Joao Carvalho

Joao Carvalho
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon | ISCTE · Departamento de Ciência Política e Políticas Públicas

PhD in Politics
Invited Principal researcher


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João Carvalho is a PhD in Politics in the University of Sheffield. Recently, I have been promoted to the category of Invited Principal Investigator after obtaining the first position in the 4th call for Scientific Employment Stimulus in the area of: "Media and communication, law and political science" promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. My research interests encompass the politics of international migration and the far-right.
Additional affiliations
September 2018 - October 2019
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
  • Principal Investigator
September 2016 - June 2018
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
  • Professor
June 2016 - June 2018
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
  • Principal Investigator


Publications (44)
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Drawing on a mixed research methodology with a strong qualitative character, this book traces the political impact of the British National Party in the UK, the Front National in France and the Lega Nord in Italy by exploring their contagion effects on immigration politics and policy in particular over the patterns of inter-party competition, public...
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The electoral success of extreme-right parties (ERP) attracted a disproportionate number of studies on this topic. By contrast, research into the mainstream parties' approaches towards ERPs engendered sparse interest. With few exceptions, the effects of the centre-right parties' strategic options in the electoral competition with ERPs remain unexpl...
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Southern European states are recurrently represented as ‘safe havens’ for irregular immigration in face of powerless national governments. Drawing from an interdisciplinary approach combining the domestic politics approach and the political economy of migration, this investigation explores the effectiveness of the Portuguese policy towards labour a...
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Immigration is often perceived as a political topic that overlaps traditional ideological cleavages. Much research has focused on the positions of the extreme right, and little research has examined mainstream parties and their public stances on immigration. This shortcoming hampers broader understanding of political competition on this issue. Draw...
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Immigration is envisaged as part of an ‘emergent cultural cleavage’ across Western Europe. Within this context, this article explores the politicization of immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014. Politicization is interpreted as being formed by two distinct dimensions: salience and polarization of the political claims found within news artic...
In 2015, the Common European Asylum System and the Schengen regime were placed un-der unparalleled strain by the mass arrival of 1.2 million asylum seekers. This event was followed by the failure of the EU Commission’s to promote a common approach. Within this context, this in-depth investigation explores the impact of the far-right social movement...
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Based on 20 countries across Europe, North America and North Africa, this report synthesises key trends and patterns of national policy approaches towards migrant irregularity, highlighting commonalities and differences across various contexts. In particular, this report examines three key research questions: how have irregular migration policies e...
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Immigration is a hot topic in Europe, but research on the media effects on public attention to immigration remains limited. We examine how media coverage affects the degree of importance attached to immigration in seven Western European Union member states. Data come from an extensive analysis of claims in printed newspapers, and the Eurobarometer...
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Resumo: Este artigo procura contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o fenómeno da imigração internacional, em particular no caso português. Embora o termo de tráfico humano seja recorrentemente utilizado nos meios de comunicação social e muitas vezes utilizado em conjunto com referências a 'escravatura moderna', estas referências simplificam em demasi...
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Portugal benefited from late exposure to the COVID pandemic, as the local community transmission was only observed from March 2020 onwards. Portugal’s response to the health crisis was initially framed as a success due to the limited intensity of infection rates. However, this narrative was severely challenged by a spike in daily cases observed in...
The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics brings together the best scholars in the field offering an unrivalled coverage of the politics (broadly defined) of the country over the past 50 years. The Handbook includes eight sections. First, we look at the ‘Past and Present’ by making an overview of Portuguese political developments since democratiza...
Portugal has a long history of emigration dating back to the fifteenth century, with large-scale immigration having only developed by the late twentieth century. Within the European context, Portugal shows the second highest rate of emigrants in proportion to the resident population. By contrast, the immigrant population legally settled in Portugal...
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Desde a década de 2000, Portugal tem assistido a um processo de reestruturação do setor agrícola e a emergência do setor agroin-dustrial. Tal como noutros países industrializados, o crescimento da produção agrícola tem sido acompanhado pela desertificação do meio rural em virtude da emigração para os polos urbanos e países estrangeiros. Neste conte...
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Em abril de 2022, Marine Le Pen apurou-se pela segunda vez consecutiva para a segunda volta das eleições presidenciais contra o Presidente incumbente Emmanuel Macron. Vinte anos antes, o seu pai, Jean-Marie Le Pen, tinha provocado um terramoto político com repercussões ao nível europeu depois de ter alcançado a segunda volta da eleição presidencial...
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After more than four decades of immunity to the extreme-right party family, this Portuguese exceptionalism came to an end after the electoral breakthrough of the Chega party in the 2019 general elections. Drawing on a case study approach, this article discusses different explanations for the timing of Chega’s emergence in Portuguese mainstream poli...
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This paper analyses the networks, experiences and aspirations of Nepalese workers in Southern Portugal's farms and greenhouses. The main research objective is to analyse how recruitment networks, which supported the move of Nepalese to Portugal, were established and have rapidly consolidated. These networks impacted not only the increase of irregul...
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After more than four decades of immunity to the extreme-right party (ERP) family, this Portuguese exceptionalism came to an end after the electoral breakthrough of the Chega party in the 2019 general elections. Drawing on a case study approach, this article discusses different explanations for the timing of Chega’s emergence in Portuguese mainstrea...
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Fifteen years after the victory in the 1997 legislative elections, the French centre-left Parti Socialiste (PS) celebrated its return to power with the 2012 presidential elections. As widely expected, the PS candidate François Hollande was elected president of the French Fifth Republic after beating the incumbent centre-right President Nicolas Sark...
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Against the backdrop of a restrictive backlash in Europe, this article examines Portugal and Spain’s policies on immigrants’ acquisition of their national citizenships and assesses their potential convergence towards a common model. Drawing on a qualitative comparative analysis, this investigation also seeks to understand the evolution of the two I...
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This case study reviews a comparative research project on the political impact of extreme-right parties on their domestic political systems. Since most extreme-right parties are distinctive for their cultural xenophobia or biological racism, this research evaluates the impact of these parties on immigration politics and policy. Research on ERPs’ po...
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Ausência de consenso: os partidos de extrema direita como família partidária O principal objetivo desta investigação consiste em explorar a definição e conceptualização dos partidos de extrema direita (PED) enquanto uma família partidária distinta das suas congéneres. Portanto, a questão de investigação explorada neste estudo consiste em identifica...
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In May 2001, the Italian Lega Nord (LN) was included in the coalition government led by Silvio Berlusconi after the general election. A year later, the French Front National (FN) provoked a political earthquake after the passage of Jean-Marie Le Pen to the second round of the 2002 presidential ballot, alongside the incumbent President Jacques Chira...
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Este artigo explora a relação entre a evolução eleitoral de um partido de extrema-direita e a gestão da atual crise do asilo observado ao nível Europeu por parte de um Estado-Membro da União Europeia, em particular no caso francês. Neste intuito, a investigação examina a evolução eleitoral da Front National, bem como as diversas mutações ao nível i...
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This article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of French immigration policy during President Nicolas Sarkozy's single term (2007–2012). Following a recent proposal, this article will explore the level of congruence between French legislator's objectives on immigration policy and the remaining stages of the policy process. Notwithstanding Pr...
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A partir da segunda metade da década de 2000 observa-se um crescimento acen-tuado da emigração de enfermeiros portugueses para o Reino Unido. O presente texto explora as causas que favoreceram o desenvolvimento deste fluxo de imigran-tes altamente qualificados para o Reino Unido, a partir da perspetiva do país de des-tino. Nomeadamente, incide sobr...
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Notwithstanding the endemic failure of extreme-right parties in Britain, the British National Party (BNP) observed a period of electoral growth in the 2000s. After the election of several city councillors nationwide, the BNP experienced an electoral breakthrough in the national ballot of the 2009 European Parliament elections. Yet the BNP’s elector...
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Within the context of global competition for human talent, two policy shifts in favour of the promotion of high-skilled immigration (HSI) were observed in the UK and France during the 2000s. In light of similar policy inputs, this article compares the development and implementation of the British Highly Skilled Immigration Programme between 2002 an...
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President François Sarkozy was elected in May 2007 on a political platform that encompassed the promotion of a ‘selective’ immigration policy, as well as the association between immigration and national identity. After the end of his single term, this article evaluates to what extent President Sarkozy’s plans were materialised during the selected t...
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No mundo contemporâneo, as migrações internacionais assumem-se como um dos mais complexos e dinâmicos desafios colocados ao poder político. Tradicionalmente, associado a um país de emigração, Portugal a partir das décadas de setenta e de oitenta tornou-se igualmente num país de imigração. O fluxo imigratório para o país intensificou-se ao longo da...


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