Joan Torrent-SellensUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya | UOC · Faculty of Economics and Business
Joan Torrent-Sellens
BsC, MsC, PhD
Fulll professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Open University of Catalonia
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His research activity is related to the analysis of the business, economic, labour, social and health dimensions of digitisation. His research focuses include: productivity, competitiveness and sustainability; entrepreneurship and innovation; employment, training and employability; occupational well-being and digital health.
Additional affiliations
January 1998 - January 2017
January 1998 - July 2016
January 2000 - July 2002
September 1999 - June 2001
September 1988 - June 1992
Publications (281)
tion of mHealth technology emerged as a critical response. However, the permanent implementation and use ofsuch technology faces several barriers, which vary by each country’s innovation level and specific health policies.This study provides a detailed analysis of the transformations in mHealth service implementation within thecontext of the COVID-...
A partir de les microdades d’una mostra de 814 treballadors
catalans assalariats, disponibles a l’Enquesta nacional de salut
d’Espanya (ENSE) de 2017 (últim any disponible), l’article estudia
els factors predictors del malestar psicològic i el mal estat de
salut percebuts en funció del seu tipus de contracte (indefinit i
temporal). Els resultats ob...
This handbook conceptualizes sustainable digitalization and discusses the role of digitalization in addressing business and societal challenges. Divided into eight sections, the book opens by an introductory chapter examining the theoretical foundations of the field. Part 1 explores the first dimension of sustainable digitalization, namely digitali...
Digitalization is defined as “the process of converting physically collected information (e.g., sensors, written information, etc.) and knowledge into a computer-readable language” (Mondejar et al., 2021, p. 2). The phenomenon lies at the crux of the digital transformation, which relies on the integrated and intermodal use of advanced technologies,...
Las principales conclusiones de la investigación pueden resumirse a través de los siguientes dos elementos. En primer lugar, señalar que, en 2022 la empresa industrial continuó recuperando el pulso perdido durante la pandemia, aunque con un ritmo de expansión mucho más moderado que en 2021. En términos nominales, ventas, valor añadido, productivida...
Las principales conclusiones de la investigación pueden resumirse a través de los siguientes dos elementos. En primer lugar, señalar que, en 2021, los resultados alcanzados por la empresa industrial en España, fueron plenamente consistentes con lo acontecido para el nivel nacional e internacional. Es decir, que la empresa industrial recuperó buena...
Suddenly, adjusting to a new way of learning is a major challenge for university students. The objective of this article was to study university student determinants of the well‐being in the context of the sudden transition towards e‐learning imposed by the COVID‐19 lockdown. Based on the antecedents linked to the structure of e‐learning and its in...
Capital, trabajo y valor en la sociedad digital de mercado Ensayos para una economía más sabia y sostenible en el siglo XXI
We explore the consequences of robotization on labor income of all deciles in Latin America by estimating an unbalanced two-way fixed effects panel for 2004–2017. Results show that a raise in Latin American robotization favors middle skilled workers, specifically the labor income of deciles 5 and 6, which can be explained by the complementarity eff...
En este libro se presentan los principales datos y resultados de la Encuesta de Estrategias Empresariales, ESEE, correspondiente a 2020. A pesar de un cierto retraso en su publicación creemos que será de interés. Esto es así porque en 2020 la empresa industrial desarrolló su actividad en un contexto de cambio radical como resultado del shock genera...
En este libro se presentan los principales datos y resultados de la Encuesta de Estrategias Empresariales, ESEE, correspondiente a 2019. Las principales conclusiones de la investigación realizada pueden resumirse como sigue. En
primer lugar, señalar que en 2019 los resultados de la empresa industrial son plenamente consistentes con lo acontecido en...
The second digital wave has positioned artificial intelligence and digital platforms as new general purpose technologies, has driven the emergence of new value sources: prediction and circulation values, and has created a new explanatory phase into the relationship between digitalisation and economy: the digital transition. The governance of the di...
Ya hace tiempo que los economistas sabemos de la existencia de la economía de las constelaciones. También sabemos que, con la transformación digital, los efectos de red y plataforma dominan los modelos de negocio y la ventaja competitiva de las empresas digitalizadas. Sin embargo, de lo que ya no eramos tan conscientes es sobre la posibilidad de qu...
The pandemic of Covid-19 has caused the biggest shock in the economy since the Second World War. In this paper, we studied we study what conditioned the capability of the companies in Quito, Ecuador, to continuous operating in the new Covid-19 reality. The hypothesis remains that innovative firms have a greater capacity to adapt to the pandemic. We...
Due to the crisis originated by the COVID-19 pandemic, an important number of workers have been incorporating the telework modality. In this context, the distance from the workplace generates new dilemmas for work performance. In the paper the authors study the role of some individual and social antecedents on telework outcomes. In particular, they...
El capital humano a través de las últimas décadas fue motivo de amplia discusión y de acuerdo académica desde el surgimiento de este concepto como teoría con Schultz y Becker. Sin embargo, para algunos países, igualmente se ha convertido en un paradigma difícil de dilucidar. Objetivo: caracterizar los niveles de educación en América Latina con fund...
We cordially invite you to contribute a chapter to “The Palgrave Handbook of Digitalization for Sustainable Development in Society,” that will be published by Palgrave Macmillan (London, UK) in late 2023 / early 2024. This book will be part of Palgrave Macmillan’s “Palgrave Handbooks of…” series. Palgrave Handbooks comprise specially commissioned c...
Project of a collective handbook on digitalization for sustainable development
The adoption of new innovative ecosystems linked to Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in industrial firms has created new opportunities for performance. In this study, we investigate whether I4.0 can reinforce environmental asset management in achieving firm economic and social performance. We intend to contrast the existence of I4.0‐based reward mechanisms for...
Digitisation has raised concerns about how it can transform the growth of productivity in firms and its divergence around the world. Given that literature has focused mainly on confirming firm productivity gaps, research on the explanatory role of digital-based complementarities in productivity gaps has been scarce. This work aims to provide eviden...
Los procesos de globalización e internacionalización de los mercados y las economías de los países han hecho que la sociedad global internacional comprenda que el mundo del siglo xxi está conformado por países ricos y pobres, esto es países desarrollados y países en desarrollo. La marcada diferencia entre los dos bloques económicos fue la pregunta...
Este artículo revisa y utiliza tres conceptos de la economía evolucionista: las tecnologías de utilidad o propósito general, el paradigma tecnoeconómico y la revolución industrial para explicar las principales tendencias e implicaciones económicas de fondo de la transformación digital. En primer lugar, se utiliza la idea de las tecnologías de utili...
The irruption of digital technologies over the last decades has had a profound impact on all economic sectors. The valuation of that impact is still open for discussion, but Corrado, Hulten, and Sichel determined that the share of aggregate intangible capital stock increased three-fold relative to tangible capital during the three decades from 1973...
RESUMEN El artículo investiga los predictores de la eficiencia en la gestión comercial de la banca minorista a través de los usos de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC). A partir de una muestra para 1,094 empleados y exempleados de una importante entidad financiera en España, la investigación ha obtenido dos resultados prin...
Este artículo analiza la conexión que ha realizado la economía científica entre el desarrollo económico y la sostenibilidad social. Partiendo de la idea clásica del valor en el capitalismo, el artículo revisa las principales aportaciones que la economía clásica, neoclásica, heterodoxa y las síntesis modernas han efectuado sobre la posibilidad de un...
1) Background: The goal of the paper was to establish the factors that influence how people feel about having a medical operation performed on them by a robot.
(2) Methods: Data were obtained from a 2017 Flash Eurobarometer (number 460) of the European Commission with 27,901 citizens aged 15 years and over in the 28 countries of the European Unio...
Este trabajo fue comisionado y financiado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, como parte de los esfuerzos del Banco para generar productos de conocimiento motivados por la crisis del Covid-19. El trabajo fue coordinado por Juan Blyde, del Sector de Integración y Comercio del BID. Los autores agradecen los comentarios de Juan Blyde, Mauricio...
Research on the gig economy has rarely addressed the study on the motivations for the provision of labour services on digital platforms. Through a sample of 3,619 gigers in Europe, obtained from the COLLEM research, results have been obtained for labour providers (only gigers) and for labour and capital use providers (gigers and renters). The valua...
Este trabajo presenta una identificación de las principales cuestiones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la telemedicina, en especial políticas, aspectos regulatorios y legales, y problemas de salud susceptibles de ser abordados mediante el uso de la telemedicina en América Latina. Seguidamente realiza una identificación de los factores que impulsa...
Background: Telemedicine has become a necessary component of clinical practice for the purpose of providing safer patient
care during lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been used to support the health care needs of patients with COVID-19
and routine primary care patients alike. However, this change has not been fully consolidated.
The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of the requirements to improve routine health information systems (RHISs) for the management of health systems, including the identification of best practices, opportunities, and challenges in the 53 countries and territories of the WHO European region. We conducted an overview of systemati...
The lack of blood donors is a global problem that prevents the demand for blood prompted by an ageing population and increased life expectancy from being met. The aim of this study was to conduct an initial exploration of the reasons for using digital platforms in blood donation. Using a Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) framework, microdata for 38...
Economic inequality in South America decreased steadily since 2002. However, as the beginning of the 2010s marked the end of the commodities boom in the region, economic inequality showed constant or even increasing rates in some of these countries. The decrease in economic inequality has often been related to the impact of the macro economic chang...
During lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has become a necessary component of clinical practice for the purpose of providing safer patient care, and it has been used to support the healthcare needs of COVID-19 patients and routine primary care patients alike. However, this change has not been fully consolidated.
During lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has become a necessary component of clinical practice for the purpose of providing safer patient care, and it has been used to support the healthcare needs of COVID-19 patients and routine primary care patients alike. However, this change has not been fully consolidated.
This chapter presents and introduces several key concepts related to lifelong e-learning as a way for employability from the point of view of the socio-technical approach. Current employability needs and continuous training via new information and communication technologies bring an opportunity for a fresh proposal in this research area. Starting w...
El actual entorno globalizado ha venido precedido de un aumento generalizado en la difusión y de la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) por parte de las empresas y los consumidores. Dicha circunstancia hace que el uso de estas tecnologías sea fundamental para que el sector cooperativo oleícola afronte con garantías...
Modern economic growth is no longer found in total factor productivity (TFP) because there are gains from technological change that are never recorded in the returns from innovation or in the National Accounts.The existence of complementarities among technologies derived from the use of robotics, electronic commerce, or innovation is difficult to a...
El objetivo principal de este artículo es presentar una aproximación teórica y de estadística descriptiva del comportamiento de las instituciones y su incidencia en la productividad en veintidós (22) países de América Latina, puntualmente en los años 2000, 2014 y 2019. La metodología utilizada es la técnica documental para la realización de...
The study of prosocial organizational behaviors has been receiving increasing attention, due to their relevant contribution to sustainable organizational and personal development. This research proposes and tests a model that tackles the factors that drive two unrewarding extra-role behaviors of individual or organizational citizenship, altruism, a...
Cet article apporte de nouvelles preuves sur l'économie collaborative en Europe grâce à l'analyse des motivations à participer à une plateforme collaborative en tant qu'acquéreur ou fournisseur. À cet effet, nous analysons un échantillon paneuropéen de 14 050 citoyens provenant de 28 pays. L'étude, qui applique une méthodologie de prévision empiriq...
The consolidation of industry 4.0 (I4.0) as a new innovative ecosystem has generated high expectations about its economic and environmental effects. In this study, we investigate whether I4.0 technologies can reinforce environmental assets management in achieving firm results. We intend to contrast the existence of reward mechanisms for being green...
Análisis de las tendencias de fondo que subyacen al concepto de la economía del conocimiento y su evolución, en especial el concepto de revolución industrial. Se presentan investigaciones, propias y de otros investigadores, sobre el impacto de la digitalización y los flujos de conocimiento en la economía, el trabajo, la empresa y la sociedad.
The article analyses themotivations for participating in collaborative digital platforms in Europe. From the duality of roles approach, the motivations of European obtainers and providers are studied, with special emphasis on the role played by occupational status. For that purpose, a pan-European sample of 14,050 citizens from28 countries is inves...
In a context in which work has shifted from individual-centred to collaborative approaches, teams have become the cornerstone of organizational structure. This paper examines the individual, group and organizational factors that generate team performance. With this aim, it proposes and tests a multilevel team performance model that covers perceived...
Segurament, una de les principals lliçons de les crisis sanitària, econòmica, social i institucional vinculades, però no sempre del tot originades, amb la pandèmia de la COVID-19 (alguns investigadors ho anomenen sindèmies, o sigui pandèmies diferents però amb efectes comuns) és que no hi ha recuperació possible sense aprofundir en el procés de tra...
The evaluation of the impact of the adoption of industrial robotics on business is increasingly relevant in the current context of digital transformation. Although many companies are eager to adopt these technologies as a means to increase productivity, some concerns have been raised about the cost impact of the transformation, and its effect on th...
The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error in Table 2.
Increasingly intelligent and autonomous robots are destined to have a huge impact on our society. Their adoption, however, represents a major change to the healthcare sector’s traditional practices, which, in turn, poses certain challenges. To what extent is it possible to foresee a near-future scenario in which minor routine surgery is...
The current health crisis has led to an international economic crisis that has caused great social uncertainty that puts national governments in check. The Covid-19 places an enormous burden on health systems that poses a social and political challenge leading to a call for collective action by economic actors. However, in an industry 4.0 context,...
This article analyzes the determinants of job satisfaction among knowledge workers (KWs). Data from a representative sample of 14,096 employed workers from the European Social Survey (2010) are used for an empirical analysis drawing on multiple binary logistic regression models. Job satisfaction among KWs in 21 EU countries is found to be explained...
Job insecurity affects individual well-being and organisational performance. Many studies show correlation between job insecurity and flexible employment. However, whether flexible contracts inevitably contribute to precarious employment, independently of other factors, is less clear. Here, we investigate the impact of employment flexibility on job...
En aquest article s’analitza la dimensió econòmica de la intel·ligència artificial (IA). En primer lloc, es revisen les seves propietats de plataforma tecnològica, de connexió i convergència amb altres tecnologies. En segon lloc, s’estudia la seva categoria de tecnologia d’utilitat o propòsit general. En tercer lloc, s’aborda la qüestió dels efecte...
Este artículo analiza la relación entre los usos de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0 (I4.0), la generación de valor y los resultados empresariales. Mediante una muestra de 1.525 empresas industriales españolas en 2014, se identifican los usos de cuatro tecnologías básicas de la I4.0: 1) diseño industrial asistido por computadora, CAD; 2) robótic...
En la presentación se analiza la relación entre el proceso de transformación digital, la competitividad y la empleabilidad de la economía, las empresas y el trabajo en España. Se revisa la interpretación histórica y económica de la transformación digital y se presentan resultados empíricos de investigaciones realizadas para el ámbito español e inte...
En este informe se analiza el papel que desempeña la Formación Profesional en la determinación del proceso de generación de valor y los resultados de la empresa industrial, especialmente la productividad, en España. A partir de los datos de la Encuesta Sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE) para 2016, una fuente de información de referencia para co...
The study provides new insights into the link among knowledge, industrial robotics and labour productivity by testing 12 hypotheses on samples of 1,515 and 1,380 Spanish manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in 2008 and 2015. The research obtains four main results: First, the robotic uses are associated with better performance, higher p...
A partir d’una mostra de 1.190 empreses industrials catalanes durant el període 1991-2016, aquest article analitza l’efecte de tres tecnologies de la transformació digital (robòtica, innovació i comerç electrònic) sobre la productivitat horària real. La investigació obté tres resultats principals. Primer, l’anàlisi descriptiva ens confirma que aque...
The introduction of automated technologies has raised concern about how this will transform the productivity and employment. This paper examines the link among automation technologies, productivity and employment in the long-term using a panel data analysis for Spanish manufacturing firms. We use a sample of 5,511 Spanish manufacturing firms to tes...
Knowledge sharing (KS) behavior is one of the main drivers to generate social sustainability. It predicts high organizational performance and innovation capabilities, and creates enjoyment and happiness in helping others. Even if incentives to enhance KS behaviors exist, employees would still be reluctant to share knowledge. For this reason, we tes...
En la presentación se analizan las principales ideas y resultados de la investigación económica sobre los procesos de trasformación digital y sus efectos sobre la productividad y el empleo en las empresas.
In developed countries, innovation has been considered a tool to improve
their productivity levels. e objective of the present work was to analyze the behavior
of the most important variables of innovation in Mexico and Colombia in the
period 1995-2015in relation to productivity. Methodologically, the study carried out
an analysis of the state of...
La irrupción y el acelerado crecimiento de las plataformas digitales han generado un intenso debate acerca de su naturaleza colaborativa o de competencia monopolística. En
este artículo se pasa revista a este debate y se propone su superación. La tesis defendida subraya la importancia disruptiva de los nuevos intercambios de plataforma, que determi...
Working life has come to permeate every domain of life. Characteristics once thought to affect only the job domain have become important determinants of how people assess their daily lives. This article explores the influence of job characteristics on satisfaction with several life domains in 28 EU countries, asking: 1) What is the relationship bet...
Durante la última década (2007-2016), que coincide con el período de crisis económica y ulterior expansión, la competitividad de la empresa industrial en España ha crecido en términos medios anuales un 2,2%. Sin embargo, esta tendencia favorable esconde tres subperíodos claramente diferenciados. Entre 2007 y 2011, coincidiendo con la crisis económi...
This chapter analyzes the sharing economy and collaborative consumption behaviors. The study addresses two lines of analysis. The first is theoretical, and it examines the background, definitions, and conceptual framework of the topic. The second is empirical and brings new evidence through a pan-European predictive analysis. From the theoretical a...
This chapter presents and introduces several key concepts related to lifelong e-learning as a way for employability from the point of view of the socio-technical approach. Current employability needs and continuous training via new information and communication technologies bring an opportunity for a fresh proposal in this research area. Starting w...
En este volumen se presentan los datos para la Encuesta de Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE) relativos a 2016, además de un análisis en profundidad de los efectos de la nueva oleada digital sobre la productividad y el empleo en la empresa industrial. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas son que los resultados de la empresa industrial son plenament...
Adults must improve and acquire new skills valid for the twenty-first century, specifically in aspects related to employability. In this context, lifelong e-learning is a suitable methodology since online training courses can be adapted to the specific characteristics and needs of students. According to a definition for employability skill based on...
Aquest treball estudia els nous models de productivitat de la PIME industrial catalana, en especial el paper dels fluxos de coneixement (R+D, innovació i usos d'Internet) i l'ús de la robòtica. A través de dades de panell per unes 250 PIMES industrials en el període 2002-2014, i utilitzant una metodologia de models d'equacions estructurals, la inve...
The literature has noted the need to use more advanced methods and models to evaluate physicians' outcomes in the shared health care model that electronic health (eHealth) proposes.
The goal of our study was to design and evaluate a predictive multidimensional model of the outcomes of eHealth usage by European physicians....
The aim of the article is to address the determinants of job satisfaction for knowledge-based workers in Spain. The empirical analysis is focused on wage earners aged between 16 and 65 years. To do this, microdata of 6499 workers from the 2010 Survey of Quality of Life at Work (Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo, ECVT in Spanish) was used. A...
In 2005, all WHO Member States pledged to fight for universal health coverage (UHC). The availability of financial, human and technological resources seems to be necessary to develop efficient health policies and also to offer UHC. One of the main challenges facing the health sector comes from the need to innovate efficiently. The intense use of in...
This article analyses the development of collaborative skills through nine tools for information and communication technologies (ICT)-supported pedagogical practices, which are used in online universities. Using survey data for 930 online students at the Open University of Catalonia and partial least squares path modelling estimation techniques, th...
This chapter presents and develops a model of teacher training considering six socio-technical areas that are currently affecting the K-12 educational environment in both face-to-face, blended and online learning: 1) development of 21st century skills; 2) conducting social innovations; 3) appropriate knowledge management among educators; 4) a renov...
Recognition of the role of working life has come to permeate every domain of life. Characteristics once thought to affect only the job domain are becoming important determinants of how people assess their lives on a daily basis. In this article we explore the influence of job characteristics on satisfaction with several life domains in 28 EU countr...
Human beings must develop many skills to cope with the large amount of challenges that currently exist in the world: media empowerment for an active and democratic citizenship, knowledge acquisition and conversion for lifelong and life-wide learning, 21st century skills for matching demand and supply in labor markets, and dispositional employabilit...
This chapter presents and develops a model of teacher training considering six socio-technical areas that are currently affecting the K-12 educational environment in both face-to-face, blended and online learning: 1) development of 21st century skills; 2) conducting social innovations; 3) appropriate knowledge management among educators; 4) a renov...
La Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE) es una operación estadística en la que se encuesta anualmente un panel representativo de la industria manufacturera española. El resultado constituye un panel de datos único por su duración, 26 años hasta la fecha, por su exhaustividad, rigor estadístico y calidad de la información.
En esta edició...
Background: A literature review reveals that there is no measure of job crafting available in Spanish. This paper presents the translation, adaptation and validation of a scale to measure job crafting behaviors (i.e. the Spanish Job Crafting Scale – SJCS; Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2012). Methods: The scale was applied to a sample of 896 employees in S...