Johan Korhonen

Johan Korhonen
Johan verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Johan verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Åbo Akademi University · Faculty of Education



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My research focuses mainly on (1) mathematical learning difficulties and (2) cognitive and affective factors related to mathematics performance. Currently, math anxiety is in the spotlight in my ongoing research projects.
Additional affiliations
August 2020 - October 2023
Åbo Akademi University
  • Professor (Associate)
  • A tenure track position in Educational Psychology
August 2019 - July 2020
Åbo Akademi University
  • Senior Lecturer
August 2008 - July 2019
Åbo Akademi University
  • Univesity teacher


Publications (87)
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Inter- and intraindividual differences in Finnish adolescents’ developmental trajectories of school engagement and burnout (exhaustion, inadequacy, and cynicism) and their associations with students’ concurrent progression in mathematics performance and educational aspirations were investigated in an accelerated longitudinal study design spanning a...
We investigated the levels of and changes in mathematics anxiety (MA), symbolic numerical magnitude processing (SNMP) and arithmetic skills, and how those changes are linked to each other. Children’s (n = 264) MA, SNMP and arithmetic skills were measured in Grade 1, and again in Grade 2, also including a mathematics performance test. All three cons...
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The experience of math anxiety can have detrimental effects on students' math performance, and researchers have in recent years tried to design interventions aiming at reducing math anxiety. This meta-analysis aimed to examine the effectiveness of math anxiety interventions in reducing math anxiety and improving math performance. The meta-analysis...
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Students with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD) struggle with number processing skills (e.g., enumeration and number comparison) and arithmetic fluency. Traditionally, MLD is identified based on arithmetic fluency. However, number processing skills are suggested to differentiate low achievement (LA) from MLD. This study investigated the accu...
This study examined the dynamics of students' school engagement and burnout (exhaustion, cynicism) in primary school, considering both individual and classroom levels, and how teachers' occupational well-being predicted students' well-being across one school year. Data from 679 Finnish primary school students (Grades 4–6) and their teachers across...
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Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, voidaanko ensimmäisellä luokalla tunnistaa oppilasryhmiä, joiden profiilit matemaattisissa taidoissa ja motivaatiossa ovat erilaisia. Tutkimukseen osallistui 265 norjalaista ensiluokkalaista (ikä KA = 6 v 9 kk), joiden matemaattisista taidoista arvioitiin lukumääräisyyden tajua (yksi- ja kaksinumeroisten lukujen vertailu...
We investigated Norwegian children's (n = 262) development in arithmetic fluency from first to third grade. Children's arithmetic fluency was measured at four time points, domain-specific (i.e., symbolic magnitude processing and number sequences) and domain-general skills (i.e., working memory, rapid naming, non-verbal reasoning, and sustained atte...
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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja pilotoida luokassa toteutettavia matematiikka-ahdistusta lieventäviä harjoitusohjelmia. Tutkimukseen osallistui 80 viides- ja kuudesluokkalaista (KA = 12.3 v.). Jokaiselle luokalle arvottiin yksi kolmesta harjoitusohjelmasta, jota tehtiin matematiikan tuntien alussa, noin 3–6 minuuttia, kolme kertaa v...
This study aimed to investigate profiles of math emotions and performance, and their stability when students transition from Grade 4 to 5 (n = 345). Furthermore, differences in school burnout levels associated with profile membership were investigated. A latent profile analysis was conducted to identify subgroups of students with different patterns...
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The current study assessed reliability and validity evidence of the shortened Swedish Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale—Elementary (MARS-E), using data from three time points. After initial pilot tests, a total of 429 students participated in the study, completing the MARS-E twice during grade 4 and once during grade 5. Confirmatory factor analyses...
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Introduction Burnout and engagement are pivotal for adolescents' well‐being and have received extensive attention in the educational literature. However, less is known about how these factors develop and interact within and between school and sport when adolescent athletes follow dual (school and sport) careers. The aim of this study was to examine...
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Mathematical word problem-solving skills are crucial for students across their lives, yet solving such tasks poses challenges for many. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of mathematical word problems that are associated with students’ performance is important. The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the...
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Working memory (WM) capacity influences students' mathematics performance together with their emotional and motivational tendencies. The negative relationship between math anxiety and both WM and performance is well-established, and some studies have also found WM to mediate the effect of math anxiety on mathematics performance. However, much less...
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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja pilotoida luokassa toteutettavia matematiikka-ahdistusta lieventäviä harjoitusohjelmia. Tutkimukseen osallistui 80 viides-ja kuudesluokkalaista (KA = 12.3 v.). Jokaiselle luokalle arvottiin yksi kolmesta harjoitusohjelmasta, jota tehtiin matematiikan tuntien alussa, noin 3-6 minuuttia, kolme kertaa vi...
In Finland teachers have historically held a high degree of trust and respect, where they have been thought of not only as teachers but educators in a broader sense. This is reflected by the national curriculum dictating that teachers should not only teach, but see to their students’ social development. Interested in how this second task relates to...
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Background Motivational beliefs seem to decline for many during adolescence. Although this may reflect a mismatch between students' needs and the secondary schools' resources, general declines may also stem from increased dimensional comparison processes: students’ motivational beliefs tend to become increasingly domain-specific during adolescence....
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The current study assessed reliability and validity evidence of the shortened Swedish Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale – Elementary (MARS-E), using data from three time points. After initial pilot tests, a total of 429 students participated in the study, completing the MARS-E twice during grade 4 and once during grade 5. Confirmatory factor analyse...
We investigated lower secondary school students' (N = 511, M age = 15.3 years, girls 51.9 %) perfectionistic profiles, profile stability during the ninth grade, and how profile stability and transitions relate to students' well-being. Using latent profile analysis, students were classified according to their perfectionistic strivings and concerns (...
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Background: Physical activity, fundamental motor skills, executive functions and early numeracy have shown to be related, but very little is known about the developmental relations of these factors. Procedure: We followed 317 children (3-6 years) over two years. Fundamental motor skills and executive functions (inhibition+switching, updating) wer...
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Previous findings suggest positive association between physical activity (PA) and children's cognitive outcomes. Early numeracy (EN) refers to young children’s mathematical proficiency, including relational and counting skills. EN has been shown to strongly predict later mathematical and academic achievements. Previous research has mainly focused o...
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We investigated Norwegian children's (n = 262) development in arithmetic fluency from first to third grade. Children's arithmetic fluency was measured at four time points, domain-specific (i.e., symbolic numerical magnitude processing and verbal counting) and domain-general skills (i.e., working memory, rapid naming, non-verbal reasoning, and susta...
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iFeelMath-hanke: Matematiikka-ahdistuksen ja osaamisen kehityksellistä ja tilannekohtaista yhteyttä tutkimassa Matematiikka-ahdistusta esiintyy noin 11-17 prosentilla väestöstä. Tiedämme kuitenkin vielä yllättävän vähän matematiikka-ahdistuksen kehityksellisestä ja etenkin tilannekohtaisesta yhteydestä tai siitä, miten matematiikka-ahdistusta voita...
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Processing speed is a foundational cognitive ability strongly associated with executive functions in children. To precisely interpret children’s results in measures of executive functions, it is important to identify variation that is due to differences in executive functions versus processing speed. In this study, we examined the dimensionality of...
Motivational beliefs seem to decline for many during adolescence. Although this may reflect a mismatch between students’ needs and the secondary schools’ resources, general declines may also stem from increased dimensional comparison processes: students’ motivational beliefs tend to become increasingly domain-specific during adolescence. Yet, inter...
Motivational beliefs seem to decline for many during adolescence. Although this may reflect a mismatch between students’ needs and the secondary schools’ resources, general declines may also stem from increased dimensional comparison processes: students’ motivational beliefs tend to become increasingly domain-specific during adolescence. Yet, inter...
We investigated Finnish students’ (N = 511, Mage = 15.3 years) perfectionistic profiles, profile stability during the ninth grade, and how the stability and transitions in profiles relate to students’ well-being. Using latent profile analysis, students were classified according to their perfectionistic strivings and concerns. Four profiles were ide...
Mathematical learning disabilities (MLD) are typically defined as difficulties in basic numerical skills. It has been suggested that number processing skills (i.e., enumeration and symbolic number comparison) would differentiate low achievement from more severe difficulties in mathematics. This study investigated the accuracy of number processing s...
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This study examined how Finnish primary school students perceive teachers' roles and responsibilities, their own learning and participation , and the social climate during co-taught lessons. Data were collected through a web-based questionnaire among primary school students (N = 242) from grades four to six from Finnish schools where Swedish is the...
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This study investigated the developmental trajectories and interrelationships of mathematics-related achievement emotions and arithmetic fluency from first to third grade, and the effects of these on third grade mathematics performance. Participants were 232 Norwegian students. Students' emotions and arithmetic fluency were measured four times and...
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The aim of this study was to examine what kind of school performance and behaviour profiles could be identified among students in the final grade of basic education in the Swedish speaking parts of Finland (N = 1149, grade 9), how these differed in temperament and how temperament could explain profile differences in first language (L1, Swedish) gra...
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Grounding on expectancy-value theory, this study investigated stability and change in adolescent students' (N = 508) motivational profiles in mathematics (expectancy, values, costs) during the last year of comprehensive education, and how these changes relate to relevant educational outcomes (mathematics performance and aspirations) and students’ w...
Grounding on the situated expectancy-value theory, this study investigated stability and change in adolescent students' (N = 508) motivational profiles in mathematics (self-concept, values, costs) during the last year of comprehensive education, and how these changes relate to relevant educational outcomes (mathematics performance and aspirations)...
Technical Report
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This report gives an overview of the main findings from the iSeeNumbers project, (Eye) Tracking individual differences in numeracy development. Interplay between skills, motivation and well-being (2018–2022), and some recommendations that could be considered in early grades mathematics teaching.
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School belonging plays a crucial role in mental well-being of youth. Although school belonging might act as a buffer against the negative effects of victimization from bullying and perceived ethnic discrimination, the experiences of bullying and discrimination also reduce school belonging. However, limited studies have analyzed the relationship bet...
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Background: Transitioning into adolescence while simultaneously facing greater academic demands as the level of education increases often entails both academic challenges and general declines in students' school-related well-being. Still, however, relatively little is known about the causal relationship between students' academic well-being (i.e.,...
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This study investigated the developmental trajectories and interrelationships of mathematics-related achievement emotions and arithmetic fluency from first to third grade, and the effects of these on third grade mathematics performance. Participants were 232 Norwegian students. Students’ emotions and arithmetic fluency were measured four times and...
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Background The experience sampling method (ESM) is an increasingly popular data collection method to assess interpersonal dynamics in everyday life and emotions contextualized in real-world settings. As primary advantages of ESM sampling strategies include minimization of memory biases, maximization of ecological validity, and hypothesis testing at...
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This study investigated which domain-specific and domain- general skills measured at grade 1 predict mathematical learning difficulties (MLD) status at grade 3. We used different cut-off criteria and measures of mathematics performance for defining the MLD status. Norwegian children’s (N = 206) numeracy, cognitive, and language skills were measured...
Background Transitioning into adolescence while simultaneously facing greater academic demands as the level of education increases often entails both academic challenges and general declines in students' school-related well-being. Still, however, relatively little is known about the causal relationship between students’ academic well-being (i.e., s...
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It is well established that math anxiety has a negative relationship with math performance (MP). A few theories have provided explanations for this relationship. One of them, the Attentional Control Theory (ACT), suggests that anxiety can negatively impact the attentional control system and increase one's attention to threat-related stimuli. Within...
Psykologia [Psychology], 56(6), 548–566. Myönteinen motivaatio, kuten korkea kiinnostus ja myönteinen minäkäsitys, linkittyy usein hyviin suorituksiin, mutta tiedämme vasta varsin vähän koulupolkunsa alussa olevien oppilaiden matematiikan kiinnostuksen, minäkäsityksen ja osaamisen välisistä yhteyksistä. On myös viitteitä siitä, että nämä yhteydet e...
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This study investigated which domain-specific and domain-general skills measured at grade 1 predict mathematical learning difficulties (MLD) status at grade 3. We used different cut-off criteria and measures of mathematics performance for defining the MLD status. Norwegian children’s (N = 206) numeracy, cognitive, and language skills were measured...
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In this study, we analyzed the development and effects of gender on basic number skills from third to ninth grade in Finland. Because the international comparison studies have shown slightly different developmental trends in mathematical attainment for different language groups in Finland, we added the language of education as a variable in our ana...
Inter- and intraindividual differences in Finnish adolescents’ developmental trajectories of school engagement and burnout (exhaustion, inadequacy, and cynicism) and their associations with students’ concurrent progression in mathematics performance and educational aspirations were investigated in an accelerated longitudinal study design spanning a...
We investigated the levels and changes in mathematics anxiety (MA), symbolic numerical magnitude processing (SNMP) and arithmetic skills, and how those changes are linked to each other. Children’s (n = 264) MA, SNMP and arithmetic skills were measured in Grade 1, and again in Grade 2, including also a mathematics performance test. All three constru...
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The aim of this study was to investigate whether early numeracy skills of South African first graders who are at-risk for mathematical learning difficulties can be improved with an intervention program. The participants were 267 children from 17 classrooms in the greater Johannesburg area. In this quasi-experimental small group intervention study (...
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This survey-based study (N = 161) investigates the direct and indirect effects of teacher- and school-level factors on subject-teachers’ use of ICT in Home Economics (HE). Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesised relationships between perceived usefulness of ICT in Home Economics, age, digital competence, ICT infrastructure,...
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This study investigated mathematics-related achievement emotions among Finnish adolescents (N = 1379) receiving special education support (SEdS) in self-contained and general mathematics classrooms and receiving no mathematics SEdS through multilevel modeling. Mathematics performance, gender, and classroom size were controlled for. Adolescents rece...
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Early Numeracy Screener. The Early Numeracy Screener is a teacher-administered, paper-and-pencil test measuring counting skills, numerical relational skills, and basic arithmetic skills. Three hundred and sixty-six first graders took the Early Numeracy Screener at the beginning of the schoo...
This manuscript presents a study in which the new version of the computer-based training programme, The Number Race (NR), was used as an intervention for mathematically low-performing children in grade one (Mage = 86.46, SD = 3.89). In addition to ordinary teacher instruction in mathematics, the intervention group (n = 29) received NR training for...
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This study investigated reliability and validity evidence regarding the Early Numeracy test (EN-test) in a sample of 1139 Swedish-speaking children (587 girls) in kindergarten (n = 361), first grade (n = 321), and second grade (n = 457). Structural validity evidence was established through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which showed that a fou...
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This study investigated the big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) on mathematics-related achievement emotions (enjoyment, pride, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom) among adolescents (N = 1322) using multilevel modeling, controlling for the effects of gender and classroom size. The results indicated that only pride was influenced by the...
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This study examined Finnish 9th-graders' (N = 966) pathways to educational and occupational aspirations considering two academic domains: mathematics and reading. Multi-group structural equation models were conducted to investigate how domain-specific performance and motivational beliefs (self-concept and interest), and more general school burnout...
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The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of cognitive skills (executive function), language factors (listening comprehension, English as a second language, ESL) and kindergarten attendance on early numeracy in a cross-sectional sample of South African children (N=442) in the beginning of Grade 1. The mean age of children was 81.62 mont...
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Background: Journalists who cover traumatic events are at risk of developing long-term impairment, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The exposure may also result in perceived positive outcomes, conceptualised as post-traumatic growth (PTG). Social support (SS) at work is one factor that might affect the outcome. Objective: To investi...
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Tidigare studier har visat på ett samband mellan matematikkunskaper under de tidiga åren och senare prestationer i matematik, och det har konstaterats att detta gäller speciellt för vissa centrala färdighetsområden: tal- och antalsuppfattning, räknefärdigheter, aritmetiska basfärdigheter och förståelse för matematiska samband. Genom att i ett tidig...
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Ungdomar rör på sig allt mindre och en-dast 17 % av alla högstadieelever i Finland når upp till minimimängden en timmes fysisk aktivitet per dag. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och skolprestationer. I den här studien undersöker vi hur extrainsatt fysisk aktivitet inverkar på prestationer i matema...
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden form a group of the Nordic welfare states. Culturally, economically, and politically, these countries share historical ties with each other with a strong role of the state in social policy and education. Here, we present the main features of the current models of special needs education in mathematics i...
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It has been suggested that both performance and academic well-being play a role in adolescent students’ educational attainment and school dropout. In this study, we therefore examined, first, what kinds of academic well-being (i.e., school burnout, schoolwork engagement, and mathematics self-concept) and mathematics performance profiles can be iden...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the interplay between test anxiety and working memory (WM) on mathematics performance in younger children. A sample of 624 grade 3 students completed a test battery consisting of a test anxiety scale, WM tasks, and the Swedish national examination in mathematics for grade 3. The main effects of test anxiety...
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of aggressive behavior, anxiety, and peer rejection as multilevel indicators of peer victimization. A cross-sectional sample of 1,115 Finnish 9th grade students nested in 76 classrooms (mean age 15 years) were used to conduct multilevel models. All forms of psychosocial maladjustment, as well as stu...
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South Africa and Finland are two countries with strong differences in cultural and educational settings. Among adolescents, the Finnish students’ performance in mathematics has been ranked top in the world, contrary to South Africa, which has been among the lowest performing countries (e.g., TIMSS 2011; Human Sciences Research Council). Not investi...
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Educational reforms during the last decade have led to a more inclusive environment for students with different needs and have placed demands on teachers' readiness to instruct diverse students in the general classroom. Previous research has ascertained that student achievement is correlated with teacher quality and teachers' efficacy beliefs. Toda...
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This study investigates behavioral executive functions (EFs) in the mathematics classroom context among adolescents with different mathematics performance levels. The EF problems were assessed by teachers using a behavioral rating inventory. Using cutoff scores on a standardized mathematics assessment, groups with mathematics difficulties (MD, n =...
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The aim of this study is to examine Finnish ninth graders’ attitudes towards the consequences of climate change, their views on climate change mitigation and the impact of a set of selected predictors on their willingness to act in climate change mitigation. Students (N = 549) from 11 secondary schools participated in the questionnaire-based study....
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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the interplay between learning difficulties in mathematics and reading, academic well-being and educational pathways. Particular emphasis was placed on mathematical learning difficulties, that was the main interest of research in all four studies. In Study I, the relations between mathematics performanc...
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The aim with the present study was to examine the relationship between the subcomponents in working memory (WM) and mathematical performance, as measured by the National tests in a sample of 597 Swedish third-grade pupils. In line with compelling evidence of other studies, individual differences in WM capacity significantly predicted mathematical p...
This study investigated differences in assessment in mathematics, Swedish and behavior between schools and how the students’ motivation and behavior can explain the discrepancy between grades and test results. The sample consisted of grade nine students (N = 1152) in 14 lower secondary schools in the Swedish speaking parts of Finland. Standardized...