Johan HanssonLuleå University of Technology | LTU · Physics
Johan Hansson
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Johan Hansson currently works in Physics at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. He does research in various parts of theoretical physics.
Publications (81)
Almost no one mentions the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to solve the crises that today threaten humanity: To decrease energy and resource consumption.
The standard approach to cosmology is: 1. Construct an overly simplified model. 2. Deduce its general relativistic consequences (⇒ Friedmann's equations). 3. Observe that they do not correspond to the real universe. 4. Invent increasingly many "amendments" (ΛCDM: dark energy, dark matter + additional free parameters) to save the model. We, instead,...
The world’s obsession with more wealth, more produce, more comfort etc. has created
the conditions for a planetary climate that threatens to collapse, and an inflationary
global economic system stuck in an ever-worsening debt spiral. To save the planet, and the economy, only degrowth can save us.
Johan Hansson argues that it will never be possible to meet our climate targets if countries continue their obsession with growing the economy.
I. The arena of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is the abstract, unobserved and unobservable, M-dimensional formal Hilbert space ≠ spacetime. II. The arena of observations—and, more generally, of all events (i.e., everything) in the real physical world—is the classical four-dimensional physical spacetime. III. The “Born rule” is the rand...
The Persian (Farsi) translation of this book, Modern Physics in 15 Minutes, was done based on the Swedish edition published in 2017 (Den moderna fysiken på 15 minuter), which is a bit shorter and more up-to-date than the English edition (2014).
I. The arena of quantum theory is the abstract, unobserved and unobservable , M-dimensional Hilbert space [not equal to] spacetime. II. The arena of observations, and all events (i.e. everything) in the real physical world, is the classical 4-dimensional physical spacetime of general relativity. III. The "Born Rule" is the random process "magically...
I. The arena of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is the abstract, unobserved and unobservable, M-dimensional formal Hilbert space not equal to spacetime. II. The arena of observations and, more generally, of all events (i.e. everything) in the real physical world, is the classical 4-dimensional physical spacetime. III. The "Born Rule" is...
The comprehensive analysis of Niels Bohr shows that the classical world is a necessary additional independent conceptual structure not derivable from quantum mechanics. The results of measurement must always be expressed classically. Furthermore, neither linear "decoherence", nor any other unitary linear models/interpretations can ever result in th...
The observed magnetic field of the Sun is believed to originate from a “dynamo-effect” in its convective surface layer. However, there is no natural 11-year timescale in such models. We show that this timescale in the mean naturally and automatically arise through magnetic “chaos-control” of the inherently chaotic solar dynamo, mainly due to Jupite...
The comprehensive analysis of Niels Bohr shows that the classical world is a necessary additional independent conceptual structure not derivable from quantum mechanics. The results of measurement must always be expressed classically. Furthermore, neither linear "decoherence", nor any other unitary linear models/interpretations can ever result in th...
The ``Cosmological Constant Problem" is generally regarded as one of the outstanding unsolved problems in physics. By looking at the actual physics behind the mathematics we show that a natural and simple resolution is provided by the fact that general relativity, the theory used to model cosmology, is a fundamentally classical theory of actual cla...
The comprehensive analysis by Niels Bohr shows that the classical world is a necessary additional independent structure not derivable from quantum mechanics. The results of measurement must be expressed classically; there must be a classical region of every experiment where physicists can set apparatus, read pointers and so on. As we will see, the...
The quantum measurement problem is the most fundamental question of all: How the ghostly quantum mechanical coexistence of many mutually incompatible possibilities result in the concrete reality of the normal world, even though we and our measuring instruments are all made of atoms obeying quantum mechanics. In this brief article we lay down the cr...
The observed magnetic field of the Sun is believed to originate from
a "dynamo-effect" in its convective surface layer. However, there is no
natural 11-year timescale in such models. We show that this major
magnetic solar cycle naturally may arise through magnetic "chaos-
control" of the inherently chaotic solar dynamo, mainly due to Jupiter.
The quantum measurement problem is the most fundamental question of all: How the ghostly quantum mechanical coexistence of many mutually incompatible possibilities result in the concrete reality of the normal world, even though we and our measuring instruments are all made of atoms obeying quantum mechanics. In this brief article we lay down the cr...
By analyzing the same Bell experiment in different reference frames, we show that nature
at its fundamental level is superdeterministic, not random, in contrast to what is indicated by orthodox quantum mechanics. Events—including the results of quantum mechanical measurements—in global space-time are fixed prior to measurement.
By analyzing the same Bell experiment in different reference frames we show that nature at its fundamental level is super-deterministic, not random, in contrast to what is indicated by orthodox quantum mechanics. Events - including the results of quantum mechanical measurements - in global space-time are fixed prior to measurement.
The Klein-Alfvén model is based on the pragmatic belief that also cosmology, just like all other fields of physics, should be based on physical laws independently tested in the laboratory. It actually has a number of attractive features, described in this article. As almost all matter in the known universe is in the plasma state, the model is by ne...
The Klein-Alfvén model is based on the pragmatic belief that also cosmology, just like all other fields of physics, should be based on physical laws independently tested in the laboratory. It actually has a number of attractive features, described in this article. As almost all matter in the known universe is in the plasma state, the model is by ne...
We investigate some nonlinear effects of gravity in cosmology. Possible physically interesting consequences include: non-requirement of dark matter and dark energy, asymmetric gravitational matter-creation, emergent homogeneity/isotropy & asymptotic flatness, resolution of ``cosmic coincidence" Omega_m \sim Omega_lambda, effective cutoff of gravita...
We consider some nonlinear effects of gravity in cosmology. Possible physically interesting consequences include: non-requirement of dark matter and dark energy, asymmetric gravitational matter-creation, emergent homogeneity/isotropy & asymptotic flatness, resolution of "cosmic coincidence" Ω m ∼ Ω Λ , effective cutoff of gravitational interaction...
We consider some nonlinear effects of gravity in cosmology. Possible physically interesting consequences include: non-requirement of dark matter and dark energy, asymmetric gravitational matter-creation, emergent homogeneity/isotropy & asymptotic flatness, resolution of "cosmic coincidence" Omega_m \sim Omega_lambda, effective cutoff of gravitation...
The search for a theory of quantum gravity is the most fundamental problem in all of theoretical physics, but there are as yet no experimental results at all to guide this endeavor. What seems to be needed is a pragmatic way to test if gravitation really occurs between quantum objects or not. In this article we suggest such a potential way out of t...
The search for a theory of quantum gravity is the most fundamental problem in all
of theoretical physics, but there are as yet no experimental results at all to guide this
endeavor. What seems to be needed is a pragmatic way to test if gravitation really
occurs between quantum objects or not. In this paper, we suggest such a potential
way out of th...
Using analytical results from both general relativity and quantum mechanics we
show that physical black holes probably do not exist. This would actually be a boon to
theoretical physics, for example as:
i) General relativity would then be globally valid in the (classical) physical universe, due to its
non-singular nature.
ii) The black hole informa...
In this article we show: i) The impossibility of actively ``quantizing" general relativity. ii) That the key to quantum gravity - a theory for ``deducing" the macroscopic theory of general relativity - is to explain, from a fundamental microscopic theory, why the inertial mass is proportional to the gravitational mass, $m_i / m_g = const$, in the c...
The Holy Grail of fundamental physics is how to force quantum physics and gravity into the same theory. Or, more succinctly: finding a theory of quantum gravity. So far it has eluded us, and we review some possible reasons.
In 1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin declared: " There is nothing new to discover in physics. All that remains is to more accurately measure its quantities. " In the same year quantum physics was born and three decades later it, and Einstein's theory of relativity, had completely revolutionized and transformed physics. Today, hardly anyone wo...
Using analytical results from both general relativity and quantum mechanics we show that physical black holes probably do not exist. This would actually be a boon to theoretical physics, for example as: i) General relativity would then be globally valid in the (classical) physical universe, due to its non-singular nature. ii) The black hole informa...
In a series of short independent chapters, which can be read in about 15 minutes, theoretical physicist prof. Johan Hansson explains all of modern physics. Subjects covered include Black Holes, Quantum Physics, The Big Bang, Chaos Theory, Particle Physics, Quantum Gravity, and more.
In contemporary particle physics, the masses of fundamental particles are
incalculable constants, being supplied by experimental values. Inspired by
observation of the empirical particle mass spectrum, and their corresponding
physical interaction couplings, we propose that the masses of elementary
particles arise solely due to the self-interaction...
Recently a study of the first superposed mechanical quantum object
("machine") visible to the naked eye was published. However, as we show, it
turns out that if the object would actually be observed, i.e. would interact
with an optical photon, the quantum behavior should vanish. This, the actual
observation, has long been suspected in many interpre...
The oldest enigma in fundamental particle physics is: Where do the observed
masses of elementary particles come from? Inspired by observation of the
empirical particle mass spectrum we propose that the masses of elementary
particles arise solely due to the self-interaction of the fields associated
with a particle. We thus assume that the mass is pr...
Bell's theorem, and its experimental tests, has shown that the two premises
for Bell's inequality - locality and objective reality - cannot both hold in
nature, as Bell's inequality is broken. A simple test is proposed, which for
the first time may decide which alternative nature actually prefers on the
fundamental, quantum level. If each microscop...
We argue that pulsars may be spin-polarized neutron stars, i.e. cosmic
permanent magnets. This would simply explain several observational facts about
pulsars, including the 'beacon effect' itself i.e. the static/stable
misalignment of rotational and magnetic axes, the extreme temporal stability of
the pulses and the existence of an upper limit for...
The “proton spin crisis” was introduced in the late 1980s, when the EMC-experiment
revealed that little or nothing of a proton’s spin seemed to be carried by its quarks.
The main objective of this paper is to point out that it is wrong to assume that the proton
spin, as measured by completely different experimental setups, should be the same in all...
Two fundamental, and unsolved problems in physics are: i) the resolution of the "measurement problem" in quantum mechanics ii) the quantization of strongly nonlinear (nonabelian) gauge theories. The aim of this paper is to suggest that these two problems might be linked, and that a mutual, simultaneous solution to both might exist. We propose that...
A nonrelativistic approach to quantum gravity is studied. At least for weak gravitational fields it should be a valid approximation. Such an approach can be used to point out problems and prospects inherent in a more exact theory of quantum gravity, yet to be discovered. Nonrelativistic quantum gravity, e.g., shows promise for prohibiting black hol...
When taking the real, inhomogeneous and anisotropic matter distribution in the semi-local universe into account, there may be no need to postulate an accelerating expansion of the universe despite recent type Ia supernova data. Local curvatures must be integrated (over all space) to obtain the global curvature of the universe, which seems to be ver...
We discuss possible ways to observationally detect the superdense cosmic objects composed of hypothetical sub-constituent fermions beneath the quark/lepton level, recently proposed by us. The characteristic mass and size of such objects depend on the compositeness scale, and their huge density cannot arise within a context of quarks and leptons alo...
Quarks, leptons and heavy vector bosons are suggested to be composed of stable spin-(1/2) preons, existing in three flavours, combined according to simple rules. Straightforward consequences of an SU(3) preon-flavour symmetry are the conservation of three lepton numbers, oscillations and decays between some neutrinos, and the mixing of the d and s...
A Newtonian approach to quantum gravity is studied. At least for weak
gravitational fields it should be a valid approximation. Such an approach could
be used to point out problems and prospects inherent in a more exact theory of
quantum gravity, yet to be discovered. Newtonian quantum gravity, e.g., shows
promise for prohibiting black holes altoget...
A new model is proposed for the purpose of modelling the ``wave function collapse'' of a two-state quantum system. The collapse to a classical state is driven by a nonlinear evolution equation with an extreme sensitivity to absolute phase. It is hypothesized that the phase, or part of it, is displaying chaotic behaviour. This chaotic behaviour can...
We make the case for the existence of a, hitherto unknown and unobserved,
hierarchy of ever more compact cosmic objects in the universe. This hypothesis
is based on i) the assumption of "elementary" particle sub-constituents on
several levels below the presently known, inspired by Glashow's "blooming
desert", ii) the existence of nearly scale-invar...
In the context of the standard model of particle physics, there is a definite upper limit to the density of stable compact stars. However, if a more fundamental level of elementary particles exists, in the form of preons, stability may be re-established beyond this limiting density. We show that a degenerate gas of interacting fermionic preons does...
In the context of the standard model of particle physics, there is a definite upper limit to the density of stable compact stars. However, if a more fundamental level of elementary particles exists, in the form of preons, stability may be re-established beyond this limiting density. We show that a degenerate gas of interacting fermionic preons does...
In the paper by V.V. Nesvizhevsky et al., Phys. Rev. D 67, 102002 (2003), it is argued that the lowest quantum state of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field has been experimentally identified. While this is most likely correct, it is imperative to investigate all alternative explanations of the result in order to close all loopholes, as it i...
This is the reply to a comment by Andreas Aste on a previous article of mine in the Canadian Journal of Physics The counter-arguments used by Aste utilize a mathematical limit without physical meaning. We still contend that in QCD, the particles "gluons" and "quarks" are merely artifacts of an approximation method (the perturbative expansion) and a...
This is the reply to a comment by Andreas Aste [hep-th/0302103] on a previous article of mine in Can.J.Phys. The counter-arguments used by Aste utilize a mathematical limit without physical meaning. We still contend that in QCD, the particles ``gluons'' and ``quarks'' are merely artifacts of an approximation method (the perturbative expansion) and...
We show that the nonappearance of gluons and quarks as physical particles is a rigorous and automatic result of the full, i.e., nonperturbative, nonabelian nature of the color interaction in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). This makes it, in general, impossible to describe the color field as a collection of elementary quanta (gluons). Neither can a qu...
Quarks, leptons and heavy vector bosons are suggested to be composed of stable spin-1/2 preons, existing in three flavours, combined according to simple rules. Straightforward consequences of an SU(3) preon-flavour symmetry are the conservation of three lepton numbers, oscillations and decays between some neutrinos, and the mixing of the d and s qu...
We discuss an experiment conducted by Nesvizhevsky et al. As it is the first experiment claimed to have observed gravitational quantum states, it is imperative to investigate all alternative explanations of the result. In a student project course in applied quantum mechanics, we consider the possibility of quantummechanical effects arising from the...
We show that color confinement is a direct result of the nonabelian, i.e. nonlinear, nature of the color interaction in quantum chromodynamics. This makes it in general impossible to describe the color field as a collection of elementary quanta (gluons). A quark cannot be an elementary quanta of the quark field, as the color field of which it is th...
A simple experiment using radioactive decay is proposed to test the possibility of a determinsistic, but chaotic, origin of quantum mechanical randomness.
Predictions for the single transverse spin asymmetry
in semi-inclusive DIS processes are given; non-negligible values of
may arise from spin effects in the fragmentation of a polarized quark into a final hadron with a transverse momentum
$\vec k_\perp$
with respect to the jet axis, the so-called Collins effect. The elementary single...
A new model for the substructure of quarks, leptons and weak gauge bosons is discussed. It is based on three fundamental and absolutely stable spin-1/2 preons. Its preon flavour SU(3) symmetry leads to a prediction of nine quarks, nine leptons and nine heavy vector bosons. One of the quarks has charge $-4e/3$, and is speculated to be the top quark...
Predictions for the single transverse spin asymmetry A_N in semi-inclusive
DIS processes are given; non negligible values of A_N may arise from spin
effects in the fragmentation of a polarized quark into a final hadron with a
transverse momentum k_T with respect to the jet axis, the so-called Collins
effect. The elementary single spin asymmetry of...
The dispersion relation of energetic (few TeV) neutrinos traversing a medium is studied. We use the real time formalism of thermal field theory and we include the effects from the propagator of the W gauge boson. We consider then the MSW oscillations for cosmic neutrinos traversing the Earth, adopting for the neutrino parameters values suggested by...
The results from the Supernova Cosmology Project indicate a relation between cosmic distance and redshift that corresponds to an accelerating Universe, and, as a consequence, the presence of an energy component with negative pressure. This necessitates a re-evaluation of such astrophysical luminosities that have been derived through conventional re...
We suggest that dark matter is made up of massive quark objects that have survived from the Big Bang, representing the ground state of ``baryonic'' matter. Hence, there was no overall phase transition of the original quark matter, but only a split-up into smaller objects. We speculate that normal hadronic matter comes about through enforced phase t...
Thesis (doctoral)--Luleå University of Technology, 1998. Includes bibliographical references.
We present a new minimal model for the substructure of all known quarks, leptons and weak gauge bosons, based on only three fundamental and stable spin-1/2 preons. As a consequence, we predict three new quarks, three new leptons, and six new vector bosons. One of the new quarks has charge $-4e/3$. The model explains the apparent conservation of thr...
We present a new scenario for the development of the Universe after the Big Bang, built on the conjecture that a vast majority of the primordial quark matter did not undergo a phase transition to normal nuclear matter, but rather split up into massive quark objects that remained stable. Hence, such primordial quark matter would make up the so-calle...
We investigate the possibility that gamma-ray bursts originate in a concentric spherical shell with a given average redshift and find that this is indeed compatible with the data from the third BATSE (3B) catalog. It is also shown that there is enough freedom in the choice of unknown burst properties to allow even for extremely large distances to t...
Starting from a bound-state model of weakly bound quarks for (qq¯) mesons, we derive a formalism for computing the production or decay of such mesons, whatever the value of their internal orbital angular momentum L. That approach appears as a natural generalization of the Brodsky-Lepage formalism (valid only for L = 0) that has been widely used in...
The Higgs mechanism is the favourite cure for the main problem with electroweak unification, namely how to reconcile a gauge theory with the need for massive gauge bosons. This problem does not exist in preon models for quark and lepton substructure with composite $Z^0$ and $W$s, which, consequently, also avoid all other theoretical complications a...
We present an approach that generalizes in a natural way the perturbative QCD formalism developed by Brodsky and Lepage for the study of exclusive hadronic processes to the case of $L\neq 0$ mesons. As an application of our approach we consider here the production of meson pairs, involving tensor and pseudotensor mesons, in photon-photon collisions...
We present a formalism for studying the exclusive production or decay of mesons with any value of the internal orbital angular momentum L. As an application, we discuss the production of meson pairs (involving tensor and pseudotensor mesons) in photon-photon collisions.
A non-relativistic, QCD-based, potential quark model for the proton and the neutron inevitably predicts a spin-0 diquark structure with an rms radius of the order of 0.35rfm or smaller. We prove this by solving the (S wave) hamiltonian by De Rjula et al. with variational methods. It is essential to include all quark interactions and to use real...
The production of hadrons in polarized lepton-nucleon deep inelastic scattering is discussed. The helicity density matrix of the hadron is computed within the QCD hard scattering formalism and its elements are shown to yield information on the spin structure of the nucleon and the spin dependence of the quark fragmentation process. The case of $\rh...
Starting from a bound-state model of weakly bound quarks for ($q \bar{q}$) mesons, we derive a formalism for computing the production or decay of such mesons, whatever the value of their internal orbital angular momentum L. That approach appears as a natural generalization of the Brodsky-Lepage formalism (valid only for L=0) that has been widely us...
We discuss the production of polarized hadrons in polarized lepton nucleon interactions and show that the helicity density matrix of the hadron, when measurable, can give information on the spin structure of the nucleon and the spin dependence of the quark fragmentation process. Single spin asymmetries in the $\ell N^\uparrow \to hX$ process are al...
We discuss the production of hadrons in polarized lepton-nucleon interactions and in the current jet fragmentation region; using the QCD hard scattering formalism we compute the helicity density matrix of the hadron and show how its elements, when measurable, can give information on the spin structure of the nucleon and the spin dependence of the q...