Jelisaveta Safranj

Jelisaveta Safranj
University of Novi Sad · Department of Fundamental Disciplines in Engineering



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July 2019 - March 2021
University of Novi Sad
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (81)
Conference Paper
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When teaching English for Graphic Engineering and Design at the tertiary level, it is important to train students to follow professional lectures and presentations and grasp this speech genre. English language classes could be organised to develop this significant skill through systematic training, which includes both the preparation phase, crucial...
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The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of motivational orientations, or various forms of motivation , on the success of foreign language (L2) learning as a measure of self-regulation for ESP (English for Specific Purposes) students. It has been postulated that the nature of motivation has a substantial impact on second language (L2) l...
Conference Paper
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This paper deals with the potential implications of the ChatGPT model for learning English for Specific Purposes in higher education. Development and progress in natural language processing have led to the creation of large language models such as ChatGPT, which generates coherent human-like text on various topics. ChatGPT can be integrated into pr...
Conference Paper
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As one of the most popular Artificial intelligence chatbots, ChatGPT has already found its application as a teaching tool, including teaching English for engineers. Although ChatGPT aids teachers in preparing and conducting classes, and helps students learn and practice their coursework, it is questionable how valid the information provided by Chat...
Conference Paper
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Considering that contemporary people live in a post-industrial society of knowledge organized around the information and communication technology sector and that all aspects of society depend on technological changes and innovations, it has become impossible to educate young people to become active participants in today’s society without the educat...
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The development of learning autonomy has an important role to play not only for an individual but also for society. A holistic approach to self-regulation opens up possibilities for closer considerations of interconnectedness of cognitive strategies, i.e., metacognition, motivation, and the importance of factors like personality traits, self-compet...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between an interactive approach to foreign language teaching and the collaboration of gifted students. The sample consisted of 184 gifted students (grades above 9) at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. The students were between the ages of 18 and 25 (M = 22.13, SD = 5.462). Four q...
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This research examines how Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in Business English (BE) is conditioned by certain personality traits and linguistic self-efficacy. The research was carried out on a sample of 216 undergraduate students learning BE at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, using three instruments: the Big Five Plus Tw...
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The study aims to identify the role of self-confidence, meta-cognition, personality traits, and motivation (predictive variables) as factors of success in second language (L2) learning. It is assumed that there is a high correlation between the observed variables in the meta-cognitive process, which distinguishes academically gifted students from r...
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Due to the changed teaching conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, universities quickly adapted and applied different forms of distance learning and different tools and technologies, which required new teaching skills. This study aims to investigate communication skills for e-teaching from the point of view of university ESP teachers. Interact...
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According to current research, effective learning in the 21st century requires motivation, competence, and efficient learning strategies. As a result, teaching should assist students in becoming aware of their strengths and weaknesses in a learning situation and assist them in developing the abilities and strategies necessary for lifelong learning....
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In the world of modern technology, where every aspect of life has been slowly adapting to a digital way of functioning, lexicography is also turning to electronic corpora and electronic dictionaries, thus making them available to a larger number of people, especially to younger generations born in the age of digitalization. The work of contemporary...
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Taking into account technological progress and the wide distribution of computers and phones, an increasing number of people spend their free time on them, using various applications, among which there are also the ones intended for learning foreign languages. Due to their interest in technology and innovations, students of engineering could be a g...
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The aim of this research is to determine the influence of students' English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom anxiety and self-efficacy on their achievement. The research is exploratory, based on a quantitative approach and systematic non-experimental observation. The research results show that ESP self-efficacy is negatively correlated with cl...
Conference Paper
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A paragraph is a grouping of sentences, a way of carving them up into connected sets so as to reduce the diversity of their thoughts to manageable proportions. Normally readers will expect a paragraph to have a single focus and one role since it is defined as a group of sentences developing a single idea, concept, thought, and topic. Overlong parag...
Conference Paper
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This study aims to investigate the cognitive and emotional demands of gifted students and their correlations with variables such as gender and year of study. The investigation included 25 gifted students selected from among 254 examinees. Participants were undergraduate and graduate students—five students for each year of study at the Faculty of Te...
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Interesovanja za samoregulisanje učenja uopšte, a time i u oblasti stranog jezika pokrenuta su unazad tri decenije sa promenama konceptualnog okvira intelektualnih procesa, posebno prihvatanjem Teorije mentalnog samo-upravljanja (Sternberg, Mental Self-Government: A Theory of Intellectual Syles and Their, 1988), kojom je Sternberg promenio tradicio...
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200 студената Новосадског и Београдског универзитета. Студенти са просечном оценом на студијама изнад 9,70 узети су као академски даровити (N=19). Коришћени инструменти су: тест знања страног језика струке, израђен за ово истраживање; Упитник ОП-Општи подаци, Инвентар стратегија за учење страног језика (SILL)-модификована верзија (немачки, енглески...
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Istraživački orjentisano učenje (eng. Inquiry-Based Learning) stimuliše studente da postanu misaono aktivni, motivisani, spremni za saradnju i sposobni da organizuju sopstvena istraživanja. U ovom pristupu učenju studenti grade duboko znanje i razumevanje teme i postepeno razvijaju razmišljanje višeg reda kao i veštine samodeterminisanog učenja. Pr...
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U radu se govori o personalizovanom učenju koje podrazumeva prilagođavanje tempa učenja individualnim potrebama studenata (individualizacija), prilagođavanje nastavnih instrukcija (diferencijacija) i personalizacija sadržaja učenja. Pet značajnih elemenata karakteriše personalizovano učenje: (1) personalizovani plan učenja koji uzima u obzir indivi...
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U radu je predstavljena uporedna analiza rezultata učenja engleskog jezika opšteg i stručnog na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka tokom 2019, 2020 i 2021 godine, kako bi se stekao uvid u efikasnost učenja stranog jezika različitim metodama, s obzirom na prelazak sa tradicionalnog učenja na učenje na daljinu usled pandemije covid 19. Rezultati istraživanja...
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Uzimajući u obzir procvat onlajn učenja zbog pandemije virusa korona i činjenicu da se ono primenjuje na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, značajno je ispitati stavove studenata o glavnoj platformi koja se koristi za podučavanje, Microsoft Teams-u. Istraživanja ovog tipa mogu doprineti poboljšanju kvaliteta nastave i ukazati na specifičnosti onlajn učenja...
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The aim of the study is to determine the patterns of relationship between types of motivation and willingness to communicate in a foreign language using systematic non-experimental observation. The types of motivation were examined by Language Learning Orientations Scale - Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Amotivation Subscales (Noels...
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The aim of this meta-analysis is to take a small step forward from the separate observation of the self-regulatory construct and the relationship of variables that seek to explain it, define its structure more clearly and make it available in practice. For this purpose, the question arises regarding the relationship between personality traits and m...
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Ranking universities has become increasingly significant since 2003, when the first ranking of the most successful universities, the Academic Ranking of World Universities-ARWU (or Shanghai Ranking), was published. The ARWU propelled other rankings of world universities. In 2019, only two countries from Southeast Europe were represented in the Shan...
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This study deals with the relationship between personality traits and students' use of metacognitive strategies and their language achievements at the tertiary level. It included 401 students. The International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) (Goldberg, 2001) and Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) were used to measure stud...
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Theoretical basis of this paper is the heuristic L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS). The research aims to determine the degree to which the ideal L2 self can be regarded as a significant factor with regards to its power to make a difference in students’ actual motivated behaviour in L2 communication. The research sample consists of 396 students. T...
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Mastering the English language has become one of the key competencies in modern business communication. Nowadays, globalization and internationalization of business, as well as a successful business career, are closely related to English language skills and knowledge of international business trends. This paper deals with the impact of English lang...
Conference Paper
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Sažetak: Integracija informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija u nastavu stranih jezika uticala je na pristup učenju, i unapredila društvenu dimenziju učenja. Ovaj korak je poboljšao ranije postavljene okvire učenja jezika uz pomoć računara, kao i upotrebu mobilnih tehnologija u nastavi jezika. Umreženo učenje danas omogućuje polaznicima globalnu int...
Conference Paper
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Kratak sadržaj: Radi isticanja prednosti upotrebe MS Teams platforme za učenje stranog jezika, u radu se naročito analiziraju Power Point prezentacije-koje su studenti FTN-a postavili putem funkcije Chat pod opcijom File-kako bi se utvrdilo da li vladaju uzročno-posledičnim izrazima kao i signalnim rečima koje ukazuju na svrhu ili funkciju nekog pr...
Conference Paper
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REBT is a type of therapy created by Albert Ellis in 1955 (DiGiuseppe, Doyle, Dryden & Backx, 2014). It is particularly suitable for educational context since it is active and didactic in its nature, requiring from its practitioners to teach people how to identify and change their thoughts. Such therapeutic style and psycho-educational approach is...
Conference Paper
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The issue of students' reception anxiety, as one of the anxieties in language skills has been extensively researched, but it is still open due to significant discrepancies in research findings. A number of questions remain open, such as: whether reception anxiety in foreign language is caused by problems in information processing (Rost, 2001); impo...
Conference Paper
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Classification is the rhetorical device closely related to formal definition. The first step in definition is to classify the term being defined. The term is placed in a group whose members have at least one outstanding characteristic in common. This member is differentiated from all other members of the class. In classification, however, the group...
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Classification in Scientific and Technical Writing
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Keywords The validity and psychometric properties of Serbian translation of the Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986) were investigated. The scale was administered to 296 undergraduate engineering students. The aim was the comparison of several competing models related to factor structure of FLCAS. The following m...
Conference Paper
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Rad predstavlja deo nalaza istraživanja koji se odnosi na Didaktičke instrukcije kao faktor samoregulacije akademskih postignuća (darovitih) u visokoškolskoj nastavi, čiji je cilj zasnovan na zapažanjima da istraživanja (Lončarić, 2018, 2014; Thied, 2000; Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, & Lodico, 1985; Ghatala, 1988), uglavnom, idu u pravcu zaključakao z...
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Education for sustainable society should enable young generations to acquire knowledge, skills, and develop values for solving environmental and social challenges in the coming decades. The aim of research was to examine the influence of modern ecological programmes on the socio-emotional development of preschool children and determine their contri...
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The purpose of the following paper is to investigate the attitudes of foreign language teachers in secondary schools in Novi Sad towards professional advancement. The study was conducted by means of a survey, which included three main parts. The total number of 28 language teachers, with varying levels of education, years of experience, and gender...
Conference Paper
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Sažetak ili apstrakt je 'mini' izveštaj sa najvažnijim informacijama o naučno-istraživačkom radu. Budući da je jedna od njegovih glavnih funkcija da pobudi interesovanje urednika nekog prestižnog naučnog časopisa i uveri ga da članak koji sledi zaslužuje da bude publikovan, pisanje apstrakta ili sažetka predstavlja veliki izazov za autore naučno-is...
Conference Paper
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1 mare, 2, 3 Kratak sadržaj: Rad se bavi fazom prevođenja u okviru specijalne/terminološke dvojezične leksikografije, sa ciljem da se rasvetli bliska veza između anizomorfizma-asimetrije različitih jezičkih sistema-i značenja termina. Autori skreću pažnju na postojanje lingvističkog i kultur...
Conference Paper
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U toku poslednjih nekoliko decenija primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (eng. Information and Communications Technology - ICT) u velikoj meri je uticala na integraciju računara u nastavu stranog jezika (eng. Computer Assisted Language Learning - CALL). Mark Vajser je definisao termin sveprisutno računarstvo (eng. ubiquitous computing) m...
Conference Paper
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Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, Srbija 1, 2, 3 Kratak sadržaj: Digitalni mediji definišu se kao "sve institucionalizovane strukture, forme, formati i interfejsi za prenošenje simboličkog sadržaja" (Couldry, 2012: 8). Uključenost studenata u digitalne medije veća j...
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The paper deals with the relationship between social networks and digital media engagement and students' motivation to learn English. The research included 353 engineering students at XXX, who answered the questionnaire which was divided into two parts considering social networks and digital media engagement, and motivation to learn English. An exp...
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The relationship between personality traits and willingness to communicate (WTC) in English language teaching (ELT) was investigated in this study. The examinees included 303 university students at Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. Data were gathered using the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP; Goldberg, 2001) and Willingness to Co...
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Locus of control and academic self-efficacy are significant variables in foreign language learning that influence advancement in language acquisition and cognition, as well as building language skills. Previous research in the field of foreign language teaching has been partly related to cognitive and meta-cognitive learning strategies of gifted st...
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У раду су приказани резултати примене MOODLE платформе за учење стра-ног језика струке. Циљ рада је да се сагледају ставови студената који користе овај алат како би допунили своје учење. У овом експлоративном истраживању је коришћена метода систематског неексперименталног посматрања, а подаци су прикупљени путем скале про-цене, тј. петостепеног упи...
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The paper deals with the effects of Big Five Personality Traits and Fear of Negative Evaluation on Foreign Language Anxiety. The research problem relates to the way in which foreign language anxiety (FLA) is conditioned by certain personality traits when applying the Big Five Model, based on statistically controlled variables such as self-assessmen...
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Rad se bavi specijalnom leksikografijom koja je poslednjih decenija u žiži lingvističkih istraživanja. Posebna pažnja je poklonjena specijalizovanim tehničkim rečnicima englesko-srpskog jezičkog para za kojima postoji velika potražnja, jer pomažu korisnicima da se suoče sa deficitom znanja u nekoj predmetnoj oblasti. Uz pomoć ovih korisnih „alata“...
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The paper presents the results of applying ICT for learning Languages for Specific Purposes. The aim of the paper is to present the reflections and attitudes of ICT participants in order to supplement their learning. In this exploratory study, the method of systematic non-experimental research was used, and the data were collected through an assess...
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The research is carried out on the sample of 296 engineering students at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. The relationship between language learning anxiety and the length of language study is investigated. The variable of the length of study is examined in three ways which are stated in three different hypotheses: student...
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The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of personality traits on motivation for foreign language learning and achievement. The research involved 303 university students at the University of Novi Sad and the Preschool Teacher Training College in the town of Vršac. They filled out two questionnaires: IPIP-50 (Goldberg, 2001) and Language Le...
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This paper deals with functional variation of language in the scientific context. The research was performed using a corpus of abstracts across various disciplines from the Digital library of the University of Novi Sad. The lengths, kinds, frequencies, and positions of moves applied in the selected abstracts were examined. Differences and similarit...
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The paper deals with the impact of teaching activities that cater for spatial-visual intelligence on students´ achievements in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The objective of this research was to determine whether the application of a variety of language activities that encourage spatial-visual intelligence result in the improvement in learni...
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Conference Paper
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Nowadays, the educational institutions in Europe develop the concept of foreign language learning though the implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (English, German, Russian) especially in teaching vocational technical language using e-learning as a complementary form of teaching. The first step is preparing a me...
Conference Paper
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Nastavnik ima ulogu uzora za učenike u smislu znanja, radnog zalaganja, ponašanja, ličnih stavova i osobina. Učenje po modelu je čest oblik učenja složenih oblik ponašanja, te je važno da nastavnik kao model da dobar lični primer. Imajući u vidu tehničko-tehnološki napredak i sveopštu dostupnost informacija, zahtevi prema nastavniku što se tiče pre...
Tema ovog rada je primena teorije višestruke inteligencije (Gardner, 1983) u nastavi engleskog jezika struke na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu. Istraživanje je osmišljeno kao kvalitativna studija koja uključuje deskriptivnu metodologiju ispitivanja uzorka od 62 studenta elektrotehnike i njihovog udžbenika engleskog jezika struke. Prvo je de...
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The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of gender and personality traits on foreign language anxiety, and the effects of gender-personality traits interaction on the foreign language anxiety. The research conceived in this way has the potential to further clarify the existing inconsistent results of the studies when it comes to investigat...
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Logical/mathematical intelligence is one of eight types of intelligence described in Multiple Intelligence Theory (Gardner, 1983). People with significant logical/mathematical intelligence are good at logical reasoning, problem-solving and scientific investigation. The study included two groups of engineering students attending an ESP course. The f...
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Teaching listening comprehension is one of the most vital and difficult tasks for any foreign language teacher because there are no rules as in grammar teaching. This study explored to what extent students enhance listening comprehension through movies with and without subtitles and what their attitudes are towards this teaching tool. A total of 38...
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While searching for the ways of enhancing students’ educational efficiency, the authors set the framework for the issue from two perspectives – educational and emotional, stressing the existence of a strong interdependence between emotional and cognitive ones. The focus of study is students’ perception of educational processes, the emotional states...
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The main objective of this research was to investigate students’ strategies in language learning and measure them in relation to five research questions. The adopted measurement instrument developed by Oxford (1990) was applied to the sample of students learning English as a foreign language at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi...
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This research aims to compare blended learning approach to the traditional teaching English for Mechanical Engineering for students at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Data was collected from two groups of students over two semesters and analyzed to determine whether the students who were exposed to the blended environment dis...
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This paper reports on the study undertaken to investigate the reflections of English language teachers towards computer assisted language learning and the associated problems and constraints faced by them. The study is qualitative and quantitative in nature and involved 32 English language teachers from 7 primary schools in Novi Sad, Serbia. The fi...
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This paper deals with implementation of a cycle of blogging activities within different levels of English courses at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Blogs, which are interactive homepages that are easy to set up and manage, enable students to engage in online exchanges, thereby expanding their language study and learning comm...
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Na korpusu 150 poslovnih vesti objavljenih u elektronskom izdanju Financial Times proučavana je retorička organizacija lida poslovne vesti. Analiza tekstova zasnovana je na Teoriji retoričke strukture – Rhetorical Structure Theory, (MANN – THOMPSON 1988) koja polazi od činjenice da koherentan tekst ima svoju unutrašnju strukturu, i da se ona konven...
Retorička organizacija poslovnih vesti proučavana je na korpusu 150 poslovnih vesti objavljenih u elektronskom izdanju Financial Times-a. Distribucija i realizacija retoričkih relacija u novinarskom žanru i ovom tipu teksta su u fokusu interesovanja. Analiza tekstova se zasniva na Teoriji retoričke strukture - Rhetorical Structure Theory (Mann and...
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Communicative competence is the ability to send messages which promote attainment of goals while maintaining social acceptability. Competent communicators attempt to align themselves with each others goals and methods to produce a smooth, productive and often enjoyable dialogue. The aim of this research was to investigate self- perceived communicat...
Cilj ove monografije je da predstavi nivo zastupljenosti analize diskursa u udžbenicima engleskog jezika koji se koriste u našoj zemlji. Istraživanje polazi od najnovijih teorija učenja i osnovnih teorijskih postavki analize diskursa u nastavi engleskoh jezika kao prvog ili drugog stranog jezika, a sprovedeno je na uzorku deset udžbenika. Analiza j...


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