Jon Ajuria

Jon Ajuria
CIC Energigune · Electrical Energy Storage (EES)



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September 2014 - present
CIC Energigune
  • PostDoc Position
  • Supercapacitors, Batteries, Hybrid Supercapacitors
October 2007 - September 2014
  • Researcher


Publications (60)
Now that fast action is needed to mitigate the effects of climate change, developing new technologies to reduce worldwide carbon footprint is critical. Sodium ion capacitors can be a key enabler for widespread transport electrification or massive adoption of renewable technologies. However, a years‐long journey needs to be made from the first proof...
Li-ion capacitors (LICs) are considered a promising option for high-power application with a relatively high energy content compared to traditional supercapacitors ¹ . There are however some issues with LICs: The anode needs to be pre-lithiated, which adds extra processing steps and increases the cost of assembly and/or material, and the stability...
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The low capacity of activated carbon (AC) electrodes remains as one of the major limiting factors for the development of high energy density lithium‐ion capacitors (LICs). Hybridization of capacitive AC electrodes by incorporating faradaic materials into the electrode formulation could be performed to enhance the capacity of the overall device. How...
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Electrode manufacturing for electrochemical energy storage technologies often relies on hazardous fluorine‐containing compounds and toxic organic solvents. To align with sustainability goals and reduce costs, there is a pressing need for water‐processable alternatives. These alternatives can halve electrode processing costs and ease regulatory burd...
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Aqueous electrolytes containing sulfuric acid and organic electrolytes made by dissolving quaternary ammonium salts in propylene carbonate have long been used as electrolytes in supercapacitors. In the organic electrolyte system, acetonitrile was later also used as a solvent. This paper will describe more recent electrolytes for supercapacitors, in...
Supercapacitors are the choice when high-power performance is essential, however, for many applications the energy density of supercapacitors is too low to be used. To increase the energy density, it is possible to combine an insertion type anode of a Li-ion battery with a capacitor type double-layer electrode, forming a so-called Li-ion capacitor...
Lithium devices are the ones that reached the market to prompt the sustainable use of renewable sources, the alternative promise to leave behind fossil fuels dependency. However, lithium reservoirs seem not to be enough to supply the expected increase in future market demands. On account of that, the appearance of sodium-energy devices as an altern...
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Lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) show promise to help lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and electrical double layer capacitors (EDLCs) in giving response to those applications that require an energy storage solution. However, pre-lithiation is a major challenge that needs to be tackled in order to develop efficient and long-lasting LIBs and LICs. In this w...
In this work, the benefits and drawbacks of replacing graphite by hard carbon as negative electrode in a lithium-ion capacitor are studied. Beyond the material selection and electrode optimization, the impact of the cell design in the final performance is also evaluated. When selecting hard carbon, final prototype avoids using any critical raw mate...
Graphite ineffectiveness in sodium storage has induced extensive research on non-graphitic carbons as high-performance active materials for negative electrodes of Na-ion batteries. Among these, soft carbons are promising for high-power sodium storage, yet their practical success is jeopardized by their low initial coulombic efficiency (i.e. 65-70%)...
The dream of using beyond-carbon metalloids or transition metals as anode materials in electrochemical energy storage systems has been long pursued for the sake of greater capacity. However, two major challenges remain unresolved: the high volumetric expansion suffered by those materials, causing severe mechanical stress ending up in device failure...
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Due to the dual advantage of capacitive and faradaic charge storage mechanisms, Li-ion capacitors (LICs) are regarded as promising energy storage technology for many high-power applications. However, the high cost and intricacy of indispensable pre-lithiation step in LIC fabrication are the major stumbling block against its widespread commercial in...
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The fast growth experienced by the field of lithium‐ion capacitors (LICs) in the last five years led to tremendous progress in this technology. However, the authors have observed some parallelism with its ultracapacitor (UC) sister technology, where an over‐rapid growth in the last decade resulted in a loss of focus and the need of several tutorial...
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Lithium ion capacitor (LIC) is an emerging technology that holds promise to bridge the energy‐to‐power gap between already market stablished lithium ion battery and electrochemical double‐layer capacitor technologies. Academic research is mainly focused on increasing energy, power and cycle life metrics, but next, pre‐lithiation strategy is the key...
Lithium ion capacitors (LICs) are foreseen to be a complementary alternative of vital importance to current energy storage issues, coupling high energy density delivered by batteries with high power/long cycle life offered by supercapacitors. The prime issues in realising this technology are pre-lithiation and replacement of graphite electrodes tha...
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The viability of the sodium-ion batteries as a post-lithium storage technology is strongly tied to the development of high-performance carbonaceous anode materials. This requires screening novel precursors, and tuning their electrochemical properties. Soft carbons as promising anode materials, not only for batteries, but also in hybrid capacitors,...
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Most lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) devices include graphite or non-porous hard carbon as negative electrode often failing when demanding high energy at high power densities. Herein, we introduce a new LIC formed by the assembly of polymer derived hollow carbon spheres (HCS) and a superactivated carbon (AC), as negative and positive electrodes, respec...
Metal ion capacitors (MICs) are foreseen to be a complementary alternative of vital importance to current energy storage issues, coupling high energy density delivered by batteries with high power/long cycle life offered by supercapacitors. The prime issues in realising this technology are pre-metallation and replacement of graphite electrodes that...
Currently Na-ion battery (NIB) technology is proving a popular area of investigation, in part due to the considerable interest in developing ‘beyond lithium’ battery technology to augment -or in certain situations replace- lithium ion batteries. Consequently, NIBs have begun to gain prominence –in part due to their flexibility and low cost. An exam...
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Herein we report an easy, ecofriendly and cheap synthetic approach for the preparation of carbon composites from the pyrolysis and activation of coffee waste and graphene oxide, and their evaluation as potential electrodes for lithium ion capacitors (LICs). An exhaustive optimization of some important parameters such as particle size, electronic co...
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In this work we report the use of the aprotic ionic liquid (AIL) 1-butyl 1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Pyr14TFSI) and the protic ionic liquid (PIL) 1-butylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (PyrH4TFSI) in view of the realization of potassium ion batteries. Physicochemical characterization of electrolytes re...
Laboratory testing of supercapacitor cells are generally performed in Swagelok or coin cell setup, where two small electrodes and electrolyte-saturated separators are placed in tightly packed cell assembly. However, more often the performances achieved in laboratory testing are failed to replicate in larger commercially viable cells due to differen...
In this work we report for the first time the use of a carbon coated tin phosphide (Sn4P3@C) composite as the negative electrode in lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) technology. The Sn4P3@C delivers a stable capacity of ~900 mAh/g vs. Li+/Li at 0.1 A/g, with excellent capacity retention of ~55% at 5 A/g (>500 mAh/g) and ~30% at 10 A/g (~300 mAh/g). The e...
In this work we report for the first time the use of 3-cyanopropionic acid methyl ester (CPAME), with vinylene carbonate (VC) as additive, as an alternative solvent when targeting high voltage lithium ion capacitors (LICs). In view of the promising viscosity, conductivity, and electrochemical stability window, its use in LICs is explored. To this e...
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Herein we report a series of lithium ion capacitors (LICs) with extraordinary energy-to-power ratios based on olive pit recycled carbons and supported on graphene as a conducting matrix. LICs typically present limited energy densities at high power densities due to the sluggish kinetics of the battery-type electrode. To circumvent this limitation,...
The front cover artwork is provided in collaboration of the Supercapacitors Research Line from CICenergiGUNE and the Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry and the Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) of the Friedrich‐Schiller‐University Jena. The Front Cover illustrates a battery based on a combinat...
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The front cover artwork is provided in collaboration of the Supercapacitors Research Line from CICenergiGUNE and the Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry and the Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) of the Friedrich‐Schiller‐University Jena. The Front Cover illustrates a battery based on a combinat...
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In this work lithium ion capacitors (LICs) built using a TiSb2 alloy as the negative electrode and activated carbon (AC) derived from recycled olive pits biomass as the positive electrode are reported. TiSb2 shows high capacity (360 mAh g⁻¹ at 10 C) and excellent rate capability performance together with exceptional volumetric features, enabling it...
Herein, we report for the first time the use of TiSb2 alloy as anode material for sodium-ion batteries (NIBs) and capacitors (NICs). The electrochemical performance of TiSb2 in NIBs shows stable cycling with a capacity of about 225 mAh·g-1 for 200 cycles. Discrepancies with the expected theoretical specific charge are discussed by means of operando...
Due to the limited Li resources, research on Na-ion batteries and capacitors is growing exponentially leading to the fast development of Na-based energy storage devices. When high energy density and power density are needed at the same time, hybridization between battery and supercapacitor electrodes can offer the figures of merit required. These d...
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The effort to increase the energy density of conventional electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) goes through the development of lithium-ion capacitors (LICs). Herein, we report a self-standing, binder free composite as the battery-type negative electrode obtained by a ow-cost and easily scalable method. Tin (IV) oxide nanoparticles (<10 nm) embe...
Hybrid capacitor configurations are now of increasing interest to overcome the current energy limitations of supercapacitors. In this work, we report a lithium ion capacitor (LIC) entirely based on graphene. On the one hand, the negative –battery-type- electrode consists of a self-standing, binder-free 3D macroporous foam formed by reduced graphene...
In this work, we are presenting both lithium and sodium ion capacitors (LIC and NIC) entirely based on electrodes designed from recycled olive pit bio-waste derived carbon materials. On the one hand, olive pits were pyrolized to obtain a low specific surface area semigraphitic hard carbon to be used as the ion intercalation (battery-type) negative...
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Lan honetan superkondentsadoreen esparruan energia biltegiratzeko teknologia ezberdinak eta hauen funtzionamendua laburbildu ditugu. Superkondentsadore mota ezberdinen analisia egin dugu bai ikerketa, bai aplikazio ezberdinen ikuspuntutik, konfigurazio bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak eta beraien propietateak, hala nola, gainazal azalera es...
Conference Paper
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We have characterized a commercial LIC pouch cell, specifically JM Energy CLQ11001A. Our future aim is to develop an electrochemical model of this lithium ion capacitor. For this reason, we need different parameters: geometrical, electrical, chemical... We have obtained the inner configuration of the cell, and measured the geometrical parameters an...
Organic photovoltaics will become 30 years old relatively soon. In spite of the impressive development achieved throughout these years, especially in terms of reported power conversion efficiencies, there are still important technological and fundamental obstacles to circumvent before they can be implemented into reliable and long-lasting applicati...
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In spite of the impressive development achieved by organic photovoltaics throughout the last decades, especially in terms of reported power conversion efficiencies, there are still important technological and fundamental obstacles to circumvent before they can be implemented into reliable and long-lasting applications. Regarding device processing,...
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Accurate characterization and reporting of organic photovoltaic (OPV) device performance remains one of the important challenges in the field. The large spread among the efficiencies of devices with the same structure reported by different groups is significantly caused by different procedures and equipment used during testing.The presented article...
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In this work we study the different electrical loss pathways occurring during the operation of bulk heterojunction solar cells by using a variety of electrical and optical characterization techniques beyond the current density–voltage curve (J–V): Impedance Spectroscopy (IS), Charge Extraction (CE) and Transient Photovoltage (TPV). Two sets of devi...
In this work, diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells with inverted and regular architecture have been investigated. The influence of the polymer:fullerene ratio on the photoactive film nanomorphology has been studied in detail. Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy reveal that the resulting film mo...
We report a detailed study on the operating principles of silver nanowire (Ag NW) networks as a transparent conducting electrode. Current limitations to achieve high conversion efficiencies are overcome with the combination of Ag NW and specifically designed ZnO nanoparticles (NP). The new transparent electrode presents improved optoelectronic prop...
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1-Dimensional nanostructured ZnO electrodes have been demonstrated to be potentially interesting for their application in solar cells. Herein, we present a novel procedure to control the ZnO nanowire optoelectronic properties by means of surface modification. The nanowire surface is functionalized with ZnO nanoparticles in order to provide an impro...
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In this study, full coincidence between impedance spectroscopy and transient photovoltage techniques in measuring recombination kinetics of photogenerated charge carriers in inverted polymer:fullerene organic solar cells with ZnO hole-blocking layer is reported. Carrier lifetime exhibits values at illumination intensities near 1 sun within the micr...
Here the role of metal oxide (ZnO) electron-selective layers in the operating mechanisms of bulk-heterojunction polymer−fullerene solar cells is addressed. Inverted as well as regular structures containing ZnO layers at the cathode contact have been analyzed using capacitance methods in the dark and impedance spectroscopy under illumination. We sys...
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We report organic photovoltaic devices in which the standard ITO transparent electric contact has been substituted by lower cost ultrathin metallic electrodes. Solution and vacuum processable n and p-type semiconductors provide the electrode with the rectifying behavior of the diode. We are in this way able to invert the built-in electric field at...
Organic polymer solar cells (OPSCs) have been prepared using TiO(x) metal oxides as selective electrodes for electron collection. The interfacial charge transfer reactions, under working conditions, that limit the energy conversion efficiency of these devices have been measured and compared to the standard OPSC geometry which collects the electrons...
Since the demonstration of efficient hybrid photovoltaic devices using CdSe/P3HT, a number of different QD/polymer molecular solar cells have been investigated. However, considerably less attention has been paid to the photo-induced processes occurring in these devices, in particular the strong dependence that device efficiencies show upon QD conce...
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A series of novel hybrid organic-inorganic membranes based on sulfonated naphthalim-ides and phosphotungstic acid N-methylpyrrolidone were prepared from a NMP solution. These materials, composed of two proton-conducting components, have good mechanical properties, high ionic conductivities (10.5 10 −2 S / cm at 80° C) and good fuel cell per-formanc...


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