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- Entomologist
January 2000 - December 2000
Publications (152)
Bonaire is an isolated oceanic island at the border of the Guajira-Barranquilla ecoregion which is dominated by tropical dry forest. In this paper we present an overview of the bees of this island mainly based on material collected during the Bonaire Estafette Expeditie in 2022-2023. At present 15 species belonging to 13 genera and 5 families are k...
An annotated overview is presented of the Diptera recorded during the Bonaire Estafette Expeditie in 2022-2023, supplemented with records from the past years. Prior to this expedition a mere nine species of Diptera were recorded from Bonaire. This current list contains at least 94 species from 24 families.
Twenty-four species of the genera Aspistomella Hendel, 1909, Polyteloptera Hendel, 1909, and Ulivellia Speiser,
1929 occurring in South America (Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil) form a monophyletic lineage sharing certain
combinations of plesiomorphies and apomorphies with similar larval biology. The name Aspistomella Hendel, 1909 is a
new seni...
For the first time, a Red List for the dutch hoverflies was composed, comparing the current
abundance with that of 1950 and the trend between the two periods. Trend is based on
a Bayesian estimate of the probability to observe a species in a 5x5 km. square. In order
to get a proper comparison, only squares with both old and new data are included in...
Red List of Dutch hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on an innovative trend analysis by Centraal Bureau van de Statistiek, involving Bayesians estimatations.
Red List of Dutch hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on an innovative trend analysis by Centraal Bureau van de Statistiek, involving Bayesians estimatations.
The averaged yearly rate of extinction of hoverfly species (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Netherlands is shown to be variable over time: over the period 1993–2017, it is nearly five times higher than over the period 1942–1992. There is a sharp demarcation between the two rates at 1992–1993. This sudden change in extinction rates is due to an accelerat...
In the forest of Kroondomein Het Loo near Apeldoorn, a male of Panzeria vivida was collected. This species was known so far from the Netherlands by only one very old specimen. It is a predominantly boreo-montane species, hence, its rediscovery in times of global warming is unexpected.
The sand bumblebee Bombus veteranus has declined sharply in the Netherlands and is now categorized as critically endangered in the Red List. In recent years, the species has been the subject of several research projects. Field studies have been carried out in the two remaining populations, which are located in and around the Haringvliet and the Bie...
The twisted‐winged parasite genus Stylops has a history of different species concepts with varying host specificity resulting in diverse species diversity estimates in different regions of the Holarctic. The adoption of a supergeneralist species concept in Europe, proposing synonymization of all Western Palaearctic Stylops species, did not facilita...
On July 26, 2022 a single female of Aciura coryli was photographed in the nature reserve De Wieden, near the town of Steenwijk (province of Overijssel). The specimen was found on Ballota nigra, one of its known hostplants. It is a southern species occurring throughout the Mediterranean region with no records further north than Lyon in France and th...
Some nomenclatural changes have recently been implemented within the picturewinged fly genus Otites Latreille, 1804. It turned out that naam Musca formosa Panzer, 1798 was already in use: Musca formosa Scopoli, 1763, a name nowadays used for the solderfly species Chloromyia formosa (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Therefore, the name Otites rifuceps (Fabr...
On June 28, 2022 a single female specimen of the long expected Heriades rubicola was encountered at the Huissensedijk in the town of Arnhem. Two weeks later two females were found at the same location. This represents the second species of Heriades in the Netherlands alongside H. truncorum. Both species are quite similar but rather easy to identify...
A new species of Conosiphon Becker, 1923, Conosiphon ianus Álvarez Fidalgo & van den Broek, sp. nov., is described from Spain, representing the first record of this genus for Europe. It is illustrated in high-resolution photographs and the first ecological information is provided, as well as a key to all species tentatively placed in this genus.
The European species of the potter wasp genus Eumenes Latreille, 1802 (Vespidae, Eumeninae) are illustrated and a new illustrated key to the 13 recognised species is presented. Eumenes mediterraneus aemilianus Guiglia, 1951 is synonymised with E. papillarius (Christ, 1791) (syn. nov.), E. obscurus André, 1884 and E. andrei Dalla Torre, 1894 with E....
This field guide covers all species of bumblebees that have ever been found in the Netherlands and Belgium. The extensive species descriptions are richly illustrated with both photos and detailed drawings that show the different color forms within a species. With the simple color pattern-based identification key you can quickly identify bumblebees...
This European Red List of Hoverflies is an output of the Hoverfly Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, funded by the European Commission Service Contract ‘Status assessment of European Hoverflies (Syrphidae) – European Red List of Hoverflies (EU and pan-Europe)’ (No. 07.0202/2018/792937/SER/ENV.D.2).
Hylaeus sinuatus new for the Dutch fauna (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)
In 2021 yet another new bee species was recorded for the fauna of the Netherlands: Hylaeus sinuatus. On June, 27 2021 a male was found at a small wasteland near the town of Rhenen. On August 15 a female was found at the same locality. The male can be recognized by the characteristic...
Diversiteit De 21 soorten zijn verdeeld over vier families, elk met hun geheel eigen groep aan gastheren: Elenchidae (spoorcicaden Delphacidae), Halictophagidae (heide-cicaden Ulopidae en cicaden Cicadellidae), Stylopidae (bijen Hymenoptera, Apoidea) en Xenidae (plooivleu-gelwespen Hymenoptera, Vespidae). De bouw van de verschillende families is st...
The genus Psilota Meigen, 1822 is recorded for the first time from China, and the species Psilota bashanensis Huo and Zhao sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on the adult male. The complete cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of this new species has been successfully obtained and compared to that of other congeneric species. An updat...
Syrphid flies are important ecological indicators and provide crucial ecosystem services,
being important pollinators and biological control agents of insect pests. These charismatic insects are conspicuous and, due to their size and colourful patterns, are relatively easy to identify. However, the lack of user-friendly literature (e.g. photographi...
The first population of Villa longicornis in the Netherlands (Diptera: Bombyliidae)
In June 1924 a single female of Villa longicornis was found near the town of Mook, province of Limburg, in the east of the country. In 2014 this species turned up in the coastal dunes of Walcheren, province of Zeeland, in the west of the country. At first it was tak...
To address the decline in biodiversity, international cooperation in monitoring of threatened species is needed. Citizen science can play a crucial role in achieving this challenging goal, but most citizen science projects have been established at national or regional scales. Here we report on the establishment and initial findings of the European...
By tradition, the effectuation of measures to restore nature quality in the Netherlands is dominated by a systems ecological approach in which the response of the vegetation is central. This has led to evident successes for plants. For the threatened fauna, however, despite that attention has substantially increased, recovery still lags behind. Thi...
Pteromalus aartseni reared from Noeeta pupillata on Hieracium laevigatum.
This paper presents a first critical review of the beetle species (Insecta: Coleoptera) reported from the (former) Dutch Antilles as well as a history of beetle collecting and collectors on the islands. The introductory section provides a concise overview of the location, climate, geology and vegetation of the six islands. The catalogue is conclude...
An ongoing investigation on the Greek hoverfly fauna using adult morphology has revealed new species within three genera. In this study, the knowledge of the Mediterranean hoverfly fauna has been enhanced by describing the following species: Cheilosia candida Vujić et Radenković sp. n. (Pindos Mountains), Paragus thracusi Radenković, Likov et Vujić...
During the assessment of the species composition and abundance of flowers on several heathlands in the province of Overijssel, two populations of Andrena intermedia were discovered. This species is critically endangered in the Netherlands, with few recent records. This species belongs to the difficult subgenus Taeniandrena Hedicke, 1933 commonly ca...
A checklist of the tephritid fauna (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Madeira archipelago is presented, including 17 known species and new distribution records for Porto Santo and Desertas Islands. An identification key to Madeira Tephritidae species with detailed illustrations is also provided. A new species of Oedosphenella Frey 1936, discovered in Made...
The phylogenetic relationships of Tephritis Latreille, one of the largest genera of true fruit flies, are poorly understood due to
the large number of species, lack of reliable morphological characters and difficulties in identification. In the present study we used two
datasets to address these problems: one with 35 species of the genus Tephritis...
Eumerus Meigen, 1823 is a very speciose genus of flower flies from the Eastern Hemisphere. Several reports of introduced species of this genus in the Americas have been recorded since early in the twentieth century, with a present list of six species recorded to date from the Americas and the US territory of Hawaii. In this paper we give new geogra...
A new species of Eumerus , Eumerus druk Smit sp. nov. , is described from Bhutan. This species belongs to the bactrianus subgroup of the strigatus species group. Seven species are currently known within this subgroup: four European, one of which is also found in the Near East, and three more only known from Tajikistan. The new species extends this...
The Strepsiptera fauna of the Netherlands is revised. Recent molecular work provided new insights in the taxonomy of the genus Stylops, raising the number of species in Europe from one to thirty. With this knowledge all available Strepsiptera material from the Netherlands is reexamined and additional DNA barcode sequences are generated and analyzed...
Waarom een atlas leuke vliegen?
Sommige vliegen trekken de aandacht door hun fraaie uiterlijk of opvallende gedrag. Zweefvliegen zijn daarvan een goed voorbeeld, maar er zijn nog enkele andere families die daaraan voldoen. Wij hebben daarvoor de term ‘Leuke vliegen’ geïntroduceerd. In navolging van de zweefvliegenatlas (Reemer et al. 2009) hebben w...
The black soldier fly Hermetia illucens has its origin in the tropical parts of America, most probably South-America. It is a very adaptable, saprophagous species, the larvae living as a scavenger in decaying organic matter of both plant and animal origin. The ease with which the larvae can be bred, makes it interesting for commercial use. At first...
The kingdom of Bhutan is a small, landlocked country in the eastern part of the Himalayas. It is bordered by Tibet in the north, the Indian states of Sikkim in the west, Arunachal Pradesh in the east and by Assam and West Bengal in the south. The landscape ranges from lush subtropical planes in the south to the subalpine Himalayan mountains in the...
Eumerus Meigen (Diptera, Syrphidae) is one of the most speciose hoverfly genera in Europe, with several species groups recognized within. As part of the tricolor group of species, a subgroup of long-legged representatives stands out. We name it Eumerus binominatus subgroup and provide descriptions for two new European species which belong to this s...
Four species of robber flies are recorded from Sint Eustatius, Lesser Antilles. Efferia exaggerata sp. n. is described, as well as the male of Ommatius prolongatus Scarbrough.
In this paper 4 species of bat ectoparasites are recorded from the island of Sint Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. One species of true bug (Hemiptera: Polyctenidae) as well as 3 species of bat flies (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Streblinae) are recorded. All species are photographed. The first DNA barcodes for 3 bat ectoparasite species (Trichobius frequens,...
Six species of dragonflies are recorded for the island of Sint Eustatius, Lesser An-tilles. Breeding records are established for four out of the six species, despite the lack of natural fresh water sources. DNA barcoding was used to match the larvae with the adults.
Kniksprieten zijn bijzondere zweefvliegen. De volwassen vliegen hebben gereduceerde
monddelen en bezoeken geen bloemen. De larven leven in nesten van mieren.
Bovendien is van twee soortkoppels in Europa bekend dat de volwassen vliegen niet
van elkaar te onderscheiden zijn, alleen de larven en poppen. Dat is eveneens hoogst
ongebruikelijk bij zweefv...
The bombylid fly Villa cingulata found in the Netherlands (Diptera: Bombyliidae)
The genus Villa was represented by four species in the Netherlands, of which only two species had recently been recorded: V. hottenttota and V. modesta. Both other species, V. fasciata and V. longicornis, seem to have disappeared. On June 10, 2018 a specimen of V. cing...
Location data of the specimens used for DNA barcoding.
Thick-headed flies of the genus Myopa Fabricius are a common sight in early spring in Europe. Several species can befound flying among Salix catkins together with their supposed Andrena Fabricius hosts (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (John Smit observations). Despite the fact that some of these Myopa species are very common, little is known about their actua...
The status of Tolmerus atricapillus calceatus (Meigen) is discussed. Based on morphological, ecological as well as genetic
information it is concluded that Tolmerus calceatus stat. rev. should be treated as a valid species separate from T. atricapillus
(Fallén). Characters to separate both are provided as well as a key to all Tolmerus species of no...
Zootaxa 4508 (2): 249-258 Abstract The status of Tolmerus atricapillus calceatus (Meigen) is discussed. Based on morphological, ecological as well as genetic information it is concluded that Tolmerus calceatus stat. rev. should be treated as a valid species separate from T. atricap-illus (Fallén). Characters to separate both are provided as well as...
In 1972, a female of Merodon caucasicus Portschinsky was collected in the western part of the Netherlands, in an area where commercial floriculture is booming business. Here we record a second female, collected some 25 years later a mere eleven kilometers from the first site. Due to the floriculture, there is a lively international trade in bulbs a...
A field guide, in Dutch, to the extant bumblebee species of the Netherlands. Keys are provided and all species are illustrated with 32 full color photographs and some 30 color drawings.
A pictorial key to the Bombyliidae and Mythicomyiidae of Northwest Europe.
Hoverflies are often big and attractively coloured flies and many species mimic bees and
wasps. Adults are commonly found on flowers and are important pollinators. The larvae of some 40% of the species are zoophagous, mostly feeding on aphids, which makes them especially valuable for agro-ecosystems (Ssymank et al., 2008). Therefore, hoverflies pla...
Hoverflies are often big and attractively coloured flies and many species mimic bees and
wasps. Adults are commonly found on flowers and are important pollinators. The larvae of some 40% of the species are zoophagous, mostly feeding on aphids, which makes them especially valuable for agro-ecosystems (Ssymank et al., 2008). Therefore, hoverflies pla...
Smit et al. ‒ Leopoldius carceatus nu ook in nederland. Blaaskopvliegen zijn kleine tot grote (3-20 mm), meestal slank gebouwde vliegen. Het merendeel is geelzwart gekleurd, maar er zijn ook grijze, zwarte en geheel roodbruine soorten. Alle Europese soorten parasiteren op volwassen bijen of wespen. De eitjes worden in het achterlijf van de gastheer...
A new Conopid fly for the Belgian fauna is reported: Leopoldius valvatus
The first record of Rhagoletis completa for the Netherlands is provided. Several damaged fruits of a walnut tree Juglans regia were found in Helden (province of Limburg), on September 2, 205. These fruits contained larvae of R. completa. A few weeks later fruits infected with R. completawere found in Helmond (province of Noord-Brabant). The ident...
Psilota is een genus van kleine, zwarte zweefvliegen, waarvan de larven leven achter boomschors. In 1988 werd Psilota anthracina voor het eerst in Nederland waargenomen en lange tijd is het een zeldzame soort geweest. De laatste jaren wordt ze steeds algemener, vermoedelijk door een veranderd bosbeheer. Gaandeweg is gebleken dat er een tweede soort...
The return of Stelis signata in the Netherlands (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae)?Stelis signata had not been recorded in the Netherlands since 19. In 2013 and 2014 the species was found in the Strabrechtse Heide (province of Noord-Brabant) and Afferden (province of Limburg), respectively. On July 16, 2015 a single female was found at the Spre...
Wespblaaskoppen Leopoldius worden ondanks hun opvallende uiterlijk maar weinig waargenomen. De soorten zijn lastig van elkaar te onderscheiden en bovendien werden tot voor kort variabele kenmerken gebruikt, wat tot veel verwarring heeft geleid.Nu blijkt dat alleen vrouwtjes met zekerheid te herkennen zijn aan de vorm van het klampje. Dit is een lep...
The robber fly Choerades igneus new to the Netherlands (Diptera: Asilidae)
A new species of Asilidae of the subfamily Laphrinae is reported to the Dutch fauna: Choerades
igneus (Meigen, 1820) (fig. 1). It is very similar to the black and red Choerades gilvus (fig. 2).
Several authors treat this taxon as a synonym of C. gilvus (Jaennicke 1867, Lehr...
In Nederland is Tetanops sintenisi een recente aanwinst voor de fauna. De soort is in heel Europa zeldzaam, maar lijkt zich de laatste jaren uit te breiden, zo ook in Nederland. Een waarneming in de Noordelijke Friese Wouden nabij Oostermeer was bijzonder omdat het dier gevonden werd als prooi van een springspin. De meeste boor- en prachtvliegen he...
In October 2013, a female specimen of the social parasitic Polistes atrimandibularis was found with a pupa of a male twisted-wing insect in its abdomen. This turned out to be a new host for the genus Xenos, and is one of only few known cases of parasitism of a social parasite by Strepsiptera. Given the numbers of Polistes dominula present at the si...
Two new species of the genus Callicera Panzer are described from the Palaearctic region: C. exigua sp. nov. from the Russian Altay and C. scintilla sp. nov. from Jordan. A key is provided for all Callicera species of the Palaearctic Region.
Melangyna pavlovskyi new for the Netherlands (Diptera: Syrphidae)
The first records of Melangyna pavlovskyi (Violovitsh, 1956) from the Netherlands are
presented. This species has been described from the island Sakhalin in the Russian Far East.
Recently this species has spread to Europe and has been recorded from Denmark and Poland
(Bygebjerg 20...
A feasibility test of molecular identification of European fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) based on COI barcode sequences has been executed. A dataset containing 555 sequences of 135 ingroup species from three subfamilies and 42 genera and one single outgroup species has been analysed. 73.3% of all included species could be identified based on t...
Collection data of all specimens included in this study. (doi: 10.3897/zookeys.365.5819.app) File format: Microsoft Excel file (xls).
Rhingia rostrata rediscovered in the Netherlands (Diptera: Syrphidae)
After more than a hundred years of absence in the Netherlands a male of Rhingia rostrata was
caught in the spring of 2010 This record had been preluded by the rediscovery of this species
in Belgium in 2009, after 65 years of absence. In 2012 later the species was found in Belgium...
duistere heiderouwzwever in collectie 49 inleiding Naturalis is momenteel bezig met het digitaliseren van een deel van de collectie, waaronder de Nederlandse wolzwevers (Bombyliidae). Tijdens de voorbereidingen werd tussen de exemplaren van Exoprosopa capucina (Fabricius, 1785) een vrouwtje gevonden van E. cleomene Egger, 1859 (fig. 1), een soort d...
villa hottentotta toch op de nederlandse lijst 23 de hottentottenvilla villa hottentotta toch op de nederlandse lijst (diptera: bombyliidae) John Smit Wolzwevers zijn vliegen waarvan de larven parasitair leven bij andere insecten. Wol zwevers van het genus Villa veroorzaken vaak determinatieproblemen. Deze problemen lijken verleden tijd met recent...
Begrazing als beheervorm wordt breed toegepast in heidegebieden om op een betaalbare manier openheid van het landschap en variatie in levensgemeenschappen te handhaven. De wijze van uitvoering luistert daarbij nauw, maar goede inzichten in de effecten van graasdruk op insecten ontbraken tot nu toe. Dit artikel geeft de resultaten van een veldonderz...
Zodion kroeberi, a conopid fly new to the Netherlands (Diptera: Conopidae)
Zodion kroeberi is recorded for the first time in the Netherlands. The species is found on two localities in the southeast of the country: Verdronken land Saeftinghe (a salt marsh) and Stoppelbergen (heath land). The most probable host is Collectes succinctus, but also
C. ha...
A huge population of stylops melittae (Strepsiptera: Stylopidae)
An account is given on a huge nest aggregation of the bee Andrena vaga Panzer, 1799 infested
with its twisted winged parasite: Stylops melittae Kirby, 1802. A very early record of A. vaga on
February 13, 2011 at ‘the Stompert’ near the town of Soest revealed it was parasitized by Styl...
The hover fly Cheilosia vulpina new for the Netherlands (Diptera: Syrphidae)
In this paper Cheilosia vulpina (Meigen, 1822) is added to the Dutch list. Several specimens
have been collected in 2012 in different parts of Zuid-Limburg, the extreme southeast of the
country. Details of these records are provided and the differences between C. vulpina a...
pherbellia annulipes nieuw voor nederland 67 inleiding Er zijn talloze kleine vliegjes met getekende vleu-gels. Dit is niet alleen handig voor de herkenning door insectenonderzoekers, maar heeft ook een functie voor de vliegen zelf. Ze gebruiken hun vleugels om rivalen weg te jagen en bereidwillige vrouwen te lokken. Dit fenomeen is veel waar te ne...
Van de verspreiding van boor- en prachtvliegen in Nederland is nog maar weinig bekend. In dit artikel worden waarnemingen van 17 soorten boorvliegen en drie soorten prachtvliegen behandeld. Het gaat hierbij of om zeldzame het gaat hierbij of om zeldzame soorten of om waarnemingen die een aanzienlijke uitbreiding van het areaal betreffen. Daarnaast...
Van de verspreiding van boor- en prachtvliegen in Nederland is nog maar weinig bekend. In dit artikel worden waarnemingen van 17 soorten boorvliegen en drie soorten prachtvliegen behandeld. Het gaat hierbij of om zeldzame het gaat hierbij of om zeldzame soorten of om waarnemingen die een aanzienlijke uitbreiding van het areaal betreffen. Daarnaast...