Jochen Schirrwagen

Jochen Schirrwagen
Bielefeld University · Library


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Jochen Schirrwagen currently works at Bielefeld University. Jochen is responsible for project coordination at the Library. His main activities are in the areas of research information and open science.


Publications (39)
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Zusammenfassung Mit dem ORCID-Standard wurde ein System der persistenten Identifikatoren für Forschende geschaffen. Der Förderung von ORCID in Deutschland widmete sich von 2016 bis 2022 das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderte Projekt ORCID DE. Dank des Projekts konnte die Anzahl der in Deutschland registrierten ORCID iDs von e...
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Key points The ORCID DE project, from 2016 to 2022, promoted ORCID in Germany through a project‐driven approach. The project promoted the dissemination of ORCID in Germany. The number of IDs registered for Germany increased from approximately 44,000 in 2016 to 300,070 in 2023. The linkage of ORCID with the bibliographic Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND; t...
Dieser Beitrag zeichnet gemeinsame Entwicklungslinien von Forschungsinformationssystemen und Repositorien nach. Beide Systemwelten haben sich zunächst unabhängig voneinander entwickelt, was ihrer Verankerung in unterschiedlichen Verwaltungseinheiten wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen geschuldet ist. Im Zuge von Open Access und Open Science, sowie ste...
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Zusammenfassung Dieser Beitrag zeichnet gemeinsame Entwicklungslinien von Forschungsinformationssystemen und Repositorien nach. Beide Systemwelten haben sich zunächst unabhängig voneinander entwickelt, was ihrer Verankerung in unterschiedlichen Verwaltungseinheiten wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen geschuldet ist. Im Zuge von Open Access und Open Sc...
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In this article, we give an overview of the data source typologies used in OpenAIRE and provide an outline on the role of persistent identifiers in the aggregation, curation and provision workflows that lead to the generation of the Research Graph in OpenAIRE.
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Publishing is an important pillar for the advancement of scientific knowledge and of science as a whole. Among its characteristics are a) the organization of effective communication between researchers (between authors and all potential recipients, i.e. securing an adequate dissemination), b) a high degree of trustworthiness (e.g. with regard to pr...
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The global network of scholarly repositories for the publication and dissemination of scientific publications and related materials can already look back on a history of more than twenty years. During this period, there have been many developments in terms of technical optimization and the increase of content. It is crucial to observe and analyze t...
The global network of scholarly repositories can already look back on a more than twenty-year-old history of publishing and disseminating scientific publications and related material. During this period of time, a lot of developments happened with respect to technical optimizations and the extension of contents. It is crucial to observe and analyze...
The OpenAIRE Research Graph is exported as several dumps, so you can download the parts you are interested into. publication.gz: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here) dataset.gz:: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here) software.gz:: metadata records about research...
Since 2009, OpenAIRE has been serving research communities around Europe by facilitating the compliance to the EC’s mandates on Open Access and Open Science. With more than 30 mi publications (and 1,5 mi research data and 100k software) available through its portal and APIs, OpenAIRE is an essential resource in the Open Science landscape providing...
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Das Publikationswesen ist ein wesentlicher Stützpfeiler des wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisfortschritts und der Wissenschaft insgesamt. Zu seinen Kennzeichen gehören a. die Organisation einer effektiven Kommunikation zwischen Forschenden (zwischen Autor*innen und allen potenziellen Rezipient*innen, d. h. die Sicherstellung einer adäquaten Verbreitung...
Conference Paper
The sustainability of open access publishing infrastructures and initiatives is becoming increasingly important as open access as a modus operandi of scientific publishing is gaining in importance. For reasons of efficiency and innovation, it is imperative that the scientific publication system remains in the hands of the scientific community, supp...
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Rich research information in CRIS is a treasure for funders, organisations, and also for researchers. OpenAIRE works together with the research community, research administrators, funders, and with euroCRIS to lift the treasure and make this information visible in the OpenAIRE scholarly communication graph which is a key component of the European O...
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Scholarly items in repositories often lack reliable indicators on citation counts, attention, and usage that can serve as the basis for comprehensive and recent view of the impact of such items and, as a result, their authors, institutions, and publication platforms. OpenAIRE works on solutions based on open metrics that are generated according to...
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Research Data Management at Bielefeld University is considered as a cross-cutting task among central facilities and research groups at the faculties. While initially started as project “Bielefeld Data Informium” lasting over seven years (2010–2015), it is now being expanded by setting up a Competence Center for Research Data. The evolution of the i...
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Autorenidentifikation ist eine der großen Herausforderungen des wissenschaftlichen Publikationsmanagements für alle im Publikationsprozess involvierten Akteurinnen und Akteure, von den Forschungsförderern, über die Verlage und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen bis hin zu den Forschenden selbst. Für alle besteht dieselbe Grundproblematik der global e...
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Presentation give an overview to the network of Usage Statistics and an outlook to Usage Statistics Hubs on a global level.
Publishing is an important pillar of the advancement of scientific knowledge and of science as a whole. Among its characteristics are (a) the organization of an effective communication between scien-tists/scholars (between → authors and all potential recipients, i.e. securing an adequate dissemination), (b) a high degree of trustworthiness (e.g. wi...
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This contribution provides an update on the implementation of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers based on CERIF-XML, which aim to allow Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) to be harvested by the OpenAIRE content aggregator. Besides describing the technical challenges posed by this step forward in system interoperability, the text pro...
Analytical reproducibility in scientific research has become a keenly discussed topic within scientific research organizations and acknowledged as an important and fundamental goal to strive for. Recently published scientific studies have found that irreproducibility is widely prevalent within the research community, even after releasing data openl...
Das Publikationswesen ist ein wesentlicher Stützpfeiler des wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisfortschritts und der Wissenschaft insgesamt. Zu seinen Kennzeichen gehören (a) die Organisation einer effektiven Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaftler/-innen (zwischen Autor/-innen und allen potenziellen Rezipient/-innen, d. h. die Sicherstellung einer adäquat...
Publishing data is more and more considered as part of the research process. While funder mandates and journal policies demand the disclosure of research data at the time of article publication there is still a lack of guidelines and workflows to reference data from grey literature. Based on multidisciplinary examples found in our repository’PUB’ w...
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OpenAIRE – Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe – is moving from a publication infrastructure to a more comprehensive infrastructure that covers all types of scientific output. To put this into practice an integrated suite of guidelines were developed with specific requirements supporting the goal of OpenAIRE and the European Commissio...
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Contemporary scholarly communication is undergoing a paradigm shift, which in some ways echoes the one from the start of the Digital Era, when publications moved to a digital form. The most prominent example of such requirements is provided by the European Commission with the Open Access mandates for publications and data in Horizon2020. Finally, r...
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The Information Inference Framework presented in this paper provides a general-purpose suite of tools enabling the definition and execution of flexible and reliable data processing workflows whose nodes offer application-specific processing capabilities. The IIF is designed for the purpose of processing big data, and it is implemented on top of Apa...
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In this paper, we tackle the challenge of linking scholarly information in multi-disciplinary research infrastructures. There is a trend towards linking publications with research data and other information, but, as it is still emerging, this is handled differently by various initiatives and disciplines. For OpenAIRE, a European cross-disciplinary...
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This case study explores alternative science metrics on grant-supported research publications. The study is based on plosOpenR, a software package for the statistical computing environment R. plosOpenR facilitates access to the application programming interfaces API provided by Open Access publisher Public Library of Science PLOS and OpenAIRE --Ope...
OpenAIRE is the European Union initiative for an Open Access Infrastructure for Research in support of open scholarly communication and access to the research output of European funded projects and open access content from a network of institutional and disciplinary repositories. This article outlines the curation activities conducted in the OpenAI...
OpenAIRE and OpenAIREplus (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) are EC funded projects (Dec 2009 - May 2014) whose goals are to realize, enhance, and operate the Open Access European scholarly communication data infrastructure. This paper describes the high-level architecture and functionalities of that infrastructure, including servi...
Conference Paper
Neue Formen der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation basieren auf Fortschritten in den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Das dadurch mögliche kollaborative wissenschaftliche Arbeiten liefert Ergebnisse, die in vielfältigen Formaten, als Text, Simulationsdaten oder multimediale Elemente vorliegen. Daraus ergeben sich besondere Anforderungen...


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