Joana Rodrigues

Joana Rodrigues
University of Minho · Departamento de Ciências da Terra (DCT)

MS Geological Heritage and Geoconservation


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I am PhD student in Geoconservation and Geoscience Communication & Geologist in Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark
Additional affiliations
May 2008 - present
Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark
  • Geologist
September 2005 - October 2008
University of Minho
Field of study
  • Geological Heritage and Geoconservation
September 1999 - July 2004
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Geology


Publications (163)
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Art can be applied as an educational tool for facilitating geoscience communication among young children and students. Consequently, tourism activities which include geotourism, can use art and artists to facilitate the communication of geoscience concepts and processes from the professional level to tourists, including children. This research aims...
Conference Paper
This article addresses the target audiences, gives aspects of the interpretation of geoscientific topics, presents examples of geo-cartoons and concepts and builds a bridge to the use of cartoons to communicate geoscience to adults and the necessary professional partners, including their use in digital communication.
Conference Paper
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In the last twenty years, science communication research has made many relevant contributions in promoting more participatory processes in which society is asked to engage with science. Geoscience continues to be a scientific field distant from society and with little visibility, hindering the search for solutions to the challenges of sustainabili...
Conference Paper
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Several obstacles can make it difficult for geoscientists to engage with the public. In order to better design strategies promoting geoscience communication, it is fundamental to understand the main challenges faced. With this purpose, we assessed Portuguese geoscientists' representations and attitudes, concluding that it is a dynamic and motivated...
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The main barriers to science communication are common in different fields and they are widely identified in the literature. Studies focused on specific scientific communities framed science communication as an activity with the specificities of each context and field. In this study, we analysed geoscientists' representations and attitudes about com...
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Geoscience and geodiversity, two sides of the same coin, deal with very poor social visibility and recognition. Ensuring the protection of geodiversity is not only in the geoscientists’ hands and all of society needs to be involved. Therefore, public engagement with geodiversity demands new solutions and a change of paradigm in geoscience communica...
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The main barriers to science communication are common in different fields and they are widely identified in the literature. Studies focused on specific scientific communities framed science communication as an activity with the specificities of each context and field. In this study, we analysed geoscientists' representations and attitudes about com...
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Groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater pollution prevention. Groundwater vulnerability maps provide useful data for protecting groundwater resources. Identification of agricultural patterns is an important issue for optimized land management. The watershed of the Tagus River is the backbone of this study. Natu...
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Groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater pollution pre-vention. Groundwater vulnerability maps provide useful data to protect groundwater resources. The identification of agricultural patterns is an important issue for optimized land management. The Tagus river watershed is the backbone of this survey. Naturtejo...
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Since the appearance of Geoparks in 2000, geoproducts have been a strategy for local development and innovation in these territories, intimately associated with geotourism. Most of the Geoparks have their own approaches and strategies to local products and many have started to develop geoproducts in the early stages of the application processes to...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater contamination prevention. Groundwater vulnerability maps provide useful data to protect groundwater resources and work as a tool for the improvement of changes in agricultural patterns and land use applications. The study area of this research survey is the Natu...
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This survey aimed at the evaluation of the groundwater vulnerability to pollution, in the Naturtejo Geopark area, using a modified DRASTIC index, DRASTICAI. This new index was constructed by adding a new attribute designated as Anthropogenic Influence. The DRASTICAI spatial patterns indicate a clear influence of anthropogenic activities, mainly in...
The Meridional Meseta Naturtejo Geopark was the doorway for the development of several geoparks in Portugal seeking to become part of a formal UNESCO initiative under the Global Geoparks Network. The outstanding geological heritage summing 176 geosites is part of an ancient etchplain-type landscape where residual reliefs and deeply incised rivers,...
The Ordo Christi Project aims to study, communicate and promote the artistic heritage of the Order of Christ between the Zêzere and the Tagus (15th and 16th centuries). The importance of this Military Order in the region is highlighted by the various historical and artistic manifestations that were felt by the multiple Comendas, a revealing factor...
Conference Paper
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The immersive training systems and virtual reality represent the new generation of learning spaces. This new computer technology has an incredible potential in education field. Virtual Training, Interface Checking, Full Digital Immersion are same the uncountable applications of those technologies. This paper provides an introduction to the new d...
Conference Paper
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No âmbito do tema do workshop faz-se a aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos no Geopark Naturtejo com uma excursão através do Sinclinal de Ródão e de alguns dos seus geossítios e outros afloramentos com interesses e relevâncias variados, que vão do meramente científico a uma combinação (quase) sustentável da proteção do património geológico com o...
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This paper presents a counting system project for the Naturtejo Global Geopark, which is structured in two phases. The objective of the first phase was to develop, install and test an electronic system able to remotely count the number of visitors on the Naturtejo Geopark walking routes and touristic sites. The data is reported through a web interf...
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The Geopark Naturtejo da Meseta Meridional (Centre Iberian Zone, Portugal) is developing the inventory of geological and mining heritage since 2004. This inventory in a concluding stage shows 18 fossil geosites, including classical and newly discovered sites evidencing international to regional importance. Some of the oldest fossils of the Iberian...
Conference Paper
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São de variadas ordens os fatores que contribuem para uma identidade de paisagem onde o ouro assume uma especial relevância. Comecemos por referir e salientar que a pré-história e a história nos aportam curiosas fontes (materiais e documentais) alusivas à exploração dos recursos minerais desta região de Rosmaninhal. O rio Tejo (aurifer Tagus de Est...
Conference Paper
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Resumo Nos nossos dias o património histórico e arqueológico enfrenta diversas situações que o põem em risco, sejam causas naturais ou mesmo por excesso de visitantes. Neste âmbito este artigo aborda a implementação de um protótipo de aplicação multimédia interativa sobre a história de Monforte na idade do ferro bem como a recriação de toda a ativi...
Conference Paper
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GEOschools is a European Union project which target is to define a “Framework on Geosciences Literacy Principles” for the secondary school in Europe. One of the products of this project are teaching modules reflecting this framework. It will be presented “Teaching Geosciences in the Field: Geoparks and Geosites” projected for Naturtejo Geopark. The...
Conference Paper
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Naturtejo Geopark has a high Geodiversity where Geomorphological Heritage occupies a prominent place. This work aims to present the pedestal rocks, granite landforms that arise in different geological and geomorphological settings, with different attributed heritage values. On the other hand pedestal rocks, as many granite landforms, enclose high g...
Conference Paper
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GEOschools is a European Union Comenius project whose target is to define a "Framework on Geosciences Literacy Principles" for the secondary school in Europe. One of the products of this project is the teaching modules reflecting this framework. It will be presented "Teaching Geosciences in the Field: Geoparks and Geosites" module projected for Nat...