Jindřich RoháčekSlezské zemské muzeum, Opava, Czech Republic · Department of Entomology
Jindřich Roháček
RNDr., CSc. (= PhD)
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I am dipterist with particular interest in some families of Acalyptratae. Anthomyzidae (world) and Sphaeroceridae (Palaearctic) are my preferred families (studied by me in many aspects); marginally I also study systematics, relationships, biology and distribution of a few other groups.
Publications (192)
In the second part of the monograph of Palaearctic Anthomyzidae, supplements to adult morphology and, particularly, to taxonomy, classification, nomenclature, preimaginal stages and distribution of species occurring in the Palaearctic Region are presented. Two new genera are established on the basis of phylogenetic analyses: Arganthomyza gen.n. (ty...
Examination of inclusions of Anthomyzidae (Diptera) in Baltic (and Bitterfeld) amber (Tertiary: Eocene) resulted in the finding of 10 new species, eight belonging to Protanthomyza Hennig, 1965 (fossil Protanthomyzinae) and two to Lacrimyza gen. nov. (Anthomyzinae). Protanthomyza and Protanthomyzinae are rediagnosed on the basis of nine species, P....
The Palaearctic taxa of Anthomyzidae are monographed. In the first part of the monograph, the history of taxonomic investigations on the Palaearctic Anthomyzidae, the morphology of preimaginal stages (egg, larva, puparium) and adults, and the systematic position and higher classification of Anthomyzidae are reviewed. The systematic treatments of al...
Nearctic Anthomyzidae of the Anthomyza clade comprising the genera Fungomyza Roháek, 1999 (1 species), Ischnomyia Loew, 1863 (1 species), Arganthomyza Roháek, 2009 (7 species) and Anthomyza Fallén, 1810 (18 species) are monographed. A review of the history of taxonomic research of the Nearctic
Anthomyzidae and of the adult morphology are given. A...
The Eocene Baltic amber fossil flies of the genus Acartophthalmites Hennig, 1965 (Diptera: Acalyptratae) are revised. Seven species are recognized and described or redescribed. Five species, A. crassipes sp. nov., A. luridus sp. nov., A. rugosus sp. nov., A. tertiaria Hennig, 1965 (type species) and A. willii Pérez-de la Fuente, Hoffeins et Roháček...
Eleven species of flies from four families are recorded as new for the fauna of Slovakia: the bee flies (Bombyliidae) Apolysis szappanosi Papp, 2005, Bombylisoma unicolor (Loew, 1855), and Lomatia lachesis Egger, 1859; the micro bee fly (Mythicomyiidae) Platypygus bellus Loew, 1869; the hoverflies (Syrphidae) Callicera aurata (Rossi, 1790), C. spin...
An uncommon host-parasite relationship is presented: Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Diptera: Carnidae) parasiting fledgling of Coracias garrulus Linnaeus, 1758. This host association has hitherto not been recorded from the territory of Romania.
Anthomyza gilviventris Roháček & Barber, 2016, hitherto known only from the Nearctic Region, is recorded from the Palaearctic Region (NE Sweden) for the first time. Specimens from the Swedish population have been compared with those of A. gilviventris from Canada and the USA and those of A. tschirnhausi Roháček, 2009 from the Kamchatka Peninsula (F...
A total of 327 species of Agromyzidae has been recorded from the Gemer area and for 245 of these species new data are given. Altogether 89 species are ascertained to occur in the Gemer area for the first time. Of this number, 35 species are new additions to the fauna of Slovakia, viz. Agromyza filipendulae Spencer, 1976, A. myosotidis Kaltenbach, 1...
The West Palaearctic species of the genus Pteremis Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) are revised, including the type species of the genus and its synonyms. A total of six species are recognized, four of them new – Pteremis fenestralis (Fallén, 1820) (type species, wing polymorphic), P. apterina sp. nov. (apterous, Portugal: Azores), P. canari...
Additional records of Clusiidae (2 species), Acartophthalmidae (1), Opomyzidae (4), Anthomyzidae (5), Aulacigastridae (3), Stenomicridae (1), Periscelididae (4), Asteiidae (2) and Odiniidae (3) obtained in 2023 during the bioinventory field work in the Gemer in Central Slovakia are presented. Notes on distribution, biology, faunistics in Slovakia a...
This paper attempts to fill the gaps in knowledge about the biodiversity of some winter-active fly families from snowfields and caves in Vârghiș, Romania. A total of 15 fly species were recorded from caves and 9 species from snowfields. Exechiopsis (Exechiopsis) pseudindecisa Lastovka & Matile, 1974 and Rymosia placida Winnertz, 1863 from caves and...
New and/or interesting records of Acroceridae, Stratiomyidae, Micropezidae, Lauxaniidae, Chamaemyiidae, Chloropidae, Sphaeroceridae and Diastatidae (Diptera) from the Česká Lípa district (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic) Nové nebo zajímavé nálezy dvoukřídlých čeledí Acroceridae, Stratiomyidae, Micropezidae, Lauxaniidae, Chamaemyiidae, Chloropidae,...
Simple Summary
The first finding of a schizophoran fly in Oise amber (France) proved to belong to an extinct genus Hemilauxania Hennig, 1965 (Acalyptratae: Lauxaniidae), known previously only from Baltic amber (ca 48–34 Ma). It is described as a new species, H. parvula, and because it originates from the lower Eocene (about 53 Ma) it is apparently...
A new biodiversity inventory of opomyzoid families (excl. Agromyzidae) in the Gemer area (Slovakia) is presented with a critical synopsis of previously published data and new records obtained from the Muránska planina National Park and the Cerová vrchovina Protected Landscape Area. The study includes the families Clusiidae (10 species), Acartophtha...
Hemilauxania parvula sp. nov., a new fossil species of the family Lauxaniidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae), is described and illustrated from Oise amber, France (Eocene, lower Ypresian, ca 53 Ma) and its relationship is discussed. Inasmuch as this first finding of a member of Schizophora in Oise amber probably represents the oldest known record of this...
The New World genus Mumetopia Melander, 1913 is redefined, redescribed and its relationships are discussed. Its Nearctic type species, M. occipitalis Melander, 1913, is revised with lectotype designation, redescribed and illustrated in detail, and its relationship, biology and distribution are treated using published and numerous new data. A new ge...
A new family of DipteraAcalyptratae, Christelenkidae Roháček fam. nov. , is established for Christelenka multiplex Roháček gen. et sp. nov. , an unusual extinct taxon described from a unique male specimen preserved in Baltic amber (Mid-late Eocene, ca 48–34 Ma). Apart from detailed examination by light microscopy and photography, the holotype of th...
Associations of insects that live in nests and burrows of small mammals are relatively poorly explored. This work therefore tries to expand the knowledge about Diptera communities (Psychodidae and Sphaeroceridae) of two small mammals, namely Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771) and Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758). In nests of Eurasian harvest...
Among the huge variety of insects, only a small number of species are capable of active lifestyles during the winter period. This paper give results of a detailed survey of the winter insect fauna collected by hand on snow in January and February 2021 in the westernmost Czech Republic. A total of 31 insect species (Coleoptera 3 spp.,
Diptera 27 spp...
The only preserved (damaged, sex unknown) type specimen of Periscelis (Periscelis) winnertzii Egger, 1862 has been revised and designated as a lectotype. Its revision revealed that P. winnertzii has recently been misinterpreted and is in fact identical with P. (P.) fugax Roháček & Andrade, 2017, syn. nov. Therefore, true P. winnertzii is re-diagnos...
The first data about Sphaeroceridae occurring on eight montane and foothill peat bogs of various types in the North Caucasus (Russia) are presented. A total of 38 species has been recorded and their affinity to peat-bog habitats is discussed. A single species is classified as a tyrphobiont, viz. the strongly brachypterous Pullimosina (Pullimosina)...
A new Periscelididae species, Periscelis (Myodris) haennii sp. nov. , is described from Losone near Locarno, Canton Ticino (Southern Switzerland). It has been found during a biodiversity survey using attractant traps in a Querco-Castagnetum forest. This new species is closely related and very similar to P. (M.) annulata (Fallén, 1813) occurring syn...
The available keys for European Hippoboscidae are outdated and do not cover all species currently known from Europe. Therefore, identification keys to the eleven genera and 31 species of the European hippo-boscids are provided here. Ornithomya comosa (Austen, 1930) (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) is recorded for the first time from the territory of Slovak...
A synopsis of the fauna of the family Heleomyzidae (Diptera) in the Gemer area (Slovakia) is presented. A total of 66 species are treated based on previously published records and material examined (largely from the Muránska planina National Park and the Cerová vrchovina Protected Landscape Area). Each species is listed with comments about its gene...
The chapter discusses the acalyptrate family Sphaeroceridae of the Afrotropical Region, with review of contemporary knowledge, an identification key and a synopsis of all genera recorded to date for this region.
The chapter discusses the acalyptrate family Anthomyzidae of the Afrotropical Region, with a review of previous knowledge, an identification key and a synopsis of all genera recorded to date for this region.
Additional records of 28 species of interest belonging to acalyptrate families Lonchaeidae (1 species), Lauxaniidae (2 species), Chamaemyiidae (9 species), Agromyzidae (16 species) and Opomyzidae (1 species) from glacial sand deposits in the Czech Silesia (NE Czech Republic) are presented and their association with sandy habitats discussed. A total...
Abstract—The fi rst data on Anthomyzidae (Diptera) from montane and submontane peat bogs, peculiar isolated ecosystems of the North Caucasus, are given based on the faunistic research of 8 bogs situated in Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria at altitudes of 800–2290 m. Two species are recorded, the widespread eurytopic Anthomyza gracilis Fallén, 1823 an...
A study of recently acquired material of Herniosina Roháček, 1983 (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosini-nae) in the Mediterranean subregion revealed a new species, H. calabra sp. nov. (Italy: Calabria: Serre Calabresi Mts) and the first females of H. erymantha Roháček, 2016 (Greece: southern Peloponnese: Taygetos Mts). Herniosina calabra sp. nov. (bot...
The knowledge of Anthomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae) in the East Palaearctic area is extended by new taxonomic, biological and distributional information. Two new species of the genus Anthomyza Fallén, 1810, viz. A. aspina sp. nov. (Russia: Far East) and A. breviclavus sp. nov. (North Korea), and a species tentatively affi liated with the genus Ze...
Records of 19 species of the dipteran families Bombyliidae (1 species), Mythicomyiidae (1 species), Therevidae (2 species), Empididae (3 species), Hybotidae (1 species), Dolichopodidae (8 species) and Syrphidae (3 species) from glacial sand deposits in the Czech Silesia (NE Czech Republic) are presented and their association with sandy habitats dis...
Microterys turanicus Sugonjaev, 1965 (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is added to the fauna of the Czech Republic and the whole of Europe on the basis of a record from the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, Morávka (North Moravia, NE Czech Republic). The distribution and biology are reviewed and notes on the identification of the species are given along with il...
Ten species of Scatopsidae (Diptera) have been reared from tussocks of 7 species of Cyperaceae, 2 species of Juncaceae, 4 species of Poaceae and from dead specimens of 1 species of Typhaceae
gathered in meadow, boggy meadow, alder forest and shores of a pond and a montane brook from 3 localities in the Czech Silesia (Czech Republic). One of them, S...
A new species of Anthomyzidae (Diptera), viz., Mumetopia interfeles Roháček sp. nov. (both sexes), is described from Chile, based on a large series collected from a small grassy area (consisting of a non-native species, Hordeum murinum L.) among houses in the city of Valparaíso. Its systematic affiliation, phylogenetic relationships, and biology ar...
A review of psammobiont (8) and psammophilous (38) species of Diptera recorded from sandy habitats in 11 localities (2 natural outcrops of glacial sand, 3 active and 6 abandoned sand-pits) is presented based on preliminary results of investigations of the fly communities on glacial sand deposits in the Czech Silesia (NE part of the Czech Republic)....
First records of Atherix ibis (Fabricius, 1798) (Diptera: Athericidae) (a vulnerable species in the Czech Republic) in the Jizerské hory Mountains and Železnobrodská vrchovina Hills are given. Aggregations of dead females were observed on the Jizerka stream in the Jizerka village and on the Kamenice river at Podspálov; male adult specimens were col...
A total of 22 species of the families Opetiidae (1 species) and Platypezidae (21 species) have been recorded from the Jizerské hory Mts, Frýdlant region, and Liberec environs. This is 64.7 % of all species known from the Czech Republic, and 73.3 % of those known from Bohemia. Within the present research, one species, Agathomyia cinerea (Zetterstedt...
A new fossil species of Anthomyzidae (Diptera), viz. Protanthomyza ryszardi sp. nov. is described from Baltic amber (Eocene, 48-34 Ma) on the basis of one male and one female inclusion found in the same amber specimen. This is the tenth species of the extinct genus Protanthomyza Hennig, 1965 and extinct subfamily Protanthomyzinae Roháček, 1998. It...
A new fossil species, Protanthomyza grimaldii sp. nov. (Diptera, Anthomyzidae), is described from Baltic amber (Eocene, 48–34 Ma) based on two (male and female) inclusions. It is the ninth species of the †genus Protanthomyza Hennig, 1965 and †subfamily Protanthomyzinae Roháček, 1998. Adult morphology of P. grimaldii sp. nov. revealed that the rich...
A total of 166 species of Agromyzidae have been recorded from the Muránska planina National Park in the Gemer region in Central Slovakia during surveys of Diptera in years 2012–2019. Of these 94 species represent first records from this area and 35 species, viz. Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, A. orobi Hendel, 1920, A. seticercus L. Papp in Papp & Č...
The formerly monotypic genus Carexomyza Roháček, 2009 (Diptera: Anthomyzidae) is revised to include one Palaearctic, viz. C. caricis (Roháček, 1999), and three new Nearctic species, viz. C. lonsdalei sp.n., C. marshalli sp.n. and C. browni sp.n., all from Canada and the northern United States of America. Carexomyza is re-diagnosed and its phylogene...
Stenomicridae is a family of small flies with only three species known from Europe: Podocera delicata, Podocera soniae and Stenomicra cogani. Here, we report the presence of this family in the Netherlands for the first time, with all three European species being found in the country. Larvae of the flies are phytophagous. Two species are dependent o...
Species of the family Anthomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptrata) occurring in Taiwan are reviewed. Eleven species have been recognized, 8 of them new to science. However, because of limited and poorly preserved material, only three species of the genus Anthomyza Fallén, 1810, viz. A. robusta sp. nov. (Chiayi and Nantou Counties, both sexes), A. caesarea s...
Despite more than 250 years of taxonomic research, we still have only a vague idea about the true size and composition of the faunas and floras of the planet. Many biodiversity inventories provide limited insight because they focus on a small taxonomic subsample or a tiny geographic area. Here, we report on the size and composition of the Swedish i...
Records of 18 species of the families Micropezidae (1 species), Lonchaeidae (1 species), Lauxaniidae (1 species), Chamaemyiidae (6 species), Agromyzidae (6 species) and Chloropidae (3 species) from glacial sand deposits in the Czech Silesia (NE Czech Republic) are presented and their association with sandy habitats is discussed. All of them are rec...
The wetland habitats created within the area of sugar factory sedimentation basins on the periphery of the Opava city (Czech Republic: Silesia) proved to be a secondary refuge of water-associated soldierflies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), all of which had already disappeared from the surrounding agricultural landscape. A total of 12 species (9 with aqu...
The communities of Sphaeroceridae in burrows of European Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and Red Fox Vulpes vulpes in central Bohemia (the Czech Republic) are described including number, dominance and constancy of species and compared by means of a similarity index. A total of 17 species were recorded from burrows of rabbit and 9 from those of fox. Sp...
Phylogenetic hypotheses of the relationships of Diptera: Anthomyzidae (61 taxa) are discussed with special reference to the genera Fungomyza Roháček, 1999, Anthomyza Fallén, 1810, Epischnomyia Roháček, 2006 and Arganthomyza Roháček, 2009 based on the analysis of 7 combined mitochondrial + nuclear gene markers in comparison with results of the most...
The list of all known locality and host records from the literature on louse flies from Slovakia are summarized, with the addition of new collection data. New locality data are provided for five species. Three species are added to the Slovakian list: Icosta minor (Bigot in Thomson, 1858), which was erroneously cited for Moravia instead of Slovakia...
Despite more than 250 years of taxonomic research, we still have only a vague idea about the true size and composition of the faunas and floras of the planet. Many biodiversity inventories provide limited insight because they focus on a small taxonomic subsample or a tiny geographic area. Here, we report on the size and composition of the Swedish i...
1. Terrestrial snail shells can be considered partial resources for insects, and as such, the expansion of numerous snail species to anthropogenic habitats makes them increasingly available.
2. Here, we address for the first time a complete profile of insects that use empty terrestrial snail shells during the winter period in Central Europe.
3. T...
New records of 95 species of Sphaeroceridae are listed from Lower Saxony and Bremen. 24 species are reported for this area the first time. Of these Coproica rohaceki Carles-Tolrá, 1990, C. pseudostercoraria Papp, 1976, Phthitia spinosa (Collin, 1930), Rachispoda brevior (Roháček, 1991), Sphaerocera pseudomonilis hallux Roháček & Florén, 1987, Spelo...
Three new species of Diptera (Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) from the Madeira Island (Portugal), viz. Spelobia polymorpha sp. nov., Pullimosina (Pullimosina) kesoni sp. nov., and P. (P.) dorae sp. nov. are described (both sexes), illustrated and their relationships, biology and distribution discussed. All these species are terricolous inhabitants of...
New records of 95 species of Sphaeroceridae are listed from Lower Saxony and Bremen. 24 species are reported for this area the first time. Of these Coproica rohaceki Carles-Tolr., 1990, C. pseudostercoraria Papp, 1976, Phthitia spinosa (Collin, 1930), Rachispoda brevior (Roh.ček, 1991), Sphaerocera pseudomonilis hallux Roh.ček & Flor.n, 1987, Spelo...
European chiropteromyzid flies (Diptera: Acalyptrata: Heleomyzidae) are revised to clarify their nomenclature, taxonomic concepts and relationships. Two species are recognized which are considered to belong to the genus Neossos Malloch, 1927 viz., the widespread N. broersei (de Meijere, 1946) comb. nov. (= Chiropteromyza wegelii Frey, 1952) and N....
A new fossil fly species, Acartophthalmites willii sp. n. (Diptera: Acalyptratae: Opomyzoidea) from Baltic amber (Eocene, 56−33.9 Ma), is described based on a male originally assigned by Hennig (1969) to A. tertiaria Hennig, 1965, who erroneously also referred to it in the same work as “A. electrica Hennig” (unavailable name). The new species, repr...
The family Anthomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptrata) is recorded from China for the first time based on 11 species, 6 of them new to science. A distinctive new genus Marshallya gen. nov. is described, based on single peculiar species, M. platythorax sp. nov. (both sexes) from Sichuan. Other new species, viz. Amygdalops sevciki sp. nov. (Hainan I.) (both...
Periscelis (Periscelis) fugax sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on series of specimens from Portugal and the Czech Republic. It is probably widespread in Europe but has not been previously recognized from the closely related and externally very similar P. (P.) winnertzii Egger, 1862. The new species differs from P. winnertzii not only in...
Volumosinanew genus (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) is described to accomodate the enigmatic Nearctic species Herniosina voluminosa Marshall, 1987 and its relationships are discussed. Based on morphological characters Volumosina is treated as part of the Limosina genus group along with Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929, Gigalimosina Roháček, 1983, Her...
Records of five species of Diptera Acalyptrata representing novelties for the faunas of Bohemia or Moravia (Czech Republic) and Slovakia are given with discussion on their significance to the biodiversity knowledge of local faunas and a summary of their biology, distribution and identification with new information obtained from the material examine...
New records of Anthomyzidae (Diptera) from the Iturup Island (Kuril archipelago, Far Eastern Russia) are presented based on the material collected by the expedition to this island in 2011. Five species of Anthomyza are recorded, including three species new to the local dipterous fauna, viz. A. collini Andersson, 1976, A. elbergi Andersson, 1976 and...
Records of 11 species of three families of acalyptrate Diptera, Micropezidae (4 species), Clusiidae (4) and Periscelididae (3) are given from Portugal. Seven species are new faunal additions to this country, viz. Neria cibaria (Linnaeus, 1761), Neria octoannulata (Strobl, 1899) (both Micropezidae), Clusiodes albimanus (Meigen, 1830), C. caledonicus...
The taxonomic concept of Herniosina Roháček, 1983 (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) is revised on the basis of five W. Palaearctic species, thus excluding the E. Nearctic Herniosina voluminosa Marshall, 1987 whose inclusion caused the paraphyly of the genus. Two new species, H. erymantha sp. n. (male only, Greece: Peloponnese) and H. hamata sp. n. (both se...
Hitherto, the Paleogene fossil genus Acartophthalmites Hennig, 1965 included only the type species, A. tertiaria Hennig, 1965, from Baltic amber (Eocene, ca. 40 Mya). An additional species, Acartophthalmites clusioides sp. nov., is described based on a well preserved male in a Baltic amber inclusion from Kaliningrad: Yantarny (Russia). It distinctl...
A review of the occurrence of representatives of the families Strongylophthalmyiidae, Tanypezidae and Megamerinidae (Diptera) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is presented based on literary data and recently obtained records. Strongylophthalmyia pictipes Frey, 1935 (Strongylophthalmyiidae) is a new addition to the fauna of the Czech Republic. Its...