Jesús Vargas-Hernández

Jesús Vargas-Hernández
Colegio de Postgraduados | CP · Department of Forestry

PhD Forest Genetics


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I have a PhD degree in Forest Genetics and Tree Physiology. My research interest is focused on the management and coservation of forest genetic resources, developping and using different approaches and tools for evaluation and selection of genetic resources to increase productivity and adaptation of forest trees in the face of climate change.


Publications (277)
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The presence of heterozygous individuals in a population is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity, which can positively affect fitness and adaptability to environmental changes. While inbreeding generally reduces the proportion of heterozygous individuals in a population, polyploidy tends to increase the proportion. North American Populus tremu...
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Agave species can readily hybridize, leading to polyploidy and genetic differentiation. To identify the parent plants of such crosses, it is necessary to use various genetic tools to understand the variations among the species that grow in the same habitat. The maguey cacaya (Agave peacockii) is an agave only found in the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, w...
Conference Paper
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Authors present a breaf disgnosis about the forest activity in the Chignahuapanb_Zacatlán region, State of Puebla, Mexico. They stress the main problems and suggest possible sustaibable solutions. They expect suggested solutions to be adopted by producers in the short term.
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La tolerancia al frío tiene valor adaptativo en plantas perennes de clima templado-frío, por lo que es importante detectar variación genética en ella para árboles forestales. En dos ensayos de progenie de Pinus pseudostrobus establecidos en Pueblo Nuevo, Puebla (S1, 2853 m) y Teolocholco, Tlaxcala (S2, 2355 m), se determinó el índice de daño celula...
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Population genetics theory predicts a relationship between fitness, genetic diversity (H0) and effective population size (Ne), which is often tested through heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs). We tested whether population and individual fertility and heterozygosity are correlated in two endangered Mexican spruces (Picea martinezii and Picea...
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Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. et Cham. is endemic to Mexico and is used in both reforestation programs and in the timber industry due to its fast growth, wood quality, and easy handling. With the advance in genetic breeding programs, there is a need to massively propagate new plants from cuttings. One of the main challenges for this purpose is t...
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Background and Aims: The compatibility between mycorrhizal fungi and trees is a consequence of coevolutionary processes in response to selection pressures. The diversity and differentiation of morphotypes from ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) communities in natural populations of Pinus greggii var. australis were analyzed in two contrasting environments...
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Resumen El Pico de Orizaba es un área natural protegida en la que destacan bosques de Pinus hartwegii sometidos a presiones naturales y antrópicas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los parámetros dasométricos de ocho rodales con cuatro exposiciones (N, S, E y O) y dos altitudes (3 700 y 3 900 m). Se ubicaron áreas con cobertura represe...
Se colectó polen de cinco árboles de pinus montezumae Lamb. en diferentes fechas durante su maduración y fue almacenado en dos tipos de envase a temperaturas de 4±2 0 C. Cada dos meses se evaluó la germinación cultivando muestras de polen durante 72 horas in vitro, en una solución de 10% sacarosa en agua, a través de un periodo de 10 meses de almac...
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Global warming has increased the stress conditions faced by natural populations of forest species. Genetic variation (GV) and phenotypic plasticity (PP) of adaptive traits are the main mechanisms by which these species survive the in situ effects of environmental fluctuation including a higher frequency of stressful events. This study evaluated the...
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Capítulo de libro: Practicas de crianza y estrés de la madre en la etnia yoreme mayo.
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A common garden trial with 18-month-old trees from 64 half-sib families of Pinus patula was established to identify genetic variation in growth and survival in response to drought for four months (November 25, 2020 to March 25, 2021, winter). A split-plot design with two moisture levels (Irrigation S0 = 40 – 55 % and Drought S1 = 20 – 39 % volumetr...
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Large cities have air pollution problems due to the emission of polluting gases and particulate matter (PM). The main goal was to know the intra- and inter-annual variation of pollutants (NOX, CO, O3, PM10 and PM2.5) in Mexico City Metropolitan Area and to model their spatial distribution. Data from 44 stations of the Automatic Air Monitoring Netwo...
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In this document, entitled "Technical manual for the collection, management and sexual propagation of Picea mexicana Martínez and Picea martinezii T.P. Patt.", the main biological and technical aspects that must be considered to carry out a successful seed collection program of two of the native species of Picea in Mexico are presented in a summari...
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Introducción: La compatibilidad entre las partes involucradas del injerto es uno de los factores que define su éxito, crecimiento y productividad.Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del nivel de afinidad taxonómica en la combinación púa/patrón sobre la supervivencia y crecimiento del brote de injertos recíprocos de Pinus pseudostrobus var. pseudostrobu...
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Conocer el inicio, el fin y la duración de la receptividad femenina y de la dispersión de polen permite generar información para el establecimiento de programas para la producción y manejo de semillas, así como de mejoramiento genético. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los periodos de receptividad de los estróbilos femeninos y la dispersi...
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Pinus hartwegii Lindl., es unas especies vulnerables al cambio climático. El crecimiento del arbolado depende de factores internos y externos, la interacción de estos determina cómo crecen los árboles y, por consiguiente, la estructura del bosque. Estas condiciones se ven reflejadas en anillos de crecimiento, así como en el vigor del bosque, que pu...
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Introducción. La creación de praderas multiespecie es común en la producción de forrajes, proporcionando una fuente continua de alimento para el ganado. La integración de árboles en los potreros brinda sombra natural, lo cual beneficia la producción y calidad de los pastos (García et al., 2001; Peri et al., 2005). Un manejo inadecuado de la integra...
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Introduction Phenotypic plasticity (PP) could be an important short-term mechanism to modify physiological and morphological traits in response to climate change and global warming, particularly for high-mountain tree species. The objective was to evaluate PP response of growth ring traits to temperature and precipitation in Pinus hartwegii Lindl....
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Laurel (Cordia alliodora Ruiz & Pav. Oken) is a Neotropical native tree that is easily regenerated in the secondary forest within the Amazon region. Amazonian smallholders use this tree regeneration to obtain a homogeneous forest cover when developing local agroforestry systems, which do not depend on nursery seedling production for tree planting....
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1) Background: The Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken (laurel) natural regeneration management is a widespread practice among smallholders in the Amazon upper basin for the establishment of traditional agroforestry systems. This tree management approach is opposite to the development project proposals that contemplate reforestation with nursery se...
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Introducción: Pinus pseudostrobus, especie de importancia ecológica y económica en México, tiene amplia distribución y variación intraespecífica, lo que genera controversias en la identificación de sus unidades taxonómicas operativas (UTO).Objetivos: Evaluar características morfológicas de conos y acículas de P. pseudostrobus para distinguir varied...
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Las especies mexicanas de Picea se han estudiado genéticamente con diversos marcadores. Se han realizado estudios de diversidad genética con marcadores isoenzimáticos para Picea chihuahuana, Picea martinezii y Picea mexicana en los que se ha determinado la estructura genética analizando de 18 a 24 loci. También, se han realizado estudios con marcad...
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Introduction: Climate change will have a differential impact on mountain forest growth linked to elevation. Objective: To evaluate the interrelationships of growth ring components at the altitudinal gradient limits of Pinus hartwegii Lindl. in three mountains of east-central Mexico. Materials and methods: We analyzed 295 tree samples from Cofre d...
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Among the Mexican trees, Picea (spruce) is the genus with the stronger boreal affinity. There are three species in Mexico, all of them paleoendemic, relic from the Holocene: Picea chihuahuana (in Chihuahua and Durango), P. martinezii (Nuevo Leon), and P. mexicana (Coahuila and Chihuahua). Spruces in Mexico have high ecological value for being part...
n alpine forests, the impact of warming differs at the upper and lower extremes of the elevation gradient causing trees to compensate through different adaptive mechanisms. The objective was to retrospectively evaluate the radial growth response to recent interannual climate variation in Pinus hartwegii trees growing at the extremes of their elevat...
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Background: In the projected climate change scenarios, assisted migration might play an important role in the conservation of the threatened plant species, by translocate them to similar suitable habitats outside their native distributions. However, it is unclear if such habitats will be available for the Rare Endemic Plant Species (REPS), because...
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The study of vegetative phenology is important to understand adaptation to different environments and potential trade-offs with growth traits. Crown leaf-out and leaf-fall phenology was evaluated on 168 open-pollinated families from 19 Cedrela odorata provenances in an eleven-year-old provenance/progeny trial established in the state of Veracruz, E...
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Natural hybridization can manifest different evolutionary results, such as accelerating differentiation and facilitating speciation through the rapid origin of new biochemical compounds, physiological or morphological phenotypes that allow hybrid species to occupy new habitats, which for parental species would be inaccessible. However, these expect...
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La Yucca endlichiana Trel. es una especie microendémica en el estado de Coahuila y en estatus de protección especial. El objetivo fue conocer la variabilidad morfológica, calidad de semilla y de plántula de Y. endlichiana para proponer acciones de conservación. Se colectaron cápsulas en más de 30 plantas seleccionadas en las localidades El Dorado,...
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El enraizado de estacas es una alternativa para la clonación masiva de árboles seleccionados, con características deseables y superiores para plantaciones comerciales. Sin embargo, la capacidad de enraizado disminuye rápidamente a los 2 o 3 años de edad en especies de coníferas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad de enraizamiento...
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Key message A systematic review from 1962 to August 2021 summarizes the research on Hartwegʼs pine (Pinus hartwegii). We identify research gaps and propose new direction for future studies and discuss the main study topics. Abstract Hartwegʼs pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl.) is a high-value timber species adapted to the harsh alpine environment of hi...
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The unambiguous identification of varieties within the Pseudostrobus complex is a key step to facilitate tree selection and monitoring in the wild as well as in plantations. Molecular tools provide a powerful approach for species delimitation; however, the use of DNA barcodes in this group has met limited success due to widespread haplotype sharing...
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Hesperocyparis guadalupensis S. Watson es un especie endémica de Isla Guadalupe en proceso de recuperación después de la erradicación de la cabra feral (Capra hircus). En 2019 se establecieron cinco sitios de muestreo (400 m2) en tres distintas coberturas de dosel: baja (CB, ≤ 5 %), media (CM, 6-23 %) y alta (CA, ≥ 24 %) con el objetivo de evaluar...
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La diversidad de plantas vasculares está relacionada con la productividad y resiliencia de los bosques, por lo tanto, el desarrollo de indicadorespara su caracterización es fundamental. La riqueza de especies vasculares (S) ha mostrado ser un buen indicador de la diversidadde otros grupos biológicos. Asimismo, se ha propuesto que la riqueza de tipo...
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Introduction: In response to climate change, plants can adapt, migrate or die; however, migration by natural dispersion of seed can be very slow. Objective: To determine productive potential, dispersal distance and seed bank of Lupinus montanus Kunth (lupine) at the upper limit (4 200 m) of its natural distribution at the Nevado de Toluca mountain...
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Background: Mountain forest soils (≥2,500 m a.s.l.[1]), where elevation is crucial in the ecosystem dynamic, have a great capacity to capture and preserve carbon for a long time. The aim of this research was to determine the role of elevation combined with soil, climate, and vegetation variables on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks distribution unde...
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Introducción: Los injertos permiten multiplicar íntegramente las características fenotípicas y genotípicas de árboles genéticamente superiores. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del origen de la yema, la fertilización del portainjerto, la época de injertado y el método de injerto en el prendimiento, crecimiento y supervivencia de injertos intrae...
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Introduction: Regeneration of forest stands under management is one of the most relevant silvicultural practices for forest cultivation. Objective: To compare growth and water balance for both naturally regenerated and planted seedlings in Pinus patula Schltdl. &Cham. stands harvested with the seed tree method in the ejido Carbonero Jacales, Huayac...
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Mexican populations of Douglas-r [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] constitute valuable gene pools for conservation and breeding programs of this species. Genetic diversity and population divergence were estimated using 18 isozyme loci and samples from 11 natural Douglas-r populations in México. Genetic diversity was high at the species level (...
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La planta producida en charolas desarrolla raíces envolventes que afectan su crecimiento posterior. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la morfología y el crecimiento radical de Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. et Cham. producido en tres tipos de charolas con cavidades de 170 cm3, dos de plástico y una de poliestireno, con y sin recubrimiento de co...
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Introduction: Basal area increment (BAI) is an indicator of forest productivity that varies with tree age and site factors such as soil and climate. Objective: To generate tree-ring width index (RWI) and BAI chronologies of Pinus hartwegii Lindl., relate them to climatic variables, and study the variation in BAI at different altitudes and aspects....
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Synchronization between female receptiveness and pollen dispersal, and fecundity of clones influence effective population size and genetic diversity of germplasm produced in seed orchards. Our objective was to determine clonal variation in phenological synchronization and in cone production in a Pinus patula seed orchard. Two-year phenology data of...
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Las plantaciones de árboles de navidad con la especie Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco ocupan 10% de la superficie total de este tipo de plantaciones en México. El tizón suizo es una enfermedad propia de del género Pseudotsuga, originada por el hongo Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (T. Rohde) Petrak (1938). Los principales síntomas incluyen follaje c...
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RESUMEN Las plantaciones de árboles de navidad con la especie Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco ocupan 10% de la superficie total de este tipo de plantaciones en México. El tizón suizo es una enfermedad propia de del género Pseudotsuga, originada por el hongo Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (T. Rohde) Petrak (1938). Los principales síntomas incluyen f...
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Introduction: In Pinus radiata D. Don, one of the most widely planted pines globally, frost damages plantations at the seedling stage. Objective: To determine differences in growth and tolerance to low temperatures of native populations (Guadalupe and Cedros islands) of P. radiata in greenhouse and outdoors conditions, under different levels of so...
Introduction: Annual variation in growth ring characteristics has an impact on productivity and wood quality. Objective: To evaluate radial growth in two Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham. plantations of different ages and thinning intensity, as well as its relationship to interannual variation in temperature and rainfall. Materials and methods: Growth...
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Pinus patula Schiede ex Schlechtendal & Chamisso is an endemic species of Mexico, with significant economic relevance due to its high productive potential in forest plantations and natural forests. The intensity and frequency of thinning cuts generally influence the thickness of the annual growth rings, the proportion of latewood, and the tapering...
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Pinus patula Schiede ex Schldl. et Cham. es una especie endémica de México utilizada en plantaciones forestales comerciales en Sudamérica y Sudáfrica. La propagación masiva de materiales mejorados de esta especie, a través de estacas enraizadas, permite aumentar su productividad y homogeneizar sus productos. Se compararon cinco sustratos a base de...
Key message The ongoing global warming tends to reduce Larix decidua radial growth and ring wood density at the bottom of an elevational gradient in the French Alps, while it has a less marked effect at the top. ContextThe ongoing climate warming affects most tree species across their biogeographic distribution range. The bottom and the top of an e...
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Pinus pseudostrobus var. oaxacana es un taxon importante en Oaxaca por la calidad de su madera; aunque, también es preferida para la reforestación y plantaciones, pero se desconoce su capacidad para la producción de semilla. Los objetivos de la presente investigación consistieron en evaluar la variación morfológica, conocer las características repr...
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Symptoms of forest decline, apparently due to climate change, have become evident in the last 10 years on the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and northwestern temperate forest of Mexico, particularly at the xeric (low elevational) limit of several forest tree species. We review and provide recent evidence of massive infestation of timberline Pinus hart...
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Ongoing climate variability strongly affects high-elevation forests, influencing the wood formation process (e.g., xylogenesis). Furthermore, spatio-temporal studies to establish links of wood properties and tree performance are needed. Using linear mixed-effects models, empirical cumulative distribution functions, and spatial analysis, we explore...
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Introducción: La producción de planta en contenedores implica el riesgo de deformar la raíz. Este daño persiste y se incrementa en campo, ocasionando efectos negativos en la planta. Objetivo: Evaluar el crecimiento en campo de Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham. como efecto de la poda radicular y de los contenedores utilizados en vivero. Materiales y mét...
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La diversidad genética es importante en los huertos semilleros para producir plantas con alta capacidad de adaptación a cambios ambientales; por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la diversidad y estructura genética de dos huertos semilleros asexuales de Pinus patula y determinar el grado de diferenciación de cada huerto. El pri...
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An interdisciplinary approach is needed for understanding tree physiology and forest biogeochemical cycles undergoing climate change and rising atmospheric CO2. We combined tree ring time series, wood isotope signatures, remotely sensed variables, and climatic data to perform a spatiotemporal scaling analysis of tree physiology and high‐elevation f...
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Geographical distribution of forest species is closely regulated by environmental conditions, particularly temperature and precipitation. Climate change predicted by general circulation models is expected to modify the distribution of many species’ distribution, especially those adapted to extreme environmental conditions, leading to large-scale mi...
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Jatropha seed is a biomass suitable for bioenergy production that can be produced by smallholders, even on marginal lands. However, the current oilseed production is too low to meet the needs of the planned renewable electricity system in the Galapagos Islands. Pruning and fertilization are management options that can be used to increase the dry se...
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Abstract Introduction: One strategy to improve plant quality is fertilization hardening, which promotes the accumulation of nutrients. Objective: To evaluate hardening in Pinus rudis Endl. plants with different levels of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and soluble fertilizer (SF) in irrigation. Materials and methods: A completely randomized design wa...
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Introduction: Selection of plants not adapted to the environment and low water availability are factors that limit the success of reforestation. Objective: To determine drought resistance in plants from three provenances of Pinus cembroides Zucc. and three of P. orizabensis D. K. Bailey and Hawksworth. Materials and methods: An irrigation experim...
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Genetic variation in reproductive phenology among clones in a seed orchard affects the genetic efficiency of the orchard. Our objective was to evaluate genetic variation in reproductive phenology of Pinus patula clones in a seed orchard and the amount of overlap with pollen dispersal in natural stands. In 2014 and 2015, phenology of female and male...
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Balsa trees are native to neotropical forests and frequently grow on fallow, degraded land. Balsa can be used for economic and ecological rehabilitation of farmland with the aim of restoring native forest ecosystems. Although Ecuador is the world’s largest producer of balsa, there is a lack of knowledge about production indicators for management of...