Joaquín Sosa-RamírezAutonomous University of Aguascalientes | UAA · Departamento de Ciencias Agronómicas
Joaquín Sosa-Ramírez
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Publications (79)
Antecedentes y Objetivos: El matorral xerófilo en México cubre 40% de su superficie y es el más vasto de todos los tipos de vegetación. En Aguascalientes, ocupa 21.52% del territorio y presenta fuerte grado de impacto debido a la influencia humana. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la composición florística de herbáceas en dos subtipos de vege...
Las investigaciones sobre arvenses en cultivo de maíz de temporal en el estado de Aguascalientes son escasas.
¿Qué especies arvenses se encuentran en cultivos de maíz de temporal por provincia biogeográfica en el estado de Aguascalientes? ¿Cómo es su control y manejo?
Sitio y años de estudio:
Un sitio en cada una de las t...
Keywords: Land degradation neutrality Climatic factors Index of edaphic adequacy Multilayer perceptron A B S T R A C T The need to promote a sustainable land management (SLM) approach for land degradation neutrality (LDN) is a global challenge, and we must rely on local assessments of how rural participants are conducting their work. Therefore, the...
The present study aimed to analyze the antioxidant and hepatoprotective efficacy of watercress extract against liver fibrosis induced by CCl4 (0.8 mL/kg, i.p) in an in vivo rat model. Four groups were included, each with five animals (n = 5): 1) Intact, 2) CCl4-induced for 4 weeks, 3) CCl4-induced for 8 weeks, and 4) CCl4-induced for 4 weeks follow...
Carnivorous mammals disperse seeds through endozoochory and diploendozoochory. The former consists of ingestion of the fruit, passage through the digestive tract, and expulsion of the seeds, a process that allows scarification and dispersal of the seeds over long or short distances. The latter is typical of predators that expel seeds that were cont...
The genus Capsicum has been distinguished by its lack of compatible rootstocks with commercial cultivars to successfully protect against Phytophthora capsici . Criollo de Morelos 334 (CM334) has been used worldwide in crosses and as a rootstock to protect against P. capsici . However, novel sources of resistance to this pathogen, such as ‘Pasilla 1...
Carnivores participate in forest disturbance recovery by dispersing the seeds that pass through their digestive systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of mammals for Juniperus deppeana seed dispersal with an experimental evaluation of endozoochory and diploendozoochory, through indices of recovery, viability, changes in t...
Arbutus xalapensis is the species of the genus with the greatest distribution in Mexico. Despite this, knowledge about its seeds and propagation is scarce. The objective of the present study was to observe the effect of storage on the germination of A. xalapensis seeds and the effect of pre-germination treatments on stored seeds. The seeds were sto...
Arctostaphylos pungens Kunt is a species with significant characteristics for restoration; however, there are few studies on its propagation.
To evaluate the effect of pre-germinative treatments and the use of vegetative propagation methods in A. pungens.
Materials and methods:
Eight pre-germinative treatments were evalua...
Contamination of food chains by toxigenic fungi and aflatoxins is a global problem that causes damage to human health, as well as to crop and livestock production. The objective is to evaluate Aspergillus flavus and total aflatoxins (AFs) occurrence in totally mixed rations (TMRs) for dairy cows and aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk for human consumption...
Aim: Mexican hand tree Chiranthodendron pentadactylon is an evergreen temperate tree species restricted to cloud forests and pine-oak forests of southern Mexico, Guatemala and possibly Honduras. Climate is believed to significantly contribute to the species establishment, viability and distribution. Insights into the impact of climate change on the...
In Central Mexico converge three biogeographic provinces: Altiplano sur, Sierra Madre Occidental and Costa del Pacífico. Each one of them is composed by different plant communities: Thorn Forest, Temperate Mountain Forest and Dry Tropical Forest respectively. Our objective is to show, through phytoecological analysis, the species richness, diversit...
Antecedentes y Objetivos:
Dentro del Área Natural Protegida Sierra Fría (ANPSF), Aguascalientes, México, se han llevado a cabo algunos estudios sobre la composición, diversidad y dinámica de los bosques templados en zonas bajas; en este trabajo se estudia Monte Grande, su zona más alta. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la composic...
The seed dispersal mechanisms and regeneration of various forest ecosystems can benefit from the actions of carnivores via endozoochory. This study was aimed to evaluate the role of carnivores in endozoochory and diploendozoochory, as well as their effect on seed viability, scarification, and germination in two forest ecosystems: temperate and trop...
Las relaciones existentes entre la sociedad y los ecosistemas naturales son complejas y es necesario entenderlas para emprender acciones que contribuyan a un manejo sustentable. Con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia de algunas actividades antropogénicas sobre los ecosistemas que integran el Área Natural Protegida Sierra Fría se condujeron 20 ent...
This chapter deals with historical and current data regarding the socio-ecosystems of two Protected Natural Areas (PNAs) of central México: El Chico National Park (ECHNP) and the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve (BMBR). Both PNAs are in the State of Hidalgo; despite covering different types of ecosystems and having different protection cate...
El orden Commelinales incluye cinco familias, 68 géneros, y cerca de 780 especies a nivel mundial; en México, está representado por Commelinaceae, Haemodoraceae y Pontederiaceae. Aguascalientes se ubica en la región centro-norte de México, representa una zona de transición florística, entre la región Xerofítica Mexicana y la Mesoameri...
ABSTRACT Forestiera phillyreoides is a species of wide distribution in semi-arid and subtropical areas of the country. Despite being a common species, there is no information about its propagation. Therefore, the objective was to generate information about its fruiting, its germination under different pre-germinative treatments and the growth of se...
The Cape Region (CR) of Baja California Sur is located in the southernmost tip of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. The vegetation of this region is dominated by scrubland (SRB) and tropical dry forest (TDF), but oak (OW) and oak-pine woodland (OWP) are also found in Sierra La Laguna Biosphere Reserve. These vegetation types, in this relativel...
Abstract Some carnivorous mammals ingest fruit and disperse seeds of forest plant species capable of colonizing disturbed areas in ecosystems. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the dissemination of Arctostaphylos pungens and Juniperus deppeana seeds by the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), coyote (Canis latrans), and other carni...
In the temperate forests of the Sierra Fria, Aguascalientes, Mexico, Taphrina caerulescens (Desm. & Mont.) Tul. was observed affecting leaves of Quercus eduardii Trel. This was the first report of the pathogen in Mexico and Central America. In addition to the typical symptom, the plant-pathogen interaction also results in the appearance of chloroti...
Taphrina caerulescens exclusively affects plants of the Quercus
genus. The identification and isolation of this fungus is difficult
due to its dimorphic nature and extremely slow growth habit
in artificial growth media. The objective of this research was to
isolate and identify the fungal pathogen T. caerulescens. Three
methods were used to isolate...
Despite the assessment of Water Security (WS) being key for land-use planning and territorial development, available methodological approaches are controversial. As an alternative to the use of indicators for WS, this paper proposes the use of descriptors at a watershed level. The approach was tested in two rural watersheds in Aguascalientes and Mi...
em>Taphrina caerulescens es un hongo fitopatógeno de encinos, que causa ampollas en hojas de 50 especies de Quercus . En 2015, el hongo se aisló por primera vez de Quercus eduardii , especie de encino endémica de la Sierra Fría de Aguascalientes, México. El objetivo de este estudio fue documentar los cambios que se producen en el inóculo fúngico an...
El suelo es un recurso esencial sostén para los servicios ecosistémicos. Un elemento clave en el ciclo del carbono es la captura y almacenamiento de éste en el suelo o biomasa de los ecosistemas terrestres, por eso se planteó el objetivo de estimar el contenido del Carbono orgánico en un municipio de Aguascalientes, se desarrolló en el municipio de...
En 1992 la Reforma Agraria estableció medidas para regularizar el mercado del suelo en los núcleos agrarios, dando certidumbre a la tenencia de la tierra. Presumiblemente estas medidas modificaron los medios de vida de la población y la estructura del territorio. El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar los posibles efectos de la privatización de lo...
Mexico has 181 federal protected areas, most of them with a clear spatial delimitation and management program, but some protected areas still do not have clearly defined limits, as is the case of the Protected Natural Resource Area (PNRA) Pabellón Basin, in central Mexico. The lack of delimitation of this reserve has resulted in loss of ecosystem f...
Dry tropical forests cover approximately 35% of Mexico’s surface. However, in the past 20 years, a substantial proportion of these forests have been lost, placing this country among the first three with highest deforestation worldwide. In Aguascalientes this type of forest is located mainly in the municipality of Calvillo and is also in a process o...
The present work objective is to understad the changes in the planning and administration of land uses in Mexico and to explore its possible relationship with the current environmental crisis, this is carried out within the context of the complex relations between society and environment and politics. The work hypothesis assumes that Mexic...
La invasión de especies biológicas es uno de los disturbios con mayores efectos negativos en los ecosistemas. En el Área Natural Protegida Sierra Fría, durante el 2013 se observó un insecto chupador afectando una población de Pinus greggii var. greggii. Para localizar más sitios infestados se realizaron recorridos por cuatro localidades donde se us...
The Amaranthaceae family has a cosmopolitan geographic distribution, with 174 genera and about 2,050 to 2,500 species is the most diverse family within the order Caryophyllales, and includes about 50 % of species of eudicotiledóneas with C4 photosynthesis. Its species live mainly in arid environments, saline habitats and areas of distur...
La manzanita o pingüica (A. pungens) es una especie de arbusto
perteneciente a la familia Ericaceae que en el continente americano se
localiza en los ecosistemas de clima templado, desde el suroeste de los
Estados Unidos, en las sierras Juárez y San Pedro Mártir de Baja California,
en la Sierra Madre Occidental y hasta los bosques de Veracruz
y Oax...
En este capítulo se analizan los cambios en la biodiversidad y sus consecuencias en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y sus servicios, incluida la relación entre su funcionamiento y los servicios ecosistémicos. Para ilustrar los patrones se presentan estudios de caso.
Este capítulo analiza las herramientas y estrategias para el estudio de la biodiversidad y la conservación de los ecosistemas. En él se hace una evaluación del conocimiento adquirido a través del monitoreo de ecosistemas terrestres, costeros y marinos, así como el desarrollo y uso de indicadores para este fin. También se realiza un análisis de los...
Mexican conifer and oak forests are very diverse, and represent the vegetation type with the highest timber production in Mexico. Yet, there is little knowledge about the relationship of forest recovery and tree diversity in this type of vegetation. In this study, we analyzed the dynamics of vegetation patches over three time periods covering five...
El género Quercus (Fagaceae) es de gran importancia ecológica y económica a nivel mundial. México es el país con mayor riqueza de especies, y San Luis Potosí se ha propuesto como uno de los estados que albergan mayor diversidad. Desafortunadamente se conoce poco de la mayoría de las especies y de sus requerimientos. Muchas se encuentran en condicio...
Con base en la experiencia en investigación para las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de México de los autores de este trabajo, investigadoras e investigadores adscritos a instituciones de educación superior y a centros de investigaciones, se analizaron las citas bibliográficas de los trabajos publicados para cada región administrativa en las que la Comi...
El nuevo milenio se caracteriza por presentar una aceleración sorprendente de los procesos a escala planetaria. La diseminación de las tecnologías de la comunicación y el incremento de la conectividad están propiciando flujos de información que activan las interacciones sociales, la toma de decisiones y los procesos económicos. Así, la capacidad tr...
RESUMEN La cuenca de la Presa Calles se ubica dentro de la Sierra Fría, en el estado de Aguascalientes, México. Pese a ser la principal fuente de agua del acuífero interestatal " Ojocaliente-Aguascalientes-Encarnación " no existen estudios sobre la dinámica hídrica en este ecosistema. Este trabajo compara la disponibilidad hídrica de la cuenca de l...
Manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens) is a shrub regularly found in Sierra Fría mountain Aguascalientes, Mexico. Like other wild plants, it is affected by biotic factors such as disease, which can cause anything from minor damage to death. The objectives of this work were: 1) To identify the fungi associated with decline of Manzanita in the Sierra Frí...
Uno de los elementos centrales en la estrategia para la conservación de la biodiversidad en cualquier país es la construcción de un sistema de áreas naturales protegidas. La evaluación de la efectividad de cada área debe estar en función de su aporte a la conservación, pero en los términos establecidos por la categoría de manejo designada. Consider...
Este trabajo destaca la diversidad biológica de México y su trascendencia a nivel mundial. Presenta datos sobre el crecimiento poblacional, también de las transformaciones que las actividades humanas han ocasionado en los ecosistemas naturales. Esto ha propiciado la pérdida de serv...
El Area Natural Protegida Sierra Fría comprende una importante diversidad biológica que ofrece servicios ambientales imprescindibles para el bienestar social. Estos ecosistemas se ven amenazados por la falta de un programa de conservación y manejo que coordine y ordene las acciones realizadas por los diferentes actores que intervienen en la región....
Mexico harbors more than 10% of the planet’s endemic species. However, the integrity and biodiversity of many ecosystems is experiencing rapid transformation under the influence of a wide array of human and natural disturbances. In order to disentangle the effects of human and natural disturbance regimes at different spatial and temporal scales, we...
Microclimatic conditions and indeterminate tomato leaf morphology of two bio-spaces were analyzed: retractable-roof greenhouse and shade-house in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, during the period 2009 - 2010. The results show that, the retractable-roof greenhouse generates more favorable conditions forphotosynthesis, as a re sult of lower thermal fluctu...
Microclimatic conditions and indeterminate tomato leaf morphology of two bio-spaces were analyzed: retractableroof greenhouse and shade-house in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, during the period 2009 - 2010. The results show that, the retractable-roof greenhouse generates more favorable conditions for photosynthesis, as a result of lower thermal fluctua...
Our objectives were to recognize the composition of forest species, characterize their distribution and abundance, and identify the factors that determine their presence or absence in the area of Sierra Fria, Aguascalientes, Mexico. A sampling plan was elaborated using three criteria: altitude, relief and forest cover. Sixty samplings were realized...
A study was conducted during 2007, 2008 and 2009 to evaluate the distribution and abundance of oak species (Quercus spp), the environmental factors which affect their distribution, and the identification of pathogens and insects associated with oak decline and mortality in the Sierra Fria, Aguascalientes. To evaluate oak distribution and abundance,...
El manejo de recursos naturales basado en el Ordenamiento Ecológico Comunitario Participativo (OECP) es una herramienta de apoyo para implementar proyectos de desarrollo rural, a una escala comunitaria, partiendo de un esquema de planeación regional, mediante el uso y aplicación de herramientas técnicas para analizar las potencialidades y limitante...
A study was conducted during 2007, 2008 and 2009 to evaluate de distribution and abundance of oak species (Quercus spp.), the environmental factors wihich affect their distribution, and the identification of pathogens and insects associated with oak decline and mortality in the Sierra Fria, Aguasxalientes.Mexico.
Durante los años 2007, 2008 y 2009 se condujo un estudio para evaluar la distribución y abundancia de las especies de encinos (Quercus spp), los factores ambientales que afectan su distribución y la identificación de los patógenos e insectos asociados a la declinación y muerte de estos árboles en la Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes. Para evaluar la dist...
Natural resource management based on Participatory Community-based Environmental Management (PCEM) is a support tool to implement rural development projects at the community level, from a regional planning framework through the use and application of technical tools to analyze the potentials and limits of natural resources and the use of a methodol...
Fruit flies are the main pest problem with guava production in Calvillo, mainly for quarantine restrictions that prevent guava fresh fruit exportation. The Calvillo-Cañones is the most important guava producing region in Mexico and currently it is considered a low prevalence zone for fruit fly, a condition achieved as a result of a fruit fly manage...
The US lightning detection (LD) data system records and locates lightning discharges in this region. These data were entered into the ARC-INFO geographic information system (GIS) in which were calculated LD rates within vegetation types. LD densities are greatest in updraft zones along the eastern escarpments of the Sierras Juarez and San Pedro Mar...
The Sierra Fría in Aguascalientes is part of the Sierra Madre Occidental Physiographic Province. The predominant vegetation types in the area are pine (Pinus spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), juniper (Juniperus spp.) and mixed forests that have been modified due to wood extraction, fire and heavy grazing. In order to estimate the degree of deterioration o...
La Sierra Fría, en Aguascalientes, forma parte de la provincia fisiográfica Sierra Madre Occidental. Los tipos de vegetación predominantes en la zona son bosques de pino (Pinus spp.), encino (Quercus spp.), táscate (Juniperus spp.), y mixtos, que se han modificado debido a la extracción de leña, incendios forestales y pastoreo intensivo. Para estim...
La cadena productiva de leche (MPC) en Aguascalientes contribuye a disminuir la dependencia nacional de importación de este producto. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el nivel de competitividad y las relaciones de intercambio de los diferentes eslabones de la CPL. Mediante un muestreo sistemático (2004- 2005), se aplicaron cuestionarios...