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Publications (96)
Kim et al1 wrote that “IH [induced hypothermia] provides neuroprotection in animal models of cardiac arrest, but is of uncertain benefit in humans.” Indeed, as Desmond Morris wrote, humans are The Naked Ape .2 Other vertebrates have fur or insulating amounts of subcutaneous fat (whales and sea lions), or feathers and down, or live in warm environme...
The Bible instructs men to take a proactive approach to their problem with paternity - the possibility that a man's putative child may be another man's genetic offspring - by stoning brides who do not bleed on first penetration, by burning women who have become pregnant out of wedlock, by torturing and poisoning wives who are suspected of adultery,...
The assumption that anesthesia has no serious, long-term, adverse central nervous system consequences may be true for most patients between 6 months and 60 years of age. However, for patients younger than 6 months or older than 60 years, that status quo assumption is under challenge from a growing body of evidence. Fetuses and newborns appear to be...
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Altruism is traditionally encouraged by promoting a goal, for example, going to heaven. In contrast, Rachlin argues that altruistic behavior can be sufficiently reinforced by the abstract intrinsic reward that comes from maintaining an unbroken pattern of altruistic behavior. In my experience, there are very few people for whom this is true. For fe...
All obtainable investigations that have compared the incidence of vomiting in groups of patients who received nitrous oxide (N2O) and in patients who received anesthetics or analgesics without N2O were examined for a single, dichotomous variable: whether patients who received N2O experienced an absolutely higher incidence, as distinct from a statis...
The world's major religions espouse a moral code that includes injunctions against murder, theft, and lying — or so conventional 19th-and 20th-century Western wisdom would have it. Evidence put forth here argues that this convention is a conceit which does not apply to the West's own religious foundations. In particular, rules against murder, theft...
Hypothesizing that propofol's pro and anticonvulsant effects might be dose dependent, we determined the effect of 25, 50, and 100% of a previously determined anesthetic dose of propofol for rats on the amount of lidocaine required to induce seizures. Lidocaine was infused at 2.5 mg kg-1 min-1 into animals that were receiving either (a) 70% N2O bala...
Midazolam sedation has been shown to diminish recall of one to four cards shown prior to induction of general anesthesia in pediatric patients. This promising but limited finding prompted us to investigate the effect of midazolam sedation on retrograde and anterograde recall and recognition in children scheduled for elective surgery.
Forty patients...
It has been hypothesized recently that succinylcholine-associated increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) are caused by the paraben preservatives contained in multidose vials. We tested that hypothesis in a standard feline model to determine the effects on ICP of equal-volume injections of preservative-free succinylcholine, succinylcholine with pr...
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
An infusion of 0.1% trimetaphan was administered to eight cats with artificially increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in order to decrease their mean arterial pressure (MAP) from 121 +/- 9.5 (SEM) to 58 +/- 4.6 mm Hg in less than 1 min. All cats developed an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) (from 16 +/- 1.4 to 23 +/- 3.2 mm Hg) accompanied...
Arnfred's mouse model was used to test the effect of thiopental during hypoxia (5% O2) and anoxia, with and without simultaneous administration of nitrous oxide. As found by Arnfred and others, thiopental without N2O more than doubled survival time during hypoxia (from 5.2 +/- 0.6 to 13.9 +/- 2.6 min). This effect was completely offset by simultane...
The effect of vecuronium on intracranial pressure (ICP) was investigated in six cats with normal and increased ICP. Cats were
anaesthetized with pentobarbitone 33 mg kg−1 i.p. and acepromazine 0.6 mg kg−1 i.p., the trachea was intubated, and the lungs ventilated with nitrous oxide in oxygen. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart
rate (HR), twitch res...
Anesthesia was induced in 42 adults with thiopentone 3-7 mg/kg i.v. and maintained with isoflurane at a constant inspired concentration of 1-2%. After 30 min of hemodynamic stabilization with continuous muscle relaxation and an absence of surgical stimulation, each patient was randomly assigned to one of four metocurine dosage groups: I - control (...
The effect of atracurium on intracranial pressure (ICP) was investigated in six cats with normal and increased ICP. The cats were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal pentobarbitone (33 mg . kg-1), acepromazine (0.6 mg . kg-1) and incremental fentanyl (p.r.n. approximately equal to 20 micrograms . kg-1), intubated, and ventilated with nitrous oxide i...
In most cultures, extramarital sex is highly restricted for women. In most of those cultures, men transfer wealth to their own sons (patrilineal inheritance). In some cultures extramarital sex is not highly restricted for women, and in most of those cultures, men transfer wealth to their sisters' sons (matrilineal inheritance). Inheritance to siste...
The effect of diltiazem-induced hypotension on intracranial pressure (ICP) was studied in dogs with normal and elevated ICP. Eight dogs were anesthetized with intravenous pentobarbital, intubated, and ventilated with N2O:O2. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), ce...
In Reply.
—We did not make the "suggestion that in Abrams' cases N2O anesthesia contributed to the loss of light perception on the first postoperative day." On the contrary, we restated Abrams' postulation that "N2 entry into the SF6 bubble, continuing for 24 hours, increased IOPs [intraocular pressures] and caused central retinal artery occlusion...
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
Nitrous oxide is often used as anesthesia during ophthalmic surgery that requires intraocular injection of sulfur hexafluoride gas or air. Ventilation with N2O is known to increase intraocular pressure in the presence of intraocular bubbles, but little is known about the effect of N2O on intraocular bubble volume. Accordingly, we have compared the...
The effect of tetrodotoxin-induced hypotension on intracranial pressure (ICP) was investigated in cats with normal and artificially increased ICP. Cats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal pentobarbital (25-30 mg/kg), intubated, and ventilated with nitrous oxide in oxygen. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and pulmonary arterial pres...
Fifty-one patients were divided randomly into four groups: halothane in oxygen; fentanyl plus nitrous oxide in oxygen; enfhirane
in oxygen; or isoflurane in oxygen. Standardized bleeding time was measured using a Simplate II bleeding device before and
at least 40 min after the induction of anaesthesia. Arterial pressure was maintain at ±20% of cont...
ICP did not change after anesthetic induction with either thiopental or midazolam, and neither drug abolished the increase in ICP associated with laryngoscopy and intubation. No overall differences between midazolam and thiopental were detected during changes in HR and MAP. However, CPP was maintained more effectively during anesthetic induction in...
Thirty-four of seventy anesthesia staff members from an inner-city hospital evidenced past infection with hepatitis B. This is more than twice the prevalence previously reported for university-affiliated hospitals. Our findings suggest that screening before vaccinating is likely to be cost-effective for senior or foreign-born urban health care pers...
The effect of nifedipine-induced hypotension on intracranial pressure (ICP) was investigated in cats with normal and artificially increased ICP. Eleven cats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal pentobarbital (25 mg/kg), intubated, and ventilated with nitrous oxide in oxygen. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and mean pulmonary artery...
In anesthetized cats ventilated with oxygen, 0.5 ml of the inert gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was substituted for vitreous. When the ventilating gas was changed to nitrous oxide (N2O) 66%, balance oxygen, intraocular pressure increased from 14.4 to 30.3 mmHg in 19.5 min. When the ventilating gas was changed back to oxygen, intraocular pressure dec...
Bolus injections of succinylcholine (1.5 mg/kg) significantly increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in cats under normal conditions from control levels of 8 +/- 1 mm Hg to 16 +/- 3 mm Hg (+/- SEM, P less than 0.01), and in the presence of artificially increased ICP from control levels of 27 +/- 1 mm Hg to 47 +/- 4 mm Hg (P less than 0.01). These ap...
Non-growth mitosis may be a strategy for abandoning mitochondria that jeopardize the cell. If so, cancer may be a repeating series of unsuccessful attempts at this type of mitosis.
Cross-cultural data are used to test the hypotheses that (1) polygyny in humans is resource polygyny and (2) parents transfer wealth to male heirs when wealth increases the heirs' chance of obtaining multiple mates. A reinterpretation of Freud's Oedipus complex follows as an adjunct.
One of the oldest conjectures in anthropology is that men transfer wealth to their sister's son when the biological paternity of their ‘own’ children is in doubt1–12. Because maternity is certain, a man is necessarily related to his sister's son and his brother (see Fig. 1). It is argued here that relatedness to male heirs can be assured by passing...
Rapidly accumulating evidence indicates that light reduces the human pineal's inhibitory effect on the gonads. Artificially extended daily photoperiods, by allowing increased production of gonadal steroids, have probably accentuated the secular growth trend and may be causing males, especially adolescents and young adults, to have an overready horm...
Parent-offspring conflict, as put forth by R. L. Trivers, should be amended to exclude sequentially born offspring whose future siblings are expected to be full-sibs. The cost/benefit parameters set forth by Trivers for full-sibs should instead be applied to half-sibs. Accordingly, one should suspect that a diploid species which gives evidence of p...
Greater reproductive variance among males than among females is presented as a component of natural selection's influence in determining preferential treatment of males in the inheritance of wealth. In conjunction, the transmission of sex chromosomes and their attendant probabilities of carrying genes identical by descent are traced for several gen...
__________________________________________________________________ If a man is executed for rape, the cost side of his cost/benefit equation is his entire future reproductive success. Nevertheless, a propensity to rape when the chance of being punished is negligible would be naturally selected. Estimating the cost of rape can require extensive know...