Jörg Lang

Jörg Lang
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe | BGR · Department 3 (Underground Space for Storage and Economic Use)



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Additional affiliations
October 2013 - December 2019
Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Researcher
April 2010 - February 2014
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Field of study
  • Geosciences
October 2003 - May 2009
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Field of study
  • Geosciences


Publications (40)
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Tunnel valleys are impressive subglacial erosional landforms and may attain depths of almost 600 m. Climatic and glaciological factors exert the primary control on tunnel‐valley formation. Furthermore, regional geological features, e.g. faults and salt structures, have been suggested as controlling factors for tunnel‐valley formation. To improve th...
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Erosion during potential future glaciations, especially the incision of deep tunnel valleys, is a major challenge for the long-term safety of a radioactive waste repository. Tunnel valleys are a common feature of formerly glaciated sedimentary basins and were incised by pressurised subglacial meltwater. Besides glaciological conditions, tunnel-vall...
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Subsurface salt flow is driven by differential loading, which is typically caused by tectonics or sedimentation. During glaciations, the weight of an ice sheet represents another source of differential loading. In salt-bearing basins affected by Pleistocene glaciations, such as the Central European Basin System, ice loading has been postulated as a...
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Alluvial fans are important paleoclimatic archives, that may record high-frequency climatic oscillations. However, climate signals may be overprinted or even be destroyed by autogenic processes caused by channel avulsion and lobe switching. Here we present new data from two different Late Pleistocene (MIS 3-2) alluvial fan systems in northern Germa...
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Shallow-water deltas remain enigmatic in terms of placing the observed facies within a coherent process-based depositional model. Here we report tank experiments on mouth-bar formation from shallow water pure and stratified jets that, combined with recent flume experiments on bedforms, suggest new interpretations of field observations from shallow-...
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Jets that expand from an orifice into an ambient water body represent a basic flow model for depositional environments related to expanding flows. Momentum‐dominated jets evolve into gravity‐dominated density flows. To understand this transition and its sedimentological relevance, three‐dimensional tank experiments with submerged wall jets were con...
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Cyclic steps are widespread on submarine slopes of many modern insular volcanoes. This paper provides the first detailed description and interpretation of the sedimentary structures and depositional architecture of cyclic‐step deposits of such bedforms formed on the submarine slope of an ancient volcano. The partially depositional cyclic steps are...
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Geophysical methods can characterize aquifer systems non-invasively and are particularly helpful to image the complex depositional structure of the subsurface.Among these, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is an effective tool for detailed investigations of shallow subsurface geometry, but provides only limited information on hydraulic properties.Magn...
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Upper‐flow‐regime bedforms, including upper‐stage‐plane beds, antidunes, chutes‐and‐pools and cyclic steps, are ubiquitous in glacigenic depositional environments characterized by abundant meltwater discharge and sediment supply. In this study, the depositional record of Froude near‐critical and supercritical flows in glacigenic settings is reviewe...
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Stable supercritical-flow bedform phases under 2-D steady flow are geometrically simple and include long-wavelength cyclic steps at high Froude numbers and antidunes characterised by in-phase flow that is near critical. Less well understood are the transitional bedform phases at the boundaries of the stable bedform fields and bedforms developing in...
The Middle and Late Pleistocene glaciations of northern Eurasia had a great impact on the evolution of the modern drainage system. This paper presents a review and synthesis on the palaeogeography of glacial lakes, their drainage and impact on the re-organization of the drainage systems during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. We will focus...
The major objective of this study is to summarise the routing and impact of lake-outburst floods along the south-western margin of the Middle Pleistocene (Saalian) Fennoscandian ice sheet. We provide an overview about the spatial and temporal evolution and drainage history of ice-dammed lakes in northern Germany. The repeated drainage of these ice-...
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Despite a long history of research, the locations of former ice-margins in the North Sea Basin are still uncertain. In this study, we present new palaeogeographic reconstructions of (pre-) Elsterian and Warthian ice-margins in the southeastern North Sea Basin, which were previously unknown. The reconstructions are based on the integration of palaeo...
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The terrestrial margins of the Middle Pleistocene ice sheets in northern central Europe were charac-terised by the formation of extensive ice-dammed lakes, which were controlled by the blockage of spillways by the ice margin. The largest ice-dammed lake had a volume of ~224 km 3 and formed in a late stage of the first Saalian ice advance (MIS 6) in...
Conference Paper
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Deep-water cyclic steps are long-wavelength bedforms with a simple architecture reflecting stable, supercritical sediment flows of high Froude number. Their architecture is relatively simple, yet their recognition in outcrop is hampered by their size and complex preservation styles (Slootman et al. 2019). Deep water antidunes are predominately char...
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Upper-flow-regime bedforms and their role in the evolution of marine and lacustrine deltas are not well understood. Wave-like undulations on delta foresets are by far the most commonly reported bedforms on deltas and it will take time before many of these features get identified as upper-flow-regime bedforms. This study aims at: (1) providing a sum...
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This study presents a synthesis of the geomorphology, facies variability and depositional architecture of ice‐marginal deltas affected by rapid lake‐level change. The integration of digital elevation models, outcrop, borehole, ground‐penetrating radar and high‐resolution shear‐wave seismic data allows for a comprehensive analysis of these delta sys...
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Deformation bands in unconsolidated sediments are of great value for paleoseismological studies in sedimentary archives. Using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), we investigated an array of shear-deformation bands that developed in unconsolidated Pleistocene glacifluvial Gilbert-type delta sediments. A dense grid (spacing 0.6 m) of GPR profiles were m...
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A comprehensive palaeogeographic reconstruction of ice sheets and related proglacial lake systems for the older Saalian glaciation in northern central Europe is presented, which is based on the integration of palaeo-ice flow data, till provenance, facies analysis, geomorphology and new luminescence ages of ice-marginal deposits. Three major ice adv...
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Bedforms related to supercritical flows are increasingly recognised as important constituents of many depositional environments, but outcrop studies are commonly hampered by long bedform wavelengths and complex three-dimensional geometries. We combined outcrop-based facies analysis with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys to analyse the 3D facie...
Erosion and deposition by supercritical density flows can strongly impact the facies distribution and architecture of submarine fans. Field examples from coarse-grained channel-levée complexes from the Sandino Forearc Basin (southern Central America) show that cyclic-step and antidune deposits represent common sedimentary facies of these deposition...
In this study we investigate faulting above a salt wall in the Glückstadt Graben / North German Basin. Two supra-salt faults are mapped from coast to coast over a distance of 6–9 km based on offshore and onshore seismic data. These faults form a ca. 2 km wide crestal collapse graben and pierce the seafloor. Salt wall evolution started in the early...
During the Middle Pleistocene late Saalian glaciation of northern central Europe numerous pro-glacial lakes formed along the southwestern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Little is known about the drainage history of these lakes, the pathways of glacial lake outburst floods and their impacts on erosion, sedimentation and landscape evolution. T...
Conference Paper
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Ice-load induced salt tectonics controlled crestal collapse graben evolution – Instances from the Southwestern Baltic Sea M. Al Hseinat*1, C. Hübscher1, J. Lang2, I. Ott1, U. Polom3, C. Brandes2, A. Hampel2, J. Winsemann2 (1) University of Hamburg, Institute of Geophysics, Hamburg, Germany (2) Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Geologie,...
In glaciated continental basins accommodation space is not only controlled by tectonics and sea-level but also by the position of ice-sheets, which may act as a regional base-level for fluvial systems. Although the Pleistocene terrace record of major river systems in northwestern Europe has been investigated by many authors, relatively little atten...
Conference Paper
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Lang, J., van den Berg, J.H. and Winsemann, J. (2015) Facies architecture of gravelly and sandy supercritical bedforms in subaqueous ice-contact fans. 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 22-Abstract. Subaqueous ice-contact fans are commonly deposited by high-energy plane-wall jets from subglacial conduits into standing water bodies. Their deposits a...
Conference Paper
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A correlation between salt structures, glacigenic features and faulting of Pleistocene deposits above salt structures has been recognised in many places of the formerly glaciated areas in northern central Europe and attributed to ice-sheet loading. Conceptual models predict that the load applied by an ice sheet will favour ice-marginal salt rise an...
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Schöningen represents one of the key sites for Lower Paleolithic archaeology in central Europe, where a Middle to Late Pleistocene sedimentary succession, locally up to 45 m thick, has been preserved in an Elsterian tunnel valley. After deglaciation, the tunnel valley remained underfilled and provided the accommodation space for Holsteinian intergl...
During the past decades the effect of glacioisostatic adjustment has received much attention. However, the response of salt structures to ice-sheet loading and unloading is poorly understood. Our study aims to test conceptual models of the interaction between ice-sheet loading and salt structures by finite-element modelling. The results are discuss...
The preservation of bedforms related to supercritical flows and hydraulic jumps is commonly considered to be rare in the geologic record, although these bedforms are known from a variety of depositional environments. This field-based study presents a detailed analysis of the sedimentary facies and stacking pattern of deposits of cyclic steps, chute...
Upper Ordovician glaciogenic deposits are profoundly important as hydrocarbon reservoirs across North Africa, such as within the Illizi Basin of SE Algeria. In this study we present a new sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic model for Upper Ordovician glaciogenic deposits based on the analysis of core descriptions and wireline logs from 25 w...
The Pleistocene deposits of Schöningen represent an outstanding geological and archaeological archive, where an up to 45 m thick Middle to Late Pleistocene succession has been preserved and unique artefacts from the Lower Palaeolithic have been discovered. The preservation of such a thick and complete glacial/interglacial succession is very rare in...
Conference Paper
Well data from the Cambrian to Silurian succession of the Illizi Basin, Algeria, were interpreted to derive a depositional model and correlate the wells in a sequence stratigraphic framework. The succession contains thick glacimarine deposits of the Late Ordovician glaciation. The preglacial deposits show a retrogradational stacking pattern of terr...


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