Jonni Virtema

Jonni Virtema
The University of Sheffield | Sheffield · Department of Computer Science (Faculty of Engineering)



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November 2019 - present
Hokkaido University
  • PostDoc Position
January 2016 - June 2017
University of Helsinki
  • PostDoc Position
July 2017 - October 2019
Hasselt University
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (71)
We embark on a study of the consistent answers of queries over databases annotated with values from a naturally ordered positive semiring. In this setting, the consistent answers of a query are defined as the minimum of the semiring values that the query takes over all repairs of an inconsistent database. The main focus is on self-join free conjunc...
We present team semantics for two of the most important linear and branching time specification languages, Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Computation Tree Logic (CTL). With team semantics, LTL is able to express hyperproperties, which have in the last decade been identified as a key concept in the verification of information flow properties. We st...
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Linear temporal logic (LTL) is used in system verification to write formal specifications for reactive systems. However, some relevant properties, e.g. non-inference in information flow security, cannot be expressed in LTL. A class of such properties that has recently received ample attention is known as hyperproperties. There are two major streams...
We discover a connection between finding subset-maximal repairs for sets of functional and inclusion dependencies, and computing extensions within argumentation frameworks (AFs). We study the complexity of existence of a repair, and deciding whether a given tuple belongs to some (or every) repair, by simulating the instances of these problems via A...
The training problem of neural networks (NNs) is known to be ER-complete with respect to ReLU and linear activation functions. We show that the training problem for NNs equipped with arbitrary activation functions is polynomial-time bireducible to the existential theory of the reals extended with the corresponding activation functions. For effectiv...
We study the expressivity and the complexity of various logics in probabilistic team semantics with the Boolean negation. In particular, we study the extension of probabilistic independence logic with the Boolean negation, and a recently introduced logic FOPT. We give a comprehensive picture of the relative expressivity of these logics together wit...
Causal multiteam semantics is a framework where probabilistic notions and causal inference can be studied in a unified setting. We study a logic (\(\mathcal {PCO}\)) that features marginal probabilities, observations and interventionist counterfactuals, and allows expressing conditional probability statements, do expressions and other mixtures of c...
Conference Paper
Semiring semantics for first-order logic provides a way to trace how facts represented by a model are used to deduce satisfaction of a formula. Team semantics is a framework for studying logics of dependence and independence in diverse contexts such as databases, quantum mechanics, and statistics by extending first-order logic with atoms that descr...
We give a comprehensive account on the parameterized complexity of model checking and satisfiability of propositional inclusion and independence logic. We discover that for most parameterizations the problems are either in FPT or paraNP-complete.KeywordsPropositional LogicTeam SemanticsModel checkingSatisfiabilityParameterized Complexity
We introduce a general abstract framework for database repairing that differentiates between integrity constraints and the so-called query constraints. The former are used to model consistency and desirable properties of the data (such as functional dependencies and independencies), while the latter relates two database instances according to their...
We study the expressivity and the complexity of various logics in probabilistic team semantics with the Boolean negation. In particular, we study the extension of probabilistic independence logic with the Boolean negation, and a recently introduced logic FOPT. We give a comprehensive picture of the relative expressivity of these logics together wit...
We study the complexity of the problem of training neural networks defined via various activation functions. The training problem is known to be existsR-complete with respect to linear activation functions and the ReLU activation function. We consider the complexity of the problem with respect to the sigmoid activation function and other effectivel...
We introduce and develop a set-based semantics for asynchronous TeamLTL. We consider two canonical logics in this setting: the extensions of TeamLTL by the Boolean disjunction and by the Boolean negation. We establish fascinating connections between the original semantics based on multisets and the new set-based semantics as well as show one of the...
Causal multiteam semantics is a framework where probabilistic notions and causal inference can be studied in a unified setting. We study a logic (PCO) that features marginal probabilities and interventionist counterfactuals, and allows expressing conditional probability statements, do expressions and other mixtures of causal and probabilistic reaso...
Causal multiteam semantics is a framework where probabilistic dependencies arising from data and causation between variables can be together formalized and studied logically. We consider several logics in the setting of causal multiteam semantics that can express probability comparisons concerning formulae and constants, and encompass interventioni...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we study a novel approach to asynchronous hyperproperties by reconsidering the foundations of temporal team semantics. We consider three logics: , and , which are obtained by adding quantification over so-called time evaluation functions controlling the asynchronous progress of traces. We then relate synchronous to our new logics and...
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Probabilistic team semantics is a framework for logical analysis of probabilistic dependencies. Our focus is on the axiomatizability, complexity, and expressivity of probabilistic inclusion logic and its extensions. We identify a natural fragment of existential second-order logic with additive real arithmetic that captures exactly the expressivity...
In this paper, we study a novel approach to asynchronous hyperproperties by reconsidering the foundations of temporal team semantics. We consider three logics: TeamLTL, TeamCTL and TeamCTL*, which are obtained by adding quantification over so-called time evaluation functions controlling the asynchronous progress of traces. We then relate synchronou...
Conference Paper
We study the expressivity and complexity of model checking of linear temporal logic with team semantics (TeamLTL). TeamLTL, despite being a purely modal logic, is capable of defining hyperproperties, i.e., properties which relate multiple execution traces. TeamLTL has been introduced quite recently and only few results are known regarding its expre...
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In this work we analyse the parameterised complexity of propositional inclusion (PINC) and independence logic (PIND). The problems of interest are model checking (MC) and satisfiability (SAT). The complexity of these problems is well understood in the classical (non-parameterised) setting. Mahmood and Meier (FoIKS 2020) recently studied the paramet...
Probabilistic team semantics is a framework for logical analysis of probabilistic dependencies. Our focus is on the complexity and expressivity of probabilistic inclusion logic and its extensions. We identify a natural fragment of existential second-order logic with additive real arithmetic that captures exactly the expressivity of probabilistic in...
We propose logical characterizations of problems solvable in deterministic polylogarithmic time (PolylogTime) and polylogarithmic space (PolylogSpace). We introduce a novel two-sorted logic that separates the elements of the input domain from the bit positions needed to address these elements. We prove that the inflationary and partial fixed point...
Probabilistic team semantics is a framework for logical analysis of probabilistic dependencies. Our focus is on the complexity and expressivity of probabilistic inclusion logic and its extensions. We identify a natural fragment of existential second-order logic with additive real arithmetic that captures exactly the expressivity of probabilistic in...
We study the expressivity and the model checking problem of linear temporal logic with team semantics (TeamLTL). In contrast to LTL, TeamLTL is capable of defining hyperproperties, i.e., properties which relate multiple execution traces. Logics for hyperproperties have so far been mostly obtained by extending temporal logics like LTL and QPTL with...
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Team semantics is the mathematical framework of modern logics of dependence and independence in which formulae are interpreted by sets of assignments (teams) instead of single assignments as in first-order logic. In order to deepen the fruitful interplay between team semantics and database dependency theory, we define Polyteam Semantics in which fo...
Second-order Boolean logic is a generalization of QBF, whose constant alternation fragments are known to be complete for the levels of the exponential time hierarchy. We consider two types of restriction of this logic: 1) restrictions to term constructions, 2) restrictions to the form of the Boolean matrix. Of the first sort, we consider two kinds...
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We introduce a novel variant of BSS machines called Separate Branching BSS machines (S-BSS in short) and develop a Fagin-type logical characterisation for languages decidable in non-deterministic polynomial time by S-BSS machines. We show that NP on S-BSS machines is strictly included in NP on BSS machines and that every NP language on S-BSS machin...
The class of fully generic queries on complex objects was introduced by Beeri, Milo and Ta-Shma in 1997. Such queries are still relevant as they capture the class of manipulations on nested big data, where output can be generated without a need for looking in detail at, or comparing, the atomic data elements. Unfortunately, the class of fully gener...
We propose a logical characterization of problems solvable in deterministic polylogarithmic time (\(\mathrm {PolylogTime}\)). We introduce a novel two-sorted logic that separates the elements of the input domain from the bit positions needed to address these elements. In the course of proving that our logic indeed captures \(\mathrm {PolylogTime}\)...
We study probabilistic team semantics which is a semantical framework allowing the study of logical and probabilistic dependencies simultaneously. We examine and classify the expressive power of logical formalisms arising by different probabilistic atoms such as conditional independence and different variants of marginal distribution equivalences....
We study model and frame definability of various modal logics. Let ML(u⃞+) denote the fragment of modal logic extended with the universal modality in which the universal modality occurs only positively. We show that a class of Kripke models is definable in ML(u⃞+) if and only if the class is elementary and closed under disjoint unions and surjectiv...
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We propose a logical characterization of problems solvable in deterministic polylogarithmic time (PolylogTime). We introduce a novel, two-sorted logic that separates the elements of the input domain from the bit positions needed to address these elements. In the course of proving that our logic indeed captures PolylogTime on finite ordered structur...
We study probabilistic team semantics which is a semantical framework allowing the study of logical and probabilistic dependencies simultaneously. We examine and classify the expressive power of logical formalisms arising by different probabilistic atoms such as conditional independence and different variants of marginal distribution equivalences....
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We define a variant of team semantics called multiteam semantics based on multisets and study the properties of various logics in this framework. In particular, we define natural probabilistic versions of inclusion and independence atoms and certain approximation operators motivated by approximate dependence atoms of V\"a\"an\"anen.
Conference Paper
Team semantics is a semantical framework for the study of dependence and independence concepts ubiquitous in many areas such as databases and statistics. In recent works team semantics has been generalised to accommodate also multisets and probabilistic dependencies. In this article we study a variant of probabilistic team semantics and relate this...
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Second-order transitive-closure logic, SO(TC), is an expressive declarative language that captures the complexity class PSPACE. Already its monadic fragment, MSO(TC), allows the expression of various NP-hard and even PSPACE-hard problems in a natural and elegant manner. As SO(TC) offers an attractive framework for expressing properties in terms of...
Team semantics is a semantical framework for the study of dependence and independence concepts ubiquitous in many areas such as databases and statistics. In recent works team semantics has been generalised to accommodate also multisets and probabilistic dependencies. In this article we study a variant of probabilistic team semantics and relate this...
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Team semantics is a semantical framework for the study of dependence and independence concepts ubiquitous in many areas such as databases and statistics. In recent works team semantics has been generalised to accommodate also multisets and probabilistic dependencies. In this article we study a variant of probabilistic team semantics and relate this...
We classify the computational complexity of the satisfiability, validity, and model-checking problems for propositional independence, inclusion, and team logic. Our main result shows that the satisfiability and validity problems for propositional team logic are complete for alternating exponential-time with polynomially many alternations.
Team semantics is the mathematical framework of modern logics of dependence and independence in which formulae are interpreted by sets of assignments (teams) instead of single assignments as in first-order logic. In order to deepen the fruitful interplay between team semantics and database dependency theory, we define Polyteam Semantics in which fo...
Conference Paper
Team semantics is the mathematical framework of modern logics of dependence and independence in which formulae are interpreted by sets of assignments (teams) instead of single assignments as in first-order logic. In order to deepen the fruitful interplay between team semantics and database dependency theory, we define Polyteam Semantics in which fo...
Team semantics is the mathematical framework of modern logics of dependence and independence in which formulae are interpreted by sets of assignments (teams) instead of single assignments as in first-order logic. In order to deepen the fruitful interplay between team semantics and database dependency theory, we define "Polyteam Semantics" in which...
We introduce a new variant of dependence logic ( ) called Boolean dependence logic ( ). In dependence atoms are of the type , where α is a Boolean variable. Intuitively, with Boolean dependence atoms one can express quantification of relations, while standard dependence atoms express quantification over functions. We compare the expressive powers o...
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Modal inclusion logic is a formalism that belongs to the family of logics based on team semantics. This article investigates the model checking and validity problems of propositional and modal inclusion logics. We identify complexity bounds for both problems, covering both lax and strict team semantics. Thereby we tie some loose ends related to the...
Propositional and modal inclusion logic are formalisms that belong to the family of logics based on team semantics. This article investigates the model checking and validity problems of these logics. We identify complexity bounds for both problems, covering both lax and strict team semantics. By doing so, we come close to finalising the programme t...
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We study quantified propositional logics from the complexity theoretic point of view. First we introduce alternating dependency quantified boolean formulae (ADQBF) which generalize both quantified and dependency quantified boolean formulae. We show that the truth evaluation for ADQBF is AEXPTIME(poly)-complete. We also identify fragments for which...
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We study quantified propositional logics from the complexity theoretic point of view. First we introduce alternating dependency quantified boolean formulae (ADQBF) which generalize both quantified and dependency quantified boolean formulae. We show that the truth evaluation for ADQBF is AEXPTIME(poly)-complete. We also identify fragments for which...
Conference Paper
Let denote the fragment of modal logic extended with the universal modality in which the universal modality occurs only positively. We characterise the relative definability of relative to finite transitive frames in the spirit of the well-known Goldblatt–Thomason theorem. We show that a class \(\mathbb {F}\) of finite transitive frames is definabl...
We study the complexity of the validity problems of propositional dependence logic, modal dependence logic, and extended modal dependence logic. We show that the validity problem for propositional dependence logic is -complete. In addition, we establish that the corresponding problems for modal dependence logic and extended modal dependence logic c...
Let ML(U^+) denote the fragment of modal logic extended with the universal modality in which the universal modality occurs only positively. We characterize the relative definability of ML(U^+) relative to finite transitive frames in the spirit of the well-known Goldblatt-Thomason theorem. We show that a class F of Kripke frames is definable in ML(U...
Conference Paper
We define a variant of team semantics called multiteam semantics based on multisets and study the properties of various logics in this framework. In particular, we define natural probabilistic versions of inclusion and independence atoms and certain approximation operators motivated by approximate dependence atoms of Väänänen.
We define a variant of team semantics called multiteam semantics based on multisets and study the properties of various logics in this framework. In particular, we define natural probabilistic versions of inclusion and independence atoms and certain approximation operators motivated by approximate dependence atoms of V\"a\"an\"anen.
Conference Paper
We introduce two variants of computation tree logic CTL based on team semantics: an asynchronous one and a synchronous one. For both variants we investigate the computational complexity of the satisfiability as well as the model checking problem. The satisfiability problem is shown to be EXPTIME-complete. Here it does not matter which of the two se...
We introduce two variants of computation tree logic CTL based on team semantics: an asynchronous one and a synchronous one. For both variants we investigate the computational complexity of the satisfiability as well as the model checking problem. The satisfiability problem is shown to be EXPTIME-complete. Here it does not matter which of the two se...
Conference Paper
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We classify the computational complexity of the satisfiability, validity and model-checking problems for propositional independence and inclusion logic and their extensions by the classical negation.
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Let denote the fragment of modal logic extended with the universal modality in which the universal modality occurs only positively. We characterize the definability of in the spirit of the well-known Goldblatt–Thomason theorem. We show that an elementary class \({\mathbb {F}}\) of Kripke frames is definable in if and only if \({\mathbb {F}}\) is cl...
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This work presents a classification of weak models of distributed computing. We focus on deterministic distributed algorithms, and study models of computing that are weaker versions of the widely-studied port-numbering model. In the port-numbering model, a node of degree d receives messages through d input ports and sends messages through d output...
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We study the complexity of variants of dependence logic defined by generalized dependency atoms. Let FOC^2 denote two-variable logic with counting, and let ESO(FOC^2) be the extension of FOC^2 with existential second-order prenex quantification. We show that for any finite collection A of atoms that are definable in ESO(FOC^2), the satisfiability p...
Conference Paper
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We give sound and complete Hilbert-style axiomatizations for propositional dependence logic (PD), modal dependence logic (MDL), and extended modal dependence logic (EMDL) by extending existing axiomatizations for propositional logic and modal logic. In addition, we give novel labeled tableau calculi for PD, MDL, and EMDL. We prove soundness, comple...
Conference Paper
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We study the validity problem for propositional dependence logic, modal dependence logic and extended modal dependence logic. We show that the validity problem for propositional dependence logic is NEXPTIME-complete whereas the problem for modal dependence logic and extended modal dependence logic is between NEXPTIME and NEXPTIME^NP.
We study the two-variable fragments D-2 and IF2 of dependence logic and independence-friendly logic. We consider the satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems of these logics and show that for D-2, both problems are NEXPTIME-complete, whereas for IF2, the problems are pi(0)(1) and Sigma(0)(1)-complete, respectively. We also show that D-2 is...
Conference Paper
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We study the expressive power of various modal logics with team semantics. We show that exactly the properties of teams that are downward closed and closed under team k-bisimulation, for some finite k, are definable in modal logic extended with intuitionistic disjunction. Furthermore, we show that the expressive power of modal logic with intuitioni...
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Tarski initiated a logic-based approach to formal geometry that studies first-order structures with a ternary betweenness relation \beta, and a quaternary equidistance relation \equiv. Tarski established, inter alia, that the first-order (FO) theory of (R^2,\beta,\equiv) is decidable. Aiello and van Benthem (2002) conjectured that the FO-theory of...
Conference Paper
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We introduce a new variant of dependence logic (\(\mathcal{D}\)) called Boolean dependence logic (\(\mathcal{BD}\)). In \(\mathcal{BD}\) dependence atoms are of the type =(x 1,...,x n ,α), where α is a Boolean variable. Intuitively, with Boolean dependence atoms one can express quantification of relations, while standard dependence atoms express qu...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we extend modal dependence logic \(\mathcal{MDL}\) by allowing dependence atoms of the form dep(ϕ 1,…,ϕ n ) where ϕ i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are modal formulas (in \(\mathcal{MDL}\), only propositional variables are allowed in dependence atoms). The reasoning behind this extension is that it introduces a temporal component into modal dependence...
Conference Paper
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Tarski initiated a logic-based approach to formal geometry that studies first-order structures with a ternary betweenness relation (\beta) and a quaternary equidistance relation (\equiv). Tarski established, inter alia, that the first-order (FO) theory of (R^2,\beta,\equiv) is decidable. Aiello and van Benthem (2002) conjectured that the FO-theory...
Conference Paper
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This work presents a classification of weak models of distributed computing. We focus on deterministic distributed algorithms, and we study models of computing that are weaker versions of the widely-studied port-numbering model. In the port-numbering model, a node of degree d receives messages through d input ports and it sends messages through d o...
Conference Paper
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We study the two-variable fragments D^2 and IF^2 of dependence logic and independence-friendly logic. We consider the satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems of these logics and show that for D^2, both problems are NEXPTIME-complete, whereas for IF^2, the problems are undecidable. We also show that D^2 is strictly less expressive than IF^...


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