Joni Welman Simatupang

Joni Welman Simatupang
President University | PU · Department of Electrical Engineering

Ph.D in Electronics Engineering
Faculty Lecturer in Electrical Engineering of President University, Cikarang, Indonesia


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Research Interests are 1. TWDM Fiber Optic Communications, 2. Biophotonics, 3. Optical Fiber Sensors, 4. Semiconductor Devices, 5. Quantum Physics, 6. Power Electronics, 7. Renewable Energies, 8. Information Communication Technologies (ICT), and 9. IoT and Sensors.
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - March 2018
President University
  • Head of Department
  • Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program
August 2016 - July 2017
President University
  • Research Director
  • Director of Research Institute and Community Service (RICS)
June 2014 - present
President University
  • Lecturer
  • Teaching, Research, Community Service, Guiding Student Thesis, Academic Advisor.
September 2009 - January 2014
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Field of study
  • Electronic Engineering


Publications (111)
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This paper proposes using power transfer matrix analysis to characterize the effects of Rayleigh backscattering and Fresnel reflection on WDM-PON systems. The modeling of a WDM-PON system can be carried out simply by matrix multiplication of the corresponding matrices for all the building blocks, where all possible guided backward lights and resona...
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In this work, we analyzed and simulated the potential impairments due to the crosstalk problems that caused by the RB and FR in bidirectional single-fiber transmission for conventional (usually 20 km transmission without any amplification in remote node) and long-reach WDM-PONs (100 km by utilizing optical amplifier to enhance the power budget and...
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Home automation or known as smart home is a home which is equipped by a system for controlling and integrating electronic devices, such as lighting, home theather, CCTV (closed-circuit television), HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), motion sensor, security lock sensor for gates or doors, and etc. Its main purpose is to provide the i...
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Background: Electromagnetic launchers specifically coil guns have gained a considerable attention as one of the potential tools for non-lethal engagements. Methods: This research will explore the potential, working principles, and calculation that purpose. Coil guns utilize magnetic field in the form of coils are used to launch a projectile at high...
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One of PT PLN ULP Cikarang Kota's commitments is to maintain the quality level of electricity services to maintain reliability and ensure the sustainability of electrical energy distribution. Maintenance of distribution transformers is an important key in making this happen. The effectiveness of using distribution transformers is 80% of the total c...
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Electricity problems encountered on a daily basis cannot be separated from the problem of high electricity prices and electricity shortages that still exist in several areas of Indonesia. This paper will analyse the renewable energy potential of Tello Island and the feasibility study of building a power plant, as well as the carbon offset that can...
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In this paper, a refractive index (RI) sensor with prism configuration is proposed and numerically investigated for sensing applications. The sensor design is based on a BK7 prism, silver (Ag), and titanium dioxide (TiO2). Important enhancement in the sensitivity and reflection deep is obtained by optimizing some geometric and optical parameters. T...
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Information technology, an integral part of most industrial activities, is essential for supporting the rapid and substantial processes of the industrial sector. A key component of this technology is the Internet of Things (IoT), which is extensively integrated into these systems. At PT Sugity Creatives, an analysis revealed impractical methods in...
This study endeavors to assess the progression in the installed capacity of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) in Indonesia, given that the obtained data indicates a solar energy potential of 207,898 MW in the country. hrough forecasting using three methods, namely moving average, single exponential smoothing, and double exponential smoothing, the projected...
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Waste management is one of serious problems in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia states that out of 156 cities/regencies, the amount of waste produced is around 17 tons/year. In Bekasi Regency, in 2021 the amount of waste produced is 1,194 tons. Also, burning and stockpiling in the final disposal...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a methodology for extracting dynamic on-resistance from testing data retrieved from an oscilloscope. It can be applied to various testing conditions with multiple pulse measurements. The method is primarily composed of data selection methodology, filtering techniques, and Rds(on) detection near the rising and falling edges. This...
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This study endeavors to assess the progression in the installed capacity of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) in Indonesia, given that the obtained data indicates a solar energy potential of 207,898 MW in the country. However, the installed capacity of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plants (PLTS) is still low compared to other types of power plants. In the...
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There is a need to improve the quality control process efficiency for bumper color accuracy checking at Sugity Creative Companies. This need caused by several repetitives, inefficient, and relatively working time. As we observed, there is 45 seconds for checking process, 15 seconds for manual validation, and 60 seconds for data writing on paper. Th...
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Conveyors are used by many factories in the industrial sector as tools to move some materials through various processes. Currently, it is necessary to have a device which is connected to a conveyor using a digital system. In this study, a conveyor is designed to use a webcam with a deep learning image classification system, Firebase real-time datab...
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In this study, a low-cost quadrature triangle oscillator using a voltage-controlled closed-loop dual operational amplifier (Op-Amp) architecture is proposed. Unlike other typical designs, this oscillator does not require any passive components. The use of an Op-Amp-based circuit is attractive for a triangle oscillator because it is more cost-effect...
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PLTP LMB 1 performs a First-Year Inspection after operating for one year to inspect and repair equipment after the operation. After these activities, a performance test needs to be carried out to determine the effectiveness and success of these activities. ASME PTC 46: 1996 is a widely-used standard for analyzing the performance test of thermal pow...
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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan sensor fotodioda yang dilengkapi dengan penguat operasional IC LM 358 untuk mendeteksi api yang berasal dari sebuah sumber. Pertama-tama, detector (sensor) akan menerima cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh api dengan merespons panjang gelombang optik tertentu selama terjadi kebakaran. Sensor api merupakan sens...
Humanoid robot is able to mimic repetitive activities done by human. By having them, humans can focus on tasks that require extra focus, while leaving the simple one to be done by humanoid robot. To extend the functionality of the 3D-printed upper-body humanoid robot, a camera along with a machine learning algorithm is implemented. In this case, th...
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ABSTRAK Dalam industri manufaktur, salah satu persyaratan yang wajib dipenuhi sebelum barang dikirim ke pelanggan adalah kebersihan barang sebelum dibungkus. Metode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dengan mencuci barang. Prototipe yang mesin pencuci otomatis yang dibuat pada perancangan menggunakan komponen standar industri seperti PLC, HMI, pr...
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ABSTRAK Penggunaan PIR pada GCB single phase dirancang sesuai klasifikasi kelas tegangannya, maka nilai PIR didesain berdasarkan desain GCB. Studi kasus yang dilakukan di PT XYZ yaitu nilai PIR di luar batas toleransi. Tujuan studi kasus ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh PIR terhadap GCB dengan nilai PIR yang tidak memenuhi kriteria, mengetahui elemen...
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Primary concern of optical communication system is the signal loss, which need to be traced precisely to enhance the efficiency of the system. Among numerous available techniques, optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) is the most suitable one for characterizing and tracing the losses. It measures the fraction of a probe pulse that scatters back...
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The motivation behind this paper stemmed from the fact that the world consumes the fast-depleting fossil fuel energy. Before the fossil fuel runs out, new technologies to harvest energy from alternative sources are needed. Sunlight is clean, free and abundant. The market for solar thermal and photovoltaic electricity generation is expanding rapidly...
Perovskite ceramics have emerged as promising materials from both fundamental and technological viewpoints, for instance, sensors, photovoltaic solar cells, light sources, and memories, among others. Their functionalities and intriguing physical/chemical properties are an ideal playground for fascinating areas of applications. Nonetheless, there ar...
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In industrial application on machine manufacturer multinational company, especially on the conveyor manufacturing company, before delivering the conveyor to overseas customer, there are some regulations need to be complied to ensure the product quality is always good. The system to ensure the product quality before delivery is named by Factory Acce...
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This paper delivers a systematic review and a bibliometric survey analysis of Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) indoor implementation in Next Generation Network (NGN). The main objective of this study is to design a communication network based on NGN-Li-Fi for the indoor implementation which aims to increase user Quality of Service (QoS). The main merits and...
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Smartphone technology can be applied not only to establish communication needs but also to support other purposes. One of them is related to personal safety and security functions. It is undeniable that criminal acts can occur anytime and anywhere. Even in a private or residential area, theft could happen. Smartphone and sensor technology can be us...
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Pandemi Covid-19 sampai saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan global yang dihadapi seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Kenaikan tingkat keterisian tempat tidur (KTT) yang disebabkan oleh tingginya kasus aktif dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) untuk membatasi pelayanan secara langsung sehingga pelayanan di RS dap...
This paper presents design and analysis of a self-reference refractive index sensor for precise detection of different concentrations of H5N1 virus in poultry. The sensor is based on the study of Tamm plasmon polariton (TPP) modes excited between Ti <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">3</su...
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The existence of industrial development in Karawang regency, can have a very important impact on the surrounding life, namely good or bad impacts. The good impacts include the creation of many jobs, while the bad impacts include pollution of the surrounding environment such as contamination of water and air quality. Therefore, an accurate, reliable...
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This paper presents the development of a hot air dryer conveyor for the automotive industry in the tampo printing part of the process. The research started by designing and creating the actual device that is ready to use and be implemented in the industry. The method provided details on the drying chamber, hot air dryer, and their mathematical mode...
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ABSTRAK Meningkatnya jumlah sampah botol plastik sekarang ini telah membawa banyak masalah kesehatan dan lingkungan hidup. Masalah tersebut dapat dikurangi jika seseorang mau membawa botol minum (tumbler) sendiri. Namun, dibutuhkan mesin penjual air mineral untuk mengisi ulang tumbler. Paper ini menjelaskan disain dan implementasi prototipe mesin...
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Pada awalnya, LED hanya untuk peralatan elektronik. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu LED menjadi pilihan utama lampu otomotif masa depan karena bentuknya yang kecil, konsumsi dayanya yang rendah dan radiasi panas yang rendah. Terkait regulasi pemerintah yang mewajibkan penggunaan lampu siang hari untuk kendaraan roda dua, maka teknologi pencahayaan...
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Pada awalnya, LED hanya untuk peralatan elektronik. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu LED bisa menjadi pilihan utama lampu otomotif masa kini karena bentuknya yang kecil, dan konsumsi daya serta radiasi panas yang rendah. Terkait regulasi pemerintah yang mewajibkan penggunaan lampu siang hari untuk sepeda motor, maka teknologi pencahayaan LED sangat...
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Bending is one of the causes of signal transmission loss through the electromagnetic wave medium in the optical fiber. There are two types of bending lossess: microbending and macrobending. Both of them occur when the surface of the optical fiber cable experiences external pressure which causes deformation in the core of the optical fiber. Bending...
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ABSTRAK Di zaman serba canggih ini, tidak dipungkiri bahwa internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer, mulai dari bekerja di kantor (email, teleconference) bahkan sampai membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari dari rumah (online shopping). Penggunaan internet yang meluas telah melahirkan sebuah sistem teknologi baru yang disebut dengan Internet of Things (IoT)...
Conference Paper
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Abstrak-Teknologi Drone sangatlah berkembang pesat seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi drone yang awalnya di manfaatkan di dunia militer saja sekarang mulai di terapkan di sektor pertanian untuk membantu pekerjaan para petani. Potensi pertanian di indonesia sendiri sangatlah besar mengingat pada kondisi tanah Indonesia yang subur. Tetapi p...
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In application of lead-acid batteries for electrical vehicle applications, 48 V of four 12 V batteries in a series configuration are required. However, the battery stack is repeatedly charged and discharged during operation. Hence, differences in charging and discharging speeds may result in a different state-of-charge of battery cells. Without pro...
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In the automotive industry especially in the car production company, after filling the brake fluid oil, the brake fluid should be distributed from the brake fluid oil reservoir tank to all the braking system components. Unfortunately, the oil is not well distributed even an air trapped inside. To prevent the new car brake problem, to replace the hu...
Conference Paper
In this paper, machine learning-based techniques are used to solve and analyze the modulation format recognition problem. The combination of intelligent software and high-performance hardware provides a large scope for innovation in optical networking. Machine learning algorithms can use a large amount of data available from the network monitors to...
Conference Paper
Visually impaired is someone’s condition of lacking visual observation due to neurological and physiological factors. Also, wildfire and coronavirus cases made the situation worst for visually impaired people. A helping tool is very needed to overcome these problems. This paper proposes a prototype of an embedded glove using ultrasonic and flame se...
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Seiring dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia, kebutuhan akan energi pada sektor trasportasi pun juga meningkat. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, cadangan energi untuk minyak bumi sudah semakin menipis. Padahal kebutuhuan akan energi tersebut semakin tinggi. Salah satu konsumsi terbesar dari energi tersebut adalah penggunaan kendaraan bermoto...
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Novel Corona Virus (nCoV) infects human’s respiratory system. It spreads easily when an infected person makes a close contact with other people. To prevent its massive spread, it is necessary to ensure anyone coming to a certain place is not being infected. The symptoms include high body temperature (≥37.5°C) and low oxygen saturation level (≤95%)....
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The purpose of this research (study) is to demonstrate the superiority of the wireless sensor network (WSN) technology method over the laboratory method in monitoring the water quality of the Citarum River in Karawang. To monitor the Citarum river water quality, government of Karawang regency conducted a test by taking the sample water to the labor...
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Setiap beberapa waktu perawat melakukan pemantauan tetes cairan infus dengan manual secara langsung. Bahkan, saat cairan infus akan habis, keluarga pasien harus memanggil perawat untuk melakukan penggantian cairan infus. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan terlambatnya penanganan terhadap pasien karena keterbatasan waktu. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan sebuah ala...
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The background of this research is the escalation of DKI Jakarta’s residence which lead to the other two impacting factors, the use of electricity that increase to 5.8% in 2019 and the municipal waste escalation. The objective of this research is to find potential electrical energy that can be produced from waste-to-energy (WTE) technology of IWMS...
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Globalization causes the industrial and information era to develop in massive ways to produce and distribute goods for human needs using big trucks. Due to massive transportation passing by, it is also required to monitor the the level of gases pollutants that can endanger the human respiratory system. This work presents the integrated sensor consi...
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbedaan pencahayaan dari segi kualitas pencahayaan dan nilai ekonomis jika menggunakan LED high power tipe NL500D dan lampu tipe konvensional Metal Halide. Kebutuhan pencahayaan ditopang oleh daya dari tower lamp produksi PT. Nobi Putra Angkasa dengan tipe NPL04 tower lamp dengan spesifikasi tipe engine Kub...
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Globalization causes the industrial and information era to develop in massive ways to produce and distribute goods for human needs using big trucks. Due to massive transportation passing by, it is also required to monitor the the level of gases pollutants that can endanger the human respiratory system. This work presents the integrated sensor consi...
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For more than 50 years, transcutaneous electrical stimulation method has been used to cure the spinal cord injury, stroke or cerebral palsy. This method works by activating the excitable nerves, muscle fibers by electrical current stimulation through electrode to skin interface. Electrode to skin interface requires equivalent circuit to overcome th...
Conference Paper
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The usage of FFT that has become the key concept in OFDM system produces a high PAPR value. In order reduce it, there are several techniques that can be implemented, such as the Palm Date Leaf clipping, and the Partial Transmit Sequence. Previous researchers have evaluated each technique individually. This paper is proposing to evaluate the PAPR va...
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Government, through the Head of the Communication Bureau, Public Information Services and Cooperation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, conveyed a plan to build household gas networks in more than 50 districts and cities that aim to balance the mix of fossil energy use in society. The prepaid system is a payment system that allows users to...
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p> Kemajuan teknologi telekomunikasi yang pesat telah mempengaruhi dunia medis. Saat ini kita mengenal istilah telemedicine yaitu suatu metode dalam dunia medis yang memanfaatkan teknologi telekomunikasi (termasuk internet) di bidang kesehatan untuk mengirim dan menerima berbagai informasi kedokteran dari tempat satu ke tempat lainnya guna meningka...
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Technological developments that increase the increase in electronic waste (e-waste) significantly. In Indonesia, the method of treating electronic waste by fire is not appropriate to apply, because electronic waste contains metals and will cause dangerous air pollution (for example: lead pollution). Electronic waste processing is different from org...
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S: The need of energy increases each year. Likewise, the need for electrical energy increased proportionally with the economic development and Indonesian populations. To meet the needs of national electrical energy, the implementation of new and renewable energy is indispensable, such as geothermal energy, wind and biomass. They have substantial po...
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Technological developments that increase the increase in electronic waste (e-waste) significantly. In Indonesia, the method of treating electronic waste by fire is not appropriate to apply, because electronic waste contains metals and will cause dangerous air pollution (for example: lead pollution). Electronic waste processing is different from org...
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This research of literature study discusses about the function and application of infrared sensor-based motion detection devices for work safety on industrial cam machinery.This device was designed to assist the industry in preventing the work accidents that occur due to hazardous industrial machinery. The detector uses a PIR (Passive Infra-Red) se...
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Abstrak: Energi listrik sangat vital dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun penggunaan yang terlalu lama pada beberapa perangkat elektronik di rumah dapat menjadi penyebab kerusakan dan pemicu kebakaran. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini dilakukan. Salah satu solusi sederhana untuk permasalahan di atas adalah dengan memantau status pera...
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Indonesia's population growth is still ongoing and energy demand for transportation continues to increase from year to year. Moreover, the use of fossil fueled-based motor vehicle is increasing and filling the city main roads and highways. Petroleum which is used as conventional vehicle fuel today is a non-renewable energy. Electric vehicle is one...
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This paper surveys the implementation and deployment of fiber-to-the-x (FTTX) services and technologies in Indonesia. Motivation of this study is to provide the mapping report of Indonesian current status and to determine about the playing key role behind the growing of national information communication and technology (ICT). More of it is to lever...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents two methods for improving the quality of Dot Diffused Block Truncation Coding (DDBTC) decoded image. The first method exploits the usability and effectiveness of decimated Discrete Wavelet Transform and stationary Wavelet Transform for reducing the half-toning artifact. While, the second method employs the Vector Quantization (V...
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This paper presents a simple approach for secret sharing under the bitwise eXclusive-OR (XOR) framework. The proposed method extends the effectiveness of Progressive Secret Sharing (PSS) into the Friendly Secret Sharing (FSS). The PSS produces a set of shared images in noisy-like form, while FSS generates shared images into more-visually-friendly a...
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In electronics design and troubleshooting, the function generator is an important and versatile electronic test equipment. But the prices of finished function generator sold on market is expensive and not everyone can afford it. In order to create an economic and reliable function generator, microcontroller-based DDS function generator designed. AD...
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The System is using Smart Relay as main control that is commonly used industrially and commercially as a control system. Using the smart relay can reduce the use of control relay and writing of the system significantly. The smart relay has a GSM-SMS for messaging and controlling the system. Only the listed number at the system that can message and...
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This paper proposes a basic prototype of flood early warning detection system based on internet of things network. This paper will also explain regarding how the system works (using Arduino and ultrasonic sensor), where the data should be sent (to the cloud server), and who can access the system to get the information about the current water level...
Conference Paper
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Comparison K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Real Time Entrants Recognition -Face recognition is an identification system that uses face characteristics of each person to identify and differentiate person from others. In utilizing the development of technology, face recognition has attracted much attention in the wor...
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Objective of this research is on the feasibility study to determine the possibility of using fiber optic sensor technology for monitoring structural health and integrity of transportation and civil infrastructures such as bridges and roads in Indonesia. Two aspects are discussed: cost-effective analysis and innovative technology applications. This...
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This paper presents a feasibility study of the opportunity to utilize the hybrid power system in Karimun Jawa island, Indonesia. This small island is located at 5° 49′ 9.01″ S, 110° 27′ 32.4″ E with land area about 71.2km². The research was conducted to optimize and support the stand-alone diesel power plant of diesel power Legon Bajak with hybrid...
Table of Content of 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Creative Computing (ICSECC 2019)