Jonathan Joseph Mohr

Jonathan Joseph Mohr
University of Maryland, College Park | UMD, UMCP, University of Maryland College Park · Department of Psychology



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Publications (76)
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Lesbian and bisexual women (LBW) are at increased risk for binge eating compared to their heterosexual peers. Research suggests that LBW are vulnerable to both traditional risk factors for binge eating found in general samples of women (e.g., emotion dysregulation) and risk factors specific to their sexual minority identity (e.g., experiences of he...
Individuals of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) heritage who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer (LGBQ) are underrepresented within the racial/ethnic minority and sexual minority literature. The present exploratory study examined how API cultural variables (i.e., enculturation, collectivism, norm conformity) and sexual orientation stigma v...
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Research has shown that minority stress is linked to poorer mental health across a variety of stigmatized populations, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) people. It is therefore essential to understand factors that can counteract minority stress. To date, most research on LGBQ people’s resilience relied on retrospective reports of s...
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Immediacy is a skill therapists use to process the therapeutic relationship in the here and now. Although immediacy has been shown to enhance the therapeutic process, therapists are often reluctant to use it (Hill et al., 2018). In three studies, we developed and tested a measure to assess reasons that therapists avoid using this skill: the Barrier...
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The fat acceptance movement arose to combat the widespread stigmatization of fatness and fat people through personal liberation and political activism. Support for the movement and its underlying ideology has grown rapidly over the past three decades; however, a self-report measure of fat acceptance with strong psychometric properties has not yet b...
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Social scientists are increasingly interested in methodological advances that can illuminate the distinct experiences and health outcomes produced by various systems of inequality (e.g., race, gender, religion, sexual orientation). However, innovative methodological strategies are needed to (a) capture the breadth, complexity, and dynamic nature of...
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The shared experience of societal discrimination and affirmation can provide a basis for empathy among members of different marginalized groups. However, the potential mechanisms and moderating conditions involved in this process have been little studied. This experiment examined how perceived societal (in)equity of one’s own group may influence on...
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Research suggests that plurisexual individuals face ongoing decisions about whether and how accurately to present their sexual orientation to others, in part because of stereotypes and negative attitudes specific to plurisexuality. This study tested a within-person model of theoretical predictors and outcomes of self-presentational accuracy in a sa...
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Objectives Engaging in meditation on a regular basis has been shown to enhance well-being. However, barriers to adopting it as a health behavior are poorly understood. The Determinants of Meditation Practice Inventory (DMPI) is an existing scale designed to measure perceived barriers to meditation. However, it was developed without factor analyses;...
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Objectives: We used microlongitudinal methods to examine the prevalence and day-to-day correlates of intersectional experiences (IEs) in a U.S. sample of 131 Black sexual minorities. Method: Participants were 97 gay/lesbian people (74.0%) and 34 bisexuals (26.0%); nearly a third of the sample also identified as queer (32.1%). Most participants iden...
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This study examined affect as it relates to the identity management (IM) experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) workers. We integrate IM theories and evidence (Chaudoir & Fisher, 2010; Pachankis, 2007) within the framework of affective events theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) to predict relationships among mood, identity management, and em...
Men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately impacted by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but many engage in condomless sex. One factor contributing to condomless sex may be an assumption of low risk of STIs from physically attractive partners. The present study tested the effect of partner attractiveness on perceived STI risk and...
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Measurement invariance studies on the eight subscales of the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity Scale (LGBIS; Mohr & Kendra, 2011) have not yet been conducted. We initially tested the LGBIS subscales for measurement invariance across nationality groups (Americans and Germans) and gender groups (lesbian women and gay men). To this end, we adapted t...
The current study examined the role of bisexual-specific distal stressors (i.e. anti-bisexual discrimination from heterosexuals and from lesbians and gay men) and proximal stressors (i.e. internalized binegativity and anticipated discrimination) in sexual compulsivity among bisexual men. Sexual compulsivity disproportionately affects gay and bisexu...
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Writing on the experiences of bisexual-identified people has highlighted the potential complexity of the ongoing process of deciding when and how to present one's sexual orientation identity to others (Rust, 2002). The two studies presented here were designed to contribute basic knowledge regarding self-presentation of sexual orientation among bise...
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Men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionally affected by HIV. Although some theoretical models created to explain why individuals engage in risky sexual behavior contain an affective component, there has been relatively little focus on the influence of affect on sexual risk-taking. The goal of this study is to investigate the association b...
Although evidence shows that attachment insecurity and disorganization increase risk for the development of psychopathology (Fearon, Bakermans-Kranenburg, van IJzendoorn, Lapsley, & Roisman, 2010; Groh, Roisman, van IJzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Fearon, 2012), implementation challenges have precluded dissemination of attachment interventions...
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Male-partnered sexual minority women (SMW) have received little research attention, although they represent a large proportion of SMW, particularly child-bearing SMW. Male-partnered SMW are less “out” than female-partnered SMW and will likely be “read” as heterosexual by perinatal providers. Given this, and evidence that pregnant women have unique...
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Studies on therapist factors have mostly focused on therapist traits rather than states such as affect. Research related to therapist affect has often looked at therapist baseline well-being or therapist reactions, but not both. Fifteen therapists and 51 clients rated pre- and postsession affect, as well as postsession working alliance and session...
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The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) is perhaps the most widely used and studied measure of ethnic identity, that is, the part of an individual’s self-concept derived from knowledge of membership in a social group along with the value and emotional significance attached to that membership. This conceptualization of group identity can also...
This chapter provides a basis for applying John Bowlby’s attachment theory to same-sex love relationships.
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Individuals with concealable stigmatized identities face many options regarding whether, when, how, and to whom to conceal or disclose information about their marginalized social status. Numerous studies have examined the psychosocial health consequences of different stigma concealment and disclosure processes, but research in this area is hindered...
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This study examined workplace interactions in which lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) workers faced decisions related to revealing or concealing their LGB identities at work (i.e., identity management situations). Participants were 61 LGB adults who completed a baseline survey about their organization and, over 3 weeks, responded to event-based surv...
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Daily diary methods were used to explore identity-related stress and support processes as they occurred from day-to-day in a sample of 61 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) young adults. At the end of each day for 7-10 consecutive days, participants reported on daily identity-salient experiences (ISEs), proximal minority stressors (internalized stigm...
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This study examined within-person links between daily heterosexism experiences and well-being among lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults, and tested the hypothesis that attachment insecurity amplifies the negative impact of heterosexism on well-being. A sample of 82 lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults completed a measure of attachment style...
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Little research has examined the management of multiple minority identities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people of color, despite a growing theoretical literature on such identity intersections. The present study focused on the intersectional construct of conflicts in allegiances (CIA), defined as perceived incompatibility between one’s r...
The authors describe the initial development of the Bisexual Identity Inventory (BII). A review of the extant bisexuality literature led to the development of 46 preliminary items assessing facets of bisexual identity that were administered to a total of 422 self-identified bisexual participants. Results from exploratory factor analysis of data fro...
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This article describes the development of a measure proposing a multifactor structure of positive identity for self-identified transgender individuals. Data from 138 transgender-identified individuals were used in an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of 95 statements in an item pool presented in an online survey. The resulting structure suggests a...
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This article describes the development of a measure of positive lesbian, gay, and/or bisexual (LGB) identity. Two studies were conducted to, first, establish the factor structure of the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Positive Identity Measure (LGB-PIM), and second, test the reliability and validity of the resulting 25-item scale. Study 1 provided data...
This study examined workplace interactions in which lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) workers faced decisions related to revealing or concealing their LGB identities at work (i.e., identity management situations). Participants were 61 LGB adults who completed a baseline survey about their organization and, over 3 weeks, responded to event-based surv...
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The stigma of having psychological problems is a barrier to seeking mental health treatment, but little research has examined whether this stigma influences the experiences of those in treatment. In a sample of 42 psychotherapy clients, we explored links over the first few sessions between 2 facets of stigma (self-stigma and perceived public stigma...
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Clinical writing has suggested that the therapeutic process and relationship in work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients may be influenced by the extent to which clients have accepted their sexual orientation and developed a social network supportive of their sexual orientation, a construct we refer to as sexual orientation identity integration...
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Objective: This study focused on interrelationships among supervisor attachment, supervisory working alliance, and supervision-related affect, plus the moderating effect of a field instructor training. Method: The researchers employed a pretest–posttest follow-up design of 100 randomly assigned field instructors and 64 students in two universities,...
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The present study was designed to investigate links between dimensions of romantic attachment and relationship functioning in a cross-sectional sample of people in same-sex relationships, with the goals of replicating basic findings from research on heterosexual couples and advancing understanding of unique issues faced by same-sex couples. The sam...
This study investigated stereotypes of heterosexual, gay, and bisexual men in a sample of 112 psychotherapists. Stereotypes were assessed with an open-ended measure asking participants to list characteristics that they associated with one of the three groups of men. Thematic analysis of these characteristics yielded 14 stereotype categories, includ...
This chapter explores the link between sexual orientation and issues of work and career. It begins in the first section by outlining broad contextual issues (societal and organizational) that provide the backdrop for more specific workplace factors (discrimination and support, identity disclosure and concealment), which are then discussed in the se...
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Abnormal psychology instructors often use traditional and personal methods to educate students about and improve student attitudes toward mental illness and professional help-seeking. Data from abnormal psychology students (N = 190) were used to determine if and how students' attitudes toward mental illness and professional help-seeking attitudes c...
This study investigated the degree to which judgments regarding a murder case were influenced by victim sexual orientation and hate crime evidence. Results indicated that victim blame was lower when the victim was gay than when the victim was of unspecified or heterosexual orientations, regardless of whether evidence of a hate crime was provided. A...
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Objectives: This study of a field instructor (FI) training model, offered at two universities, focused on the relationship between student competencies, the supervisory alliance, and students' attachment styles. Method: The study used a pretest–posttest follow-up design of 100 randomly assigned FIs (training group = 48; control group = 52) and 64 s...
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Despite the recent proliferation of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) thematic content in U.S. media, there have been relatively few empirical investigations examining its impact on heterosexuals' attitudes toward LGB individuals. This study examined the effect of one type of content, male-male homoerotic imagery, on male and female heterosexuals' a...
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A recurring question in multicultural counseling is whether client-counselor similarity on sociodemographic characteristics benefits counseling. A related issue is how counselor orientation to diversity relates to counseling process and outcome, both as a main effect and in interaction with counselor-client sociodemographic match. This cross-sectio...
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Two studies were conducted to investigate a revised and extended version of the Lesbian and Gay Identity Scale (Mohr & Fassinger, 2000): the 27-item Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity Scale (LGBIS). This revision features more inclusive and less stigmatizing language than the previous version and includes 2 new subscales assessing identity affirma...
An attachment theory perspective guided this investigation of emerging adults' (N = 174) expectations regarding relational patterns in their future long-term romantic relationships. Participants' working models of future romantic attachment were assessed by having them respond to an attachment measure with respect to an imagined future committed re...
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This lead article of the special issue discusses conceptual and methodological considerations in studying sexual minority issues, particularly in research conducted by counseling psychologists (including the work represented in this special issue). First, the overarching challenge of conceptualizing and defining sexual minority populations is descr...
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In this study, the authors investigated the degree to which perceived social support was associated with depression, life satisfaction, and internalized binegativity in a sample of 210 bisexual young adult college students. Two types of social support (general and sexuality specific) and 2 sources of social support (family and friends) were examine...
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In this study, the authors investigated whether psychotherapist bias related to client bisexuality is most likely to occur with respect to judgments about stereotype-relevant clinical issues. Participants were 108 psychotherapists who read a fictitious intake report about a male client who was portrayed as heterosexual, gay, or bisexual. Client sex...
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Same-sex romantic partners face the challenge of developing a positive relationship while managing stressors associated with being members of a stigmatized minority group. This study examined links between two potential sources of minority stress (internalized homonegativity and sexual orientation self-concealment) and change in predictors of relat...
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This study extends research on the field supervisory relationship by examining general attachment style and supervision-specific attachment style in a sample of 72 master's-level social work students. Attachment variables were investigated in relation to student perceptions of the supervisory working alliance and supervisory style. Students with hi...
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This study extends research on dimensions of sexual minority experience by examining differences between bisexual and lesbian/gay adults in adaptation to sexual orientation stigma. The authors investigated sexual orientation self-disclosure, connection to community, and 4 identity-related variables (internalized homonegativity, stigma sensitivity,...
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Research suggests that the well-being of members of stigmatized groups is related to the ways that individuals understand, evaluate, and respond to their devalued collective identity. The present study extends this line of inquiry by investigating collective identity in the context of romantic relationship functioning, focusing on same-sex couples...
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This study investigated client and counselor trainee attachment as predictors of session evaluation and countertransference behavior in 93 first counseling sessions. Results indicated that client attachment predicted aspects of session evaluation, whereas counselor attachment and the interaction of client and counselor attachment predicted aspects...
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This study investigated the relationship between real and ideal gender-role conflict with psychological distress. One hundred forty-two men evaluated their current level of gender-role conflict (real), their ideal levels of gender-role conflict (ideal), and a measure of psychological distress. Results showed that real and ideal gender-role conflict...
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This article describes research on attitudes toward bisexual women and men. The authors describe types of attitudes toward bisexual individuals in terms of heterosexism, questions of authenticity, focus on sexuality, concerns about loyalty, and positive attitudes. Empirical research pertaining to these attitudes is summarized, and the results of su...
Reports an error in the original article by J. J. Mohr and A. B. Rochlen (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1999[Jul], Vol 46[3], 353-369). On page 357, in Table 1, Item 16 is incorrect. The correct version is provided. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in 1999-05850-007.) Five studies on the development and validation of...
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A model linking attachment variables with self-acceptance and self-disclosure of sexual orientation was tested using data from 489 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults. The model included the following 4 domains of variables: (a) representations of childhood attachment experiences with parents, (b) perceptions of parental support for sexual orie...
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The purpose of this article is to introduce a model of adult heterosexual identity that may be useful in conceptualizing heterosexual therapists’ barriers to and facilitators of effective practice with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LBG) clients. This model incorporates concepts from theories of identity development, social identity, and attitude form...
Theoretical propositions are offered about the interrelations of three key concepts in psychotherapy: specifically, the working alliance, on the one hand, and both transference and countertransference, on the other. The role these concepts play, including the interactions between them, is extended to the areas of race/ethnicity and sexual orientati...
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This article features a selective review of attachment theory and research that have contributed knowledge about dynamics underlying early trauma, mechanisms by which maladaptive responses to trauma may be transmitted between generations, and trauma-related risk factors for psychopathology in children, adolescents, and adults. First, we focus on th...
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Ninety-seven counselors read a fictitious intake report about a bisexual woman who was seeking counseling services for several psychological concerns. Counselors then rated the woman's psychological functioning and their own anticipated reactions to having the woman as a client. As the authors hypothesized, counselors with the most negative attitud...
Universal-Diverse Orientation (UDO), defined as students' openness to and appreciation of similarities and differences in others, was found to be a predictor of first-year college students' attitudes toward help seeking, their academic self-confidence, and diversity orientation. Results show modest but significant correlations between students' lev...
In 3 studies the authors examined the factor structure of the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale (M-GUDS) and developed a short form of the scale, the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale-Short (M-GUDS-S).
The authors disagree with A. E. Kelly's (2000) conclusions that clients conceal things from therapists primarily for self-presentational reasons and that client concealment is positively related to positive therapy process and outcome. They also disagree with A. E. Kelly regarding the implications of self-presentation theory for therapy. Their revi...
Provides preliminary psychometric data on 2 self-report measures designed to assess dimensions of the lives of lesbian and gay male (LG) individuals: the Lesbian and Gay Identity Scale (LGIS) and the Outness Inventory (OI). 590 lesbians and 414 gay men (aged 18–69 yrs) were used for the development of the LGIS, but a subsample of 232 lesbians and 1...
This article describes the development of new scales for assessing identity and outness in lesbians and gay men. Relevant measurement issues are reviewed.
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The authors disagree with A. E. Kelly's (2000) conclusions that clients conceal things from therapists primarily for self-presentational reasons and that client concealment is positively related to positive therapy process and outcome. They also disagree with A. E. Kelly regarding the implications of self-presentation theory for therapy. Their revi...
Five hundred and seventy‐eight African American, Asian American, Latino/a, and White undergraduates responded to a questionnaire assessing perceptions and experiences of the campus cultural climate. Results revealed significant differences between racial and ethnic groups on multiple dimensions of the campus cultural climate. African American stude...
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Survey data from 2,925 incoming college freshmen at a state university revealed that nearly 40% of the participants reported that they might like to have a lesbian or gay friend, despite anticipations of discomfort. Perceived barriers were significantly related to gender; diversity orientation, shyness, and religious commitment. implications for re...
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Five studies on the development and validation of the Attitudes Regarding Bisexuality Scale (ARBS) were conducted. Factor analysis of an initial pool of 80 items yielded 2 factors assessing the degree to which bisexuality is viewed as a tolerable, moral sexual orientation (Tolerance) and a legitimate, stable sexual orientation (Stability). Three fo...
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This study used the consensual qualitative research method to address questions about therapists' perceptions of transference in long-term therapy: How does transference operate? How is transference dealt with and resolved? What problems do therapists encounter with transference? Eleven dynamically oriented therapists were interviewed by phone abou...
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This article reports on 5 studies that addressed the development and validation of a measure of attitudes toward career counseling. Factor analyses of the Attitudes Toward Career Counseling Scale (ATCCS) yielded 2 factors that measured perceived value and stigma related to career counseling. Internal consistency estimates and test–retest reliabilit...
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Identified issues relevant to nontransfer college seniors who disenrolled from their academic programs before graduating. Forty-two of these nonreturning seniors (mean age 22.5 yrs) were interviewed by telephone, as were 48 returning seniors who served as a comparison group. Interview data indicated that college seniors offer a variety of reasons f...


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