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Currently Jeroen Dikken is a principal lecturer and senior researcher at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, at the nursing department. His interest lies in performing research in the fields of education and clinical practice. Especially questions in the field of continuing education (life long learning) in nursing practice grasps his attention.
During his PhD trajectory, he developed the Knowledge about Older Patients - Quiz (KOP-Q), assessed the validity and reliability (psychometric characteristics) and validated the KOP-Q for use in the United States of America and the Netherlands with more countries and cultures on his to do list...
Multiple projects are currently performed, all regarding learning and education in clinical practice.
Additional affiliations
November 2017 - present
April 2012 - November 2017
October 2011 - November 2017
April 2012 - June 2017
July 2009 - July 2010
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, EuMaG
Field of study
- Gerontology
September 2008 - July 2010
Publications (75)
This paper describes the knowledge transfer process through the lens of a single case study, aiming to provide critical insights to reevaluate the way educational activities are organized in nursing practice. Results show that despite individual needs of nurses in their CPD, there is an existing gap between the way educational activities for nurses...
The advantages and drawbacks of components of flexible assessment have been studied mostly from the standpoint of students and, to a lesser extent, teachers. A gap persists in understanding the collective perspectives of teachers and students concerning flexible assessment. This study aimed to explore experiences and perspectives of students and te...
The present study examined the reliability and validity of the Hebrew version of the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ-IL). The present study was conducted in all four Israeli cities, acknowledged as age-friendly during the time of the study in June–July 2023, namely: Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Herzliya, Kfar Saba, and Jerusalem. A tota...
The surgical management of older patients is complex due to age-related underlying comorbidities and decreased physiological reserves. Comanaged care models, such as the Geriatric Trauma Unit, are proven effective in treating the complex needs of patients with fall-related injuries. While patient-centered care is an important feature o...
Hundreds of cities and communities in the world have joined the WHO's Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities since 2010. In order to do quantitative assessments of the age-friendliness of cities, the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ) was developed for the Dutch municipality of The Hague. The purpose of this s...
The global agenda to move societies towards a more sustainable course of development also affects the lives of older people in our ageing populations. Therefore, it is important to understand the drivers, intentions and behaviors concerning sustainability among older adults. The aim of this study is to translate and cross-culturally validate an exi...
Nurses play a pivotal role in the care of older people with malnutrition or who are at risk. However, research shows that they lack the motivation to give adequate nutritional care. To change this motivation, an educational intervention targeted at nurses would be desirable. To optimize learning efficacy, we developed a microlearning intervention a...
Community learning is one approach to promote research competencies and to involve nurses and nursing students in research. This study examines the impact of community learning according to participants-both those inside and outside the community-in a joint nursing research project at a hospital.
A qualitative design was sele...
Nutritional care for older adults provided by hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants is suboptimal. This is due to several factors including professionals' lack of knowledge and low prioritisation. Affecting these factors may promote nurses' and nursing assistants' behavioral change and eventually improve nutritional care....
Systematically synthesize research about factors that influence CPD over a nursing career.
Continuing professional development (CPD) in nursing is defined as ‘a life-long process of active participation in learning activities that assist in developing and maintaining continuing competences, enhancing professional practice and suppo...
Background and objective: Hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants do not provide optimal nutritional care to older adults, which is due to several factors that influence their current behaviour. To successfully target these factors, we developed a microlearning intervention. The next step is to assess its feasibility to achieve the bes...
In Turkey, nursing care in hospitals has gradually included more older patients, resulting in a need for knowledgeable geriatric nurses. It is unknown, however, whether the nursing workforce is ready for this increase. Therefore, the aim of this study is to validate the Knowledge about Older Patients Quiz (KOPQ) in the Turkish language a...
The municipality of The Hague has been a member of the WHO's Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities since 2015. The municipality commissioned a survey to investigate how older citizens view the age-friendliness of their city. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a diverse sample of 393 community-dwelling older citizens. The...
The sense of safety and security of older people is a widely acknowledged action domain for policy and practice in age-friendly cities. Despite an extensive body of knowledge on the matter, the theory is fragmented, and a classification is lacking. Therefore, this study investigated how older people experience the sense of safety and security in an...
The establishment of new housing initiatives for older people begins with the participation of (future) residents. This study explored how participation is experienced by both facilitators and (future) residents and what lessons are learned regarding the facilitation of meaningful participation. Participation was studied through semi-structured int...
Abstract Background Nursing care in hospitals increasingly involves older adults. A nursing workforce able to care for the ageing population is therefore critical for ensuring quality older adult care. Gaining insight in the knowledge and attitudes of nurses regarding older patients in the Netherlands is needed to develop and increase the impact of...
Coastal locations contribute significantly to global drowning, with surfers frequently conducting rescues. This study explored the characteristics of surfers as bystander rescuers in Europe.
A cross-sectional online survey collected demographics (age, sex, geographical location), surfing experience, ability, lifesaving and car...
The need for effective continuing education is especially high in in-hospital geriatric care, as older patients have a higher risk of complications, such as falls. It is important that nurses are able to prevent them. However, it remains unknown which interventions change the behavior of nurses. Therefore, the aim of this study is to ide...
In the Netherlands, there is a growing need for collective housing for older people to bridge the gap between ageing-in-place and institutional care facilities. Participation of older people in the concept and design phases is important to tune the market supply to the needs of (future) residents, yet social entrepreneurs find it challenging to inv...
Due to multimorbidity and geriatric problems, older people often require both psychosocial and medical care. Collaboration between medical and social professionals is a prerequisite to deliver high-quality care for community-living older people. Effective, safe, and person-centered care relies on skilled interprofessional collaboration a...
Most complex healthcare interventions target a network of healthcare professionals. Social network analysis (SNA) is a powerful technique to study how social relationships within a network are established and evolve. We identified in which phases of complex healthcare intervention research SNA is used and the value of SNA for developing...
Ondervoeding is in alle sectoren van de gezondheidszorg een veelvoorkomend probleem: gemiddeld is één op de vier à vijf patiënten in ziekenhuizen, zorginstellingen en de thuiszorg ondervoed. Hoewel voedingszorg onderdeel is van essentiële verpleegkundige zorg, bestaat het bachelor-verpleegkundecurriculum anno 2019 slechts voor 0,4 procent uit voedi...
The World Health Organization engages cities and communities all over the world in becoming age-friendly. There is a need for assessing the age-friendliness of cities and communities by means of a transparently constructed and validated tool which measures the construct as a whole. The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire measuring age-...
Background: Interprofessional collaboration in practice (IPCP) between professionals
from the medical and social domain within primary care is desirable;
however, it is also challenging due to fragmented healthcare. Little is known
about the development of IPCP in primary care to fit the implementation context. This article describes the methodolog...
Effective, safe, person-centred care relies on skilled interprofessional collaboration (IPC) and practice. Little is known about interprofessional education (IPE) to increase IPC in the context of care for frail older people in the community. This study evaluates the effectiveness of IPE on IPC of primary health and social care providers providing...
Nurses play an important role in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition in older adults. However, research shows that nurses lack the motivation to give adequate nutritional care. In order to change this motivation a learning intervention about nutrition in older adults targeted at nurses would be desirable. The aim of this study was to asses...
The World Health Organization (WHO) strives to assist and inspire cities to become more 'age-friendly' through the Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide. An age-friendly city offers a supportive environment that enables residents to grow older actively within their families, neighbourhoods and civil society, and offers extensive opportunities for their...
Normale veroudering kan worden beschreven als een tijdafhankelijk biologisch proces dat, hoewel het niet een ziekte op zichzelf betreft, functionele achteruitgang en risico op ziekte en dood met zich meebrengt. Eén manier om de kans op sterven te meten, is door te kijken naar sterftecijfers. Lichamelijke factoren die gecorreleerd zijn met de maxima...
Sociale netwerkanalyse (SNA) wordt veelvuldig gebruikt in de sociale wetenschappen met als doel netwerken te ontrafelen. Sinds twintig jaar wordt SNA ook binnen het vakgebied educatie ingezet, maar het is nog niet eerder toegepast om interprofessionele educatie te evalueren. Deze studie evalueert een interprofessioneel educatie-programma voor profe...
Although there is a growing population of older adults admitted to hospitals, the literature demonstrates knowledge deficits of nurses regarding older patients. This study investigated knowledge levels of both nursing students and RNs about older hospitalized patients in relation to their educational level and work experience.
Over het leren van verpleegkundigen is veel bekend. In de praktijk worden regelmatig leeractiviteiten georganiseerd, zoals scholingen, cursussen en deelname aan symposia (formeel leren). Hierover is bekend dat effecten klein zijn en maar kort duren. Eerder onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat er ook veel mogelijkheden zijn om te leren tijdens het werk (i...
The Knowledge about Older Patients-Quiz (KOP-Q) is designed as a unidimensional scale measuring knowledge of hospital nurses about older patients. Furthermore, the KOP-Q measures a second unidimensional construct, certainty of hospital nurses about their knowledge. The KOP-Q is developed and validated in the Netherlands. Whether the KO...
Nurse middle managers are in an ideal position to facilitate patient-centred care. However, their contribution is underexposed in literature due to difficulties to articulate this in practice. This paper explores how nurse middle managers contribute to patient-centred care in hospitals. A combination of time-use analysis and ethnographic work was u...
In clinical practice, identifying positive and negative attitudes toward older patients is very important to improve quality of care provided to them. The Older People in Acute Care Survey - United States (OPACS-US) is an instrument measuring hospital nurses attitudes regarding older patients. However, psychometrics have never been assessed. Furthe...
Background: In clinical practice, nurses’ attitudes regarding older patients are important in relation to quality of care. The Older People in Acute Care Survey (OPACS) is an instrument measuring hospital nurses attitudes regarding older patients and validated in Australia and the USA. The OPACS is translated in Dutch language and content validity...
Vergrijzing, nieuw opnamebeleid: verpleegkundigen in de zieken-huizen zien steeds vaker oudere patiënten met complexe zorgproblematiek. Het leren over de zorg aan deze patiënten houdt niet op bij de schoolbanken: verpleegkundigen moeten die kennis bij-houden en blijven ontwikkelen in de loop van hun carrière. Hoe is het gesteld met het kennisniveau...
Vergrijzing, nieuw opnamebeleid: verpleegkundigen in de ziekenhuizen zien steeds vaker oudere patiënten met complexe zorgproblematiek. Het leren over de zorg aan deze patiënten houdt niet op bij de schoolbanken: verpleegkundigen moeten die kennis bijhouden en blijven ontwikkelen in de loop van hun carrière. Hoe is het gesteld met het kennisniveau v...
To assess the content validity and psychometric characteristics of the Knowledge about Older Patients Quiz (KOP-Q), which measures nurses' knowledge regarding older hospitalized adults and their certainty regarding this knowledge.
Content validity: general hospitals. Psychometric characteristics: n...
Introduction: Due to an aging population
more nurses will encounter vulnerable patients
in their daily work. Our health care system
faces huge challenges with regard to the
demand on care for the older adults and the
competencies of nurses required to meet this
demand. Several studies demonstrated that
nursing (aides) curricula are not adequate to...
Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to validate the "Older Patients in Acute Care Survey" (OPACS) in the Netherlands. Background: Worldwide the population of older people with multi- morbidity increases which results in an increase of older hospitalized patients. Literature shows that nurses have a negative attitude towards older patients...
Invloed van de VAR op zorgbeleid De commissie Werner pleitte ooit voor invloed van verpleegkundigen op alle niveaus van de instelling, wat leidde tot een opmars van de Verpleegkundige Advies Raden. Zet die groei nog altijd door? Dit artikel beschrijft een eerste landelijke inventarisatie door onderzoekers van het Kennis Centrum Innovatie van Zorgve...
Verpleegkundigen in ziekenhuizen krijgen steeds meer te maken met oudere patiënten. Maar weten ze wel voldoende over deze complexe doelgroep? En hoe kun je dit eigenlijk meten? Dit artikel beschrijft de ontwikkeling en inhoud van de Kennis over Oudere Patiënten–Quiz (KOP-Q), een instrument dat de kennis van de verpleegkundige in het ziekenhuis over...
Compassie is een begrip dat de laatste jaren vaker opduikt als waarde in de zorg. Wat houdt het precies in en wat is de bijdrage ervan aan goede zorg? Compassie krijgt vooral vorm in de zorgrelatie, zo blijkt uit onderzoek van Margreet van der Cingel onder chronisch zieke ouderen en hun zorgverleners. Daarbij is een cruciale rol weggelegd voor opme...
Voor de kwaliteit van de zorg is het belangrijk dat verpleegkundigen leersituaties leren herkennen en ontdekken hoe ze deze kunnen gebruiken om tijdens het werk te leren, volgens het principe van learning on the job. Naast vakinhoudelijke scholing is er aandacht nodig voor hoe verpleegkundigen de opgedane (theoretische) kennis kunnen oefenen en toe...