Joanna Rymaszewska

Joanna Rymaszewska
Joanna verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Joanna verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology | WUT · Department of Clinical Neuroscience

MD, Prof


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October 2011 - August 2016
Wroclaw Medical University
  • Head of the Consultation Psychiatry and Neurobiological research Unit
October 2016 - June 2023
Wroclaw Medical University
  • Head of Psychiatry Department
October 2007 - August 2013
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (379)
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Regardless of their cause, persistent physical symptoms are distressing somatic complaints that occur on most days for at least several months. They are common in patients with somatic diseases, functional somatic disorders, mental disorders, and undiagnosed medical conditions and are often associated with significant impairment and medical costs....
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The concept of social health has recently received increasing attention in dementia research. Various notions of what social health is and how it can be measured are circulating. They may pose challenges for comparing results and interpreting them for the development of interventions. This systematic review aims to classify existing instruments tha...
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Introduction Despite the high hopes for the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of depression, between 30% and 60.5% of patients do not respond to stimulation. The factors contributing to non-response, especially those related to personality, remain insufficiently investigated. The main aim of our study was to compare th...
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The most common mental disorders in patients with heart failure (HF) include depression, anxiety disorders, and sleep disorders, and in hospitalized HF patients — delirium. In patients diagnosed with HF, depression and anxiety are associated with an increased incidence of HF-related hospitalization and mortality. The vast majority of people with HF...
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Background Social health in the context of dementia has recently gained interest. The development of a social health conceptual framework at the individual and social environmental levels, has revealed a critical need for a further exploration of social health markers that can be used in the development of dementia intervention and to construct soc...
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Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a significant challenge in modern medicine due to its unclear underlying causes. Brain network dysfunction is believed to play a key role in its pathophysiology. Resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI), a neuroimaging technique, enables the in vivo assessment of functional connectivity (FC) between brai...
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Background Due to the need to increase social awareness about dementia and the needs of patients living with dementia in Poland, the Razem przed siebie (eng. Forward with Dementia) campaign was created. The aim of the study was to evaluate its effectiveness. Methods To disseminate key campaign messages to the target audiences (people with dementia...
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Introduction Causal relationships between psychopathological symptoms, personality traits, coping mechanisms, and sleep bruxism (SB) were studied in the past, giving inconsistent results mostly based on self-assessment evaluations. This polysomnography-based cross-sectional study aimed to explore the relationships between severe SB, personality tra...
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Background -- Social health markers, including marital status, contact frequency, network size, and social support, have been shown to be associated with cognition. However, the mechanisms underlying these associations remain poorly understood. We investigated whether depressive symptoms and inflammation mediated associations between social health...
Objectives: This explorative cross-country qualitative study aims to describe experiences of receiving a dementia diagnosis and experiences of support following a diagnosis in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Poland. Method: Qualitative study using projective techniques during online focus groups, online and telephone interviews with peopl...
Objectives: The aim is to assess the level of stigmatization and knowledge of dementia among university students of medical, rehabilitation and social faculties in Poland. Possible correlates of these concepts and group differences are also investigated. Methods: We applied quantitative methods using an online questionnaire comprising sociodemog...
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Background:Good social connections are proposed to positively influence the course of cognitive decline by stimulating cognitive reserve and buffering harmful stress-related health effects. Prior meta-analytic research has uncovered links between social connections and the risk of poor health outcomes such as mild cognitive impairment, dementia, an...
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Background:Besides aspects of physical and mental health and quality of life aspects the concept of social health is getting increasing attention in dementia research. Current research has led to a new umbrella concept of social health and first studies show relationships between social health markers and cognitive decline and dementia. But so far,...
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Objective:The recognition of dementia as a multifactorial disorder encourages the exploration of new pathways to understand its origins. Social health might play a role in cognitive decline and dementia, but conceptual clarity is lacking and this hinders investigation of associations and mechanisms. Social health might provide a new perspective on...
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Objective: This systematic review aims to analyze the existing literature investigating respiratory functioning in people with Persistent Somatic Symptoms (PSS) compared to healthy controls, to identify patterns of respiratory disturbances by symptom or syndrome, and describe any respiratory outcomes consistent across diagnoses. Methods: A systema...
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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive technique that could improve cognitive function. It is being developed as a non-pharmacological intervention to alleviate symptoms of cognitive deterioration. We assessed the efficacy of rTMS in improving cognitive functioning among people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in a...
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This longitudinal study aimed to explore anxiety and depressive symptoms, individual resources, and job demands in a multi-country sample of 612 healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two online surveys were distributed to HCWs in seven countries (Germany, Andorra, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Romania, Iran) during the first (May-October...
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Background Social health markers, including marital status, contact frequency, network size, and social support, have shown associations with cognition. However, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigated whether depressive symptoms and inflammation mediated associations between social health and subsequent cognition. Metho...
Mental health is as essential to human functioning as a healthy heart or kidneys, but still not fully understood and appreciated. More and more people are affected by mental disorders, which make it difficult and sometimes impossible to lead a fully satisfying life. The causes and mechanisms of most mental disorders are so poorly understood that th...
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Aim of the study Rapid emergence and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 significantly impacted mental health. Restrictions, lockdowns and quarantines issued during the wait for vaccines resulted in additional psychological distress in most populations. We aim to describe the impact of perceived stress related to the pandemic and sociodemographic determinan...
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Palenie tytoniu i uzależnienie od nikotyny są nadal jedną z głównych przyczyn szeregu poważnych i skracających życie schorzeń somatycznych. Jednocześnie są bardziej rozpowszechnione u chorych psychicznie niż w populacji ogólnej. W niniejszej pracy, która stanowi część pierwszą rekomendacji Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego, przedstawiono skalę...
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Rozwój metod leczenia uzależnienia od nikotyny postępuje powoli, gdyż osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi są zazwyczaj wykluczane z udziału w badaniach klinicznych. Istnieje szereg możliwości terapeutycznych wspomagania rzucenia palenia, obejmujących interwencje psychologiczne i farmakologiczne, które powinny być oferowane osobom z zaburzeniami psych...
Objectives: Since the first reports of the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, experts have pointed to the possible psychological consequences of the pandemic. In this study, we tried to answer the question of whether the level of perceived stress related to the pandemic affects the quality of life related to the disease and the functioning of pat...
Introduction: Previous meta-analyses have linked social connections and mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and mortality. However, these used aggregate data from North America and Europe and examined a limited number of social connection markers. Methods: We used individual participant data (N = 39271, Mage = 70.67 (40-102), 58.86% female, Med...
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This longitudinal study aimed to explore anxiety and depressive symptoms, individual resources, and job demands in a multi-country sample of 612 healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two online surveys were distributed to HCWs in seven countries (Germany, Andorra, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Romania, Iran) during the first (May-October...
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Bezsenność jest jednym z najczęstszych problemów zdrowotnych w krajach rozwiniętych. Częstość jej występowania rośnie z wiekiem, w grupie osób po 65 r.ż. objawy bezsenności mogą występować nawet u co drugiej osoby. Osoby starsze należą także do grupy pacjentów, u których najczęściej stosowane są przewlekle leki nasenne. Celem artykułu jest przedsta...
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In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic led to healthcare reorganization limiting access to diagnostic or therapeutic procedures for chronically-ill patients. In this article, we describe the psychological consequences and coping strategies of several groups of chronically-ill patients. During the cross-sectional survey conducted in 2020, we enrol...
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Background Treatment-resistant depression remains one of the main concerns of modern psychiatry. Novel methods such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (including deep and theta burst protocols, iTBS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) can be considered as alternative treatment options. Case presentation Twenty-nine-year-old Caucasian female, singl...
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a method of noninvasive brain stimulation developed since the 1980s. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is one of the methods of noninvasive brain stimulation, which is increasingly used to treat psychiatric disorders. Recent years witnessed a dynamic growth in the number of sites offering...
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Introduction Dementia is a syndrome with complex underlying bio-psycho-social mechanisms relevant for prevention and intervention. This work presents a mixed research knowledge synthesis, mapping the multidimensional interplay of social health and cognitive functioning in dementia. Methods Data integration from 1) systematic review, 2) group model...
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Objective The recognition of dementia as a multifactorial disorder encourages the exploration of new pathways to understand its origins. Social health might play a role in cognitive decline and dementia, but conceptual clarity is lacking and this hinders investigation of associations and mechanisms. The objective is to develop a conceptual framewor...
Background: With the increasing incidences of dementia in aging societies, attention should be paid to the social context in which people with dementia live. One of its aspects is language transmitting beliefs, perceptions, and behavioral patterns. An analysis of understanding the diagnostic label of dementia may reveal the role of semantics in th...
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The emerging SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is known to take a toll on both physical and mental health. We present a case of a patient with a first episode of severe depression with COVID-19-related psychotic features. A patient with no history of mental disorders was admitted to the Psychiatric Unit due to the symptoms of severe depressive episode with psych...
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Background: Jaw motor activity (MA) in sleep bruxism (SB) has been demonstrated to accompany lower limb movements. However, it remains unknown whether SB activity coexists with other types of movements and what the possible underlying mechanisms of such temporal coexistence are. In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), increased movement activity is also...
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Poor Social Health has a substantial influence on cognitive decline and onset of dementia. Social Health impacts cognition through biological pathways and brain reserve and cognitive reserve.
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This study aimed to test if perceived social support and cyberchondria mediate the association between health anxiety and quality of life (QoL) in a nonclinical sample. Cross-sectional research involved adult internet users (n = 538) between 16 May 2020 and 29 December 2020 in Poland who completed self-report questionnaires, including the cyberchon...
Citalopram to lek przeciwdepresyjny z grupy SSRI, który jest szeroko stosowany w depresji, zaburzeniach lękowych i problemach ze snem. Jego wysoka skuteczność w połączeniu z korzystnym profilem tolerancji sprawia, że może być stosowany u pacjentów starszych. W takich sytuacjach należy jednak pamiętać o dostosowaniu dawki do stanu pacjenta i unikani...
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This study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that brain maintenance expressed in white matter hyperintensities and brain reserves, defined as gray and white matter volumes, mediate the association between cognitive reserve (CR) and cognitive performance. A cross-sectional population-based observational study was conducted, and the final study sam...
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Although dementia is a heterogenous group of diseases, inflammation has been shown to play a central role in all of them and provides a common link in their pathology. This review aims to highlight the importance of immune response in the most common types of dementia. We describe molecular aspects of pro-inflammatory signaling and sources of infla...
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The heterogeneous and multi-factorial nature of dementia requires the consideration of all health aspects when predicting the risk of its development and planning strategies for its prevention. This systematic review of reviews provides a comprehensive synthesis of those factors associated with cognition in the context of dementia, identifying the...
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Allostatic load (AL) refers to prolonged dysregulation related to chronic stress that affects brain regions such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Higher levels of AL have been associated with poor health outcomes, including psychiatric disorders, cognitive decline, and chronic somatic conditions. However, still little is k...
Objectives: Considering the adverse outcomes of COVID-19, it is essential to provide adequate support and care for people with dementia and informal carers. Technology can reduce the distress associated with social distancing rules and the decreased access to in-person services. This study aimed to explore the use of technology and its perceived e...
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Role of Social Health in the onset, course and progression of dementia.
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Background Dementia is a multi-factorial condition rather than a natural and inevitable consequence of ageing. Some factors related to dementia have been studied much more extensively than others. To gain an overview of known or suspected influential factors is a prerequisite to design studies that aim to identify causal relationships and interacti...
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There is still little data on stigmatization and knowledge of dementia in Poland. Looking at these issues from the perspective of current students of medical and social faculties may be important for capacity building in dementia care in Poland. The aim of this study is to assess the level of stigmatization and the knowledge of dementia among stud...
Dementia is a syndrome where the origins are not fully understood, and we have no cure. New thinking through exploration of paradigms beyond biological approaches has scope to improve knowledge about this complex condition. We aim to explore the role of social health in cognitive decline and the onset of dementia. We performed a scoping and a syste...
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Background: Air pollution has a negative influence on neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, findings concerning the impact of air pollution on depression remain inconclusive. A deeper insight into these associations is warranted. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of long-term exposure to air pollution on the incidence of depression a...
Objectives The main aim of the study was to investigate the factors related to the biopsychosocial complexity in the group of patients with acromegaly with different disease activity. Methods A cross-sectional observational study was performed. First, a linguistic adaptation of the INTERMED – self-assessment questionnaire (IMSA) and after that the...
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Background and objectives Certain air pollutants are associated with mental health conditions, like cognitive decline, depression and suicide. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between long-term exposure to airborne concentrations of particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2,), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), benzo[a]pyren...
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Background: Ovocystatin is marked by structural and biological similarities to human cystatin C, which plays an important role in the course of neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, it has been shown that ovocystatin might prevent aging-related cognitive impairment in rats and reduce memory decline in an APP/PS1 mice model. Thus, this study aimed...
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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has served as a magnifying glass for cyberchondria, while the internet emerged as one of the main sources of medical information and support. The core ambition of this study was to estimate the level of cyberchondria and describe the socio-demographic, clinical and pandemic-related factors affecting its severity amid the SAR...
Mianserin is a drug that has been used for many years to reduce symptoms of depression such as depression, anxiety and insomnia. Which seriously impair the functioning of the patient and, if are untreated, may lead to recurrence of depression. A beneficial feature of the drug is its low potential for adverse interactions with other drugs. For this...
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Since 25 March 2020, all schools, colleges, and universities in Poland have indefinitely closed and, where possible, have activated distance learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering that the undergraduate years are usually characterized by a high prevalence of emotional disorders and sleep problems, it can be expected that the current...
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Background Emerging evidence shows an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with dementia and informal carers, without any evidence-based global comparison to date. The aim of this international study was to explore and compare the perceived impact of COVID-19 and associated public health restrictions on the lives of people living with d...
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The COVID-19 pandemic generated a sense of threat in the society, leading to social isolation and mental health deterioration. A great deal of hope for the development of herd immunity was placed in preventive vaccinations. The survey, performed before vaccine campaign between September 26-October 27, 2020, during the second wave of the SARS-CoV-2...
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A large body of research attributes learning deficits in schizophrenia (SZ) to the systems involved in value representation (prefrontal cortex, PFC) and reinforcement learning (basal ganglia, BG) as well as to the compromised connectivity of these regions. In this study, we employed learning tasks hypothesized to probe the function and interaction...
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Introduction The global severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic had a drastic psychological and economic impact on the global population. Having a chronic disease during the pandemic is associated with numerous limitations and challenges like regular hospital visits, access to health-care units and getting specialized...
Treating both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder require chronic drug therapy that must be chosen after careful consideration of the gains and losses associated with it. Hence, the process of the drug selection must take into account both the profile of patient’s symptoms and his coexisting diseases as well as the patient’s tolerance of earlier the...
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Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SZ) are characterized by impairments in probabilistic reinforcement learning (RL), which is associated with dopaminergic circuitry encompassing the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. However, there are no studies examining dopaminergic genes with respect to probabilistic RL in SZ. Thus, the aim of our study was t...
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During the pandemic long-term care facilities (LTCF) social health providers constantly remain in a dilemma between loyalty to people with dementia and concerns for their own families. All of these factors could contribute to the mental burden, burnout, and increased chance of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic symptoms. In our study we aimed t...
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Exposure to particulate matter is an important risk factor for mental health disturbances and overall mortality. However, the knowledge on relationship between long-term particulate matter level and suicide rate is limited and requires in-depth study. Population and air pollution data were obtained from the Polish Central Statistics Office and Chie...