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Jesse Segers is the Dean of the independent interuniversity institute, called SIOO, specialized in postuniversity education on change management, consulting and leadership in the Netherlands. He is Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Exeter, UK.
He teaches leadership and develops leaders at executive levels. He is also a visiting faculty member at the Stichting Bedrijfskunde, Netherlands and visiting professor at HEC Liège, Belgium. He serves and has served in several board member functions.
Publications (54)
To provide ways of how organizations can benefit from entrainment, the purpose of this paper is to create a better theoretically grounded understanding of entrainment in organizations by reviewing the literature, describing managerial implications and identifying future research directions.
A systematic literatu...
Despite the several calls and the empirical evidence that organizations benefit from entrainment, the number of publications in the entrainment field to date is still limited. This systematic literature review of entrainment in organizations aims to contribute to these debates by answering the following research questions: What is understood by ent...
This study is part of the research that investigates the development of entrepreneurial propensity among individuals with strong entrepreneurial capabilities. We researched quantitatively and empirically whether self-complexity can explain why entrepreneurial capability and entrepreneurial propensity do not seem to go together automatically. We tes...
A general assumption in public sector research is that public organizations have to be efficient and innovative to overcome challenges such as demographic changes and digitization. This argument has been discussed in light of ambidexterity theory, for example. However, only little public sector research has focused on “how” public organizations rea...
Scholars have moved beyond the view that entrepreneurs are born as entrepreneurs (Gartner, 1988) and the antecedents of entrepreneurial propensity and capability have been broadly researched. Still policymakers are seeking measures (European-Commission, 2013) to develop more entrepreneurs with ambitious, high-growth potential, aiming beyond the mer...
In view of the call by the European-Commission (2013) for more entrepreneurs and for more high-growth enterprises, this project investigates the development of entrepreneurial propensity among individuals who possess strong entrepreneurial capabilities. Scholars have modelled the development of entrepreneurial behavior by adopting the theory of pla...
Although leadership is generally considered an important lever to increase commitment during organizational change, empirical research has yet to unravel many of the underlying mechanisms. In this paper, we propose that the impact of participative leadership on affective commitment to change will be contingent on employees’ orientation toward leade...
There is evidence linking a variety of leadership development practices (LDPs) with individual-level leader outcomes. However, both theoretical and empirical work relating bundles of multiple LDPs and organizational performance is lacking in literature. To address this gap, we proposed and tested a model examining the influence of two LDP bundles o...
The studies of Leadership and HR-Management share a common goal: Developing a better understanding of how to effectively manage people in organizations. Despite this shared goal, these fields of research remain largely independent, with few studies considering how HRM and Leadership co-determine employee motivation and performance. This state of th...
Through an in-depth study of an extreme case, we examined how the identity of vertical leaders was impacted by the distribution of leadership and the implementation of shared leadership within teams in a bureaucratic organization. We conclude that these leaders experienced identity threat and engaged in protecting and restructuring identity work. T...
The purpose of this paper is to explore how public cultural organizations use ambidextrous design to balance exploitation and exploration given their organizational structure that mainly stimulates exploitation.
The authors use an abductive methodology and, perform an in-depth comparative case study. The data...
Social technologies are increasingly used in several organizational functions, including human resource management. The focus of this study is on social media adoption in employee recruitment and selection in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The theoretical lens used in this study is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT),...
Given the growing practice of social recruiting, this study is an investigation of how job applicant assessment on social media differs based on recruiter characteristics. In particular, this study touches upon how the assessment of both non-professional and professional categories of content on job applicants' social media differs by recruiters' g...
The importance of employee social media policies is recognized in today’s increasingly connected organizations. Yet these policies are adopted at varying rates in different sectors and geographical regions. In the present study, an institutional approach was employed to investigate the predictors of the adoption of employee social media policies by...
– Through the combination of change process, context and content the purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of failure or success of organizational change. This study considers the effect of organizational climate on affective commitment to change simultaneously with quality change communication and employee participatio...
In this chapter, the concept of sustainable careers is positioned within a broader framework of sustainable HRM. It broadens the scope from a single career-perspective to a more integrated HRM and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perspective. The academic debate on sustainable HRM is relatively young but can count on an increasing interest (Cl...
With the ubiquity of social media in all aspects of daily life, research interest in the topic has been on the rise. Within the existing body of research on these tools, part of the literature focuses on the use of social technologies by employees. This article employs a systematic literature review methodology, with the objective of identifying th...
Friendship cultures are the contemporary versions of the former family cultures. A friendship culture is grounded on friendship, informality, individuality, openness, trust and equality. The relationships between the various employees, including the managers, can be described as friendly and informal. This promotes the feeling of freedom and the ch...
Leadership development is receiving increasing attention from scholars and practitioners globally. In this study, utilizing a sample of 223 organizations in an emerging economy (India), we discovered positive relationships between two bundles of leadership development practices (i.e., differentiation and integration; Day, 2000) and two forms of org...
Although the academic debate on the link between Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) and HRM is relatively young, it is generating increasing interest. We suggest
that sustainable HRM is a next, innovative and promising domain for theory building,
research and practice in the field of HRM. It nonetheless poses several new challenges.
To date, the...
‘Social media’ has become a widely used term, and the subject of a growing body of academic research,
but with little definitional consensus. The purpose of this article is to answer the question: what
are social media? We examined existing scholarly definitions of the term ‘social media’ through a
Lasswellian lens, by applying directed content ana...
Generations represent only one way of conceptualizing age. Based upon 3 dimensions, age can be conceptualized in at least 140 different ways.
People demonstrate leadership whenever they take responsibility for change in their environment, because they believe things can or must be different. Leaders have a personal story to tell. About the challenges in the real world. About their striving for higher ideals and their quest for a better future. They question the status quo, hold themselve...
Vanuit arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie, arbeidssociologie, ‘organizational behavior’ en ‘evidence based management’ zijn diverse wetenschappelijk onderbouwde inzichten gegroeid, die zowel menselijk arbeidsgedrag als de effecten van HRM voor de organisatieprestaties inzichtelijk maken.
Deze volledig geactualiseerde versie van het Handboek HRM, C...
Acht jaar terug verscheen in dit tijdschrift het artikel “Bouwstenen van de duurzame
arbeidsorganisatie” van Willem de Lange. Uitgangspunt was de stelling dat de onderneming
die zegt maatschappelijk verantwoord te handelen – om geloofwaardig te zijn – in
haar intern ondernemingsbeleid consistent gedrag moet vertonen. Een organisatie die
met andere...
Mensen tonen leiderschap wanneer ze verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor verandering in hun omgeving vanuit de overtuiging dat het anders kan of moet. Ze hebben een persoonlijk verhaal. Over de uitdagingen die zich aandienen in de realiteit. Over hun streven naar een hoger belang, een andere toekomst. Ze stellen de status quo in vraag, houden anderen en...
Career self‐directedness is a concept that has gained widespread attention in the literature on new careers and managerial thinking about contemporary career development. In a related sense, the topic of employee retirement has become popular in both the academic and managerial literature. However, to date, career self‐directedness has not...
Het doel van deze bijdrage is tweeledig. Ten eerste willen we leiderschap
bekijken vanuit het functioneel pluralistisch perspectief van
Burrell en Morgan (1979) in plaats van het veel voorkomende functioneel
unitaristisch perspectief in de leiderschapsliteratuur (bijv. transformationeel
leiderschap). Er wordt dus verondersteld dat leiders en
The impact of new and persistent career practices on sustainable employability
The impact of new and persistent career practices on sustainable employability
This article addresses two central research questions: Which career levers stimulate work engagement and do these also have retention power? A broad conceptual spectrum is used covering typica...
The shift toward individualistic career management requires a supportive and developmental career approach. Using coaching practices as a manifestation of such an approach, this study reports on coaching and other career practices that are part of supportive and developmental career management in a Belgium sample (n = 154). Three other types of car...
This paper examines age-related differences in work motivation in two samples of 9,388 and 2,512 individuals who completed a comprehensive motivation questionnaire for selection or development purposes. In the first sample, age differences were examined by controlling for gender and investigating whether relationships between age and motivation wer...
We offer a theoretical coaching cube that helps to structure and understand the coaching
industry. The three dimensions of the cube refer to (1) coaching agendas (what); (2)
coaches’ characteristics (who); and (3) coaching approaches/schools (how). Each
dimension is described by discussing the academic literature surrounding it. Using an
economic a...
Utilitarian individualism and union participation in Flanders
Utilitarian individualism and union participation in Flanders
This study investigates an assumed consequence of the individualization of the labour market: utilitarian individualism. How did this attitude evolve in Flanders between 1996 and 2007 and what influence did it have on union pa...
Hoe eerlijk worden beloningspraktijken bevonden door Vlaamse werknemers ten tijde van crisis? Wordt het werknemersvertrouwen aangetast door de crisis en zo ja, kan het beloningsbeleid dit vertrouwen herstellen? Welke impact heeft vertrouwen op het engagement van werknemers en is er een verband met verloopintentie? Deze vragen vormden de centrale in...
The purpose of this commentary is twofold:
first, to argue that theory and techniques
in executive coaching might matter more
than in therapy, using insights from the
psychotherapy literature itself, and second
to argue that the active ingredients of
therapy cannot be transferred to executive
coaching without more empirical research.
This paper investigates the relationship between employee age and levels of trait-like dispositional motivation in a sample of 7644 individuals from five Northern European countries (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden) who completed a comprehensive motivation questionnaire for selection or development purposes. Age differences in motivat...
Recent Amerikaans (Rynes, Colbert & Brown, 2002) en Nederlands (Groen, Sander & Van Riemsdijk, 2006) onderzoek wijst op het beperkt voorkomen van HR-praktijken waarvan uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek de effectiviteit heeft aangetoond. Sinds enige tijd wordt in wetenschappelijke publicaties dan ook de vraag gesteld waar deze kloof tussen theor...
In dit artikel beogen we wat één van onze voorgangers (Mok, 1985) een oefening in differentiële sociologie noemde, namelijk een vergelijking van arbeidsverhoudingen of misschien beter het collectief overlegsysteem dat zich met deze arbeidsverhoudingen bezighoudt in België en Nederland. We maken daarbij gebruik van cijfermateriaal dat is verzameld i...
Welke impact heeft de crisis(perceptie) op de verwachte vraag in
organisaties naar hun belangrijkste producten of diensten? Verwachten
organisaties unaniem een da ling in hun vraag of zijn er
ook uitzonderingen op te tekenen? Wie zijn deze uitzon deringen
dan? Hoe laten zij zich typeren in termen van organisatiecultuur?
En welk beleid streven zij n...
This paper conceptually links hypothesized scales of the Motivation Questionnaire (SHL (1992). Motivation questionnaire: Manual and users’ guide. Thames Ditton: SHL) to the underlying dimensions of the protean (values-driven and self-directedness) and boundaryless career (physical and psychological mobility) attitudes. Results of regression-analyse...
In de internationale literatuur (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008; Cameron, Dutton & Quinn, 2003) kristalliseren zich in dit verband twee benaderingen uit: POB wat staat voor Positive Organizational Behavior en POS wat staat voor Positive Organizational Scho-larship. Beide benaderingen vertrekken vanuit de aandacht voor de positieve dynamiek, de positieve...