Johannes Vrana

Johannes Vrana
Vrana GmbH - NDE Consulting and Solutions · CEO



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Dr. Johannes Vrana, born in 1978, studied physics at the Technical University of Munich and finished his PhD in 2008 at the University of Saarland on Thermographic Testing. Afterwards he worked for Siemens Power and Gas in Orlando, Berlin and Munich, was responsible for all supplier related NDE questions and was the Chairman of the Siemens NDE Council. Besides worldwide harmonization of NDT specifications and introduction of statistical tools, he was responsible for the development of automated UT and SAFT. In 2015 he started his own company “Vrana GmbH” in Rimsting, Germany which specializes in NDE consulting, R&D, and software development.
Additional affiliations
February 2020 - present
  • Research Director
May 2020 - present
Springer Nature
  • Editor
  • - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation - Editor for NDE 4.0
November 2015 - present
Vrana GmbH - NDE Consulting and Solutions
  • CEO
June 2004 - February 2008
Saarland University
Field of study
  • Physics
November 1998 - February 2004
Technical University of Munich
Field of study
  • Physics


Publications (169)
Cyber technologies are offering new horizons for quality monitoring and control in manufacturing and safety assurance of physical assets in service. The line between nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and Industry 4.0 is getting blurred since both are sensory data-driven domains. This multidisciplinary approach has led to the emergence of a new capabi...
Digital technologies provide significant efficiency gains to NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation) procedures. Digitalization of NDE further enhances its effectiveness and simplifies the processes. Digital transformation at the NDE ecosystem level can create unprecedented value for multiple stakeholders simultaneously. The aspects of technology (chapter...
The world of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitization since the third revolution. Over the last decade or so, digitalization has also been observed to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the fourth industrial revolution. The intermediary step of digitalization overlaps the third and fourth revolution...
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Just a few years back, when the term “NDE 4.0” was introduced at the ASNT Annual Conference, it was also mentioned it would become mainstream by the mid-2020s. At the recently concluded WCNDT 2024 in Korea, over half the presentations featured significant digital content—a trend similarly observed at ASNT 2024. As manufacturing is now rapidly under...
The cyber world of information technologies, digitization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, and NDE 4.0 presents similar complexities to the physical world, including threats such as: loss of information, human error, ethical lapses, malicious intent, and political interests. This chapter explores the critical area of cybersecurity. It examine...
As with the previous revolutions, the goal of the fourth revolution is to make manufacturing, design, logistics, maintenance, and other related fields faster, more efficient, and more customer centric. This holds for classical industries, for civil engineering, and for NDE and goes along with new business opportunities and models. Core components...
Dieses Merkblatt bietet einen Überblick, wie die Entwicklung eines KI-Systems ablaufen kann, zeigt die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Verfahren auf und legt möglichst anschaulich dar, worauf für die erfolgreiche Abwicklung eines KI-Projekts zu achten ist. Bevor es aber konkret um die Entwicklung von KI-Systemen und das Training von KI-Modellen geht,...
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The cyber world of information technologies, digitization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, and NDE 4.0 presents similar complexities to the physical world, including threats such as: loss of information, human error, ethical lapses, malicious intent, and political interests. This chapter explores the critical area of cybersecurity. It examine...
If digital transformation is not the ultimate goal, then what is? There are many common myths and misconceptions surrounding digital transformation. Technology plays a role, to be sure, but it’s not the only essential ingredient. A true digital transformation strategy requires many incremental steps involving changes in culture, business models, an...
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Data is the backbone of digitalization, digital transformation, and NDE 4.0, but the full potential of this resource remains unused. The handling of data—in particular the question of data access, use, ownership, and rights—is often unclear. In a lot of current-day scenarios, connected products are black boxes for the user. The manufacturers of th...
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The world of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitization since the third revolution. Over the last decade or so, digitalization has also been observed to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the fourth industrial revolution. The intermediary step of digitalization overlaps the third and fourth revolution...
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Data is the backbone of digitalization, digital transformation, and NDE 4.0, but the full potential of this resource remains unused. The handling of data, in particular the question of data access, use, ownership, and rights, is often unclear. In a lot of current-day scenarios, connected products are black boxes for the user. The manufacturers of t...
Conference Paper
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Die vierte industrielle Revolution, die durch die stärkere Integration digitaler Technologien in berufliche und soziale Bereiche eingeleitet wurde, bietet die Möglichkeit, die Gesellschaft positiv zu beeinflussen. Wenn die Situation klar ist, hat der Mensch die enorme Fähigkeit, das soziale Wohlergehen innovativ zu verbessern. Das war während der e...
Conference Paper
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ZfP 4.0 - oder die Digitalisierung und digitale Transformation des Inspektions-Ökosystems - geht auf das Jahr 2017 zurück. Durch mehrere Artikel, Bücher, Special Issues und durch Kurse und Keynotes haben die Autoren weltweit dazu beigetragen dieses neue Feld voranzubringen und in Gremienarbeit und öffentlich geförderten Projekten haben sie an der n...
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NDE 4.0 was coined in 2017 and defined as “cyber-physical nondestructive evaluation (including testing); arising out of a confluence of Industry 4.0 digital technologies, physical nondestructive testing methods, and business models; to enhance inspection performance, integrity engineering, and decision-making for safety, sustainability, and quality...
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, ushered by the deeper integration of digital technologies into professional and social spaces, provides an opportunity to meaningfully serve society. Humans have tremendous capability to innovatively improve social well-being when the situation is clear, which was not the case during the first three revolutions. Th...
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Digital transformation of quality and safety assurance through inspections requires standards for data storage and communication across the ecosystem. In addition, the engineering community responsible for manufacturing and maintenance of assets requires some way to preserve data over a long period of time. The open international standard DICONDE (...
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What you don't know can't hurt you' does NOT apply to Digital Transformation, as it is changing the value proposition from 'competitive advantage' to a 'must do initiative'. NDE has seen revolutions somewhat parallel to industry. The current trends in cyber-physical technologies offer new possibilities wherein the inspectors can see the anomaly on...
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In der „Richtlinie zur Festlegung des Prüfrasters bei der automatisierten Ultraschallprüfung großer Schmiedestücke“ (DGZfP US 07) werden die Grundlagen zur Berechnung des Prüfrasters mit Fokus auf die automatisierte Prüfung dargelegt. Diese Richtlinie enthält zum einen die Formel für die Berechnung der normierten Prüfrastergüte auf Basis des Schall...
“Industry 4.0” stands for the fourth industrial revolution, the transition from production by computer controlled isolated machines to the concept of a smart factory, where machines, materials, and personnel are digitally connected, to actively adapt to changes in workflow. It emerges from the confluence of operational technologies (OT) and informa...
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution, ushered by the deeper integration of digital technologies into professional and social spaces, provides an opportunity to meaningfully serve society. Humans have tremendous capability to innovatively improve social well-being when the situation is clear. Which was not the case during the first three revolutions. Th...
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DICONDE (Digital Imaging and Communication in Non-Destructive Evaluation) is an open international standard for storing and exchanging industrial test data and process-related information. The DICONDE standard defines both the semantics for structured storage of data and the network-based communication between two endpoints. This allows many test p...
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DICONDE (Digital Imaging and Communication in Non-Destructive Evaluation) ist ein offener internationaler Standard zur Speicherung und zum Austausch industrieller Prüfdaten und prozessbezogener Informationen. Der DICONDE-Standard definiert sowohl die Semantik für eine strukturierte Speicherung von Daten als auch die netzwerkbasierte Kommunikation z...
Conference Paper
Reliability evaluations are useful tools to assess the capability of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. The knowledge of reliability leads to a deeper understanding of the methods applied and to a more advanced use of equipment, material and work force. In addition, each condition assessment also depends on the reliability of the inspection dat...
Conference Paper
Digital transformation is the most misused term in recent years in addition to being a popular sales buzzword. Part of the confusion comes from it being a long journey with an ever-changing destination and new pathways emerging all the time. All of us can only see a small fraction of the vast landscape based on our past experiences and current cont...
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In the summer of 2021, Singh and Garg collaborated with an artificial intelligence (AI) agent (GPT-3) to research human factors in decision-making in the context of NDE 4.0. They created an interface script to engage with AI. The outcome was published in the Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation in August 2021. The authors shared their experience in...
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Digital transformation is at the core of the current industrial revolution. The nondestructive evaluation (NDE) sector has started embracing it under the broad theme of NDE 4.0. It is changing the value proposition of inspection processes from “an undesirable quality check” to a “much-needed source of data, information, and knowledge,” from manufac...
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Digital Transformation is at the heart of the current industrial revolution, and it won’t spare the non-destructive evaluation (NDE) sector. It is changing the value proposition of inspection processes from ‘an undesirable quality check’ to a ‘much-needed source of data, information, and knowledge’ from manufacturing to service life maintenance. No...
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Digital transformation is the most misused term in recent years in addition to being a popular sales buzzword. Part of the confusion comes from it being a long journey with an ever-changing destination and new pathways emerging all the time. All of us can only see a small fraction of the vast landscape based on our past experiences and current cont...
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Digital transformation is the most misused term in recent years in addition to being a popular sales buzzword. Part of the confusion comes from it being a long journey with an ever-changing destination and new pathways emerging all the time. All of us can only see a small fraction of the vast landscape based on our past experiences and current cont...
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Usage of non-destructive testing or evaluation (NDT/E) techniques is widely accepted across various industries all over the world in order to maintain certain safety and quality standards. However, not many countries really perform the reliability evaluation of their NDT techniques. In this context, this article discusses the importance of reliabil...
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Regardless of its local name, fahrplans, hoja de ruta or feuille de route, Roadmaps through time have been instru-mental for guiding and thrusting sociocultural, economic, technological and even political changes around the world. When recently a diverse community of NDE 4.0 stakeholders, dispersed over continents and industries, began to interact...
Regardless of its local name, fahrplans, hoja de ruta or feuille de route, Roadmaps through time have been instrumental for guiding and thrusting sociocultural, economic, technological, and even political changes around the world. When recently a diverse community of NDE 4.0 stakeholders, dispersed over continents and industries, began to interact...
Conference Paper
Regardless of its local name, fahrplans, hoja de ruta or feuille de route, Roadmaps through time have been instrumental for guiding and thrusting sociocultural, economic, technological, and even political changes around the world. When recently a diverse community of NDE 4.0 stakeholders, dispersed over continents and industries, began to interact...
Non-destructive testing (NDT) became an indispensable element of condi-tion assessment in civil infrastructure and many other safety-related indus-tries. Each NDT method has unique strengths and weaknesses, and there is increased interest in using them in concert to provide the best overall assess-ment. However, the use of the full potential of NDT...
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‘What you don't know can't hurt you’ does NOT apply to Digital Transformation, as it is changing the value proposition from ‘competitive advantage’ to a ‘must do initiative’. The NDE has seen revolutions somewhat parallel to industry. The current trends in cyber-physical technologies offer new possibilities wherein the inspectors can see the anomal...
Conference Paper
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Seit beinahe 50 Jahren werden Zuverlässigkeitsbewertungen zerstörungsfreier Prüfverfahren erfolgreich in unterschiedlichen Industriebranchen eingesetzt. Dennoch gibt es weiterhin viele Vorbehalte, da die Bewertungsgrundlage nicht standardisiert ist und konkrete Handlungsanweisungen fehlen. Dem gegenüber steht die Anerkennung in der ZfP-Community. E...
Conference Paper
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Im Rahmen des WIPANO Vorhabens „normPOD“ wird eine Richtlinie zur experimentellen und simulationsgestützten Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung erstellt. In der Richtlinie wird die Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung beispielhaft für zwei praktische Anwendungsfälle vorgestellt. Ein Anwendungsfall beschäftigt sich mit konventionellen Ultraschallprüfungen an ferritische...
Conference Paper
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ZfP 4.0, NDE 4.0, oder die ZfP im Zeichen der Digitalisierung und Digitalen Transformation, begann 2017 in Deutschland [2,3] und wird zunehmend zu einem weltweiten Trend in der ZfP Community. Dieser Vortrag bietet einen Überblick über NDE 4.0 "Digitization", "Digitalization" und "Digital Transformation" Aktivitäten, wie die Erstellung der "Guidelin...
Conference Paper
This conversation style keynote is aimed at inspiring leaders to embark on the digital transformation journey in domain of inspections for stakeholder safety and economic value. Presenters have been leading the topic for the last 4 years with extensive research on why, what, and how of NDE 4.0. In this presentation they will discuss (a) trends in t...
This handbook comprehensively covers the cutting-edge trends and techniques essential for the integration of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) into the changing face of the modern industrial landscape. In particular, it delves into the marriage of NDE with new techniques in e.g. data mining, cloud computing and autonomous operation, highlighting the...
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Informatization is defined as the process by which information technologies, such as the World Wide Web and other communication technologies, have transformed economic and social relations to such an extent that cultural and economic barriers are minimized. What does this mean for nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/E)? In short: informatiz...
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Cyber technologies are offering new horizons for quality control in manufacturing and safety assurance of physical assets in service. The line between non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and Industry 4.0 is getting blurred since both are sensory data-driven domains. This multidisciplinary approach has led to the emergence of a new capability: NDE 4.0....
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Digital technologies provide significant efficiency gains to NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation) procedures. Digitalization of NDE further enhances its effectiveness and simplifies the processes. Digital transformation at the NDE ecosystem level can create unprecedented value for multiple stakeholders simultaneously. The aspects of technology, informat...
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The world of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitization since the third revolution. Over the last decade or so, digitalization has also been observed to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the fourth industrial revolution. The intermediary step of digitalization overlaps the third and fourth revolution...
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As with the previous revolutions, the goal of the fourth revolution is to make manufacturing, design, logistics, maintenance, and other related fields faster, more efficient, and more customer centric. This holds for classical industries, for civil engineering, and for NDE and goes along with new business opportunities and models. Core components...
Adapted for ASNT with links to additional YouTube videos not in the original edition Make NDE 4.0 work for you! The World of NDE 4.0: Let the Journey Begin presents the fundamentals of NDE 4.0 for researchers, developers, users, or service providers. It provides an outline for the development and profitable design of a working environment based on...
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Across so many industries, non-destructive evaluation has proven its worth time and again through quality and safety assurance of valuable assets. Yet, over time, it became underappreciated in business decisions. In most cases, the data gathered by NDT is used for quality assurance assessments resulting in binary decisions. And we seem to miss out...
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Digital technologies provide significant efficiency gains to NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation) procedures. Digitalization of NDE further enhances its effectiveness and simplifies the processes. Digital transformation at the NDE ecosystem level can create unprecedented value for multiple stakeholders simultaneously. The aspects of technology [1], info...
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The world of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitization since the third revolution. Over the last decade or so, digitalization has also been observed to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the fourth industrial revolution. The intermediary step of digitalization overlaps the third and fourth revolution...
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Digital transformation of the inspection systems is inevitable. Pursuit of this opportunity amidst uncertainty makes “a well-defined purpose” and “robust process” essential. This book provides an overview of the purpose of NDE 4.0 (why?), underlying technologies (what?) and ways to overcome the challenges (how?) to successfully pursue confluence of...
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'What you don't know can't hurt you' does NOT apply to Digital Transformation, as it is changing the value proposition from 'competitive advantage' to a 'must do initiative'. The NDE has seen revolutions from being able to detect very small surface anomalies to obscure material changes, and digital data processing. The current trends in cyber-physi...
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As with the previous revolutions, the goal of the fourth revolution is to make manufacturing, design, logistics, maintenance, and other related fields faster, more efficient, and more customer centric. This holds for classical industries, for civil engineering, and for NDE and goes along with new business opportunities and models. Core components...
This handbook comprehensively covers the cutting-edge trends and techniques essential for the integration of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) into the changing face of the modern industrial landscape. In particular, it delves into the marriage of NDE with new techniques in e.g. data mining, cloud computing and autonomous operation, highlighting the...
Conference Paper
Zusammenfassung Die ZfP ist im Bauwesen bisher deutlich weniger reguliert (und auch akzeptiert) als in anderen Industriebereichen. Zum Beispiel gibt für die meisten Prüfverfahren weder Normen noch ein allgemein akzeptiertes Ausbildungs-und Zertifizie-rungssystem. Dies hat auch Konsequenzen für die Digitalisierung. Im Gegensatz dazu wird im Bauwesen...
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Like with the previous revolutions the goal of the fourth revolution is to make manufacturing, design, logistics, maintenance, and other related fields faster, more efficient, and more customer centric. This holds for classical industries, for civil engineering, and for NDE and goes along with new business opportunities and models. Core components...
Conference Paper
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Seit 1999 existiert das MIL-HDBK 1823, die amerikanische Richtlinie zur Erstellung einer Probability of Detection (POD; Fehlerdetektionswahrscheinlichkeit). Obwohl das Dokument als internationaler Stand der Technik angesehen wird, ist ihre Handhabung für die allgemeine Anwendung in der ZfP-Praxis von einigen Nachteilen begleitet: 1. Die beschriebe...
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The world of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitisation since the Third Industrial Revolution. Over the last decade or so, we have also observed digitalisation, to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). This, however, needs serious connectivity of technolog...
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Cyber technologies are offering new horizons for quality control in manufacturing and safety assurance of physical assets in service. The line between non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and Industry 4.0 is getting blurred since both are sensory data-driven domains. This multidisciplinary approach has led to the emergence of a new capability: NDE 4.0....
Conference Paper
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Like with the previous revolutions the goal of the fourth revolution is to make manufacturing, design, logistics, maintenance, and other related fields faster, more efficient, and more customer-centric. This holds both for classical industries, for civil engineering, and for NDE and goes along with new business opportunities and models. Core compon...
Conference Paper
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‘What you don't know can't hurt you’ does NOT apply to Digital Transformation. The current pandemic (Covid-19) is changing the value proposition of digital transformation from ‘competitive advantage’ to a ‘must do initiative’. The hidden cost of not adopting Industry 4.0 is likely to be far greater than the visible cost of adopting it. In the inspe...
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Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens der DGZfP zur Thematik „ZfP 4.0“ vorgestellt und diskutiert. Die Befragung zielte darauf ab, das allgemeine Verständnis der ZfP-Community zur Begrifflichkeit „ZfP 4.0“ herauszuarbeiten und daraus Bedarfe und Handlungsempfehlungen für die identifizierten Herausforderungen abzuleiten. Auße...
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The world of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) has seen digitisation since the third revolution. Over the last decade or so, we have also observed digitalisation, to a point where it is now ready for digital transformation, in sync with the fourth industrial revolution. This however needs serious connectivity of technology and processes, which furth...
Conference Paper
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With each revolution industry, maintenance, capital and consumer devices, infrastructure, society, and many more are growing closer with rising mutual influence. The third revolution started the digitization of data and the digitalization of processes, which are now omnipresent. The fourth revolution takes the next step by digital transformation, b...
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NDE 4.0 Keynote
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Cyber technologies are offering new horizons for quality control in manufacturing and safety assurance in-service of physical assets. The line between non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and Industry 4.0 is getting blurred since both are sensory data-driven domains. This multidisciplinary approach has led to the emergence of a new capability: NDE 4.0....
Large rotor forged parts, which are usually one of the most critical components in land-based turbines and generators for power generation, require a complex volumetric test for a sufficient service life. This is usually performed manually or automatically with ultrasound. New requirements, designs and materials require more sensitive testing. This...
Inhalt Vorwort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Plenarvortrag Digitalisierung für das Prüfprozessmanagement in der Fertigungsmesstechnik. . . . . 3 Teil I: Messunsicherheit praxisgerecht bestimmen 2021 Thermodynamische und chemische Messgrößen Der absolute pH-Wert pHabs und seine Messunsicherheit . . . . . . . . . . 13 Messunsicherheitsbetra...
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What you don't know can't hurt you' does NOT apply to Digital Transformation. The current pandemic (Covid-19) is changing the value proposition of digital transformation from 'competitive advantage' to a 'must do initiative'. The hidden cost of not adopting Industry 4.0 is likely to be far greater than the visible cost of adopting it. In the inspec...
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Conference Paper
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Historiker unterteilen die industrielle Revolution in drei Phasen: Mechanisierung (Dampfmaschine), technische (Elektronik, Massenproduktion) und digitale (Mikroelektronik) Revolution. Eine ähnliche Entwicklung gab es bei der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung (ZfP): Werkzeuge, wie Linsen oder Stethoskope, die es ermöglichten, die menschlichen Sinne zu verbe...
Up until recently, the industrial revolution was divided into three phases: (1) simple mechanization; (2) mass production; and (3) automation. Similarly, nondestructive evaluation (NDE) can be divided into three phases: (1) tools, such as lenses, sharpened the human senses; (2) the conversion of waves made the invisible visible by offering a “look”...
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Die industrielle Revolution wird von Historikern in drei Phasen unterteilt: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (Mechanisierung), die Elektrizität (Massenproduktion) und die Mikroelektrische Revolution (Automatisierung). Ähnlich bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung: Werkzeuge, wie Linsen oder Stethoskope erlauben die menschlichen Sinne zu schärfen...
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Große Rotor-Schmiedeteile, die in der Regel eines der kritischsten Bauteile in landgestützten Turbinen und Generatoren für die Energieerzeugung darstellen, setzen für eine ausreichende Lebensdauer eine aufwändige volumetrische Prüfung voraus. Diese wird für gewöhnlich manuell oder automatisiert mit Ultraschall durchgeführt. Durch neue Anforderungen...
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Historians split recent times into three industrial revolutions: mechanization (steam power), technical (electric power and mass production), and digital (computing and microelectronics). The world of NDE has a parallel: tools to sharpen human senses, wave application to view inside the components, and digital processing and automation. As the indu...
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Die Ergebnisse zerstörungsfreier Prüfungen und bruchmechanischer Analysen großer Schmiedeteile werden zur Vorhersage der Bauteillebensdauer und zur Definition von Wartungszyklen verwendet. Bei der volumetrischen Ultraschallprüfung können Prüfstücke ohne Anzeige Materialinhomogenitäten mit einer Reflektivität kleiner der Nachweisgrenze aufweisen. Da...
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Historians split the industrial revolution into three phases: mechanization (steam engine), technical (electronics, mass production) and digital (microelectronics) revolution. A similar development occurred in nondestructive testing: tools, like lenses or stethoscopes allowed to enhance human senses, the conversion of waves makes the non-visible vi...
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The industrial revolution is divided into three phases by historians: The invention of the steam engine (mechanization), electricity (mass production) and the microelectric revolution (automation). There was a similar development in non-destructive evaluation: tools such as lenses or stethoscopes allowed the human senses to be sharpened, the conver...
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- Definition Industry 4.0 and NDE 4.0 - Basics of Industry 4.0 and NDE 4.0 including , Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), Digital Twin, Smart Factory, .... - Standard software interfaces (OPC UA and DICONDE) and standard data formats for easy access
Active thermography with electromagnetic excitation, is a reliable non-destructive evaluation method with a wide range of applications. It allows detecting inhomogeneities, like cracks, at or close to the surface of conductive components fast and reliable utilizing infrared imaging. Electric current can be used in two ways for thermography: In indu...
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Die industrielle Revolution wird von Historikern in drei Phasen unterteilt: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (Mechanisierung), die Elektrizität (Massenproduktion) und die Mikroelektrische Revolution (Automatisierung). Eine ähnliche Entwicklung gab es bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung: Werkzeuge wie Linsen oder Stethoskope erlaubten, die mens...
Die industrielle Revolution wird von Historikern in drei Phasen unterteilt: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (Mechanisierung), die Elektrizität (Massenproduktion) und die Mikroelektrische Revolution (Automatisierung). Ähnlich bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung: Werkzeuge, wie Linsen oder Stethoskope erlaubten die menschlichen Sinne zu schärfe...
Conference Paper
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Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen werden zur Vorhersage der Lebensdauer und der Wartungszyklen benutzt. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass auch Objekte ohne detektierte Anzeigen Materialfehler mit einer Reflektivität kleiner der Nachweisgrenze aufweisen können. Keine detektierte Anzeige bedeutet daher für Bauteilauslegung, dass sie eine konservative...
Conference Paper
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Die industrielle Revolution wird von Historikern in drei Phasen unterteilt: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (Mechanisierung), die Elektrizität (Massenproduktion) und die Mikroelektrische Revolution (Automatisierung). Ähnlich bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung: Werkzeuge, wie Linsen oder Stethoskope erlaubten die menschlichen Sinne zu schärfe...
Conference Paper
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Die Ultraschallprüfung mittels Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) bietet mehrere Vorteile: Sie verbessert Nachweisgrenze, Defektlokalisierung und die Möglichkeiten zur Trennung nahe benachbarter Defektanzeigen. Siemens hat dazu eine Software entwickelt, die eine schnelle SAFT-Rekonstruktion (2D/3D) mit der anschließenden Visualisierung re...
Conference Paper
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Kurzfassung: Trotz moderner Sensortechnologien und Rekonstruktionsmethoden, findet die manuelle und automatisierte Ultraschallprüfung durch konventionelle Senkrecht-und Winkelprüfköpfe vielfach industriellen Einsatz. Um einen flexiblen Prüfeinsatz und die Prüfbarkeit von einfachen sowie komplexen Geometrien zu gewährleisten, werden dort oftmals Vor...
Conference Paper
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Große Rotor-Schmiedeteile, die üblicherweise eine der kritischsten Bauteile in landgestützten Turbinen und Generatoren für die Energieerzeugung darstellen, setzen für eine ausreichende Lebensdauer eine aufwändige volumetrische Prüfung voraus. Diese wird üblicherweise manuell oder automatisiert mit Ultraschall durchgeführt. Durch neue Anforderungen,...
Conference Paper
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Turbinenscheiben unterliegen im Betrieb hohen Beanspruchungen und werden daher im Rahmen des Herstellungsprozesses mit Ultraschall geprüft. Bei besonders hoch belasteten Scheiben wird inzwischen – neben der klassischen Ultraschallprüfung - eine SAFT Analyse (Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique) durchgeführt, durch die das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis...
Große Rotor-Schmiedeteile, die üblicherweise eine der kritischsten Bauteile in landgestützten Turbinen und Generatoren für die Energieerzeugung darstellen, setzen für eine ausreichende Lebensdauer eine aufwändige volumetrische Prüfung voraus. Diese wird üblicherweise manuell oder automatisiert mit Ultraschall durchgeführt. Durch neue Anforderungen,...
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Die industrielle Revolution wird von Historikern in drei Phasen unterteilt: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (Mechanisierung), die Elektrizität (Massenproduktion) und die Mikroelektrische Revolution (Automatisierung). Eine ähnliche Entwicklung gab es bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung: Werkzeuge, wie Linsen oder Stethoskope erlaubten die mens...
Article MESS- UND PRÜFTECHNIK – Die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung (ZfP) ermöglicht den Blick in das Innere von Komponenten, Fügestellen und Klebeverbindungen und liefert damit die optimale Datenbasis für Prozessüberwachung, -verbesserung, für Lebensdaue...
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Forgings, like most demanding components, are inspected with volumetric and surface detection NDT methods, either manually or using automated systems. The data collected during automated inspection gets processed and analyzed. Similarly, the inspector analyzes the information he sees during manual inspections. The results, like size and position of...
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In the field of ultrasonic testing there are two key questions: Which defects can be found and – in the case indications are found – do they restrict the use of the part? Regarding both questions, the prerequisite is a method for defect sizing. Over the last decades sizing methods were established like DAC (Distance Amplitude Correction) or DGS (Di...


Questions (13)
The EU Data Act might be the law enabling smart homes, smart factories, Industry 4.0, and Digital Transformation. So what does the act require from OEMs and what does it offer to the various stakeholders? And what are its implications?
Dear Digital Transformation specialists & experts, I bet you can also see the impact of the digital transformation of companies on various departments, employees, customers, patients, suppliers, and on society. We have started together with the Springer Nature Journal "Digital Society" a special issue on "The Impact of Digital Transformation on Society". With your experience, I bet you can add some fascinating papers to this special issue. Thanks a lot to Federica Russo, editor-in-chief of Digital Society, for trusting us with this special issue.
The term NDE 4.0 originates from the idea of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. It is defined as the cyber-physical confluence between non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) and digital technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins, Robotics, Advanced Sensing, and Sensor Networks. These ideas have the potential to become a cyber-physical NDE ecosystem (similar to the ongoing transformations in the medical and mobile communication sectors) that reshapes many traditional NDE, structural health monitoring, and prognoses. NDE 4.0 is also about the inspection of new generations of multi-functional components like additively manufactured parts and about fully automated inspection systems integrated into smart factories. Interest in this interdisciplinary field is growing and has the potential to involve all aspects of NDE. This special issue is focused on NDE 4.0, especially from a physics perspective.
Guest editors:
  • Antonello Tamburrino
  • Johannes Vrana
  • Norbert Meyendorf
  • Zheng Liu
Manchmal überrascht einen das Leben und die Aktionen von so manchen Mitmenschen und es zeigt recht deutlich warum in Deutschland die Digitalisierung und Digitale Transformation nicht vorankommt:
Der englische Wikipedia Artikel zu ZfP 4.0 wurde von Nathan Ida erstellt (ich habe mich extra nicht bei der ursprünglichen Erstellung eingemischt damit keiner den Punkt Interessenskonflikt aufführen kann) und es hat über ein halbes Jahr gedauert bis der Artikel freigegeben war. Nachdem der Artikel freigegeben war habe ich ihn dann übersetzt. Möglichst 1:1. Jetzt kommt ein, anscheinend recht aktives Mitglied der Wikipedia Gemeinde mit dem Pseudonym darkking3, und stellt einen Löschantrag: "Der Autor des Artikels ist identisch mit dem Verfasser der als relevanzgebenden ersten Referenz. Dementsprechend liegt mindestens eine Eigenreferenzierung und damit ein Interessenkonflikt vor." darkking3 schreibt weiter: "Möglicherweise (bzw. für mich sehr wahrscheinlich) fällt der Artikel auch in nicht offengelegtes bezahltes Schreiben."
Hier der link zum Löschantrag: Auf Argumente dass ich den Artikel gar nicht geschrieben habe sondern nur übersetzt geht er nicht ein sondern bleibt bei seinem Argument. Interessant finde ich auch dieses Argument von darkking3: "Auch Beteuerungen dahingehend, dass keine kommerziellen Interessen verfolgt werden, sind wertlos, da sie nicht prüfbar sind." Ist das nicht eine allgemeine Schuldvermutung??? Interessant finde ich auch folgende Statements:
  • "Bei den ganzen Wortmeldungen sollte ggf. mal darüber nachgedacht werden, sich vielleicht zuerst der 29 aufgezählten Verfahren anzunehmen, fehlende ZfP Artikel zu erstellen und bestehende zu verbessern, anstatt neue anzulegen und zu versuchen, gefühlte Buzzwords zu etablieren."
  • "1. Der deutsche Begriff, im Gegensatz zum englischen, existiert in der Fachwelt so nicht. Es handelt sich um Begriffsetablierung. 2. Mindestens der Abschnitt "Geschichte" ist unbelegte Theoriefindung. 3. Die Belegarbeit ist bestenfalls unsauber, mit zahlreichen Einzelnachweisen die gemachte Aussagen nicht belegen bzw. bei denen es sich vorsichtig formuliert um Theoriefindung handelt. Sekundärliteratur ist Mangelware. In dieser Form kann man das verlustfrei löschen"
  • "Schwurbel-Beitrag, der bereits in der Einleitung einen kompletten Ausfall darstellt"
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Sizing indications with ultrasonics can be challenging. For large indications sizing by probe travel is appropriate, for indications smaller than the beam width amplitude-based sizing. But what about indications smaller than the wavelength? This video is all about those TINY defects and why you should NEVER use Flat Bottom Holes smaller than ¼ of the wavelength!
► Video: Sizing of Small Defects with Ultrasonic Testing: Don't use Flat Bottom Holes!!!
► Paper: Correct sizing of reflectors smaller than one wavelength
► Video: Ultrasonic Testing Sizing Method Comparison & Limitations
► Video: Basics of Ultrasonic Testing and Sizing
► Video: Ultrasonic Calibration and Sizing with DGS (AVG)