Jeoffrey Dehez

Jeoffrey Dehez
French National Research Institute for Agriculture Food and the Environment (INRAE)



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Jeoffrey Dehez is a permanent research fellow at INRAE (National research institute in Science for Agriculture, Food and the Environment). He holds a PhD in Economics. His work focuses outdoor recreation, nature based tourism, and beach safety.
Additional affiliations
December 1998 - March 2003
University of Bordeaux
  • Teaching and Research Temporary Attaché


Publications (90)
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Sandy beaches are highly attractive but also potentially dangerous environments for those entering the water as they can expose to physical hazards in the surf zone. The most severe and widespread natural hazards on beaches are rip currents and shore-break waves, which form under different wave, tide and morphological conditions. This paper introdu...
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The dataset provides data on beachgoers’ behaviours, attitudes and perceptions of coastal bathing risks at a high energy beach in South-West France [1]. Data were collected from a face-to-face quantitative survey conducted at La Lette Blanche beach, during the lifeguard-patrolled summer period (July-August) 2022 from a sample of 722 visitors. Beach...
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Sandy beaches offer numerous health and well-being benefits, but engaging in water-based recreational activities also exposes beachgoers to risks from natural hazards, such as rip currents and waves that break at the shoreline (shore break waves), which can result in fatal drownings and surf zone injuries. A contributing factor to these incidents i...
Beaches are highly attractive environments providing a wealth of recreational services. However, many people drown unintentionally on beaches worldwide. In the face of these dangers, the establishment of supervised swimming areas remains one of the most effective preventive measures. Despite the risk of drowning, many beachgoers choose to recreate...
Coastal locations are a leading contributor to the global drowning burden. Despite being a known risk-reduction measure, a significant proportion of beachgoers continue to bathe outside of lifeguard-patrolled areas placing themselves at increased risk of beach hazards such as rip currents and breaking waves. Under such conditions, recreational surf...
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Understanding and predicting surf zone risks is of paramount importance to prevent drowning incidents and severe spine injuries on beaches globally. This study holistically addressed life risk at La Lette Blanche beach, southwest France, during the lifeguard-patrolled summer period (July–August) 2022, where intense rip currents and shore-break wave...
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Understanding and predicting surf zone risks is of paramount importance to prevent drowning incidents and severe spine injuries on beaches globally. This study holistically addressed life risk at La Lette Blanche beach, southwest France, during the lifeguard-patrolled summer period (July-August) 2022, where intense rip currents and shore-break wave...
Introduction: The extent of the health benefits of contact with nature came to the fore during the health crisis. However, studies do not fully appreciate the effect of the type of natural environment to which individuals are exposed. The studies often use a very vague category of “green space” for the purpose. Purpose of research: We apply soci...
Aquatic invasive plants (AIP) can have major ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Effective management is therefore essential. Because many biological invasions occur in places used for outdoor recreation, recreational user engagement is widely advocated. However, few studies have been conducted on recreational user engagement in biological contro...
Technical Report
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Ce rapport rassemble les principaux tris (à plats et croisés) développés sur les données françaises extraites de l'étude internationale Global Surfer Survey sur les sauvetages réalisés par les surfeurs.
Les forêts sont parmi les destinations de loisirs préférées des Français. Le plus souvent, ces loisirs sont libres, gratuits et accessibles. Partant de ce constat, les économistes ont très tôt cherché à reconstituer des fonctions de demande pour ces services non marchands, en s’inspirant des schémas micro-économiques standards. De fait, l’espace y...
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There is growing interest in collaborative actions in the field of biological invasion control. These actions now cover a wide range of situations, and it is important to better understand them in order to promote their development. This article proposes to reflect on this question based on the case of aquatic invasive plants through a study of pro...
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Le projet AQUAVIT vise à accompagner l'évolution des modalités de gestion des lacs de la façade Atlantique, en Aquitaine, en tant qu'espaces supports d'activités récréatives et touristiques, confrontés à des enjeux environnementaux liés aux colonisations par les plantes aquatiques invasives. Une démarche pluridisciplinaire, associant les sciences h...
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Involving recreational users in the management of environmental issues implies imagining new modes of cooperative actions, which have been built for professional managers. In this article, we propose to reflect on this question from the case of invasive aquatic plants on the shore lakes of Aquitaine in South Western France. We analyze these collect...
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Alien species can have major ecological and socioeconomic impacts and so effective management are needed. In this perspective, one increasingly seeks to involve end users, such a recreational users (Shackle-ton, Adriaens et al. 2019). Recreational users may share valuable knowledge about the ecological ecosystems at stake. They have time, materials...
Technical Report
Le projet de recherche AquaVIT vise à accompagner l’évolution des modalités de gestion des grands lacs aquitains, confrontés à des enjeux environnementaux liés à la colonisation par les plantes aquatiques invasives. Ces plantes exotiques à caractère envahissant peuvent occuper une place importante au sein des écosystèmes lacustres et, par la même o...
Pique-niquer à la plage, se promener en forêt, ramasser des champignons mais aussi surfer les vagues géantes du Pays Basque ou avaler les 10.000 mètres de l’Ultra Trail du mont Blanc sont autant d’exemples de ce qu’on peut appeler des « loisirs de nature ». Malgré la diversité qui les caractérise, ces activités ont toutes en commun de se dérouler d...
Cette recherche questionne les promesses et les ambiguïtés de la transition énergétique en s'intéressant aux modalités de déploiement des projets bois-énergie en Aquitaine. Quelles sont les synergies et les valeurs qui sous-tendent leur émergence et leur ancrage aux territoires ? L'enquête menée souligne le poids des héritages territoriaux dans la...
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Welcome It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 9th international Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9) with a program including keynote speeches, organized and poster sessions, a half-day field trip, social events and post conference trips. This is the first time that France has hosted an...
This chapter explores the role of spatiality and how it is constructed in energy transition processes. Space is part of different operations for channelling, assessing and controlling material flows to turn them into energy resources and ensure a predictable production. The chapter proposes the idea of a ‘politics of volumes’ to describe how an ene...
This chapter offers a critical examination of the conduct of market-based energy transition. Drawing on four case studies from France - tree stumps as conventional fuelwood, non-residential PV production, the development of 'smart home' infrastructure, and the market valuation of residential load shedding - the chapter takes a market studies approa...
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Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9), Bordeaux, FRA, 29-/08/2018 - 31/08/2018
The social sciences have foregrounded the importance of the materiality of fossil energies in the political construction of democracies. Recently, they have begun to challenge the idea that renewable energies were naturally associated with more democratic political ideals. Building on these developments and on the premise that (renewable) energy re...
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Tourism and recreation hardly represent new study topics. In fact, they are the subject of a large number of books, scientific and technical journals, as well as conferences. Most of the social science disciplines have dealt with tourism and recreation at some time or another via research or academic teaching. Analysis tools are also becoming incre...
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Since 2009 wood stumps are considered as one of the recognized sources of biomass to be used in the process of national energy transition in France. So far, stump harvesting has only been implemented in the Landes area in the southwestern part of the country. The aim of this paper is to identify the mechanisms underpinning this innovation. For this...
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Notre recherche vise à étudier les modalités de la construction territoriale d’une énergie renouvelable en mobilisant les grilles d’analyse des ressources spécifiques et de la proximité, avec un regard croisé sur l’offre et la demande. Sur un plan empirique, nous appuyons notre démonstration sur l’exemple du bois énergie en Aquitaine en exploitant...
Conference Paper
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En Aquitaine comme ailleurs en France, rares sont les forêts sur lesquelles l'homme n'est pas intervenu à un moment où à un autre. Ce « facteur de croissance » des peuplements forestiers n'est pas le moins complexe ! Les individus ont des valeurs, des représentations ou des habitudes qui vont guider leurs actes. D'ailleurs, ils ne sont pas nécessai...
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Increasing renewable energy production is frequently presented as a significant potential for greater decentralization and energy independence in rural areas. In the meanwhile, the development of such energies is also framed by economic and technological principles defined at multiple spatial levels varying over time. In this context, assemblage th...
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Bringing together scholars from the fields of planning, economics, sociology, management studies and geography, this book examines cross-cutting issues in tourism and recreation with the aim of developing an extended view of leisure time. Focusing mainly on France with comparison to the experience of Northern and Southern European countries and Nor...
The first part proposes an analytical Framework for the tourism enhancement of the heritage, which deals with the complexity of the economic décisions relating to this aim, highlighting various types of possible and actual economic initiatives and their various meanings. Our approach draws on the economics of conventions in order to understand the...
In rural areas, tourism development dynamics are explained by classic locations factors such as amenity endowment or accessibility, but also by sociological features and stakeholder organization capacity. This chapter presents an analysis of the latter using social capital theory. The chapter has four separate sections. The first part presents an a...
The cross-cutting nature of tourism makes it a prime field for examining the relationships between a socio-economic (multi-)sector activity and territorial regulations. A tourism destination is a complete package combining a supply of accommodation, recreation, transport and other services. It involves a large and highly diverse range of stakeholde...
Dans le contexte actuel d' « écologisation de la pensée » (Kalaora 2001), la portée cognitive et normative de l’écologie est considérablement renforcée. Selon une approche sociologique « pragmatiste », cet article traite de l’articulation entre l’écologisation - envisagée comme recadrage cognitif et normatif - avec des loisirs de nature largement «...
Ce chapitre se propose de mettre en perspective les situations de stations françaises et suisse, en termes de modalités de gouvernance. En analysant les conditions d'émergence des stations, leur mode de fonctionnement actuel et la spécificité du contexte politique, les auteurs constatent une gouvernance très fragmentée des stations dans les deux pa...
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de montrer que la contribution des aménités environnementales au développement territorial ne peut être effective que si elles sont valorisées conjointement par les "produits de qualité terroir" et les services touristiques. L'analyse s'appuie sur l'exemple des Bauges (Savoie) et du Sancy (Auvergne). Elle est organisée e...
The chapter is structured as follows. Firstly, we will recall the main economic principles which, until now, have governed entrance fees to natural arcas, drawing attention to the issue of demand analysis in the process. Next, we will look back at a series of studies that have sought to establish new foundations to explain tourists' willingness to...
In this paper we examine the usefulness of combining multivariate analysis and costs analysis in recreation planning. Although these approaches have sometimes been developed in previous recreation studies, they have never been combined in this way. We apply this approach to a regional beach planning policy called the “Beach Plan”, in Aquitaine, sou...
Conference Paper
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Ce chapitre aborde la question du changement climatique du point de vue de ses conséquences et des transformations sociales économiques et politiques qu’il pourrait générer. Les vulnérabilités des sociétés au changement climatique, les capacités d’adaptation à faire émerger, ne pouvant faire l’objet d’une analyse exhaustive, une sélection d’enjeux...
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Les usages de la forêt à des fins de loisirs ne sont pas nouveaux. Les formes en sont variées et plus ou moins visibles. Plus encore, la fréquentation de ces espaces serait une des multiples manifestations d’un besoin de nature à laquelle la forêt semble bien en mesure de répondre. Néanmoins, la reconnaissance institutionnelle d’une telle offre de...
La forêt ne se résume pas à un stock de bois ou à une réserve de biodiversité. C’est aussi un espace de loisirs. Cependant, si les deux premières fonctions rencontrent un écho véritable au sein du monde forestier, sans nécessairement faire consensus, la place accordée à la thématique de l’accueil du public reste, en France, difficile à apprécier. I...
We propose an adaptation of the Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method, applied to the recreational quality of a site and to heterogeneity between visitors (tourists and residents). This method is based on a set of repeated valuation questions and is used to study relations between the components of environmental goods. We propose its appli...
Bien que l’accès en forêt demeure majoritairement gratuit en France, nous avons vu que sa légitimation empruntait de plus en plus au registre de l’économie. Aujourd’hui, cette tendance s’exprime, entre autres, via la reconnaissance d’une valeur économique associée à cet usage, synonyme de bénéfices générés par l’ouverture au public, si possible exp...
Bien qu’elle ne fût pas toujours perçue comme une activité majeure de la forêt, la fréquentation semble s’être développée durant ces dernières décennies. Un peu plus tôt, nous avons vu que les premières études d’envergure réalisées à la fin des années 1960 attestaient déjà de l’ampleur du phénomène et que, depuis lors, l’effort d’investigation avai...
Dans ce chapitre, nous nous intéressons donc aux fondements économiques d’une compensation financière pour inciter les propriétaires privés à ouvrir leur forêt au public. Nous faisons tout d’abord un retour sur les expériences engagées à l’heure actuelle, et notamment l’exemple de la convention proposée par le conseil général des Landes qui constit...
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This paper explores the possible impact of the combination of forest and non-forest settings on recreation values. We extend the traditional contingent valuation method by introducing seven dichotomous choice occasions. To answer each valuation question, each respondent is asked to choose between a policy scheme and the status quo. Each scheme is c...
Dans ce livre, le Cemagref, institut de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement, fait le point de ses travaux scientifiques menés sur la forêt. Pourquoi une recherche sur la forêt ? D'abord parce qu'elle occupe plus d'un quart de la surface de notre territoire métropolitain. Ensuite, parce qu'elle fournit tout un ensemble de serv...
Les forêts sont des espaces fréquentés qui jouissent d'une image de "nature" forte. Malgré des déterminants communs, les usagers affichent des motivations variées. La connaissance de cette diversité constitue une information clef pour le gestionnaire. Une des solutions que les économistes du Cemagref ont imaginée pour éclairer le débat s'appuie sur...
Examining a forest as natural heritage implies assessing its recreational dimension, which is of note in the case of Aquitaine. Yet both the wishes of the public and the underlying stakes are poorly understood. Public expectations are probably more diverse than what is usually thought of. Besides, what enjoyment is felt within a forest most often h...
Using a Multi-Attribute Approach to Value Outdoor Recreation: Evidence from French Public Forests The recreational services provided by the natural environment are highly heterogeneous and most of them are non market. For management purpose however, it is useful to fully appreciate individuals preferences for recreation attributes and provide a mon...
Examining a forest as natural heritage implies assessing its recreational dimension, which is of note in the case of Aquitaine. Yet both the wishes of the public and the underlying stakes are poorly understood. Public expectations are probably more diverse than what is usually thought of. Besides, what enjoyment is felt within a forest most often h...
Si la qualité est un élément central de l’expérience récréative et donc de la demande de loisirs, les méthodes traditionnelles d’évaluation économique ont encore du mal à intégrer l’aspect multidimensionnel. La méthode des choix multi-attributs (Choice Experiment), perçue comme une alternative, comporte également certaines limites. Nous examinons d...
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Si la qualité est une composante importante de l'expérience récréative et donc de la demande de loisirs de nature, les méthodes traditionnelles d'évaluation économique (telles que la Méthode des Coûts de Déplacement ou l'Évaluation Contingente) ont encore du mal à intégrer l'aspect multidimensionnel. La Méthode des Choix Multi-Attributs (Choice Exp...
If quality is a central element of the recreational experience and therefore the demand for leisure, traditional methods of economic evaluation are still struggling to integrate the multidimensional. The method of multi-attribute choice (Choice Experiment), seen as an alternative, also has some limitations. We therefore examine a new approach calle...
At summary: Introduction - Recreation demand inventories and monitoring in legislation and policy - Methodologies to measure recreation demand - European experiences of recreation demand inventories and monitoring -Comparison of european statistics - sampling strategies for on-site recreation use of european forests - Methods used for on-site recre...
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La structure intergouvernementale COST pilote en Europe des programmes de coopération scientifique et technique dans de nombreux domaines, dont celui de la forêt, ses produits et services. L'action COST E33 consacrée aux loisirs en forêt a donné aux pays participants l'occasion de confronter leur organisation et leurs pratiques et d'en dresser le b...
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Whilst quality is a key factor of recreational demand, traditional methods of economic valuation have trouble incorporating this multi-dimensional aspect. Choice experiment, seen as an alternative, has its limits as well. We therefore examine an approach known as the multi-programme method (MP), based on the work of Lancaster (1966) and Hoehn (1991...
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The 2001 forestry framework act brings about a major change in the current scheme for allowing public access to private forests. Article 4 of the act sets out the basis for contractualizing the recreational functions of forests with their owner and provides for financial compensation in return for services rendered. Bringing to light the economic b...
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Recreational services provided by forests are highly heterogeneous and mostly non-market. Yet managers need to understand preferences for forest attributes and to place a monetary value on public goods like forest recreation. Unfortunately, traditional valuation methods are not designed to capture multidimensional changes. It is therefore necessary...
The 2001 forestry framework act brings about a major change in the current scheme for allowing public access to private forests. Article 4 of the act sets out the basis for contractualizing the recreational functions of forests with their owner and provides for financial compensation In return for services rendered. Bringing to light the economic b...
Ce chapitre propose une évaluation des coûts de gestion des espaces protégés sur le littoral girondin. Sont détaillés la nature des coûts, les principales opérations ainsi que les structures de financements.
The purpose of this chapter is to summarise existing experiences in recreation monitoring in European countries. The information was gathered from COST E33 experts. The review is based on national surveys conducted in last thirty years in countries of COST Action E33 members. In COST E33 23 countries signed the MoU, of whom 21 had members in the wo...
COST Action E33 Forest for recreation and nature tourism' (FORREC) is a network of researchers and practitioners working in the field from all around Europe. The work was devided into three working groups. The aim of Working Group 2 (WG2) was to evaluate the state of the art of the present information basis for recreation in European countries. Thi...
Conference Paper
This paper relates to the use of a multi-attribute extension of dichotomous choice Contingent Val¬u¬a-tion called the Multi-Program Contingent Valuation Method. Such a method is devoted to the study of sub¬stitution/complementarity relations in the demand for environmental goods and we propose to im¬ple¬ment it when recreational uses take place in...
Depuis 1989, 7 zones d'accueil en forêt domaniale sont équipées de compteurs routiers (la Salie, la Lagune, le Petit Nice, le Truc Vert, le Grand Crohot, le Gressier, le Lion). A une exception prêt (le Truc Vert), la configuration des sites se prête particulièrement bien à l'utilisation de compteurs : situés en bout de route, l'usage de la voiture...
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L'intégration de la forêt à la politique agricole commune, dans son pilier territorial, influence notablement la politique forestière nationale. Le règlement 2007-2013 du Fond européen d'aide au développement rural (FEADER) infléchit en effet les règles de financement notamment des fonctions non marchandes, comme la biodiversité, la protection des...
The provision of recreation amenities on coastal protected zones is a complex matter. First, it engages financial resources which are presently still hard to evaluate. The definition of effective policies relies on the understanding of such direct costs. In the same time, an increase of outdoor recreation potentially generates ecological damages an...
L'ouverture au public des zones côtières protégées est une décision délicate. D'un côté elle mobilise des ressources financières que l'on doit correctement mesurer. Elle s'accompagne potentiellement de nuisances, qui sont à l'origine d'un coût social à l'impact plus large. La reconstitution de ce coût social passe par l'évaluation des coûts de cong...
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Recreational services provided by forests are highly heterogeneous and most of them are non market. For management purpose however, it is useful to fully appreciate preferences for forests attributes and give a monetary value for forest recreation. Visitors who recreate in forest for instance need both natural features and material equipments. One...


Questions (2)
Dear colleagues with particular interests in r software
I have completed an ordinal regression model using two different r functions (polr - MASS package and clm - ordinal package). The output was measured using a 5 level Likert scale (0-4). Predictors are numerical as well as categorical. N=722 obs. Using both functions, results for coefficients values and p value are very similar, except for intercepts. In one case (polr) intercepts are significately different from zero. In the other case (clm) 3 out of 4 intercepts values are not different from zero. Difference come obvisouly from the calculation of standard error for intercepts (intercept values are the same in both of the models). Is anyone had a similar experience ? How to decide wich function is the most appropriate ?
Many thanks in advance
Dr Jeoffrey DEHEZ
I've got a dataset compounded by 307 observations, i.e. answers made by individuals which were asked whether or not they take an action . Reponses are binary therefore (Yes I do / No I don't). 5 actions were asked.
I've implemented a Cochran's Q test in order to test the difference between the 5 proportions. I've implemented it in R Studio with 2 different packages (NONPAR and RSTATIX). Both of the r functions lead to the same result with a very high test value (Q = 450, df=4) indeed , conforting that there is a significant statistical difference between the 5 proportions. Note that such result is consistent with the descriptive statistics (proportions range from e.g 20% for the lowest to 85% for the highest). Nevertheless this is the first time I got such a high value for a statistical test
Did I missed anything ?
Thanks for your help.


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