Jiri Remr

Jiri Remr
Jiri verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Jiri verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Institute for Evaluation and Social Analyses · Research Unit

Scale development • Evaluation of social interventions • Informal care


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Jiri is a methodologist at The Institute for Evaluations and Social Analyses. With a passion for creating positive change, Jiri conducts researches in the fields of social services, responsible behavior (food waste and fair trade), or environmental solutions (waste management). He is shaping impactful interventions through rigorous evaluations, develops research tools for fellow researchers and evaluators. Jiri's expertise extends to psychometric evaluation, where he validates scales with CFA.
Additional affiliations
October 1995 - present
Charles University in Prague
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 2016 - present
January 2010 - December 2015
October 2010 - June 2012
Sheffield Hallam University
Field of study
  • Business Administration
September 2006 - April 2010
Charles University in Prague
Field of study
  • Sociology


Publications (77)
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Kniha se zaměřuje na výklad výzkumných metod uplatnitelných v oblasti společenských věd a biomedicíny. Výklad vychází z myšlenek praxe založené na empirické evidenci (EBP) a shrnuje jednotlivé postupy, které se probírají v metodologicky zaměřených kurzech na vysokých školách. Publikace pojednává především o kvantitativních metodách, ale popsány jso...
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This paper identifies the needs of caregivers, i.e. those who provide help to senior members of their families who are dependent and cannot perform the activities of daily living. Results are based on an explorative study that was conducted in 2017. The research used in-depth interviewing with 62 main caregivers. Altogether 76 different needs were...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of maintaining good health. It became has become apparent that health consciousness is a crucial factor in promoting healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and the overall well-being of individuals. A higher level of health consciousness is associated with healthy habits, better adherence to me...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the presentation is to examine the extent in that selected packaging characteristics impact the customer behavior and contribute to the food waste.
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The paper introduces the SEIQoL (Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life), a tool for evaluating the quality of life from a subjective perspective. The contribution turns the attention to quality of life as an important aspect of interventions impact and their evaluation. It offers practical experiences with SEIQoL administration...
Objective: The article presents the results of research on the impact of vocational rehabilitation on the quality of life of persons with disabilities. In three regions of the Czech Republic, as part of an ESF project (reg. no. CZ.03.3.X/0.0/0.0/17_082/0015504), three experimental vocational rehabilitation centers were established. These centers, i...
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SEARCHING FOR NEW WAYS TO REDUCE HOUSEHOLD FOOD WASTE The presentation focuses on an analysis of key aspects of household food management, with particular emphasis on specific activities and habits that contribute to reducing food waste. Particular attention will be paid to shopping planning, pack/portion sizing issues and food storage methods in...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the results of a recent study that examined perceptions of old age across social and generational groups. The research presents selected findings on similarities and differences in attitudes and reported behaviors related to aging. The findings presented include an analysis of ageism and age-related stereotypes and focus on unde...
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This research explores the food waste behaviors among Generation Z in Czechia, based on data from face-to-face interviews with more than 1,000 participants. The study reveals a gap between Gen Z's stated commitment to minimizing food waste and their actual consumption and shopping habits. By comparing these behaviors with older generations, the fin...
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The publication is one of the outcomes of the project “The Architecture of Residential Social Services for Seniors Focused on the Ergonomics of Provided Care,” co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the ÉTA Program. When planning housing for the elderly, it is essential to consider not only their heal...
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This presentation explores the perceptions and behaviors of personal health management among the general adult population, a critical issue in public health and preventive medicine. Our comprehensive health survey reveals a widespread belief, particularly among younger adults without chronic health problems, that personal health can be effectively...
Conference Paper
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This presentation delves into the key factors that shape Generation Z's attitudes toward food waste. It reveals the importance of tailored communication strategies in engaging this environmentally conscious demographic. The presentation emphasizes frameworks such as sustainability, frugality, and social responsibility, and highlights their effectiv...
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Civic engagement plays a critical role in smart city innovation and urban development by encouraging active participation in civic activities such as volunteering, voting, community organizing , or advocacy, all of which contribute to the development of local communities. This study highlights the need to assess civic engagement in smart cities in...
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System justification (SJ) is an important construct in social psychology that has received considerable attention over the past three decades. At the empirical level, system justification is examined by means of a specially developed System Justification Scale (SJS), which is designed to explain how individuals accept justice, whether they consider...
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Frugality is an important psychological trait that is currently of interest as a research construct in a range of fields, from consumer behavior to financial literacy and financial well-being. Increasingly, the concept of frugality is also being linked to environmental responsibility and behavior, as the core of frugality is the reduction or minimi...
Conference Paper
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Providing informal care to senior family members has positive effects on dependent seniors who can remain in their natural physical and social environment. However, informal care can also place increased stress on caregivers due to differences in the availability and affordability of social services and changes in the needs of dependent seniors ove...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to people's lives, causing high levels of anxiety, distress, and fear. In response, the "Fear of COVID-19" scale (FCV-19S) was developed in 2020 to measure the severity of fears related to COVID-19. This study assessed the psychome-tric properties of the Czech version of the FCV-19S, which was a...
Conference Paper
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Telehealth services represent a significant innovation in the way selected healthcare activities are delivered. Indeed, the active use of these services makes it possible to improve access to care even for vulnerable, isolated, and marginalized populations. Although the issue of telehealth services came to the fore especially during the COVID-19 pa...
Conference Paper
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the daily lives of individuals, not only in terms of its scale and intensity, but also in the diverse interventions implemented by each country, such as curfews, quarantines, and restrictions on gatherings, all aimed at minimizing social interactions. This paper focuses on identifying the key facto...
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Ageing and urbanization represent important trends that co-determine the dynamics and direction of city development. The proportion of elderly has approximately doubled in the last fifty years and will exceed one third of the population in the next thirty years. Two-thirds of the population are expected to live in urban areas by 2050. Ageing and ur...
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The measures that were taken in many countries as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic not only brought about new stimuli in the lives of individuals, but also gave rise to various restrictions that led to discontinuities in many aspects of daily life. Therefore, the development of a sound measure for monitoring the level of perceived daily life dis...
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The need to assess reasons why households do not want to conserve water or use purified water is critical when facing water scarcity during the climate change crisis. This study aimed to provide an analysis of perceptions of the public in Czechia towards water conservation. A representative questionnaire survey (n = 1824) was conducted in the whole...
Technical Report
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Komunikační manuál určený pro veřejnou správu směrem k veřejnosti, týkající se tématu šetření s vodou a využití přečištěné vody v domácnosti.
Technical Report
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Komunikační manuál určený pro veřejnou správu směrem k veřejnosti, týkající se tématu úprav zahrad a pozemků pro lepší zasakování a zadržení vody v krajině.
Technical Report
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Tento manuál vznikl z důvodu potřeby státní správy a samospráv řešit neutěšenou situaci ohledně narůstající intenzity osobní automobilové dopravy, především ve větších městech. Města ucpaná automobily přispívají ke zhoršování stavu životního prostředí a lidského zdraví a také k nižší spokojenosti obyvatel. V rámci plnění dohod EU ohledně klimatický...
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Komunikační manuál určený pro veřejnou správu směrem k veřejnosti, týkající se tématu vytápění domácnosti uhlím a alternativními zdroji energie.
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Hlavním cílem projektu je zjistit, které procesy a determinanty formují postoje a chování české veřejnosti vzhledem k tématům sucha a ovzduší; dále stanovení hlavních faktorů ovlivňujících postoje veřejnosti k podtématům spojeným se suchem a kvalitou ovzduší. Mezi dílčí cíle projektu patří: (a) zjistit, jakými stimuly apelovat na jednotlivé cílové...
Technical Report
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Hlavním cílem projektu je zjistit, které procesy a determinanty formují postoje a chování české veřejnosti vzhledem k tématům sucha a ovzduší; dále stanovení hlavních faktorů ovlivňujících postoje veřejnosti k podtématům spojeným se suchem a kvalitou ovzduší. Mezi dílčí cíle projektu patří: (a) zjistit, jakými stimuly apelovat na jednotlivé cílové...
Technical Report
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Závěrečná evaluační zpráva informuje o průběhu řešení projektu, kdy byla průběžně sledována realizace projektových aktivit a tvorba výstupů. Závěry v této evaluační zprávě se opírají o projektovou dokumentaci, výstupy projektových aktivit, zápisy z projektových aktivit a o výsledky satisfakčního výzkumu. Projekt cílil na implementaci nového způsobu...
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The paper presents a detailed analysis of selected factors that shape the attitude of the population towards food waste and the possibilities of its prevention. In addition to the perceived importance of food waste issues, particular attention is given to the importance of planning food purchases and how food is managed in the household. The paper...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of the contribution is to summarize perceptions and experiences of seniors concerning their needs with regard to ageing. The paper puts aside the nation-wide measures as well as intra-family factors and focuses on the importance of local communities, the roles of neighbors and the suitability of urbanistic settings surrounding the sen...
Conference Paper
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The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed unprecedented disruptions on society, demanding further research to unravel its effects. As countries implemented measures like curfews, quarantines, and assembly bans to curb the virus's spread, new interventions emerged, reshaping individuals' lives and reducing social interactions. This study delves into the p...
Conference Paper
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Providing informal care to senior member of the family is in many cases challenging the overall family atmosphere, the bonds among family members, and the intergenerational relationships. Besides its positive effects on seniors who can stay within their natural physical and social environment, informal caregiving might impose an increased stress on...
Conference Paper
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The aim of presentation is to propose advanced knowledge about an intervention performance and its effects on beneficiaries. Replicable and easy-to-follow solution in a form of recommended guidelines is offered. Discrimination of needs from other constructs (wants, preferences, and demand) is documented with examples from social services. Presentat...
Technical Report
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The purpose of evaluated project was to examine the applicability of SANDPLAY method within the institutions providing care to seniors (elderly homes). The project also included the development of a Manual for social workers. The aim of final evaluation was to assess the processes of the project, a flow of the key activities and achieved outputs an...
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The paper provides comparison of relevant measures in the field of housing policy in Czechia, Germany, Austria, and Sweden. It includes the examples of a good practice in housing adaptability with respect to application the lifelong-housing principles in the compared countries. Moreover, key findings of quantitative survey representing the Czech po...
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Kapitola uzavírá souhrn poznatků týkajících se dlouhodobé sociálně-zdravotní péče o nesoběstačné seniory. Kapitola shrnuje některá zjištění z primárního výzkumu provedeného na reprezentativním vzorku neformálních pečujících v Česku. Její zaměření doplňuje výše uváděné informace o dlouhodobé péči zahrnující zahraniční praxi ve vybraných zemích a ref...
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Je péče o staré rodiče očekávaná a uznávaná hodnota, anebo handicap, který snižuje sociální postavení pečujících? Je diagnóza demence stigma? Jsou pro pečující rodiny největším problémem finanční nároky péče nebo riziko ztráty zaměstnání, či se potýkají spíš s nedostatkem času na péči anebo s fyzickou nebo psychickou obtížností péče? Co nejvíce chy...
The chapter introduces evaluation experience in Czechia, a country witnessing strong development of evaluation capacities of both the evaluation demand and supply sides during the last two decades. We apply several points of views to make readers familiar with the conditions for evaluations by introducing the general legal framework and specifics o...
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Background. The European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758), is a fish species of high value in recreational fishing. The monitoring of changes in grayling populations is a high priority in fisheries. Data on the harvest of recreational anglers can potentially serve as an easy and inexpensive way to monitor changes in fish populations....
The European catfish Silurus glanis is an important fish species in both commercial and recreational fisheries. Catfish is a spreading species that was reported to potentially benefit from increasing temperatures. The goal of this study was to estimate long‐term changes in harvest rates of catfish in Central Europe. This study used individual manda...
The Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis is an important fish species in both commercial and recreational fisheries. However, there is concern that perch populations in Central Europe are decreasing. This study aimed to assess the effects of environmental factors and management on recreational perch catches. Data from individual angling logbooks collec...
In Central Europe, European grayling Thymallus thymallus is an endangered and vanishing fish species with high recreational angling value. For that reason, in January 2016, the minimum legal angling size for grayling was increased from 30 to 40 cm in the Czech Republic. This study evaluated if the increase in minimum angling size had any effect on...
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Willingness of individuals to recycle their waste is driven by wide range of factors. These may be distinguished as intrinsic, for example perceived importance of recycling, and extrinsic, e. g. command-and-control interventions or financial incentives in a form of landfill taxes, deposits, charges, and fees. In order to increase the participation...
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This article focuses attention on the importance of needs that are understood as a criterium for the evaluation of usefulness. The text proposes a usable conceptual framing of what evidence might be collected. Moreover, it identifies the role of needs within the theory of change that is presented by the generalized logic model and finally it points...
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The goal of the paper is to summarize the experiences and provide recommendations concerning the methods of a needs assessment. It aims to provide arguments for re-considering the evaluation design with respects to gender-sensitive topics. Findings from previous studies on caregivers´ needs may be biased due to the gender stereotype when caregivers...
Technical Report
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Research results indicate that satisfied applicants and beneficiaries prevail over the dissatisfied in terms of evaluation of administration process of projects financed from ESI Funds. At the same time, more than half of subjects are satisfied with the individual phases of administration process (besides the public procurement) whereas most of the...
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Main goals of the presentation are: a) to introduce the needs of caregivers who provide care about elderly family member, b) to put such needs into the context of family environment and c) to relate the needs with the key risk factors. Methodology of a needs assessment, i.e., identification of the gap between current and optimal conditions for prov...
To accelerate the transition to a circular economy European member states have applied a broad range of policy instruments. Based on recycling rates and public participation in recycling efforts the Czech Republic would also appear to be on the way to a circular economy. However, the environmental effect of policy instruments (e.g. promotion and ed...
Conference Paper
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Main goal of the article is to point-out regional differences in fairtrade products purchase and in awareness of the customers about these products. Fairtrade turnovers are achieving gradual increase during the past years; however this shift does not go hand in hand with increased awareness about these products. The article is therefore focused on...
Conference Paper
To accelerate the transition to a circular economy, the European member states apply a broad range of policy instruments. Based on recycling rates and public participation on recycling efforts, the Czech Republic seems to be a country that is on the regular way to a circular economy. However, the environmental effect of policy instruments (e.g. P&E...
Technical Report
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The objective of research in 2016 was to collect data on the matter of perception of corruption in the ESIF and compare the perception between the various stakeholders as part of ESI funds (i.e., employees of the implementation structure, applicants, workgroup members and persons involved in the management). Research results allow for indirect veri...
Technical Report
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The objective of the research was to collect data on perception of corruption in the ESI funds and compare the perception between the various stakeholders as part of ESI funds (i.e., employees of the implementation structure, applicants, workgroup members and persons involved in the management). Research results allow for indirect verification of t...
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The EU Cohesion Policy requires the interaction of the public, private and non-profit sectors in policy making. The Czech Republic presents an ideal case study for identifying the major obstacles to the successful implementation of this approach since Czech citizens evaluate Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in their country as having less capa...
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Title: Use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the life quality of patients before and after total knee or hip replacement using selected codes from the International Classification of Functioning, Disabi...
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Validization of Osteoarthritis Knee and Hip Quality of Life – OAKHQOL Questionnaire Survey instruments used in medical research are usually taken from foreign sources. Results gained by utilization of these instruments are related to the success of the treatment and to benefits that such intervention brings to the patient. However, the information...
Conference Paper
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"Caregivers´ needs assessment as a cornerstone for program evaluation" Satisfaction of caregivers´ needs is essential for achieving the necessary quality, extent and adequacy of care provided by family members in households. Needs of elderly care recipients are already documented by many researches and studies however, caregivers´ needs are not ex...
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Proper and comprehensive identification of all stakeholders is not only the issue in participative evaluation but having ethical and epistemological relevance it is highly important in all evaluative inquiries. To identify (and further analyze) the stakeholders is crucial part in evaluation. Presentation focuses on the current practice of stakehold...
Technical Report
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The final report is one of the outputs of the public contract as part of the individual project, “Preferences of seniors and the reality of their economic situation in comparison with the activities of municipalities within the program of active aging - the Manual for Social Departments of Selected Municipalities”, registered under no. TD03000156....
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Main goal of the paper called "Participatory Evaluation Approaches" is to present the review of main characteristics that differentiate participatory approaches from other ways of conducting evaluations. Based on comparative analysis, the five main characteristics are identified, explained and critically assessed. Central part of the paper is devot...
Technical Report
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The final report is one of the outputs of the public contract as part of the individual project, “Selected aspects of care for the elderly in terms of social inclusion” registered under no. TD020330. The report sums up the main findings and results of the research among the target groups selected. The objective of the project was to collect and eva...
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The article called "Chasing Higher Response Rate. Is It Really Worth It?" turns the attention to nonresponse that is the one of the key characteristic of both evaluation and research inquiries. Besides the review of most important definitions of nonresponse, an overview of selected approaches for improvement the response rate is presented. Moreover...
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The article called "Typology of Metaevaluations" is trying to define what metaevaluation is and it also briefly points-out the key aspects of its introduction and development. The article also presents typical objectives that metaevaluations anticipate. Main part of the text is devoted to analysis of types of metaevaluations; each of the approaches...
Actual way how the care is provided to a dependent family member is usually reflecting the whole variety of approaches that are available for home-care providers. People caring for their family members draw on their own skills and abilities but they also involve other family members and very often the people from a wider network of informal helpers...
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The main goal of the paper that is called "Comparison of Selected Evaluation Approaches" is to show the variety of how evaluators could solve the evaluation tasks. Results of the performed analysis present how uneven the outcomes of evaluation could be when different approach is taken. The article turns attention toward the basics of evaluative thi...
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Main purpose of this chapter is to show and describe in detail how P. F. Lazarsfeld contributed to the development of research methods and techniques within the field of media studies. The awareness is focused especially on Program Analyzer, the special device that P. F. Lazarsfeld invented and used together with F. Stanton for researching audience...
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Ageing of population is one of the most important issues in almost all developed countries. The aim of this research project called "Support of Elderly People Employment" was to describe and analyze the practice of elderly people employment in the Czech Republic and to recommend feasible policy measures that would influence the most significant fac...
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Text shrnuje jednotlivé faktory, které ovlivňují rozhodování poskytovatelů péče (zejména pak rodinných příslušníků) o seniory. za situace, kdy zvažují konkrétní zabezpečení a volbu způsobu péče a pomoci. Na podkladě obecně nastíněných výchozích historických souvislostí je hlavní pozornost věnována popisu klíčových determinant dalšího rozvoje instit...


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