Joe Silk

Joe Silk
University of Oxford | OX · Department of Physics


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Publications (460)
Supermassive black holes are prevalent at the centers of massive galaxies, and their masses scale with galaxy properties, increasing evidence suggesting that these trends continue to low stellar masses. Seeds are needed for supermassive black holes, especially at the highest redshifts explored by the James Webb Space Telescope. We study the hierarc...
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We introduce a new concept -- termed "planarity" -- which aims to quantify planar structure in galaxy satellite systems without recourse to the number or thickness of planes. We use positions and velocities from the Gaia EDR3 to measure planarity in Milky Way (MW) satellites and the extent to which planes within the MW system are kinematically supp...
We introduce a new concept – termed ‘planarity’ – which aims to quantify planar structure in galaxy satellite systems without recourse to the number or thickness of planes. We use positions and velocities from the Gaia EDR3 to measure planarity in Milky Way (MW) satellites and the extent to which planes within the MW system are kinematically suppor...
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In most cosmological models, the equation of state of the dark matter is assumed to be zero, which means that the dark matter is pressure-less or cold. While this hypothesis is based on the abundance of cold dark matter in the universe, however, there is no compelling reason to assume that the equation of state of dark matter is exactly zero. A mor...
In this paper, we consider the effects of adding curvature in extended cosmologies involving a free-to-vary neutrino sector and different parametrizations of dark energy (DE). We make use of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, baryon acoustic oscillations and Pantheon type Ia supernovae data. Our main resu...
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In almost every cosmological models, the equation of state of the dark matter is assumed to be zero (i.e. a pressure-less/cold dark matter). Although such hypothesis is motivated by the abundance of cold dark matter in the universe, there is however no compelling reason to set the dark matter equation of state to zero, rather, the more generic pict...
We present an updated data-analysis comparison of the most recent observations of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies and polarization angular power spectra released by four different experiments: the Planck satellite on one side, and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACTPol) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT-3G), combined with...
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In this paper we consider the effects of adding curvature in extended cosmologies involving a free-to-vary neutrino sector and different parametrizations of Dark Energy (DE). We make use of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Pantheon type Ia Supernovae data. Our main resul...
We study the global agreement between the most recent observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and polarization anisotropies angular power spectra released by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the Planck satellite in various cosmological models that differ by the inclusion of different combinations of additional parameters. By...
We present an updated data-analysis comparison of the most recent observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature anisotropies and polarization angular power spectra released by four different experiments: the Planck satellite on one side, and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACTPol) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT-3G), combined with...
In our hierarchical structure-formation paradigm, the observed morphological evolution of massive galaxies -- from rotationally-supported discs to dispersion-dominated spheroids -- is largely explained via galaxy merging. However, since mergers are likely to destroy discs, and the most massive galaxies have the richest merger histories, it is surpr...
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In our hierarchical structure-formation paradigm, the observed morphological evolution of massive galaxies – from rotationally-supported discs to dispersion-dominated spheroids – is largely explained via galaxy merging. However, since mergers are likely to destroy discs, and the most massive galaxies have the richest merger histories, it is surpris...
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The simplest ΛCDM model provides a good fit to a large span of cosmological data but harbors large areas of phenomenology and ignorance. With the improvement of the number and the accuracy of observations, discrepancies among key cosmological parameters of the model have emerged. The most statistically significant tension is the 4σ to 6σ disagreeme...
We study the enrichment of the interstellar medium with rapid neutron capture (r-process) elements produced in binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. We use a semi-analytic model to describe galactic evolution, with merger rates and time delay distributions of BNS mergers consistent with the latest population synthesis models. In order to study the dis...
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This paper discusses the science case for a sensitive spectro-polarimetric survey of the microwave sky. Such a survey would provide a tomographic and dynamic census of the three-dimensional distribution of hot gas, velocity flows, early metals, dust, and mass distribution in the entire Hubble volume, exploit CMB temperature and polarisation anisotr...
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We propose a dedicated, ultra-deep spectroscopic survey in the near infrared (NIR), that will target a mass-limited sample of galaxies during two of the most fundamental epochs of cosmic evolution: the formation of the first galaxies (at z \(\gtrsim \) 6; comsmic dawn), and at the peak of galaxy formation activity (at redshift z\(\sim \)1–3; cosmic...
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The standard Λ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides an amazing description of a wide range of astrophysical and astronomical data. However, there are a few big open questions, that make the standard model look like a first-order approximation to a more realistic scenario that still needs to be fully understood. In this Letter of Interest we...
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The standard Λ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides a wonderful fit to current cosmological data, but a few statistically significant tensions and anomalies were found in the latest data analyses. While these anomalies could be due to the presence of systematic errors in the experiments, they could also indicate the need for new physics bey...
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A precise measurement of the curvature of the Universe is of prime importance for cosmology since it could not only confirm the paradigm of primordial inflation but also help in discriminating between different early-Universe scenarios. Recent observations, while broadly consistent with a spatially flat standard Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model, sho...
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The current cosmological probes have provided a fantastic confirmation of the standard Λ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model, which has been constrained with unprecedented accuracy. However, with the increase of the experimental sensitivity, a few statistically significant tensions between different independent cosmological datasets emerged. While...
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The $\Lambda$CDM model provides a good fit to a large span of cosmological data but harbors areas of phenomenology. With the improvement of the number and the accuracy of observations, discrepancies among key cosmological parameters of the model have emerged. The most statistically significant tension is the $4-6\sigma$ disagreement between predict...
We show that a combined analysis of cosmic microwave background anisotropy power spectra obtained by the Planck satellite and luminosity distance data simultaneously excludes a flat universe and a cosmological constant at 99% confidence level. These results hold separately when combining Planck with three different data sets: the two determinations...
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In the standard ΛCDM paradigm, dwarf galaxies are expected to be dark-matter-rich, as baryonic feedback is thought to quickly drive gas out of their shallow potential wells and quench star formation at early epochs. Recent observations of local dwarfs with extremely low dark matter content appear to contradict this picture, potentially bringing the...
In the standard Lambda-CDM paradigm, dwarf galaxies are expected to be dark-matter-rich, as baryonic feedback is thought to quickly drive gas out of their shallow potential wells and quench star formation at early epochs. Recent observations of local dwarfs with extremely low dark matter contents appear to contradict this picture, potentially bring...
The concordance of the $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model in light of current observations has been the subject of an intense debate in recent months. The 2018 Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy power spectrum measurements appear at face value to favour a spatially closed Universe with curvature parameter $\Omega_K<0$. Thi...
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The concordance of the Λ CDM cosmological model in light of current observations has been the subject of an intense debate in recent months. The 2018 Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy power spectrum measurements appear at face value to favour a spatially closed Universe with curvature parameter ΩK<0. This preference di...
We study the enrichment of the interstellar medium with rapid neutron capture (r-process) elements produced in binary neutron star (BNS) mergers using a semi-analytic model of the evolution of a Milky-Way-like galaxy in which we implemented merger rates and time delay distributions of BNS mergers consistent with the latest population synthesis mode...
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The standard $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides an amazing description of a wide range of astrophysical and astronomical data. However, there are a few big open questions, that make the standard model look like a first-order approximation to a more realistic scenario that still needs to be fully understood. In this Letter of Int...
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A precise measurement of the curvature of the Universe is of primeval importance for cosmology since it could not only confirm the paradigm of primordial inflation but also help in discriminating between different early Universe scenarios. The recent observations, while broadly consistent with a spatially flat standard $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter ($...
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The standard $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides a wonderful fit to current cosmological data, but a few tensions and anomalies became statistically significant with the latest data analyses. While these anomalies could be due to the presence of systematic errors in the experiments, they could also indicate the need for new physi...
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The current cosmological probes have provided a fantastic confirmation of the standard $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model, that has been constrained with unprecedented accuracy. However, with the increase of the experimental sensitivity a few statistically significant tensions between different independent cosmological datasets emerged....
Using fully GPU N-body simulations, we demonstrate for the first time that subhaloes sink and transfer energy via dynamical friction into the centres of dwarf galaxies. This dynamical heating kicks any central massive black hole out to tens of parsecs, especially at early epochs (z = 1.5–3). This mechanism helps explain the observed off-centre blac...
We performed a series of high-resolution N-body simulations to examine whether dark matter candidates in the form of primordial black holes (PBHs) can solve the cusp–core problem in low-mass dwarf galaxies. If some fraction of the dark matter in low-mass dwarf galaxies consists of PBHs and the rest is cold dark matter, dynamical heating of the cold...
We use a fully GPU N-body code to demonstrate that dark matter (DM) minihaloes, as a new component of globular clusters (GCs), resolve both the timing and cusp–core problems in Fornax if the (five or six) GCs were recently accreted (≤3 Gyr ago) by Fornax. Under these assumptions, infall of these GCs does not occur and no star clusters form in the c...
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This paper discusses the science case for a sensitive spectro-polarimetric survey of the microwave sky. Such a survey would provide a tomographic and dynamic census of the three-dimensional distribution of hot gas, velocity flows, early metals, dust, and mass distribution in the entire Hubble volume, exploit CMB temperature and polarisation anisotr...
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(Abridged summary) Responding to ESA's Voyage 2050 call to define the long-term plan for the future space missions that will address the astrophysics science questions during the 2035-2050 cycle, we propose a dedicated, ultra-deep spectroscopic survey in the near infrared (NIR), that will target a mass-limited sample of galaxies during two of the m...
We discuss the origin of the antihelium-3 and -4 events possibly detected by AMS-02. Using up-to-date semianalytical tools, we show that spallation from primary hydrogen and helium nuclei onto the ISM predicts a He3¯ flux typically one to two orders of magnitude below the sensitivity of AMS-02 after 5 years, and a He4¯ flux roughly 5 orders of magn...
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The next generation of solar neutrino detectors will provide a precision measure of the B8 electron-neutrino spectrum in the energy range from 1–15 MeV. Although the neutrino spectrum emitted by B8β-decay reactions in the Sun’s core is identical to the neutrino spectrum measured in the laboratory, due to vacuum and matter flavor oscillations, this...
The next generation of solar neutrino detectors will provide a precision measure of the $^8$B electron-neutrino spectrum in the energy range from 1-15 MeV. Although the neutrino spectrum emitted by $^8$B $\beta$-decay reactions in the Sun's core is identical to the neutrino spectrum measured in the laboratory, due to vacuum and matter flavour oscil...
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One of our greatest challenges in cosmology is understanding the origin of the structure of the universe. I will describe how the cosmic microwave background has provided a window for probing the initial conditions from which structure evolved and seeded the formation of the galaxies, and the outstanding issues that remain to be resolved. I will ad...
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Aims. We test the effects of re-orienting jets from an active galactic nucleus (AGN) on the intracluster medium in a galaxy cluster environment with short central cooling time. We investigate both the appearance and the properties of the resulting cavities, and the efficiency of the jets in providing near-isotropic heating to the cooling cluster co...
There is growing evidence that intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), defined here as having a mass in the range M=500-10^5 Msun, are present in the dense centers of certain globular clusters (GCs). Gravitational waves (GWs) from their mergers with other IMBHs or with stellar BHs in the cluster are mostly emitted in frequencies <10 Hz, which unfort...
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Using the two large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, Horizon-AGN (H-AGN) and Horizon-noAGN (H-noAGN, no AGN feedback), we investigate how a typical sub-grid model for AGN feedback affects the evolution of the total density profiles (dark matter + stars) at the effective radius of massive early-type galaxies (M*>10^11 Msun). We have studied...
Using the two large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, Horizon-AGN (H-AGN) and Horizon-noAGN (H-noAGN, no AGN feedback), we investigate how a typical sub-grid model for AGN feedback affects the evolution of the total density profiles (dark matter + stars) at the effective radius of massive early-type galaxies (M*>10^11 Msun). We have studied...
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Aims: We test the effects of re-orienting jets on the Intra-Cluster Medium in a cool-core galaxy cluster environment. We investigate both the appearance of the X-ray gas cavities and the heating they provide to the cool core. Methods: We test, making use of numerical simulations, four models of periodically re-orienting jets from the central AGN. W...
It is broadly accepted that Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) are located in the centers of most massive galaxies, although there is still no convincing scenario for the origin of their massive seeds. It has been suggested that primordial black holes (PBHs) of masses $\gtrsim 10^{2} M_\odot$ may provide such seeds, which would grow to become SMBHs....
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Dwarf galaxy anomalies, such as their abundance and cusp-core problems, remain a prime challenge in our understanding of galaxy formation. The inclusion of baryonic physics could potentially solve these issues, but the efficiency of stellar feedback is still controversial. We analytically explore the possibility of feedback from Active Galactic Nuc...
Dwarf galaxy anomalies, such as their abundance and cusp-core problems, remain a prime challenge in our understanding of galaxy formation. The inclusion of baryonic physics could potentially solve these issues, but the efficiency of stellar feedback is still controversial. We analytically explore the possibility of feedback from Active Galactic Nuc...
Recent detections of gravitational waves from merging binary black holes opened new possibilities to study the evolution of massive stars and black hole formation. In particular, stellar evolution models may be constrained on the basis of the differences in the predicted distribution of black hole masses and redshifts. In this work we propose a fra...
Recent detections of gravitational waves from merging binary black holes opened new possibilities to study the evolution of massive stars and black hole formation. In particular, stellar evolution models may be constrained on the basis of the differences in the predicted distribution of black hole masses and redshifts. In this work we propose a fra...
It has been suggested that primordial black holes (PBHs) of roughly 30 solar masses could make up the dark matter and if so, might account for the recent detections by LIGO involving binary black holes in this mass range. It has also been argued that the super-massive black holes (SMBHs) that reside at galactic centers may be surrounded by extremel...
Cosmic Strings are one-dimensional topological defects that may be formed in the early universe during a phase transition, and which may be the source of all inhomogeneities in our universe. Their mass per unit length, μ, gives us a dimensionless parameter, μ 6 ≡ 10 ⁶ Gμ / c ² , which must be of order unity for strings to seed galaxy formation. Res...
We investigate the impact of resonant gravitational waves on quadrupole acoustic modes of Sun-like stars located nearby stellar black hole binary systems (such as GW150914 and GW151226). We find that the stimulation of the low-overtone modes by gravitational radiation can lead to sizeable photometric amplitude variations, much larger than the predi...
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Jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN) inflate large cavities in the hot gas environment around galaxies and galaxy clusters. The large-scale gas circulation promoted within such cavities by the jet itself gives rise to backflows that propagate back to the centre of the jet–cocoon system, spanning all the physical scales relevant for the AGN. Using...
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Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) inflate large cavities in the hot gas environment around galaxies and galaxy clusters. The large-scale gas circulation promoted within such cavities by the jet itself gives rise to backflows that propagate back to the center of the jet-cocoon system, spanning all the physical scales relevant for the AGN. Using...
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Using a suite of three large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, Horizon-AGN, Horizon-noAGN (no AGN feedback) and Horizon-DM (no baryons), we investigate how a typical sub-grid model for AGN feedback affects the evolution of the inner density profiles of massive dark matter haloes and galaxies. Based on direct object-to-object comparisons, we...
Using a suite of three large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, Horizon-AGN, Horizon-noAGN (no AGN feedback) and Horizon-DM (no baryons), we investigate how a typical sub-grid model for AGN feedback affects the evolution of the inner density profiles of massive dark matter haloes and galaxies. Based on direct object-to-object comparisons, we...
Single-field slow-roll inflation predicts a nearly scale-free power spectrum of perturbations, as observed at the scales accessible to current cosmological experiments. This spectrum is slightly red, showing a tilt $(1-n_s)\sim 0.04$. A direct consequence of this tilt are nonvanishing runnings $\alpha_s=\mathrm d n_s/\mathrm d\log k$, and $\beta_s=...
Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and subsequent jet cocoons and outflow bubbles can have a significant impact on star formation in the host galaxy. To investigate feedback physics on small scales, we perform hydrodynamic simulations of realistically fast AGN winds striking Bonnor-Ebert (BE) spheres and examine gravitational collapse and a...
Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and subsequent jet cocoons and outflow bubbles can have a significant impact on star formation in the host galaxy. To investigate feedback physics on small scales, we perform hydrodynamic simulations of realistically fast AGN winds striking Bonnor-Ebert (BE) spheres and examine gravitational collapse and a...
To investigate the differences in mechanical feedback from radio-loud and radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) on the host galaxy, we perform 3D AMR hydrodynamic simulations of wide angle, radio-quiet winds with different inclinations on a single, massive, gas-rich disk galaxy at a redshift of 2-3. We compare our results to hydrodynamic simulat...
To investigate the differences in mechanical feedback from radio-loud and radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) on the host galaxy, we perform 3D AMR hydrodynamic simulations of wide angle, radio-quiet winds with different inclinations on a single, massive, gas-rich disk galaxy at a redshift of 2-3. We compare our results to hydrodynamic simulat...
Modeling the stochastic gravitational wave background from various astrophysical sources is a key objective in view of upcoming observations with ground- and space-based gravitational wave observatories such as Advanced LIGO, VIRGO, eLISA and PTA. We develop a synthetic model framework that follows the evolution of single and binary compact objects...
Modeling the stochastic gravitational wave background from various astrophysical sources is a key objective in view of upcoming observations with ground- and space-based gravitational wave observatories such as Advanced LIGO, VIRGO, eLISA and PTA. We develop a synthetic model framework that follows the evolution of single and binary compact objects...
The quasar mode of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the high-redshift Universe is routinely observed in gas-rich galaxies together with large-scale AGN-driven winds. It is crucial to understand how photons emitted by the central AGN source couple to the ambient interstellar-medium to trigger large-scale outflows. By means of radiation-hydrodynamical...
The quasar mode of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the high-redshift Universe is routinely observed in gas-rich galaxies together with large-scale AGN-driven winds. It is crucial to understand how photons emitted by the central AGN source couple to the ambient interstellar-medium to trigger large-scale outflows. By means of radiation-hydrodynamical...
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We perform adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) cosmological zoom simulations of a region around a forming galaxy cluster, comparing the ability of the methods to handle successively more complex baryonic physics. In the simplest, non-radiative case, the two methods are in good agreement with each other, but the...
We perform adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) cosmological zoom simulations of a region around a forming galaxy cluster, comparing the ability of the methods to handle successively more complex baryonic physics. In the simplest, non-radiative case, the two methods are in good agreement with each other, but the...
The recent detection of the binary black hole merger GW150914 demonstrates the existence of black holes more massive than previously observed in X-ray binaries in our Galaxy. This article explores different scenarios of black hole formation in the context of self-consistent cosmic chemical evolution models that simultaneously match observations of...
The recent detection of the binary black hole merger GW150914 demonstrates the existence of black holes more massive than previously observed in X-ray binaries in our Galaxy. This article explores different scenarios of black hole formation in the context of self-consistent cosmic chemical evolution models that simultaneously match observations of...
Recent chemical abundance measurements of damped Lyman-alpha absorbers (DLAs) revealed a large intrinsic scatter in their metallicities. We discuss a semi-analytic model that was specifically designed to study this scatter by tracing the chemical evolution of the interstellar matter in small regions of the Universe with different mean density, from...
Deuterium is created during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and, in contrast to the other light stable nuclei, can only be destroyed thereafter by fusion in stellar interiors. In this paper we study the cosmic evolution of the deuterium abundance in the interstellar medium and its dispersion using realistic galaxy evolution models. We find that models th...
Deuterium is created during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and, in contrast to the other light stable nuclei, can only be destroyed thereafter by fusion in stellar interiors. In this paper we study the cosmic evolution of the deuterium abundance in the interstellar medium and its dispersion using realistic galaxy evolution models. We find that models th...
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Quasars powered by massive black holes (BHs) with mass estimates above a billion solar masses have been identified at redshift 6 and beyond. The existence of such BHs requires almost continuous growth at the Eddington limit for their whole lifetime, of order of one billion years. In this paper, we explore the possibility that positively skewed scal...
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Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) has often been invoked both in simulations and in interpreting observations for regulating star formation and quenching cooling flows in massive galaxies. AGN activity can, however, also overpressurize the dense star-forming regions of galaxies and thus enhance star formation, leading to a positive feedbac...
We investigate the possibility of observing monochromatic neutrino lines originating from annihilation of dark matter. We analyse several astrophysical sources with overdensities of dark matter that can amplify the signal. As a case study, we consider mixed left and right handed sneutrino dark matter. We demonstrate that in the physically viable re...
Recent chemical abundance measurements of damped Ly-alpha absorbers (DLAs) revealed an intrinsic scatter in their metallicity of ~0.5 dex out to z~5. In order to explore the origin of this scatter, we build a semi-analytic model which traces the chemical evolution of the interstellar matter in small regions of the Universe with different mean densi...
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The growth of a supermassive black hole (BH) is determined by how much gas the host galaxy is able to feed it, which in turn is controlled by the cosmic environment, through galaxy mergers and accretion of cosmic flows that time how galaxies obtain their gas, and also by internal processes in the galaxy, such as star formation and feedback from sta...