Jette LinaaAarhus University | AU · Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Jette Linaa
PhD in Archaeology
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Associate professor (hon) AU, Senior consultant, researcher, ph.d. 85 papers, Recent projects: "Mobilising VOC Collections for New Gloal Stories (ARC)Head of "Viking Age Aros" (2022-24), "Urban Poverty "(2019-22), "Urban Diaspora (2014-20), "Urban Consumption (2012-14). Advisory Board Member at Hansemuseum Lübeck, Helsingør Museum, House and Social Practices project (Uppsala Universitet). Appointed member of SLKS board for Museum Research.
Additional affiliations
January 2015 - January 2017
Moesgaard Museum
- Curator of Historical archaeology
October 1997 - September 2000
Publications (64)
Aarhus is one of the oldest and most important Danish towns, but the archaeological sources have so far not been fully analyzed. Based on excavations and finds the Aarhus and its periphery the development of the town and its network is analyzed from Viking Age to mid-1800.
Central is the special urban way of living which makes town dwellers into c...
Medieval perceptions og the senses have been dealt with previously in great details by numerous authors, but in the context of this volume the aim of this chapter is to focus on the medieval practise of sensory media and perceptual mediation. The chapter adresses the senoral activity of consumption and how this was embedded in the senses and transm...
The Viking Age represents a period of significant dynamism, during which local centres and urban sites participated to varying extents in maritime networks. This paper investigates the development, activities, and maritime engagement during the Viking Age of the Danish town of Aarhus, located on the East Coast of Jutland. In previous research, Aarh...
In the research project ”Vikingernes Aros”, funded by the Danish Ministry of Culture (2021-0002), several natural scientific methods have been combined to analyse a burned Viking-Age house located in Aarhus, Denmark, dating to ca. 980 CE. What was the function of the house and what are the indications for interregional contacts?
The seventeenth century saw a mass migration from the countryside to urban centres
in Europe. Did migrants of rural origin integrate into their new communities, or did
they form a subgroup in the town? This article is based on marriage, baptismal and
burial records from the German and Danish Churches in Elsinore (Helsingør) between
1637 and 1660, a...
Porcelain is a marker of globalization of almost mythical proportions, and studies of porcelain have been used to shed light on globalization, commercialization and the onset of modernity in many scholarly works ranging from material culture studies to investigations into gendered collecting practices and social history (Bischoff, 2014; Campen, 201...
The study of the movement of ‘things’ -- the exchange of objects as gifts or through trade, the itineraries that they followed when on the move, and their changing importance from location to location -- can offer unique insights into our understanding of past societies; and archaeology plays a vital role in allowing such movements to be traced. No...
This is a book,edited by Jette Linaa, about the rise and fall of diaspora communities, written as the final publication from the Collective Research Project 2 “Urban Diaspora – Diaspora communities and materiality in Early Modern urban centres”, funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research/Humanities in 2014-2018. The spatial framework is...
The aim of this chapter is to shed light on the structure and inner workings of the migrant communities in Elsinore, as well as on the relations between migrants and Danes who lived in town: How did the migrants and Danes perceive each other? Did they socialise, or did they live in separate worlds? In order to answer these questions, this chapter a...
A probate inventory is an overwhelmingly detailed summary of the monetary worth of a human life, and thousands of such inventories were taken in Elsinore. Elsinore is just one of the Danish towns where probate inventories from the Early Modern period have survived the passage of time, and Denmark is only one of the Countries where such inventories...
This chapter reflects on the role of pottery in the towns of Elsinore, Aalborg and Nya Lödöse. The analysis reveals that the functional types used for everyday cooking and serving were remarkably similar in all three towns, while their pottery markets were strikingly different: The pottery market in Nya Lödöse was entirely dependent on supply throu...
This cross-disciplinary volume has dealt with diaspora communities within a particular historical and geographical context. The spatial framework is Scandinavia, exemplified by Elsinore, Aalborg and Nya Lödöse, and the chronological framework is the period between 1473, when Nya Lödöse was founded as Swedens gateway to the west, and 1658, when the...
The seventeenth century saw a flight from the land – a mass migration from the countryside to the urban centres. This paper aims to shed light on the fate of the migrating rural youth, that is the rural surplus population, in the urban centres in early modern Denmark. Thus, the paper concentrates on the distance travelled as well as on the breaking...
This is a book about the rise and fall of diaspora communities, written as the final publication from the Collective Research Project 2 “Urban Diaspora – Diaspora communities and materiality in Early Modern urban centres”, funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research/Humanities in 2014-2018. The spatial framework is Scandinavia, exemplifie...
From 1429 to 1857, Elsinore and Kronborg castle, situated by the narrowest part of the Sound, were the centre for the Sound Toll, controlled by the kings of Denmark. In 1574, when Frederik II initiated the large-scale renovations that transformed the Medieval fortress of Krogen into the Renaissance castle of Kronborg, many Dutch and German artisans...
This chapter takes as its starting point two case studies: first, a cultural encounter of a highly volatile nature centred on one kind of materiality, and, second, meetings between friends and family centred on materiality of a very different kind. As readers will see, these encounters were orchestrated around opposing emotions, and therefore provi...
The paper takes its starting point in the Danish city of Elsinore, a city that housed a thriving migrant community in the Early Modern period. The presence of a large community of resourceful and skillful migrants in the city, many of whom were refugees from the Dutch wars of independence, called for flexibility and diplomacy on behalf of migrants...
Denne artikel er baseret på en udgravning af middelalderlige latrin- konstruktioner, men den handler hverken om konstruktion eller kostundersøgelser: den handler om hvordan en kosmologi kan fremlæses i et arkæologisk materiale. I artiklen foreslår jeg en mentalt/kosmologisk forankret læsning af en speci k organisering af latrinkonstruktioner i forh...
„Arkæologen må risikere sorte negle“ – Sådan skrev museumsinspektør ved Aalborg Historiske Museum, Peter Riismøller, i det lille jubilæumsskrift „Urene kilder. Et fund af husgeråd fra renæssancetid“, der udkom i 1963. Her præsenterede Riismøller i ord og billeder fund fra museets udgravninger af latrinkasser og affaldsgruber fra renæssancens Aalbor...
An analysis of the consumption in a glass workshop dated 1560-1580
A historical-archaeological analysis of food culture on tree medieval castles from Denmark
Book on the excavation of the ducal castle Tønderhus in Southern Jutland
Denne bog rummer en regional undersøgelse af køkken- og bordtøj af keramik i Jylland til den nuværende grænse i perioden ca. 1350-1650.
At arbejde med genstande er at hente kundskab ud af stumme kilder. At måle, veje og tælle er enkelt, men at fortolke de mange data til et sammenhængende billede af den fortidige virkelighed er anderledes komplicer...
Præsentation af det historisk og arkæologisk kendte fiskerleje fra renæssancen anskuet i sammenhæng med andre af Vadehavets historisk kendte fiskerlejer
Dining with Marsk Stig A survey of the Hjelm pottery Potsherds occur frequently in nearly every excavation of a medieval settlement. Working with this abundance of sherds is usually a laborious job, but it is sometimes very rewarding. This was the case when during recent years the small island of Hjelm off the east coast of Jutland was excavated. T...
PhD-thesis, Aarhus University. 800 pages.