Joni Delanoeije

Joni Delanoeije
KU Leuven | ku leuven · Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)

PhD in Business Economics; MSc in Psychology/Ethology


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My research topics include sustainable work and human-animal-nature interactions. Currently, I mainly conduct research on new ways of working and the inclusion of animals and nature in human (working) environments using a one welfare approach, i.e., addressing animal, human and organizational wellbeing. Combining insights from organizational and systems psychology, ethology and anthrozoology, I aim to further the understanding of sustainable work and human-animal-nature interactions in society.
Additional affiliations
November 2020 - April 2021
KU Leuven
  • PostDoc Position
  • I am in charge of my own research project "My work feels like home": Effects of companion animals in the 2020 (home-)workplace on employee wellbeing and performance. Supervision: Prof. Marijke Verbruggen (main); Geert Van Hootegem (co). Joint project with HIVA-KU Leuven (Sustainable Development)
May 2019 - October 2020
KU Leuven
  • Senior Researcher
  • As part of the Circular Economy Policy Research Centre, I currently perform policy research on circular economy in Flanders. In particular, together with Dr. Kris Bachus, I investigate the reuse of consumer goods, related employment issues and interactions between actors in the reuse field. In addition, I prospect the research topic of animals at the working environment on animal, human and societal well-being using a citizen science and a "one welfare" approach.
March 2020 - October 2020
KU Leuven
  • PostDoc Position
  • In the campus animal project, I aim to map the effects of campus animals (e.g. the KU Leuven campus cat) on students, personnel and the animal(s), identify boundary conditions for these effects and provide campus animal policy recommendations. For this project, I set up a collaboration between KU Leuven, Washington State University, Ghent University and Odisee University College to be able to simultaneously address the student, employee and animal perspective in this animal-assisted project.
July 2019 - June 2020
Gedragscentrum voor honden [Canine Behavior Center]
Field of study
  • Applied Dog Behavior
January 2019 - June 2019
Odisee University of Applied Sciences
Field of study
  • Dog Assisted Interactions
September 2012 - May 2013
ELTE Budapest
Field of study
  • Ethology


Publications (64)
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The engagement of cats in animal-assisted services (AAS) is increasing. This is surprising given that feline behavioural needs have been perceived as contradictory to conditions associated with AAS engagement, leading to the assumption that cats as a species are not suitable for AAS. However, important within-species variability in behavioural trai...
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Background. Offering work-home practices may help organizations to cope with increasing employee stress and attract and retain employees with caring responsibilities. Research on this topic has mainly focused on the care for children (Greenhaus & Powell, 2003) and, to date, the role of dogs in employees’ lives and the potential benefits for organiz...
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We examined whether dog caregiving and outdoor access affect the relationships between a teleworking day and teleworkers’ daily physical activity, loneliness, and job performance during the pandemic in two different seasons in 2021. Building on the biophilia hypothesis, we hypothesized that dog caregiving and outdoor access would attenuate the adve...
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We highlight four main gaps regarding Human Animal Interactions (HAI) and Animal Assisted Services (AAS) in nursing homes: ‣ First, the bulk of studies focused on the impact on residents, and the effects of HAI/AAS on care staff remain largely understudied. This is surprising given the growing organizational interest in effects of animals on emplo...
Delanoeije, J., & Janssens, M. (2023, November 15). Patterns in animal-work constellations: Experience sampling methodology (ESM) & sequence analysis. ESM Expert Network Meeting, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
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Since the COVID-19 pandemic, dog owning employees have been teleworking in the presence of their dog. Dogs may improve caregiver well-being on teleworking days[1] and telework may facilitate dog walking[2]. Yet, these benefits are likely dependent on daily dog-caregiver interactions[3] and the dog-caregiver relationship[4,5]. This study aimed to in...
Delanoeije, J., Scheys, M.. & Trentin, S. (2023, July 11–14). Like caregiver, like dog? Caregiver stress predicts dogs’ physical activity – but not dogs’ heart rate variability – as captured by a Garmin smartwatch and PetPace smartcollar [Conference presentation abstract]. 8th Canine Science Forum, Budapest, Hungary.
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This study disentangles positive and negative reactions to home-to-work transitions (i.e. transitions from the home role to the work role during non-work hours; HWTs) and examines their consequences for employees’ work engagement and psychological strain. Based on boundary theory and appraisal theories, we expected that positively appraised HWTs wo...
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Since an increasing number of employees own a dog (FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood, 2022), companies may benefit from offering practices that facilitate employees’ care for their dogs as this allows them to both attract and retain employees in an increasingly tight labour market. One such practice is teleworking. However, our current understanding of how do...
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Because work-related ICT use after hours (WICT) has often been linked to negative outcomes, it is intriguing that many people still engage in this behaviour, often on a daily basis. Yet, qualitative research suggests that WICT may be less harmful when people consciously plan to engage in this behaviour. Drawing on Action-Regulation Theory, this pap...
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Delanoeije, J., Willemen, E. & Verbruggen, M. (2023, June 15–18). Office dogs: A within-company quasi-field experiment using daily experience sampling [Conference presentation abstract]. 32th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
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Overgewaaid vanuit Amerika, is het binnenbrengen van honden in de werkomgeving sinds een tiental jaren ook in Europa in opmars. Hoewel een 'kantoorhond' in eerste instantie een vreemd idee kan lijken, is het geen verwonderlijke trend. Immers, bij een derde van de Europese huishoudens maakt een hond deel uit van het gezin. Wetende dat 50 tot 75 proc...
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This study proposes a novel methodology to calculate reuse and apply this to Flanders. We combine available data from the Flemish reuse network about its reselling of reusable goods with new survey data about disposal and acquisition behaviours of a representative sample of 1500 Flemish citizens. Using these data, we map the amount of reuse channel...
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As most university-based animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) feature interactions with dogs, little is known about the feasibility of providing opportunities to interact with cats. Few studies have examined employee or student interest in interacting with on-campus cats, and virtually nothing is known about the role of participants’ characteristic...
The current study teases apart positive and negative reactions to home-to-work boundary role transitions (HWTs) and examines their consequences for employees' work engagement and psychological strain. Based on boundary theory and appraisal theories, we expected that positively appraised HWTs would be related to more engagement and less strain where...
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The inclusion of cats in animal-assisted interventions (AAIs; i.e. structured interventions that include animals in human services for the purpose of human therapeutic gains; IAHAIO, 2018) is increasing. This is surprising given that feline needs (e.g., stable territory) appear contradictory to AAIs (e.g., repeated territory relocation). This study...
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We assessed attitudes of higher-education staff and students' (i.e., openness, perceived risks, expected impacts) towards on-campus animal visits. Assessing these attitudes is important as attitudes predict human behaviour directed towards the animals involved (Kraus, 1995), which likely impacts their welfare (Lund et al, 2006). Cross-sectional, qu...
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Werknemers wereldwijd ruilden sinds de COVID-19 pandemie massaal hun reguliere werkplek in voor het thuiskantoor, waar in plaats van collega’s gezinsleden deel uitmaken van de dagelijkse werkomgeving. Naast menselijke huisgenoten maken bij ongeveer de helft van de Vlaamse huishoudens ook huisdieren deel uit van het gezin. Meer nog: sinds de pandemi...
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Smartcollars function as non-invasive tools to measure animals’ physiological responses and physical activity in naturalistic settings. The current study describes PetPace smartcollar data collected in a college campus cat with owner-provided survey data to compare data collected in the context of campus visits of the cat with the cat’s behavior at...
Due to the onset of COVID, many employees have been working from home. Since dogs closely cohabit with their owners, it is likely that this affects both dogs' and owners' behaviour and activities. Moreover, this impact is likely to occur on teleworking days since owners may spend more time with their dog on these days. We hypothesize that on telewo...
Delanoeije, J., Pendry, P., Peeters, E. & Moons, C. (2021, June 22-24). College campus cat: Exploring PetPace collar data and survey data to measure physiological responses and physical activity during campus visits. [Unpublished conference abstract]. 30th International Society for Anthrozoology Conference [Virtual], Buffalo, NY, U.S.
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Delanoeije, J. (2021). De mens-dier relatie in mens-dier interacties [The human-animal relationship in human-animal interactions]. Presented at the Terugkomdag AAI organised by Animal Assisted Projects. 1 April 2021, Antwerpen, Belgium [Online]
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Delanoeije, J. (2021). Work-home boundary role transitions: Telework before, during and after COVID-19 [Invited lecture]. Invited by the Kanter Lecture Series, Center for Families, Purdue University. 24 March 2021, West Lafayette, U.S.A. [Virtual]
Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Verelst, L. (2021). Naar een duurzaam thuiswerkbeleid [Towards sustainable home-based telework policies]. Practitioner's presentation for the Ekonomika Alumni event, Department of Work and Organisation Studies. 22 March 2020, Leuven, Belgium. [Virtual] [Professionally oriented]
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Van alle circulaire strategieën wordt hergebruik consistent gerangschikt als één van de meest circulaire – hoger dan recyclage. Maar hoewel recyclage sterk aanwezig is in academisch en industrieel onderzoek, is er maar weinig geweten over hergebruik in eender welk land. Daarom onderzochten HIVA & Steunpunt Circulaire Economie de grootte en de milie...
Delanoeije, J. (2021). Impact van flexibele werk-privé praktijken: Thuiswerk voor, tijdens en na COVID-19 [Impact of flexible work-home practices: Home-based telework before, during and after COVID-19]. Invited by VOCAP Vereniging van Organisatie-, Consumenten- en Arbeidspsychologie. Presented at the VOCAP Themareeks remote working, Online. (profes...
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Delanoeije, J. (2020). "There's an animal on my desk": Companion animals in employees' (tele-)work lives [Invited lecture]. Research-practitioners colloquium of the Department of Social Psychology, Goethe University. 8 December 2020 [changed to virtual format].
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Thuiswerk speelt meer dan ooit een prominente rol in de wereld van werk en baant zich een weg in de werk- en privésfeer van steeds meer werknemers – met in België een verdubbeling van het aantal thuiswerkers van 17% naar 35% van de werknemers sinds de coronacrisis. Hoewel dit ‘nieuwe werken’ haast niet meer valt weg te denken uit het dagelijks (wer...
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Delanoeije, J. (2020). Telewerk en werknemerswelzijn en -prestatie: Voor, tijdens en na COVID-19 [Home-based telework and employee wellbeing and performance: Before, during and after COVID-19] [Invited lecture]. Practitioner's conference "Het nieuwe normaal van de anderhalve meterorganisatie" [The new normal of the one and a half meter organization...
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This report addresses blind spots in current research about the understudied circular phenomenon of reuse and the variety of formal (i.e. included in our economy through regulated economic units and protected workers) and informal (i.e. part of an informal economy in which transactions do not get registered) channels through which it may occur. It...
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In the list of circular economy strategies, reuse is consistently ranked as one of the most circular strategies – higher than recycling. But while recycling is omnipresent in academic and industrial research, very little is known about the practice of reuse in any country. To fill that gap, the Circular Economy Policy Research Centre undertook a st...
Campus cats, i.e. cats who spend time on campus and interact with students and personnel, are gaining attention over the world. At least twenty-one campus cats have been identified to date. These include freely roaming cats-either stray cats or owned cats living nearby-who deliberately spend time on campus. The effects of these cats on students and...
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This quasi-experimental study examines the impact of telework on employees’ stress, work-to-home conflict, work engagement and job performance on a between-person and a within-person level. Data were collected in a Belgian company that had launched a pilot telework initiative. Employees in the intervention group (N = 39) were allowed to work from h...
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In dit werk wordt ingegaan op scheidingsgerelateerd(e) probleemgedrag (SGP) of -gedragingen (SGP’s) bij honden. Ter vergemakkelijking worden doorheen dit werk vanaf nu de afkortingen SGP en SGP’s gebruikt. Op basis van wetenschappelijke literatuur en literatuur gericht aan hondeneigenaren wordt een overzicht gegeven van de huidige inzichten rond SG...
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Employees worldwide have nowadays shifted their homes into home-offices, involving also household members in and around their newly designated working spaces. Importantly, not just children and partners but also non-human family members engage in the daily work hurdles at the home-office. Cats may prevent efficiently sending out error-less emails w...
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Een belangrijke vraag is of thuiswerk de werk-privécombinatie vergemakkelijkt of bemoeilijkt, waarom en voor wie. Enerzijds stelt onderzoek dat thuiswerk werknemers meer flexibiliteit geeft, waardoor zij werkzaken voor privézaken kunnen onderbreken, daardoor beide rollen beter met elkaar combineren en aldus minder werk-naar-privéconflict ervaren. A...
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It is generally assumed that dogs show increased attention towards humans. A major part of this includes attention towards visual cues such as bodily gestures. We tested empirically whether dogs are visually attentive towards human body movement. Based on methods from visual perception research in humans, we used point‐light figures (PLFs) to inves...
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This report documents and analyses the societal impact of the citizen science project "CurieuzeNeuzen Vlaanderen", which has mapped the air quality at unprecedented spatial resolution across the region of Flanders (Belgium). The project mobilized 20,000 citizens to measure NO2 air quality levels in front of their houses, and involved a unique colla...
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In response to the rising number of individuals who have to combine work and home responsibilities, organizations increasingly offer work-home practices. These are HR-practices such as telework and part-time work that can help employees to combine work and home roles. However, extant research on the relationship between work-home practice use and b...
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This dissertation studies the effects of work-home practices (i.e., HR-practices that can facilitate employees’ work-home combination, such as home-based telework or part-time work) on employee outcomes such as work-home balance, well-being and job performance. Despite their growing prevalence in organizations, studies to date show both positive an...
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Does working from home on a given day complicate or rather facilitate combining work and home roles that day, why and for whom? To answer these questions, we examined how a teleworking day affects daily work-to-home conflict and daily home-to-work conflict. Based on boundary theory, we expected these relationships to be mediated by daily role trans...
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In deze lezing spreek ik over honden als katalysator van menselijke interacties en andersom, mensen als katalysator van hond-hond interacties. Hierbij combineer ik mijn achtergrond als wetenschapper, hondentrainer en psycholoog. Rond de hond als katalysator van menselijke interacties werd al veel onderzoek gedaan en worden theorieën allerlei gebrui...
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Given the growing number of employees with caring responsibilities, offering work-life practices (i.e. HR initiatives designed to help employees balance their work with other life roles) may help organizations to cope with increasing employee stress and attract and retain the best-qualified employees, as these practices can enhance employees’ work-...
Delanoeije, J. (2018). ‘My work feels like home’: Dogs at the 2020 (home-)workplace. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference. Lisbon (Portugal), 5–7 September 2018.
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen (2018). Effects of home-based telework on employee well-being and performance: A pilot daily diary intervention study. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP) Conference . Lisbon (Portugal), 5–7 September 2018.
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2018). Effects of home-based telework on employee well-being and performance: An intervention study. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Small Group Meeting “Working anywhere, anytime: Work flexibility from a management and an occupational health perspective”. Leuven (Belgium), 12–13...
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Prior research has shown that work-related ICT-use outside work hours is generally related with more work-to-home conflict, but that this effect can be mitigated or even reversed when people have an integration preference. In this study, we posit that the moderating role of integration preference in itself depends on the work environment because th...
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework. Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 9–10 November 2017.
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework. IESE International Conference of Work and Family: "Ideal Workers". Barcelona (Spain), 3–4 July 2017.
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin (Ireland). 16–19 May 2017.
Gadeyne, N., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., & De Cooman, R. (2017). All wired, all tired? Work-related ICT-use outside work hours and work-to-home conflict: The role of integration preference and culture. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin (Ireland). 16–19 May 2017.
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Meeussen, L., & Delanoeije, J. (2017). Fitting in to find balance: A person-environment fit approach to work-lfife balance. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin (Ireland). 16–19 May 2017.
Delanoeije, J. (2017). Werk-privé balans en nieuwe werkvormen: Effectiviteitsverschillen over werknemers [Work-home balance and new ways of working: Effectiveness differences over employees]. Happy @ Work TMAB Business Events [professionally oriented]. Grimbergen (Belgium), 21 April 2017.
Verbruggen, M., & Delanoeije, J. (2016). Upward career goals, work-life conflict and well-being: Examining longitudinal cross-over effects in dual-earner couples. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference. Washington D. C. (USA), 23–25 June 2016.
Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2016). It's not about what they do, it's why they do it: Employee motivations in the study of work-life practices. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference. Washington D. C. (USA), 23–25 June 2016.
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The current study aims to understand why employees’ use of home- based telework and part-time work is not consistently linked to intended employee outcomes, in particular lower work-life conflict, lower life-work conflict, more job satisfaction and work attitudes and better job performance. We propose an approach wherein the focus lies on motivatio...
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Dogs’ responsiveness to instructions of the handler is known to be influenced by several factors. In this study we examined whether reward-handler dissociation has an effect on the obedience performance of family dogs with basic training history. We looked at situations involving human–dog interactions under controlled laboratory settings by measur...
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Verschillende onderzoeken bekijken in dieper perspectief op welke visuele signalen honden zich baseren in hun communicatie met de mens. Door gebruik te maken van welgekozen experimentopzetten wordt nagegaan op welke manier honden onze lichaamstaal al dan niet begrijpen. Het gebruik van puntlichtfiguren, computergestuurde abstracte voorstellingen va...
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De voorbije decennia is er een groeiende belangstelling voor de studie van mens-dier interacties. Vanwege hun veronderstelde positieve invloed is er de laatste jaren een opmars bezig in de betrekking van dieren in psychotherapie (“Animal Assisted Therapy”). Terwijl toepassingen in individueel georiënteerde therapie zich uitbreiden, blijft het gebru...


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