Joanna Rojek

Joanna Rojek
University of Gdańsk | UG



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I am focusing on mechanism of autonomous endosperm development in sexual plants as the introduction of apomixis into crop plants also requires endosperm formation. The potential of autonomous endosperm in sexual Brassica, Arabidospis and Boechera has been indicated in 20 year proof-of-principle trial (see articles below). In particular, I study disorders in spores and gametes development, under unstable environment and chemical stressors, with particular emphasis on the role of auxin.
Additional affiliations
July 2022 - June 2023
University of Saskatchewan
  • Visiting professor
June 2010 - present
University of Gdańsk
  • PhD
  • Academic tutor, lecturer. Field of experimental and master's theses: the processes leading to the formation of seeds, Apomixis, epigenetic control of plant reproduction in vivo and in vitro
October 2001 - July 2010
University of Gdańsk
  • Master's Student
  • Academic tutor, lecturer. Field of experimental and master's theses: the processes leading to the formation of seeds, Apomixis, epigenetic control of plant reproduction in vivo and in vitro
October 2001 - June 2010
University of Gdańsk
Field of study
  • biology
October 2000 - September 2001
Jagiellonian University
Field of study
  • biology
September 1995 - September 2000
Jagiellonian University
Field of study
  • plant embryology


Publications (45)
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In the Brassicaceae family, apomictic development is characteristic of the genus Boechera. Hybridization, polyploidy and environmental adaptation that arose during the evolution of Boechera may serve as (epi)genetic regulators of apomictic initiation in this genus. Here we focus on Boechera stricta, a predominantly diploid species that reproduces s...
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Eukaryotic cells rely on the accuracy and efficiency of vesicular traffic. In plants, disturbances in vesicular trafficking are well studied in quickly dividing root meristem cells or polar growing root hairs and pollen tubes. The development of the female gametophyte, a unique haploid reproductive structure located in the ovule, has received far l...
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In flowering plants, seeds are produced both sexually (double fertilization is required) and asexually via apomixis (meiotic reduction and egg fertilization are omitted). An apomictic-like pattern of endosperm development in planta is followed by fis mutants of sexual Arabidopsis thaliana. In our experiments in planta, autonomous endosperm (AE) dev...
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Most flowering plants, including important crops, require double fertilization to form an embryo and endosperm, which nourishes it. Independence from fertilization is a feature of apomictic plants that produce seeds, from which the plants that are clones of the mother plant arise. The phenomenon of apomixis occurs in some sexual plants under specif...
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Partial endosperm development without paternal genome involvement was induced in unpollinated ovaries of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana cultured in vitro. Unpollinated pistils were cultured on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with addition of 6% sucrose and supplemented with: benzylaminopurine (BAP; 2mgl–1) combined with naphthylacetic...
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Carex arenaria (sedges, Cyperaceae) is a pioneer species in coastal dunes, playing a crucial role in stabilizing and shaping these ecosystems through its underground rhizomes. Urbanization and extreme climate change have endangered coastal dunes ecosystems. The decline of C. arenaria threatens its survival and the ecological balance of dune ecosyst...
Conference Paper
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Carex arenaria (sedges, Cyperaceae) is a pioneer species in coastal dunes, playing a key role in stabilizing and shaping dunes. Its root system helps to prevent erosion. It contributes to vegetation succession and promotes biodiversity. Protection of dune plants is essential to maintain the integrity and resilience of these ecosystems. Sedge seeds...
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Elisma wodna Luronium natans (L.) Raf. to endemiczny przedstawiciel flory północno-zachodniej i środkowej Europy występujący w atlantyckiej i subatlantyckiej strefie klimatycznej. Zasiedla on głównie jeziora lobeliowe. Pomimo dużej plastyczności na zasobność siedliska populacje L. natans są zagrożone. Gatunek ten jest chroniony w ramach Dyrektywy S...
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Aster leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Macrosteles quadrilineatus Forbes) is a polyphagous insect species that migrates into the upper Midwest of the United States and the Western Canadian Prairies. Populations of this insect are associated with the transmission of a plant pathogen (Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris, 16SrI) to several annual crops...
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Endosperm is a key nutritive tissue that supports the developing embryo or seedling, and serves as a major nutritional source for human and livestock feed. In sexual flowering plants, it generally develops after fertilization. However, autonomous endosperm (AE) formation (i.e., independently from fertilization) is also possible. Recent findings of...
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Breeding in Cannabis for special genotypes (rich in THC/CBD) is challenging due to its dioecious nature. Hermaphroditic individuals can be induced by application of silver thiosulfate solution (STS). Hermaphrodites can thus self to produce masculinized seeds containing XX embryos. Although female plants are essential for psychoactive components, he...
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Despite the clear circumscription of tribe Sobralieae (Orchidaceae), its internal relationships are still dubious. The recently delimited genus Brasolia, based on previous Sobralia species, is now assumed to be paraphyletic, with a third genus, Elleanthus, nested in it. The morphology of these three genera is significantly different, indicating the...
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Auxin is a key regulator of plant development affecting the formation and maturation of reproductive structures. The apoplastic route of auxin transport engages influx and efflux facilitators from the PIN, AUX and ABCB families. The polar localization of these proteins and constant recycling from the plasma membrane to endosomes is dependent on Rab...
Conference Paper
Rapeseed is one of the most important crops in Poland and in the world. Improving the yield and resistance to pathogens are the main goals of current research on this species. The objects of this research were rapeseed lines (Brassica napus L.) obtained by in vitro androgenesis. The main aim was to determine the anatomical, morphological and cytolo...
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The suspensor in the majority of angiosperms is an evolutionally conserved embryonic structure functioning as a conduit that connects ovule tissues with the embryo proper for nutrients and growth factors flux. This is the first study serving the purpose of investigating the correlation between suspensor types and plasmodesmata (PD), by the ultrastr...
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The impact of oxydiacetate oxidovanadium(IV) complexes on plants is currently unknown. This report demonstrates the influence of these complexes on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. In the presence of 10⁻⁶ M vanadium(IV) complexes, plants proceeded through their entire life cycle, with the occurrence of proper morphological and cytological organisat...
Capsella is close related to Arabidopsis, arguably the most important reference plant, and Boechera where diploid apomixis is found. A comparative analysis of closely related species allows find and explain changes in the reproductive system (from outcrossing to self-crossing, from sexual to apomictic reproduction) in the background of hybridizatio...
Conference Paper
C. rubella is close related to A. thaliana, arguably the most important reference plant, and Boechera where diploid apomixis is found. A comparative analysis of closely related species allows find and explain changes in the reproductive system (from outcrossing to self-crossing, from sexual to apomictic reproduction) in the background of hybridizat...
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The first natural hybrid in the section Irapeana of the orchid genus Cypripedium is described and illustrated based on Guatemalan material. A molecular evaluation of the discovery is provided. Specimens with intermediate flowers between C. irapeanum and C. dickinsonianum within ITS and Xdh sequences have the signal sequence of both these species. T...
Alignment of XDH gene of analysed taxa
Chromatogram files (.abi) of hybrid
Spatial-filtered dataset of localities of C. irapeanum, C. molle and C. dickinsonianum used in the ENM analysis
Alignment of matK gene of analysed taxa
Alignment of ITS of analysed taxa
Complete database of localities of C. irapeanum, C. molle and C. dickinsonianum gathered during the studies
Frequency of the ovules contained embryos or ovules that were unfertilized within four ovaries of C. × fred-mulleri No. –number of the ovary; n, number of ovules analyzed in each ovary; standard error, bars.
Conference Paper
Sexual pathway including female and male sporogenesis, gametogenesis and self-fertilization is required to correct seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana reproduction. Hormonal-dependent mutations completely or in selected stages impair sexual development, indicating significance of local hormone-specific biosynthesis, polarized exocytosis and di...
Background and Aims Despite their significant capacity to propagate vegetatively, most orchids reproduce via seeds. Sexual reproduction via seed is commonly reported, in contrast to apomixis, whereby seeds are clones of the mother. Although insect pollination and autonomous self-pollination exist in mycoheterotrophic plants, the reproductive embryo...
Conference Paper
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Stress of low temperature is one of the most important reasons causing the decrease in quantity and quality of crops (Yadav 2009). Apart from various phenotypic symptoms in response to cold stress, it also severely hampers the reproductive development of plants. Leaf redness through anthocyanin accumulation is also commonly considered as a stress r...
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The lip of Epipactis palustris consists of two movably joined parts: the basal part (hypochile) with central broad isthmus and epichile with callus. The analysis of flowers provides strong evidence to conclude that the whole surface of lip callus and abaxial side of isthmus are secretory. The exudation at first appears on callus, at early stages, l...
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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the mammalian female sex hormone estrone on differentiation of somatic tissues and on induction of autonomous endosperm in culture of female gametophyte cells of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia (Col-0). In culture, estrone-stimulated development of autonomous endosperm (AE) occurred in 14.7%...
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Arabidopsis thaliana var. Landsberg cultured in vitro. The basic nutritive medium was hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 6% sucrose added. Unpollinated pistils were also cultured on MS medium supplemented with growth regulators: naphthylacetic acid (NAA; 0.1 mg l-1) combined with benzylaminopurine (BAP; 2 mg l-1) and 2,4-dichlorophen...
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The epigenetic phenomenon of genomic imprinting occurs among both plants (flowering plants) and animals (mammals) reflecting as parent-of-origin effects on the expression of imprinted genes in offspring. Imprinting results in non equivalent expression of maternally and paternally derived alleles in an individual. It means that one of the alleles is...
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ENDOSPERM — NUTRITIVE TISSUE FOR EMBRYO I. ENDOSPERM AS THE RESULT OF DOUBLE FERTIZLIZATION IN ANGIOSPERMS (ANGIOSPERMEAE) A review is given on advances in endosperm research in angiosperms. Endosperm is a very important nutritive tissue for the developing embryo. In sexually reproducing angiosperms endosperm develops as a consequence of double fer...
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In sexually reproducing flowering plants both embryo and endosperm development is initiated by fertilization (double fertilization) and in the vast majority of these plants a ratio of 2 maternally derived genomes to 1 paternally derived genom (2m:1p) is essential for endosperm formation and therefore for seed development. However, there is a group...
Autonomous endosperm (AE) was found in 39 (17.3%) of in vitro cultured unpollinated ovaries of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas, with average frequency 1.5 ovule with AE per ovary. AE was induced on MS medium and on MS + 2 mg/l BAP + 0.1 mg/l NAA, MS + 2 mg/l BAP + 2 mg/l 2,4-D, and in ovules exposed to 1 h auxin treatment (MS + 20 or 40 mg/l 2,4-D) and...


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