João Paz

João Paz
Open University · Laboratory of Distance Education and eLearning (LEAD)

Doctor of Education (Distance Education and e-learning)


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February 1994 - May 2015
Instituto Piaget
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (43)
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As recently demonstrated during the CoViD-19 pandemic, mortality data provide a better understanding of epidemiological trends and the impacts of health policies within a population. The accurate way information on causes of death is recorded, coded, and published is therefore critical. Despite using an online platform for registering death certifi...
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Publicação da Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (UID) 4372/FCT Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning, Universidade Aberta, sobre o Passado, Presente e Futuro(s) do eLearning em Portugal. Celebtando os 10 anos do eLIES.
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The emerging new learning scenarios made possible by the rapid dissemination of adaptive digital technologies are deeply changing higher education processes. They provide educators and learners with new opportunities for transforming their educational practices. encouraging learning innovation and challenging traditional teaching methods. This tran...
Conference Paper
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Resumo Objetiva-se uma revisão de literatura sobre a investigação produzida em Portugal no âmbito da Formação Contínua em Avaliação de Desempenho Docente a partir de 2012, ano em que se instituiu, através da publicação do Decreto Regulamentar n.º 26/2012, de 21 de fevereiro, a obrigatoriedade de observação de aulas para avaliação externa da dimensã...
This chapter will address results of LE@D's project “Teaching in Times of Emergency: Digital Transition,” which focused on the experience of rapid digital transition to an “emergency teaching,” a scenario quite different from distance education. Through a mixed methods approach, data was collected through an online questionnaire applied to students...
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This proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and pedagogical practices experienced by students from various higher education degrees in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement determined by the Portuguese Government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objectiv...
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This research aimed to evaluate the development of mental calculation in Primary Education students promoting the use of the Calculus app in a mobile learning environment. It was observed that children have and use several portable devices with internet connection demonstrating that they are familiarized with technology. Therefore, the immanent ped...
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Escola sem muros-é uma escola sem muros físicos ou virtuais entre áreas disciplinares, entre a escola e o meio envolvente, entre os agentes educativos; uma Escola que vai para lá do currículo e dos mínimos definidos como necessários, para trabalhar com cada estudante e cidadão, numa perspetiva de construção do conhecimento transdisciplinar e holíst...
Technical Report
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Argumenta-se que a avaliação por intermédio do portfólio introduz um método aberto permitindo o desabrochar das capacidades matemáticas de alunos com reconhecidas lacunas na área e ao mesmo tempo permitindo que alunos com menos dificuldades desenvolvam ainda mais as suas capacidades matemáticas por intermédio de uma bifurcação proceptual. Contudo,...
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This research conducts a case study of a Curricular Unit of an online Master course whose instructional design is based on the development of a virtual learning community and is also characterized by the use of Social Web complementing the institutional Virtual Learning Environment. On the backdrop of a taxonomy of three online educational paradigm...
Conference Paper
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The paper proposes Regulation of Learning as a new category of Teaching Presence in the Community of Inquiry framework. This framework states that on online educational collaborative constructivist experience is a product of three elements of the learning community: Social Presence, Cognitive Presence and Teaching Presence. The paper addresses the...
Conference Paper
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The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model and framework is one of the most researched models of online education since the last decade. It states that on online educational collaborative constructivist experience is a product of three elements of the learning community: Social Presence, Cognitive Presence and Teaching Presence. Trying to account for the...
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Existem várias aplicações que permitem a realização de testes online, com graus diferentes de versatilidade e profundidade. Algumas delas estão incluídas nos LMS, como no caso do Moodle, sendo mais vantajoso para o professor a sua utilização nestas plataformas do que de modo isolado devido, entre outros, à possibilidade de integração e avaliação si...
Conference Paper
O acesso à tecnologia criou uma procura crescente de meios para preparar os nossos alunos para a sua utilização de forma segura, legal e ética, não só na escola na na vida fora da escola e mesmo profissionalmente. Mike Ribble define a cidadania digital como as normas para um comportamento apropriado e responsável referente à utilização da tecnolo...
Conference Paper
In this communication we present the pedagogical processes and outcomes of online teaching a cours, where we tried to adapt the collaborative model to a virtual class of large dimensions aggregating several course classes. Assuming that the current paradigm of elearning, after generations in which the individual interaction with the content and / o...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
In this paper we start by developing a model of the main functions of a Personal Learning Environment after a literature review. This model is then used to identify the most represented PLE functions and tools in the students' first time diagramming of a PLE in an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Post Graduation Course. The results sh...
Conference Paper
Esta comunicação apresenta alguns resultados preliminares de uma investigação-acção sobre um projecto de utilização da plataforma Moodle e de ferramentas da Web 2.0 numa disciplina de Educação Musical no sexto ano de escolaridade. No quadro de uma investigação-acção, os resultados mostram uma boa percepção da Moodle e da dimensão colaborativa em...
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The use of virtual learning environments in Higher Education (HE) has been growing in Portugal, driven by the Bologna Process. An example is the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) that translates an opportunity to leverage the use of technological advances in the educational process. The progress of information and communication technologies...
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This paper addresses the rationale and structure of a teachers' training workshop which was held at an institution of Higher Education in Portugal during the academic year of 2010/2011 based on self-regulated learning and e-learning using moodle. We will begin presenting the background and institutional context of the workshop and its theoretical f...


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