Joerg WettlauferGöttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities | adw · Koordination Digitalisierung und Datenkuration
Joerg Wettlaufer
Dr. phil.
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Jörg Wettlaufer studied History, History of Art and Physical Anthroplogy in Bochum, Kiel and Paris, France. He received his Ph.D. in 1998 for an interdisciplinary study on a problem in the history of late medieval law. His research concentrates on Digital Humanities, Evolutionary History and Comparative History of Law, namely the social usage of shame in historical societies. For more information please refer to www.joergwettlaufer.de
Publications (25)
This book, translated from the German edition published in 2017, tackles the history of public humiliation in modern European history, starting with the decline of public punishment and shaming in the eighteenth century. It takes up a discussion that was launched by William Ian Miller’s book on humiliation in the context of the Icelandic sagas in 1...
How can we produce and extend the digital resources of cultural heritage as Linked Open Data?
Welche Rolle spielen moralische Emotionen für die Evolution des sozialen Miteinanders
und für die Aufrechterhaltung von gruppenspezifischen Normen und
Regeln? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden zunächst verschiedene neuere
Theorien und Forschungen zum Verhältnis von Scham und Kooperation aus der
evolutionären Anthropologie, Spieltheorie, Psycholo...
There are many ways to model relationships between texts and objects. Creating statements with RDF triples is one of them. In the project ‘Semantic Blumenbach', we have endeavoured to discover and render visible the innate connections of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's (1752–1840) writings on natural history with the physical objects studied and coll...
Dieser Beitrag stellt die vergleichsweise junge Disziplin der „evolutionären Geschichtswissenschaft“
und insbesondere den Ansatz einer evolutionär inspirierten
Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte vor, die sich auf der Basis einer erweiterten
synthetischen Evolutionstheorie sowie einer anthropologisch interessierten Geschichtswissenschaft
um die Erklärung...
L’histoire de la vengeance, du Moyen Âge à la fin de l’époque moderne, restait à écrire. Les dix-huit contributions de cet ouvrage, issues de trois rencontres internationales, traitent des pratiques de la vengeance en étudiant une série de cas pris dans l’Empire, dans le royaume de France, mais aussi en Italie et en Espagne. Tous les groupes sociau...
In the last years an emerging debate about the influence of church law on the development of public penal law in the late middle ages has shed some light on the strong interconnections between theological discussion and practical execution of law in this period. It becomes clear by now that penal law borrowed in many ways from ecclesiastical law an...
The adaptive advantages of prosocial emotions have been discussed recently with reference to ethnographic evidence (Fessler 1999, Fessler&Haley 2004) and public goods games (Bowles&Gintis 2002). Although shame is deeply rooted in submissive behaviour, it seems to be a relatively new adaptation in primates and is said to be one of the few distinctiv...
The jus primae noctis was, in the European late medieval context, a widespread popular belief in an ancient privilege of the lord of the manor to share the wedding bed with his peasants' brides. Symbolic gestures, reflecting this belief, were developed by the lords and used as humiliating signs of superiority over the dependent peasants in the fift...
The jus primae noctis was, in the European late medieval context, a widespread popular belief in an ancient privilege of the lord of the manor to share the wedding bed with his peasants' brides. Symbolic gestures, reflecting this belief, were developed by the lords and used as humiliating signs of superiority over the dependent peasants in the fift...
The existence of a "right of the first night" in the middle ages was an eagerly disputed topic in the nineteenth century. Although today most historians would agree that there is no authentic proof of the actual exercise of the custom in the middle ages, the disagreement continues about the origin, the meaning and the development of the widespread...