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I am an investigator of several national and international (scientific) projects at the Institute for Economic and Ecological Policy (Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem) and at IREAS, Institute for structural policy (NGO). Within my projects I deal mainly with the concept of ecosystem services, especially with application of this concept in practical environmental policy; other research topics are green and blue infrastructure in cities, climate adaptation; payments for ecosystem services. Moreover, I have been involved in projects focused on energetics for a long time. Within the academic network of e-academia, I lead the activity of expert team dealing with the issue of Nature and Ecosystem Services (www.e-academia.eu).
Publications (43)
This paper presents a summary of lessons learned from implementing the ecosystem services (ES) approach into urban planning practice in different European urban settings. We summarise a survey co-created with, and presented to, researchers and end-users in city administrations from ten European case study cities. To complement the expert analysis,...
The reflection of ecosystem services in environmental policy has recently become a key aspect in solving environmental problems occurring as a consequence of their overburdening. However, decision makers often pay attention predominantly to results of quantitative (monetary valuation) methods. This article explores a new way of combining quantitati...
The quality of life in our cities critically depends on the intelligent planning and shaping of urban living space, in particular urban nature. By providing a wide range of ecosystem services (ES), urban nature essentially contributes to the well-being of city dwellers and plays a major role in avoiding common diseases through its positive impact o...
Green infrastructure provides numerous ecosystem services that protect the health of residents and enhance their quality of life in cities. Some sets of ecosystem services, called bundles, always appear together in time and space. Sometimes the maximization of one ecosystem service or bundle results in a decline of other services. Therefore it is n...
Recent development (such as demographical changes, urbanization or climate change) has caused an increasing interest in the quality of life in cities. Ecosystem services (ES) provided by green and blue infrastructure (GBI) increase residents’ well-being and overall quality of life in cities. Recent studies showed people are aware of some of the ben...
Forest ecosystem services (FES) are considered as public or common goods facing diverging individual and societal interests affecting the quality of ecosystems and well-being of the communities. This may result in overuse, degradation or unsustainable behaviour, as well as it can create also barriers for cooperation, economic profit and innovative...
The chapter deals with the importance of implementing small-scale NBS for flood protection in cities. It turns out that, although NBS bring multiple environmental and social co-benefits, their real-world implementation comes up against numerous barriers, particularly if private land is needed for their implementation. Insufficient awareness of the...
A method of monetary valuation and comparison of costs and benefits of green and blue infrastructure.
Green and blue infrastructure provides a variety of benefits in the form of ecosystem services for residents, workers and city visitors. At the same time green and blue infrastructure effectively deals with and prevents more and more frequent pheno...
The methodology (written in Czech) for economic assessment of green and blue infrastructure (GBI) in human settlements is a unified comprehensive tool for assessing GBI elements. It is designed primarily as a basis for planning, decision-making and communication concerning construction and maintenance of GBI elements and nature-based measures. In a...
The methodology for economic assessment of green and blue infrastructure (GBI) in human settlements is a unified comprehensive tool for assessing GBI elements. It is designed primarily as a basis for planning, decision-making and communication concerning construction and maintenance of GBI elements and nature-based measures. In addition, it can be...
This article deals with the administration of urban greenery by means of partnership between municipal authorities and the public. Although still quite unique in the Czech Republic, this system for the maintenance of greenery is used ever more frequently abroad. Implemented in various forms, the system replaces the former centralized approach to de...
Adaptation to climate change of cities is currently becoming one of the key points in the planning processes. Adaptation contributes to preservation/improvement of the quality of life and human well-being. It should be an integral part of SMART Cities. Implementation of adaptation measures frequently faces numerous problems, including insufficient...
The objective of the paper is to make an analysis of the development of health insurance expenditures on healthcare for employees from the mass layoffs from ArcelorMittal Ostrava, a.s. The paper tests the hypothesis that closing down a large heavy industry plant in a structurally affected region will increase the risk of morbidity of the population...
Ekonomické hodnocení přírodě blízkých adaptačních opatření ve městech Výsledky případových studií realizovaných opatření v ČR
Ecosystem services provide a promising approach to enforce and harmonize nature protection and sustainable resource use. The present paper describes methods and results of GIS-based assessment and mapping of ecosystem services in the Osterzgebirge, a mountain range along the Czech-German border. The assessment focuses on five ecologically valuable...
Der vorliegende Praxisleitfaden Resultat des trinationalen, zwei Jahre umfassenden
Kooperationsprojekts „Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten im Kontext von Ökosystemleistungen und Biodiversität“ mit 60 kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) aus dem Dreiländereck Polen, Tschechien und Deutschland in sechs verschiedenen Branchen.
Der Schutz von Biodivers...
Článek se zabývá správou městské zeleně prostřednictvím partnerství obcí s veřejností. Tento v ČR zatím ne zcela obvyklý způsob péče o zeleň je v zahraničí využíván stále častěji a nabývá mnoha různých podob. Postupně tak doplňuje dříve typický centralistický přístup, kdy bylo rozhodování o veřejné zeleni a její financování alokováno výhradně na ve...
In order to tackle the impacts of global climate change, the EU has published the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. The existence of the Strategy has led to the establishment of national strategies at the member state level, which mostly recommend focusing on the self-government level and the private sector. However, strategies do not br...
Abstract The objective of this paper is to examine possible application of green and blue infrastructure as nature-based solutions in urban areas. Climate change has a significant impact on city populations. Potential adaptive measures include nature-based measures using green and blue infrastructure as an alternative to grey infrastructure to impr...
Public green space provision is one of the public services provided by municipalities. Municipalities face a lack of finances to provide public services in a sufficient amount. The question of searching for new ways of public green space provision is up to date. The paper discusses different approaches to urban green space provision. We used the de...
The Czech Republic has approximately 2124 MWp of photovoltaic installed power capacity. The estimated lifetime of the modules is 20-30 years. After the end of their lifetime and decommissioning, the photovoltaic modules become hazardous waste. It is necessary to dispose of it in compliance with the legislative requirements.
Due to the concern of t...
The present transboundary study of ecosystem services (ES) focusses on a section of the Eastern Ore Mountains, a rural low mountain range in Germany and the Czech Republic. Aims of the study were to quantify five biotope types typical for the region (raised bogs, mountain meadows, clearance cairns, near-natural mountain forests, and near-natural st...
The objective of this paper is to examine possible application of green and blue infrastructure as part of the Smart Cities concept. The Smart Cities initiative puts an emphasis on improvement of life in cities in various areas. Climate change has a significant impact on city populations. Potential adaptive measures include ecosystem-based measures...
The paper presents the results of a research project aiming at determining the economic value of selected ecosystem services in the Eastern Ore Mountains. The use of the dynamically evolving concept of economic services, used to identify economically utilisable services provided by undamaged ecosystems, can thus contribute to dealing with the issue...
Quantitative methods (economic valuation) in socio-economic environmental research still dominate as the main methodological approach used for decision-making in environmental governance. According to Downward et Mearman (2006), Bryman (2006), Austin et al. (2010) and others, the mixed-method research (a combination of quantitative and qualitative...
For downloading is available draft version of the paper pubished in European Planning Studies, Vol 22, Iss. 3, 2014
LA21, a voluntary tool for implementing SD in local level, is one way of implementing sustainability principles in practice. Twenty years after the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, which made the first reference of LA21 (intended...
Kniha Edwina G. Dolana odkazuje na jedno z nejvýznamnějších témat, jímž se zabýval nositel Nobelovy ceny za ekonomii z roku 1976 Milton Friedman – na mýtus "obědu zdarma", tedy fi kci toho, že kdokoliv (včetně vlád států) dostane k dispozici něco, za co by (byť třeba v budoucnosti) nemusel zaplatit (pozn.: Avšak jak Friedman sám při svých přednášká...
The normative concept of sustainable development has been constantly developing since the 1970´s in an overall context of growing interest in environment and increasing concerns of its progressing degradation caused by human activities. The academic concept originally promoted only by the ´ecological...
The paper is dealing with problem of integration of environmental policies, which are closely related to energy production and consumption -air protection and climate change policy. European Environmental Agency, European Commission but also several researchers call for policy integration. The integration of air protection policy and climate change...
Rising prices of the raw materials and negative externalities associated with the waste disposal and landfilling is closely connected with the tendencies towards material and energy recovery and waste prevention. The prerequisite of these successfull efforts is analyzing material flows, environmetal effects and modeling of the economic impacts of t...
Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED) came into force in 2011 and it will considerably tighten the environmental regulation of the Large Combustion plants (LCP). The paper aims to assess two possible scenarios of the directive implementation into Czech legislation: (i) possible strict implementation; (ii) moderate implementation. The i...
Článek se zabývá účastí veřejnosti a aktivní účastí zaintereso-vaných stran na rozhodování o alokaci přírodních zdrojů, a to zejména na příkladu plánování v oblasti vod v ČR. Na základě rešerše zahraniční literatury popisujeme znaky dobrého procesu účasti a toto teoretické vymezení srovnáváme s realitou konkrétního procesu v ČR. u Účast veřejnosti...
The countries in Central Europe have witnessed dramatic political developments over the last 20 years. First were the political changes in the late 80’s, which resulted in the ousting of the totalitarian political system and democracy. This over throw was followed by social and economic transformation during the 90’s. The entry of those countries i...
Both climate change and air quality belong to the major current environmental
problems. It can be seen that there are many interactions between these two
areas and that it is useful to examine the background to these interactions
and to identify synergies, where measures to improve air quality can help
to mitigate climate change and vice versa. On...