Jennifer Meyer

Jennifer Meyer
Kiel University | CAU · Department of Educational Science


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Publications (37)
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People’s subjective beliefs about themselves affect what people think and, consequently, what they do. Positive self-beliefs are important for many life outcomes, from academic success to well-being, especially during K–12 education as a crucial developmental period. Many empirical studies and meta-analyses have examined correlates of self-beliefs....
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Background: Successful feedback should provide learning goals, evaluate current performance and indicate improvement strategies. Furthermore, feedback can only positively affect student performance if students actively engage with it. Thus, it is necessary to consider the feedback reception process in addition to the feedback information itself. Ai...
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Self-assessment accuracy is crucial for effective learning and performance. However, learners tend to be inaccurate in their self-assessment, calling for effective interventions to increase their accuracy. Over the past three decades, research has shown that providing feedback can guide and improve self-assessment accuracy. However, the magnitude a...
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Argumentative writing upper secondary level education analytic analysis language quality content structure A B S T R A C T Argumentative writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) is an important skill in upper secondary education in Germany and Switzerland. This article provides insights into students' EFL writing skills in the aspects of lang...
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Educational research often refers to the subjective values assigned to aspects of education. Theoretical frameworks from the related disciplines of psychology and sociology applied to the context of education aim to better describe why some students are more motivated in school than others to understand differences in academic outcomes. In the curr...
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Feedback can play a pivotal role in learning but is only effective when students use it. However, the use of feedback varies greatly from student to student and these differences must be explained. Hence, the construct receptivity to instructional feedback (RIF) was introduced to assess students’ attitudes towards and engagement with human-provided...
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Social exclusion as a form of in-person relational bullying in higher education (HE) leads to loneliness in students and puts their mental well-being at risk. Utilising and extending the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), we investigated prosocial intentions towards bullying in HE students. We included empathic concern and anticipated regret to pot...
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Feedback is crucial for learning complex tasks like writing; yet its creation is time-consuming , often leading to students receiving insufficient feedback. Generative artificial intelligence, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT 3.5-Turbo, has been discussed as a solution for providing more feedback. However, there needs to be mo...
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Background: Revising is central in the process of writing and for acquiring writing skills. Setting revision goals is challenging especially for novice writers: students do not revise frequently, especially in homework conditions that demand high levels of self-regulation. Empirical studies of goal-setting interventions providing a detailed list of...
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Introduction Learning English as a foreign language is necessary for many students to actively participate in an increasingly globalized world. This study explores the role of informal English language engagement for students’ reading and listening skills, as well as motivation to learn English. In an era of global interconnectedness, informal lear...
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The current article investigated the role that the school context plays in teachers’ well-being in terms of emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. First, we analyzed between-school variation in well-being and indicators of social interactions. Second, we examined the association between these indicators and well-being on the teacher and school...
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Introduction Adaptive learning opportunities and individualized, timely feedback are considered to be effective support measures for students' writing in educational contexts. However, the extensive time and expertise required to analyze numerous drafts of student writing pose a barrier to teaching. Automated writing evaluation (AWE) tools can be u...
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Teachers' assessment of students' performance on complex tasks, such as writing, is important both for their teaching and for stu-dents' learning. Teachers must be able and motivated to assess texts correctly. According to theoretical assumptions, feedback can help promote the diagnostic competencies required to assess texts correctly, but, up unti...
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Rubrics are defined as coherent sets of criteria for students’ work that include detailed descriptions of quality for a specific learning task. They are used in different subjects to guide student learning and assess its results. This study demonstrates the design and development of an assessment rubric for writing emails in English as a foreign la...
Conference Paper
Introduction Social exclusion from group activities is a prevalent issue among students in higher education and poses challenges to the creation of a safe and inclusive learning environment. We conceptually replicated and extended a study by Hayashi and Tahmasbi (2021) to investigate to what extent the Theory of Planned Behaviour may predict unive...
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Students’ academic achievement is a central predictor of a long list of important educational outcomes, such as access to higher education and socioeconomic success. Prior studies have extensively focused on identifying variables that are related to academic achievement and an important variable in this context appears to be students’ personality....
Conference Paper
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While many methods for automatically scoring student writings have been proposed, few studies have inquired whether such scores constitute effective feedback improving learners’ writing quality. In this paper, we use an EFL email dataset annotated according to five analytic assessment criteria to train a classifier for each criterion, reaching huma...
The central purpose of our study is to analyze whether teacher experience and content knowledge relate to teacher judgments on student report texts. Ninety-one experienced teachers, including 27 specializing in the subject of the German language, and 136 teacher students, including 37 majoring in German Studies, participated in this study. Particip...
Cognitive ability is the most powerful predictor of academic achievement. However, increasing attention is being paid to the role of personality traits in students’ academic achievement. Results indicate incremental effects beyond cognitive ability, especially for conscientiousness. Investigating the interplay of conscientiousness and cognitive abi...
Background: Many empirical investigations focus on how personality traits and academic motivation are related to academic achievement. Regarding the personality traits described in the five-factor model, prior research has shown associations between openness to experience and language achievement in particular. Following the principle of trait act...
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Educational reformers all around the globe are continuously searching for ways to make schools more effective and efficient. In Germany, this movement has led to reforms that reduced overall school time of high track secondary schools from 9 to 8 years, which was compensated for by increasing average instruction time per week in lower secondary sch...
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Academic motivation is an essential predictor of school success in K 12 education. Accordingly, many meta-analyses have examined variables associated with academic motivation. However, a central question remains unanswered: What is the relative strength of the relations of both student variables (achievement, socioemotional variables, and backgroun...
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Self-control enables people to override momentary thoughts, emotions, or impulses in order to pursue long-term goals. Good self-control is a predictor for health, success, and subjective well-being, as bad self-control is for the opposite. Therefore, the question arises why evolution has not endowed us with perfect self-control. In this article, we...
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Zusammenfassung. Argumentatives Schreiben ist eine bedeutsame Kompetenz in der Fremdsprache Englisch. Entsprechende Schreibaufgaben sind Teil von Schulabschlussprüfungen in der Sekundarstufe II und von Zugangstests für Hochschulen (z.B. TOEFL ® ). Trotz ihrer Bedeutsamkeit wurden diese komplexen Schreibleistungen bisher im Kontext großer Schulleist...
Schreiben Schüler*innen am Computer bessere Texte als per Hand? Die Studie prüft, ob bei Deutschaufsätzen Testmodus-Effekte hinsichtlich der Textlänge und der Rechtschreibung vorliegen und ob die Differenzen mit den Selbstkonzepten der Schüler*innen zusammenhängen. Die Teilnehmer*innen (n = 226) verfassten per Hand und am Computer jeweils einen Tex...
Das Projekt eRUBRIC untersucht die Wirksamkeit rubricbasierten Feedbacks beim englischen Schreiben in einer digitalen Lernumgebung. Bei der geplanten Studie handelt es sich um ein computerbasiertes Experiment, in dessen Rahmen Schülerinnen und Schüler der achten Klasse verschiedene Feedbackinterventionen zum Schreiben formaler E-Mails erhalten. Die...
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The assessment of text quality is a transdisciplinary issue concerning the research areas of educational assessment, language technology, and classroom instruction. Text length has been found to strongly influence human judgment of text quality. The question of whether text length is a construct-relevant aspect of writing competence or a source of...
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Zusammenfassung Produktive Sprachkompetenzen im Fach Englisch sind bislang in Deutschland nur wenig untersucht worden. Daher wurden in der vorliegenden Untersuchung mit zwei Messzeitpunkten Kompetenzen im argumentativen und sachorientierten Schreiben von N = 838 Schülerinnen und Schülern in der 11. Jahrgangsstufe des achtjährigen Gymnasiums untersu...
Motivation predicts academic achievement beyond cognitive ability. Expectancy value theory (Eccles et al., 1983) is a widely accepted and powerful approach explaining academic achievement as well as educational choices and attainment. Recently, attention to the multiplicative term of expectancy and value beliefs has increased. Trautwein et al. (201...
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This study examined the relationship of personality traits with academic achievement, while controlling for cognitive ability. We considered two domains (Mathematics and English as a foreign language) and three achievement measures, capitalizing on a sample of N = 3637 students in upper secondary education (year 13, age M = 19.92 years) in Germany....


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