology as a mediating tool. Our research has shown that the way these tools are designed and impleme...