Jeroen Janssen

Jeroen Janssen
Utrecht University | UU · Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences



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Publications (85)
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Self-regulated learning (SRL) is crucial for fostering lifelong learning skills in students, encompassing planning, monitoring, and controlling abilities. Previous research indicates that many students struggle to regulate their learning effectively. In the Netherlands, adaptive learning technologies are widely used to support math education in pri...
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Background/introduction As patient populations become more diverse, it is imperative that future physicians receive proper training in order to provide the best quality of care. This study examines medical students' perceptions of how prepared they are in dealing with a diverse population and assesses how included and supported the students felt du...
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Background Learners in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are presented with great autonomy over their learning process. Learners must engage in self‐regulated learning (SRL) to handle this autonomy. It is assumed that learners' SRL, through monitoring and control, influences learners' behaviour within the MOOC environment (e.g., watching videos)....
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Social, discursive and regulatory aspects of collaborative learning have been examined extensively. Yet, there is less research and systematic analysis on how the collaboratively constructed knowledge objects introduce and structure the conditions for collaborative processes and learning. In this symposium, we share and contrast methods and approac...
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Flipped learning (FL) makes greater use of students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills when they regulate their online learning behavior. Previous research has shown the value of SRL support during FL to enhance students’ SRL and learning outcomes. However, as previous studies have indicated that SRL behavior varies, should SRL support be tailor...
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In flipped learning, students study learning material before class and apply the content of the learning material during class. This requires self-regulated learning (SRL) behavior due to the increased autonomy in this instructional approach. Providing students with video-embedded SRL support (i.e., prompts and explicit instruction) during the lear...
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In computer‐supported collaborative learning research, studies examining the combined effects of individual level, group level and within‐group differences level measures on individual achievement are scarce. The current study addressed this by examining whether individual, group and within‐group differences regarding engagement and prior knowledge...
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To be successful in online education, learners should be able to self-regulate their learning due to the autonomy offered to them. Accurate measurement of learners’ selfregulated learning (SRL) in online education is necessary to determine which learners are in need of support and how to best offer support. Trace data is gathered automatically and...
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Flipping the classroom (FTC) is a didactical approach aimed at letting students come to class prepared and apply the learning material actively during class. As FTC places a higher demand on students' self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, our goal in the current study was to research the effects of SRL support in a flipped classroom on students' SR...
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Research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) has traditionally investigated how student-, group-, task-, and technological characteristics affect the processes and outcomes of collaboration. On the other hand, cognitive load theory has traditionally been used to study individual learning processes and to investigate instructional ef...
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In MOOCs, learners are typically presented with great autonomy over their learning process. Therefore, learners should engage in self-regulated learning (SRL) in order to successfully study in a MOOC. Learners however often struggle to self-regulate their learning. We implemented an SRL intervention in three MOOCs. The intervention consisted of thr...
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It is often assumed that interventions aimed at supporting students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) are effective for improving achievement because these interventions support SRL activity. In this study, meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) was used to test whether SRL activity indeed mediates the effect of SRL interventions on achiev...
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In a flipped classroom, students study instructional material before class and apply this material during class. To provide a statistical synthesis of current research on effects of flipped classrooms, we conducted meta-analyses that included 114 studies which compared flipped and non-flipped classrooms in secondary and postsecondary education. We...
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High-quality helping behavior is essential for effective peer interaction and learning. This study focused on ethnic group composition and the quality of group interaction as predictors of individual mathematics performance. Video-observations of 92 fifth-grade students working in groups balanced on mathematics performance level were analyzed. We e...
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For this review, we synthesized quantitative and qualitative research on collaborative learning to examine the relationship between teacher guidance strategies and the processes and outcomes of collaboration among students (66 studies). The results show that several aspects of teacher guidance are positively related to student collaboration, for ex...
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is essential for students in online education to be successful. The Self-Regulated Online Learning Questionnaire was developed to measure SRL in online educational contexts. In this paper, a revised version of the questionnaire is presented and tested with three datasets. The scale ‘metacognitive skills’ is split into...
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Self-regulated learning (SRL) is essential for students in online education to be successful. The Self-Regulated Online Learning Questionnaire was developed to measure SRL in online educational contexts. In this paper, a revised version of the questionnaire is presented and tested with three datasets. The scale ‘metacog-nitive skills’ is split into...
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While the educational literature mentions several obstacles affecting the effectiveness of collaborative learning (CL), they have often been investigated through the perceptions of only one actor, either teachers or students. Therefore, some sources of obstacles that teachers and students encounter may not have been revealed. In this study, 19 teac...
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The number of students engaged in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is increasing rapidly. Due to the autonomy of students in this type of education, students in MOOCs are required to regulate their learning to a greater extent than students in traditional, face-to-face education. However, there is no questionnaire available suited for this onlin...
Although Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is regarded as an effective pedagogical approach, this heavily depends on whether its members function effectively as a group. This study examines whether students’ interpersonal skills and students’ perceptions of those skills predict individual achievement and group performance in CSCL-env...
Teachers regulating groups of students during computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) face the challenge of orchestrating their guidance at student, group, and class level. During CSCL, teachers can monitor all student activity and interact with multiple groups at the same time. Not much is known about the way teachers diagnose student pro...
By collaboratively solving a task, students are challenged to share ideas, express their thoughts, and engage in discussion. Collaborating groups of students may encounter problems concerning cognitive activities (such as a misunderstanding of the task material). If these problems are not addressed and resolved in time, the collaborative process is...
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of teacher supporting tools that present summaries, visualizations, and analyses of student participation and discussion on the way teachers guide collaborating groups of students in a digital learning environment. An experimental set-up was used in which authentic student data was converted to simul...
Taking a cognitive perspective on collaborative learning in a multimedia learning environment has led to the identification and understanding of conditions under which collaborative learning is most effective and efficient, as articulated by the collaboration principle in multimedia learning. Simply stated, learning in teams-that is, collaborative...
Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments facilitate collaboration between students. There is a growing interest in studying the role of the teacher during CSCL. This study aims to contribute to the conceptualization of teacher interventions during CSCL. A teacher and his class worked in a CSCL environment for 8 lessons. Focus a...
Traditionally, research on awareness during online collaboration focused on topics such as the effects of spatial information about group members’ activities on the collaborative process. When the concept of awareness was introduced to computer-supported collaborative learning, this focus shifted to cognitive group awareness (e.g., information abou...
Situated in the field of computer-supported collaborative learning, the aim of this study is to present a multi-dimensional approach for the examination of teacher behavior. Two dimensions were used for coding: focus (what the intervention is aimed at) and means (how the teacher intervenes). Teacher behavior was studied for a period of several week...
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This study investigated whether and how scripting learners' use of representational tools in a computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)-environment fostered their collaborative performance on a complex business-economics task. Scripting the problem-solving process sequenced and made its phase-related part-task demands explicit, namely defin...
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This study investigated how students collaborate in a CSCL environment and how this collaboration affects group performance. To answer these questions, the collaborative process of 101 groups of secondary education students when working on a historical inquiry task was analyzed. Our analyses show that group members devote most of their efforts to r...
There is a gap in our knowledge about what cognitions play a role while teachers scaffold students in CSCL. A case study was performed that investigated a history teacher's behavior and cognitions. The quantitative results fit with what is known about teacher behavior, and the qualitative data adds an explanation of why the teacher acted the way he...
The effectiveness and efficiency of individual versus collaborative learning was investigated as a function of instructional format among 140 high school students in the domain of biology. The instructional format either emphasized worked examples, which needed to be studied or the equivalent problems, which needed to be solved. Because problem sol...
This study examined the effect of using a group awareness tool on online collaboration. Furthermore, we examined whether the effect of using a group awareness tool on online collaboration is mediated by group awareness (i.e., students’ awareness of their group members’ levels of participation). To answer these questions, we determined how often and...
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The aim of this chapter is to explain why multilevel analysis (MLA) is often necessary to correctly answer the questions CSCL researchers address. Although CSCL researchers continue to use statistical techniques such as ­analysis of variance or regression analysis, their datasets are often not suited for these ­techniques. The first reason is that...
This study investigated whether scripting student use of computer supported representational tools fostered students’ collaborative performance of a complex business-economics problem. Scripting the problem-solving process sequenced and made its phase-related part-task demands explicit, namely (1) determining core concepts, (2) proposing multiple s...
This study investigated the effects of representational scripting on students’ collaborative performance of a complex business-economics problem. The scripting structured the learning-task into three part-tasks, namely (1) determining core concepts and relating them to the problem, (2) proposing multiple solutions to the problem, and (3) coming to...
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This research investigates the role of representational guidance by comparing the effects of two different representational tools. We used a design with two different groups defined by the type of argumentative diagram students co-constructed while working in a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The Graphical Debate-tool...
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Traditional research on collaborative learning employs a “black box” approach that makes it difficult to gain a deeper understanding of the differential effects of collaborative learning. To make the black box transparent, researchers have studied the process of collaboration, in order to establish which interaction features are likely to make lear...
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A workshop held at the National Academies in the United States in 2007 highlighted five broad categories of skills that appear valuable across a range of jobs for people working in modern global economies. Engaging students in scientific argumentation can support the development of these 21st century skills. Unfortunately, opportunities are rare in...
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Erkens, G., Kirschner, P. A., & Janssen, J. (2010). Visualization of argumentation as shared activity. In L. Verschaffel, E. de Corte, T. de Jong, & J. Elen (Eds.), Use of external representations in reasoning and problem solving (pp. 242-260). EARLI book series New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. New York: Routledge.
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This study investigated the effects of group member familiarity during computer-supported collaborative learning. Familiarity may have an impact on online collaboration, because it may help group members to progress more quickly through the stages of group development, and may lead to higher group cohesion. It was therefore hypothesized that increa...
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Although protocol analysis can be an important tool for researchers to investigate the process of collaboration and communication, the use of this method of analysis can be time consuming. Hence, an automatic coding procedure for coding dialogue acts was developed. This procedure helps to determine the communicative function of messages in online d...
Conference Paper
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Students' actions within a CSCL-environment can be recorded and stored as interaction data. This data can be accessed and analyzed automatically. Teachers, students and researchers may benefit from these analyses. It gives teachers and students immediate feedback about performance indicators and it can help researchers to identify meaningful patter...
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This study investigated the effects of visualization of participation during computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). It is hypothesized that visualization of participation could contribute to successful CSCL. A CSCL-environment was augmented with the Participation Tool (PT). The PT visualizes how much each group member contributes to his...
This study examined the effects of the shared space (SS) on students' behaviors in a computer- supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The SS visualizes discussion and agreement during online discussions. It was hypothesized the SS would increase the media richness of the CSCL-environment, would stimulate critical and exploratory group...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes the Shared Space (SS), a tool that visualizes discussion and agreement during online discussions by analyzing students' chat messages. The SS therefore provides group members with feedback about the way they are conducting their online discussions. It is hypothesized the SS will increase the media richness of the CSCL-environme...
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In de afgelopen jaren zijn diverse richtlijnen voor het vormgeven van computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) geformuleerd (Strijbos, Martens, & Jochems, 2004). Ondanks deze richtlijnen ervaren docenten en onderzoekers nog regelmatig problemen wanneer leerlingen online samenwerken, zoals conflicten en discussies zonder diepgang. Een mogeli...
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Discourse synthesis refers to reading and writing activities within a specific type of writing task, which requires students to synthesize information from multiple textual sources and use it to write a new text. The main goal of this research was to reveal how groups of secondary education students make use of semantic information from multiple so...
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An automatic coding procedure is described to determine the communicative functions of messages in chat discussions. Five main communicative functions are distinguished: argumentative (indicating a line of argumentation or reasoning), responsive (e.g., confirmations, denials, and answers), informative (transfer of information), elicitative (questio...
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Knowing how to argue is a prerequisite to participation in scientific discourse. In argumentative knowledge construction, learners collaboratively construct and engage in arguments with the goal of learning to argue within a domain. Students have difficulties, however, constructing and evaluating arguments. Computer-supported collaborative learning...
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It is important to consider collaborative processes from multiple perspectives because collaborative learning environments are complex, often requiring multiple methodological approaches to understand their different aspects (Hmelo-Silver, 2003). Collaborative learning is the subject of study in a wide variety of disciplines such as developmental p...
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Abstract This study examined the effects of the SharedS pace (SS) onst udents’ behaviorsi na co mputer-supported
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Three studies of student regulation of learning were undertaken. In the first study, the temporal organization of the self-regulation process was examined within an individual learning context. Multilevel analysis showed linear and quadratic relations between self-regulation process and the phase of learning. An unexpected negative direct relation...
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Eén voor één komen de leerlingen het computerlokaal binnen. Ze gaan achter een computer zitten, starten het programma en loggen in. Vervolgens wordt via het programma, online, contact gezocht met groepsleden. Wanneer na enkele minuten de leerlingen allemaal aanwezig zijn, wordt er overal driftig getikt. De docent loopt rond om te zien of er problem...
Verschillende onderzoeksprojecten van de ICO/ISOR onderzoeksgroep Onderwijskunde Utrecht richten zich op computerondersteuning van samenwerkend leren. Sociale processen lijken vaak van grote invloed. In het symposium proberen vijf projecten een antwoord te geven op de vraag in hoeverre sociale processen het computerondersteund samenwerkend leren be...
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In this study, the effects of a school improvement program on cooperative learning (CL) with respect to the elaborations of 6th-grade students working in mixed-ability and mixed-sex dyads on 2 cooperative tasks were examined. A posttest-only design with a control group was used to investigate the provision and receipt of elaborations within the dya...
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This thesis addresses the topic of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL in short). In a CSCL-environment, students work in small groups on complex and challenging tasks. Although the teacher guides this process at a distance, students have to regulate and monitor their own learning process, study sources of information, and discuss and a...