Jiří Dostál

Jiří Dostál
Palacký University Olomouc · Department of Technical Education and Information Technology



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In the scientific area, he focuses on the theory of educational science and the inquiry-based learning. He achieved a certificate of merit by the dean of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University for his results in area of science and research. He researched more than 23 scientific projects of national and international nature. In 2015, he was elected a deputy-chairman of the Czech Pedagogical Society (Olomouc branch). He is a regular member of the Czech Educational Research Association.
Additional affiliations
September 2015 - October 2015
Palacký University Olomouc
  • Professor (Assistant)
March 2007 - present
Palacký University Olomouc
  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (158)
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků dvacátého prvního ročníku mezinárodní vědeckoodborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2024 konané pod záštitou děkana Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci doc. Mgr. Vojtecha Regece, Ph.D. ve dnech 22. až 24. dubna 2024 na Pedagogické fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci.
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků dvacátého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2023 konané pod záštitou děkana Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci doc. Mgr. Vojtecha Regece, Ph.D. ve dnech 26. až 28. dubna 2023 na Pedagogické fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents for expert discussion partial results of the scientific research project. The aim of the project is to contribute to the innovation of STEAM education at lower secondary schools by means of applied research and through eliminating the barriers resisting the implementation of the new curriculum aimed at the development of technic...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků devatenáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2022 a třicátého pátého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference DidMatTech 2022 konané pod záštitou děkana Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci doc. Mgr. Vojtecha Regece, Ph.D. ve dnech 4. až 6. květ...
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As we known, the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 outbreak is now spreading around the world. It spreads widely and quickly by our social activities. It can be panic to all people who following news from variety of patterns in social medias and online postings. So, it affects continuously a huge threat to the daily life, health care, social ac...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků devatenáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2021 konané pod záštitou děkanky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. PaedDr. Libuše Ludíkové, CSc. ve dnech 5. a 6. května 2021 na PdF UP v Olomouci.
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Cílem publikace je rozšířit teorii didaktiky informatiky a digitálních technologií a realizovat empirické výzkumné šetření, které by poskytlo informace významné pro kurikulární plánování. V jejím rámci byla provedena kritická a komparativní analýza aktuálních teoretických poznatků i výzkumných závěrů publikovaných domácími a zahraničními autory, kt...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků osmnáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2020 konané pod záštitou rektora Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. Mgr. Jaroslava Millera, M. A., Ph.D., děkanky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. PaedDr. Libuše Ludíkové, CSc. a primátora statutá...
Conference Paper
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The advance of modern technology has unprecedentedly changed every aspect of our life, including education. Governments from all over the world have attached much importance to technology implementation in education, investing substantial funds in education to improve information technology infrastructure and systems and support increased access to...
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Současná společnost prochází v globálním měřítku intenzivnější vlnou proměn, která je charakteristická především nebývalou dynamikou, rozsahem a objemem. Především se jedná o technologické a ekonomické změny, které mají podstatný vliv na podobu společnosti. Tempo rozvoje a implementace technologií založených na robotice, umělé inteligenci a informa...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků sedmnáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2019, konané pod záštitou rektora Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Millera, M. A., Ph.D. a děkanky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. PaedDr. Libuše Ludíkové, CSc., 15. až 17. květ...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, it is universally acknowledged that Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in education. This study aims to investigate research on English foreign language (EFL) teachers' ICT competence, including pre-service EFL teachers' ICT competence and in-service EFL teachers' ICT competence within the last ten year...
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Má profesia vychovávateľa v spoločnosti prestíž? Venuje sa dostatočná pozornosť profesii vychovávateľa? Aká je hierarchia vychovávateľa školského klubu detí v spoločnosti? Okrem hľadania odpovedí na tieto a mnohé iné otázky u vzorky vychovávateľov sme sa pokúsili v monografi i poukázať na potenciál školského klubu detí v súčasnosti. Zámerom bolo zi...
Conference Paper
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English vocabulary constitutes a challenge for English foreign language teaching and learning. Most students spend a lot of time studying English vocabulary, but the result is often frustrating and unsatisfactory when so many students learn vocabulary by rote memorization, which is boring and dampens students’ enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, it...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we discuss implementation of the curricular reform on the subject of Computing at the primary school level. The reason for this is the fact that there is a trend of implementation of programming and algorithmization in education in more and more countries of the world. First, we analyse the form of the informatics curriculum in four s...
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Výukový text je určen všem zájemcům, kteří se chtějí poznat základní principy vzdělávání realizovaného formou e-learningu, se zvláštním zaměřením na aktivizaci studujících. Výukový text Vás tedy postupně seznámí e-learningovými vzdělávacími technologiemi jakožto zdrojem aktivizačního potenciálu. Rozsah témat je volem tak, aby Vám umožnil orientovat...
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Výukový text je určen všem zájemcům, kteří se chtějí poznat základní principy vzdělávání realizovaného formou e-learningu. Výukový text Vás tedy postupně seznámí se základy tohoto typu plně elektronického vzdělávání, včetně jeho historického vývoje a modernizačních směrů. Rozsah témat je volem tak, aby Vám umožnil orientovat se v oblasti realizace...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků šestnáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2018, konané pod záštitou rektora Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Millera, M.A., Ph.D. a děkanky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. PaedDr. Libuše Ludíkové, CSc., 16. až 18. května...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, engineering education has undergone innovations motivated by the existence of modern technologies and their interference with everyday life. Drawing on the analysis of the situation in the Czech Republic and abroad, with a special focus on the United States, the paper discusses the perspectives of the future shape of engineering ed...
Conference Paper
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Inquiry-based education has long been used to teach science-based and technical subjects. However, problems often arise during the process of implementing this educational concept into school practice. One cause of this problem may be a lack of development of substantial competences: educational theory does not yet provide a generally valid compete...
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Učivo o technice a technologiích je v celosvětovém měřítku neopomenutelnou součástí školního vzdělávání na základních školách. Zahrnuje nejen poznatky o tradiční technice, postupech zpracování technických materiálů a užívání techniky, ale i o moderních zařízeních, digitálních technologiích a robotice. Nejedná se však jen o poznatky, smyslem je i po...
Conference Paper
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Computing teaching has become an integral part of the basic school curriculum. Whenever a new technology emerges, the issue of innovations in teaching content always follows after a time. Currently, in addition to the user-based approach to teaching, the trend of product-oriented teaching has emerged, where pupils learn how to create new artifacts...
Conference Paper
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The research is focused on the historical development of technical education and handicrafts included in general education at schools aimed at children of 6-14 years of age. The paper does not discuss training of professionals. Geographically, the research focuses on the territory of contemporary Czech Republic and it examines the period between 17...
Conference Paper
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The internet is already an integral part of people's lives. The aforesaid statement is becoming increasingly valid, in particular in the context of the emerging phenomenon known as Industry 4.0. Avoiding the use of online technologies will be increasingly difficult. With regard to the amount of information, it can be argued that our virtual life is...
Conference Paper
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Under the pressure of digital technologies, the current world of schooling has been undergoing changes at the global level for a considerable period of time. These changes have been incorporated into the lives of people to such an extent that it is not possible to simply distance ourselves from them. The situation is comparable with language, mathe...
Conference Paper
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Accelerating globalization has put the English language in a very important position. Nowadays, English has become the main international language for many fields, in both written and oral form. With the rise of instantaneous communication, speaking ability has become one of the most important skills in the process of communication. Unfortunately,...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, computer science increasingly uses formal methods to enhance understanding of complex software systems and to reason about their behavior with respect to a formal specification. To let future generations of software developers and engineers profit from these exciting developments, however, it is necessary to adequately educate and train t...
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The rapid development of informatics and its importance for society has already increased the significant educational demands at the ISCED 1 and ISCED 2 level. However, considerable attention is already paid to the use of information-technological resources at the ISCED 0 level. Through its incorporation into the school curricula, respect is expres...
Conference Paper
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The content and methods of teaching at basic schools have been changing in the emerging knowledge society, as it is indicated by the utilization of and approach towards modern and communication technologies. During the 20 th century, technical and technological means developed very rapidly. These technologies became a source of stimuli and were als...
Conference Paper
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Although informatics is a discipline that emerged not long ago and has been increasingly developing, and it is only for a relatively short period of time that we have been able to witness its integration into the curriculum at the level of basic schools (ISCED 1 and ISCED 2), it has gradually acquired a strong presence in curricula. It has either b...
Conference Paper
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With the advance of information and communication technology (ICT), people’s everyday life, including education as its integral part, has been in a process of dramatic change. Numerous studies have indicated that ICT can improve education outcomes (Barak & Watted & Haick, 2016; Wang & Teng & Chen, 2015; Barrs, 2012; Blattner & Fiori, 2009). The imp...
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Science learning was affected by various kinds of sources which students perceived and participated in classroom. The purpose of this study aims to investigate the science learning environment of preservice science teachers from Thailand and Czech Republic. Data were collected from 72 Czech and 37 Thai preservice science teachers by the six-element...
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Sborník obsahuje rozšířené abstrakty účastníků patnáctého ročníku mezinárodní vědecko-odborné konference Trendy ve vzdělávání 2017, konané pod záštitou rektora Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Millera, M. A., Ph.D. a děkana Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci doc. Ing. Čestmír Serafín, Dr. Ing-Paed IGIP, 25. a 26....
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The twenty-first century has witnessed great development in information and communication technologies (ICT) which have influenced educational process at an unprecedented pace by changing the traditional teaching environment, learning forms, teaching content and teacher-student interactivity. In this article, we will outline some current popular IC...
Conference Paper
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The article focuses on solving problems based on innovation and technology, which are currently manifested in education. There is a range of experimental educational systems based on information technologies, mainly in the sciences. This is why the research team aimed to address the following questions: Why do teachers employ PCs to support experim...
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Technické a rukodělné vzdělávání má na území republiky dlouhou tradici. Zpočátku typické předávání řemesla z otce na syna bylo stále častěji nahrazováno organizovaným školním vzděláváním. Při badatelských aktivitách jsme se zaměřili na vzdělávání dětí ve věku cca od 6 do 13 let a využili metod typických pro historický výzkum. Především byly vyhledá...
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Neustálý rozvoj informačních a komunikačních technologií, včetně jejich zavádění do vzdělávání, kladou stále nové požadavky na učitele, kteří musí být připraveni s moderními ICT nástroji pracovat a vytvářet pro potřeby takto koncipované výuky také vhodné vzdělávací materiály. Tato potřeba vychází nejen z praxe, ale také z nutnosti akceptovat modern...
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A constant development of information and communication technologies, including their introduction into the education, place more and more demands on teachers who have to be prepared to work with modern ICT tools and to create suitable educational materials for the needs of teaching designed in this fashion. This need does not emerge only from the...
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Technologický pokrok souvisí s řadou oblastí, které se více či méně dotýkají života člověka. Pryč jsou doby, kdy základní rámec průmyslu tvořily stroje poháněné párou a později elektřinou, a kdy podstatou byla montážní linka a sériová výroba. Minulostí je již i éra pouhé implementace počítačů do výroby a automatizace, vč. nahrazování pracovníků na...
Conference Paper
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ANALYSIS OF STUDIES FOCUSED ON RESEARCH OF COMPUTER GAMES’ INFLUENCE WITH AN ACCENT ON EDUCATION AND PEOPLE’S PSYCHICS J. Basler, J. Dostál Palacký University (CZECH REPUBLIC) Issues linked to computer games and its effect on human were in many aspects already solved in a number of researches which are analyzed in the article. We see the computer...
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The comparative study sees the issues of contemporary technology education in the international context. It notes the cultures of technology education in decline and a phenomenon called technical literacy paradox. Perspectives are delimited in the context of polytechnic principle and STEM concept. Based on the analysis, the extension of the term te...
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Clanek reaguje na soucasnou situaci v publikovani vědecko-výzkumných sděleni v kontextu nových scientometrických trendů. Zejmena se věnuje otazce struktury a podoby v publikacich prezentovaných poznatků. Oboji je v době využivani databazi Web of Science, SCOPUS a dalsich klicove pro zajistěni jejich ctenosti a ohlasů. Předevsim je pozornost zaměřen...
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Pedagogical decision making is very important for professional teachers, it concerns belief, self-efficacy, and actions that teachers expose to classroom. This paper employed theoretical lens and education policy in Thailand to examine the preservice teachers’ views about pedagogical decision making. Discussion helps school mentors understand prese...
Conference Paper
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Information and communication technologies currently provide many incentives for the development of the educational process not only at the application, but also at the theoretical level. The very process of integrating these technologies into teaching, sometimes called simply the electronic learning (e-learning), however, was no one-off and had st...
Conference Paper
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The inclusion of pupils into schools of main educational stream is emphasized at the international level. Recently, this trend is more strongly applied in post-communist countries, where the now-criticized approaches, based on the exclusion of pupils with mild intellectual disability and behavioural disorders (ADHD) and their inclusion into special...
Conference Paper
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The inclusion of pupils into schools of the main educational stream is emphasized at the international level. Recently, this trend is more strongly applied in post-communist countries, where the now-criticized approaches (based on the exclusion of pupils with mild intellectual disability and behaviour disorders – e.g. ADHD – and their inclusion int...
Conference Paper
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The contemporary tendences emphasize the use of so-called inquiry-based learning (IBL). However, there remains a question – by which ways should be the active inquiry of pupils induced? The author of this article finds the answer in the union of the theory learning tasks and theory of the inquiry-based instruction. Via the analytical and comparativ...
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Conference Paper
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The inclusion of pupils into schools of main educational stream is emphasized at the international level. Recently, this trend is more strongly applied in post-communist countries, where the now-criticized approaches, based on the exclusion of pupils with mild intellectual disability and behavioural disorders (ADHD) and their inclusion into special...
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The social changes often considerably influence the form of education, even more when considering technical education, which is significantly connected to future employment of an individual in their work life. It is possible to note requirements for dynamic changes, mainly at a curricular level – not only at a level of documents influencing the for...
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Inquiry-based learning is widely called for 21st century science classroom. It is an important instructional tool for engaging students to investigate scientific knowledge and construct habit of mind in science. This study employed qualitative methods to explore three preservice secondary science teachers’ practices about inquiry-based instruction...
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The initiators of education are continually seeking for new means that would enable the development of pupils in the context of current societal requirements. The article focuses on the broadening of theory of the inquiry-based education. It solves possibilities of the employment of information and communication technology for the support of pupils...
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The article is based on fundamental social-cognitive theories that are based on a natural way of cognition of the world. The research process itself (the formation of hypotheses and predictions and their subsequent verification, the formation of conclusions that are supported by the facts, generalization) contributes to a modification of preconcept...
Conference Paper
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The inquiry-based instruction reflects the need of today society for individuals who are able to solve the problematic situations. The present research was focused on finding out which emotions manifest during the process of education in connection to problem solving and acceptance-based learning. This investigative research was oriented on the pup...
Conference Paper
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The article reacts on aspects that are related to a preservation of the cultural heritage in connection to education. It focuses on the folks´ traditions and crafts, on the role of the school subjects based on practical activities and technical skills that are realised at the basic schools. It succeeded with a help of the analytical-synthetic appro...
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The use of information and communication technologies in education is a widely discussed topic, not only in the teaching community. The use of these devices manifests itself in the development of multimediality and interactivity. The concepts of multimediality and interactivity are not new and they have their predecessors in both pedagogical theory...
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The article is concerned with the pedagogical question associated with the significance of a traditional toy for a kid. A toy has gone through many historical changes throughout its evolution and even at the present time it has an irreplaceable significance because its nature stays the same. When a child plays with a toy, it positively contributes...
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Conference poster: The article deals with the problems of the contemporary pedagogical theory and the educational practise related to the application of the inquiry-based instruction within the framework of the technical subjects. It is focused mainly on the potential of this type of the instruction for the development of the pupils’ thinking.
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The article reacts on the current needs based not only in the educational practice and pedagogical theory, but also in the requirements of the society. These requirements focus on the pupils' competences that have to be able to think rationally, to deal with the new situations, and to solve problem situations. Conceptually, this paper concentrates...
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The article deals with a research of the teachers´competencesteachers´competences bounded to the realization of the inquiry-based instruction. It sees competences as a necessary part of the teacher´s abilities and advocates this topic into the other authors´worksauthors´works' context. It provides an overview of the current state of the solved issu...
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The article is focused on the issue of playing computer games and with the use of research data it tests the following research hypotheses: H1 - The amount of time spent playing computer games is higher with the pupils of the 9th grade than with the pupils of the 6th grade; H2 - The amount of time spent playing computer games is higher with the pup...
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The article follows on the studies by the prominent authors inquiry-specialized on the teachers’ competences, and it further processes their findings emphasizing the inquiry-based instruction. The competences that are essential for the teacher to realize the quality inquiry-based instruction are empirically stated on the inquiry basis. It was empir...
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The education goes from its utter beginning through some changes whose momentum factors are the needs laid on the individual in a relation to his/her integration into the society, the living in it and its prospective development. During the historical development the needs change as well as the social values, therefore during the different historic...
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The article deals with the questions related to the activation of students using the electronic technologies for their studying emphasizing the handicapped students. It focuses on the problem of the transformation of the passive students into “the immediate participants in studying” in context of obstacles placed in front of those students which, d...
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The article reacts on the works of the leading theorists in the fields of psychology focusing on the theory of problem solving. It contains an analysis of already published knowledge, compares it and evaluates it critically in order to create a basis that is corresponding to the current state of cognition. In its introductory part, it pursues a ter...
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The article reacts on current needs that are developed from educational practice and pedagogical theory, as well as on the requirements of the society. These requirements focus on competences of students to be able to think rationally, to deal with new situations and complex-problem solving. It develops new trends in educational sciences that manif...
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Monografi e s názvem Badatelsky orientovaná výuka: pojetí, podstata, význam a přínosy reaguje na aktuální potřeby vycházející nejen ze vzdělávací praxe a pedagogické teorie, ale i z požadavků společnosti projevujících se v důrazu na rozvoj kompetencí žáků v oblasti myšlení, vyrovnávání se s novými situacemi a v neposlední řadě i řešení problémových...
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The monograph “The inquiry-based instruction: its concept, essence, importance and contribution” reacts on the currents needs resulting not only from the educational practice and the pedagogical theory, but also from the demands of the society that manifest themselves in the emphasis on the pupils’ competences development in domains of thinking, co...
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The inquiry-based instruction can be, based on results of many researches and investigations, considered as beneficial and perspective, regarding mainly the current social needs. It is at the most de-sirable to educate individuals who are creative, able to solve problems and dis-cover unusual solutions. We react on the mentioned facts in this artic...
Conference Paper
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The inquiry-based instruction can be, based on results of many researches and investigations, considered as beneficial and perspective, regarding mainly the current social needs. It is at the most desirable to educate individuals who are creative, able to solve problems and discover unusual solutions. We react on the mentioned facts in this article...
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Kapitola v knize rozpracovává teorii badatelsky orientované výuky s přesahem do oblasti předškolního vzdělávání. Analyzuje potřeby rozvoje myšlení dětí prostřednictvím badatelských aktivit. Na základě poznatkové integrace vyvozuje závěry a doporučení aplikovatelné ve vzdělávací praxi.
Conference Paper
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The article deals with the problems of the contemporary pedagogical theory and the educational practise related to the application of the inquiry-based instruction within the framework of the technical subjects. It is focused mainly on the potential of this type of the instruction for the development of the pupils’ thinking. The purpose of this art...
Conference Paper
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The article is concerned with the pedagogical question associated with the significance of a traditional toy for a kid. A toy has gone through many historical changes throughout its evolution and even at the present time it has an irreplaceable significance because its nature stays the same. When a child plays with a toy, it positively contributes...
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The shown monograph reacts on the need of development of the pedagogic theory in the fi eld of inquiry based instruction which focuses on the competences of a teacher of technical and natural sciences subjects and on the current needs refl ecting the development of a pupil based on an educative practice and the requirements of the society. This mon...
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Metodická příručka pro pedagogy vznikla ve snaze aktualizovat a inovovat technickou výchovu na školách prostřednictvím badatelsky orientovaného přístupu ke vzdělávání. Obsahem publikace jsou náměty na pracovní činnosti žáků odpovídající úrovni prvního stupně základní školy. Metodická příručka obsahuje celkem 27 metodických listů s pracovními postup...
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Metodická příručka je určena pro učitele předmětu Praktické činnosti II. st. ZŠ. Lze ji také využít jako inspirační materiál pro volnočasové aktivity různých zájmových kroužků. Příručka se zaměřuje na práci se dřevem a přírodním materiálem, její obsah nabízí celou řadu námětů na zhotovení výrobků, doplněnou technickou dokumentací, technologickým po...
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Didaktickou soupravu DIDATECH podporuje zájem žáků o technické předměty na ZŠ. Důraz je kladen na technickou vzdělanost žáků v oblasti technických materiálů, jejich vlastností a využití v technické praxi. Za hlavní cíl si autor kladl technický rozvoj žáka na základě zajímavé a pro žáka atraktivní výuky s prvky tvořivosti a bádání v oblasti materiál...
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Uvedený text náleží jako čtvrtý v pořadí do souboru metodických příruček, které byly vytvořeny v rámci projektu Badatelsky orientovaná výuka ve školním a neformálním vzdělávání realizovaném na Univerzitě Palackého. Tato série publikací vznikla ve snaze aktualizovat a inovovat technickou výchovu na školách prostřednictvím badatelsky orientovaného př...


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I am interested to scientifically collaborate (projects, comparative research, training) on the topic of "inquiry-based learning" - IBSE. Anyone interested?


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