Jelena MaksimovićUniversity of Nis | NIS · Department of Pedagogy
Jelena Maksimović
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July 2016 - present
June 1996 - June 2001
Publications (114)
Akcijsko istraživanje predstavlja specifičan proces unaprjeđivanja odgojno-obrazovne prakse djelovanjem aktera te prakse. Da bi akcijsko istraživanje bilo učinkovito, potrebno ga je smjestiti u kontekstualni okvir prakse nastavnika. Iako se danas sve više nastoji primijeniti akcijsko istraživanje u školama, čini se da njegova važnost još uvijek nij...
Akcijsko istraživanje predstavlja specifičan proces unaprjeđivanja odgojno-obrazovne prakse djelovanjem aktera te prakse. Da bi akcijsko istraživanje bilo učinkovito, potrebno ga je smjestiti u kontekstualni okvir prakse nastavnika. Iako se danas sve više nastoji primijeniti akcijsko istraživanje u školama, čini se da njegova važnost još uvijek nij...
This topic is dealt with by numerous relevant researches, so we tried to contribute empirical research to the ICT aspect in teaching. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze teachers’ views on their own skills for the application of modern technology in educational work. A descriptive method with surveying and scaling techniques was us...
The Bologna Process represents the most significant extensive reform of higher education in Europe. The particular aspects of the Bologna Process still incite critical evaluations as regards the successfulness of its implementation. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes the fundamental principles defined in the Bologna Declaration, requirement...
The application of digital technology in teaching physical education provides a basis for its improvement in the direction of promoting physical activity and student development. As one of the most important subjects of the teaching process, teachers have a fundamental role in achieving the goals and tasks of physical education. Physical education...
The importance, traits, and methods of assessment in an online context are highlighted in this paper's discussion of assessment as an essential component of teaching. The paper aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, features, and methodologies of online assessment while also emphasizing the need for ongoing effo...
The paradigm on which a methodological approach is developed determines the situations in which its application will be most appropriate. The quantitative approach implies a positivist paradigm, the basis of which is cause-and effect relationships, as well as the questioning and verifying of existing theories. Positivism aims to prove that phenomen...
Pedagogy as a social-humanistic science that deals with upbringing and education expresses its complexity through a plurality of ideas, understandings and opportunities for studying, learning and researching educational practice. The methodology dealt with by experimental and quasi-experimental pedagogy is exact and serves to establish reliable dat...
The subject matter of the research was to determine whether Serbian teachers encouraged the development of social competences in their students adequately and sufficiently as regards social outcomes. The hypotheses postulated were the following: ethics, empathy and loyalty are expected to be desirable character traits of importance in the developme...
Striving to change the paradigm of education has always been an imperative in our
society. It had its full echo during the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. In this context, our educational system had to adapt quickly to changes in a way that has no consequences for the implementation of teaching and especially its quality. In Serbia, the enti...
The development of pedagogical science by the requirements of modern education has raised the question of the quality of professional work of a school pedagogue based on his characteristics and features. The paper discusses the problem of possessing the important qualities of a school pedagogue for educational work in school. The theoretical analys...
The Problematic Use (PU) of Social Networking Sites (SNS) is a diagnostic and preventive as well as educational challenge. Problematic Use of new media is currently a phenomenon discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and media educators in the field of diagnosing the scale of the phenomenon, as well as protective factors and risks related to thi...
The introduction of inclusive education in the Republic of Serbia has contributed to the development of the principles of humaneness and democracy and the exercise of the right to quality education in regular schools. Given that providing knowledge about the implementation of inclusive education is essential for the advancement of inclusive practic...
This paper discusses a basic construct in the study of contemporary fatherhood – father involvement, focusing on different methodological approaches to studying father involvement in the upbringing of children. The paper emphasizes the great importance of father’s involvement, analyzed effects and causes of (non)involvement. Various aspects of pate...
Reflective practitioner teachers should critically review their own work and introduce innovations that should improve everyday educational practice. For this reason, the focus of the research is on the personal and professional empowerment of reflective practitioner teachers during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. 355 teachers from the Republic of Serbia p...
The demand for innovation in school and teaching is a reaction to what is perceived as the traditional school. Innovation in teaching mostly depends on the teachers themselves and how much they are ready to change and improve their own work, to be a reflective practitioner. The subject of our research is the role of innovative methods in improving...
Modern educational work requires dedication, improvement and innovation of educational practice. Being a pedagogical worker (educator, teacher) reflective practitioner is a challenge of the postmodern age in the field of upbringing and education. The aim of this article is preventive action in the aspect of violent communication through the applica...
Over the years, a partnership between family and school has become a very current topic on which discussions are held, various lectures and seminars are given. That is, it is an important point of interest for many profiles of experts. A child has his/her primary roots in the family, after which s/he strengthens them in school. The interaction esta...
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the transition to online teaching and learning
in Serbian higher education. Therefore, this paper studies the results
achieved at Serbian universities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The methods
used are the descriptive method together with the scaling technique and the
Likert scale. The sample included 400 tertiary-level...
The challenges of contemporary education and teaching profession have resulted in an increased demand for the appropriate professional advancement and practice-based research. The action research is an approach that encourages teachers to manage and control their own work. This research was conducted with the purpose of being primarily beneficial f...
The advantages of workshops have long been recognized and are mainly used in non-formal education, but also as the dominant methodology of intervention programs and projects at the primary and secondary school level. However, workshops are increasingly found in formal work as well. Through action research, we wanted to determine the effects of work...
This paper presents the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius and how his pedagogical ideas influenced the development of pedagogical research. By analyzing Comenius' ideas, we have shown their connection with the development of pedagogical research. Mankind still does not find more original ideas than his, but returns to his opus and find...
This paper presents the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius and how his pedagogical ideas influenced the development of pedagogical research. By analyzing Comenius' ideas, we have shown their connection with the development of pedagogical research. Mankind still does not find more original ideas than his, but returns to his opus and find...
The COVID-19 virus pandemic also had a significant impact on the educational
system. This article presents the results of a research aimed at examining teachers'
attitudes about the quality of online teaching during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. A
descriptive research method and survey technique were applied. The sample included
274 teachers fro...
Acquiring statistical education is a prerequisite for the professional and scientific work of every pedagogue. Institutional support for the statistical education of students is a fundamental starting point in the development of research competencies necessary for a future pedagogue. The subject of this study was focused on examining the effectiven...
In order to point out the importance and significance of studying the problem of digital competencies of teachers in the context of professional development, this paper discusses innovations in XI century education, distance education and teaching media, new roles of teachers, their competencies, and the way of improving competencies. The research...
The COVID-19 virus pandemic also had a significant impact on the educational system. This article presents the results of a research aimed at examining teachers' attitudes about the quality of online teaching during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. A descriptive research method and survey technique were applied. The sample included 274 teachers from th...
Polazeći od slabosti današnje nastave u kojoj dominira frontalni oblik rada, nastojali smo da predstavimo mogućnosti i relevantnost primene radionica kao inovativne metode u radu sa učenicima. U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja koje je imalo za cilj da utvrdi i analizira stavove učitelja prema radionicama i njihovoj pri...
Uloga nastavnika u razvijanju darovitosti kod učenika je velika i u tom komplesnom procesu nastavnik, kao važna figura, posredno i neposredno utiče na učenikove izuzetne potencijale. Kada govorimo o darovitosti kao izuzetno složenom procesu nastavnik je jedna od krucijalnih karika za prepoznavanje, a potom i podsticanje razvoja nadarenosti kod učen...
The implementation of digital education technology into the school subject of physical education (PE) has become a challenging trend of contemporary pedagogy. This paper emphasises the importance of the pedagogical, cognitive and methodological aspects of digitalisation in PE. The research presented examined the attitudes of PE teachers in primary...
The roots of today's education system stem from one of the most significant peda-gogists and thinkers, John Amos Comenius (1592-1670). His entire comprehensive and sys-tematic work represents a turning point, not only in the field of the development of pedagogy, as a science and its disciplines, but also in the field of the development of human tho...
Professional development of teachers is a current issue today. Professional development and professional training of teachers are defined as changing and upgrading themselves and their work, in accordance with their own needs, the needs of science and profession, all in the direction of achieving a certain goal and achieving the most efficient resu...
Apstrakt: Cilj rada je analiza istraživačkih radova o upotrebi medija i njihovom uticaju na pojavu vršnjačkog nasilja. Sagledavanjem globalnog prisustva medija u svakodnevici dece i mladih nude se odgovori na tri istraživačka pitanja: (1) Koje medije
deca i mladi najčešće koriste i u koje svrhe?; (2) Na koji način mediji utiču na pojavu
A reflective practitioner is an active individual who explores the possibilities of solving problems in practice and who is characterised by being reflectively open to reexamining their own opinion. The authors of this paper start from the premise that the process of education, however consistent and well-founded it may be, is exposed to constant i...
Research interest in the comparison of education systems emerged parallel with the study of social
development and the general globalization of social resources. The contemporary context of research discourse puts researchers
in a position of necessary collaboration and partnership, with a special emphasis on the comparative analysis of educational...
The research was motivated by
the necessity to examine the perspectives of
STEM professions in Serbia. The aim of this
research was to study students’ motives for
career choices and their attitudes towards
STEM sciences. The empirical scientific
approach was applied, i.e. the quantitative
and qualitative research method. The most
frequently chosen...
Successful learning and teaching involve the use of modern technology.
One of the teachers’ objectives is to constantly improve and innovate the teaching
process adapting to the trends of the new generations of students. Therefore, this
paper analyses digital literacy as an indispensable link in teacher education.
The goal of this paper is to empha...
Peer violence is an issue that is widely manifested and investigated around the world. This study uses meta-analysis to investigate the problem of peer violence, with the purpose of systematising the data regarding family and peers as the factors that have a significant impact on the expression of violent behaviour. An analysis of 43 primary studie...
Development of self-assurance, improvement of interpersonal communication, development of the sense of security, an opportunity to share one’s experiences and ideas, as well as cooperation and interaction, which supplant rivalry and competition are just a few benefits resulting from working with the problem methods for the pupils. We have discussed...
Теоријском анализом фактора школског неуспеха и емпи-ријским испитивањем, на свеобухватан и интердисциплинаран начин, покушали смо да истражимо овај комплексан проблем који је константно присутан у наставном процесу, и уједно укажемо на значај систематског рада на његовом предупређивању и превенцији. Kонтекст проблема истра-живања је емпиријског ка...
U moderno doba kompetencije za medijsko obrazovanje postale su integralno svojstvo uspješnog nastavnika. Usprkos tome, tematika medijske pismenosti nastavnog kadra na našim prostorima nije još uvijek temeljno istražena. Iz tog razloga cilj istraživanja odnosio se na ispitivanje medijske pismenosti i kompetencija nastavnika za medijsko obrazovanje....
The textbook Statistical Tests in Pedagogical Research comprises the
following parts: Preface, Introduction, 16 thematic units, Conclusion, References,
Glossary, Index of terms and H-index of the authors.
The chapter “Concept and subject of pedagogical statistics” analyses
the significance of the academic course Statistics in Education Research wit...
Образовање даровитих обухвата комплексан процес и захтева активност и ученика и наставника. Давно је постало јасно да традиционална настава не може да задовољи потребе даровитих. Са друге стране, пројектна настава представља процес смисаоног и интензивног стицања знања. Једна од њених основних карактеристика јесте да се заснива на унутрашњој мотива...
Summary: Even though the origins of the constructivist theory can be found in Ancient
Greece, it was formulated as a separate educational theory relatively later in the future.
Constructivism is a way of learning, thinking and discovering new phenomena and processes with the
tendency to develop work and technical skills and abilities. Unlike behavi...
Одељењски старешина као модел и ментор у одељењу треба да својим поступцима помогне ученицима да превазиђу проблеме са којима се сусрећу у интерперсоналним односима са вршњацима. Разумевањем, активним слушањем, трагањем за решењима конфликти се могу разре- шити. У раду се бавимо компетенцијама одељењских старешина за во- ђење саветодавних разговора...
Svedoci smo poslednjih godina sve češćeg vršnjačkog nasilja, a
akteri tih dešavanja sve više su mladi i deca. Fizičko povređivanje,
maltretiranje, uvrede, isključenost iz društva, usamljenost i strah se dugo
pamte, a posledice i traumatizovanost žrtava vršnjačkog nasilja su
dugotrajne. Nasilje je odista kompleksan fenomen a traganje za uzrocima je...
The methodology of pedagogy belongs to the youngest group of pedagogical disci-plines. The first thoughts about the basic postulates of the methodology of pedagogy were rec-ognized long ago, even in the pedagogical paradigm of John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who created support for the methodology of pedagogy as an integral component of pedagogical...
Being physically active and doing sports in adolescence is significant during regular education, as well as in free time. It contributes the most to socialization, development of cooperation and a healthy competitive spirit. The aim of this research is to determine the existence of a mutual connection between social status of adolescents and sport...
This paper emphasizes the important place that physical education and sport have in the system of education, as well as the significance of health, physical and functional abilities and interests for physical activities. This research examines the attitudes of secondary schoolchildren towards sport and physical activities. The research is focused o...
Considering the fact that the action research is oriented towards the improvement of educational
practice, this research type is especially suitable when researching the teaching process because
there is a constant need for its innovations in order to overcome some of the well-known
teaching disadvantages such as student passivity, lack of motivati...
В монографии представлены материалы, связанные с применением инновационных методов обучения в высшей школе. Монография ориентирована на широкую педагогическую и психологическую аудиторию, принимающую участие в психолого-педагогической подготовке преподавателей высшей школы, повышении их педагогической и психологической компетентности. Данная моногр...
The factor analysis was used to ascertain the factors reflecting the most important attitudes of the respondents concerning reflective thinking in the classroom: self-evaluation, feedback and recording, improvement and analysis of teaching materials, assessment, concepts and misconceptions, construction of knowledge, metacognition and permanent imp...
Apstrakt: Sa prelaskom od tradicionalne na savremenu nastavu, a sada sve više na individualizovani pristup poučavanju i učenju, tema darovitih učenika ne jenjava. Aktuelnosti ove teme doprinose i različite teorijske implikacije o potrebama darovitih, kao i pitanjima o tome ko bi se sve njima trebalo da bavi. Jednim od najvažnijih i odlučujućih fakt...
Self-concept, understood as an impression or idea one has about oneself, represents a significant precondition for the professional improvement of teachers, as well as for the advancement of teaching itself and students’ development of their own positive self-concept. This research aimed to examine the idea of self-concept with the purpose of deter...
A teacher, as one of the main actors in the teaching process, has an assignment to work continuously on the improvement of his personal characteristics and professional competencies in order to improve the quality of teaching. In a modern school, teachers are challenged to constantly reflect on their work, on its advantages and flaws, and on what n...
In modern schools directed towards change, teachers face ever-increasing expectations imposed on them by Ministry of Education and society itself. A teacher is not only a conveyer of knowledge; but also a reflective practitioner. This work discusses educational changes, advancement of educational practice, as well as new roles that teachers assume...
Physical education classes are peculiar in their character in comparison to
classes of other school subjects since they are not taught in a classroom. However, it
certainly does not mean that physical education teachers should not reflect on their
practical work or analyse it. This process of reflective thinking represents a particular
At present it is almost impossible to imagine formal and non-formal
education without the use of computers and information and communication
technology (ICT), and we can rightly say that modern education is increasingly
taking place in a multimedia environment and relying on multimedia teaching
and learning. In fact, multimedia...
At present it is almost impossible to imagine formal and non-formal
education without the use of computers and information and communication
technology (ICT), and we can rightly say that modern education is increasingly
taking place in a multimedia environment and relying on multimedia teaching
and learning. In fact, multimedia...
Modern tendencies in society bring many tasks and challenges in all social spheres, and so in the field of education, increasingly focusing on creating a "new profile" of modern teachers. Today's school requires a teacher who critically reflects on his/her own practice, who independently explores and uses these results for the purpose of his/her ow...
Kључне речи: квантитативна истраживања, статистичка истра-живања, медијска истраживања, позитивизам, SPSS програм за обраду пода-така, медији.
Сажетак: Вођене циљем да истражујемо улогу и утицај медија на
квалитет васпитно-образовне праксе, као и да бисмо генерализовале улогу/утицај медија на предмет истраживања, неопходно је да их детаљно подвргнемо квалитативном и квантитативном приступу. У проучавању медија
не можемо користити једнодимензионални приступ и то је разлог због чега у
The educational system requires a teacher who can contribute to the development of one’s own practice and the entire system with his/her innovation and competence. Only a teacher reflective practitioner can meet all the needs of today’s society, school, and students. In order to play a reflective role in teaching and upbringing, it is necessary for...
This paper sets off from three research goals: (1) theoretical, i.e. examining the role of the courses Methodology of pedagogical research and Statistics in pedagogy in teacher training; (2) cognitive, i.e. awakening teachers' interest in and knowledge about the importance of pedagogical research; and (3) applied, i.e. influencing a change in the t...
Medijske kompetencije školskih pedagoga u suzbijanju vršnjačkog nasilja 83 Sažetak Nasilje je česta pojava u suvremenom društvu, problem s kojim se podjednako susreću i odrasli i djeca. Na pojavu vršnjačkog nasilja utječu sve promjene koje se događaju u političkim, socijalnim, znanstvenim, medijskim i obrazovnim strukturama u društvu. Međutim, ne m...
Suvremeno društvo dovelo je do mijenjanja odnosa prema nastavniku, koji od propagatora nastavnog procesa postaje pokretač kritičkog mijenjanja preuzimajući ulogu kritičkog refleksivnog praktičara. Za refleksivnog praktičara važna je refleksija u akciji koju možemo definirati kao spremnost za inovacije i djelovanja na novi način. Predmet istraživanj...
The Roma are an ethnic group that is spread throughout the world. Although there are poor ethnographic and historical notes about the origin of Roma on the basis of a study of legends and oral traditions, researchers who are engaged in Roma studies, often confirm that they originate from India. Their culture, habits, customs were mostly transmitted...
As a result of the expansion of informatics era, in the last decade is a noticeable focus on the development and application of ICT in education, which, thanks to its rapid development marks the era of electronic education. The goal of electronic education is actually a modernization of the teaching process, which will enable teachers the reduction...
Abstract: The subject of the research is focused on questioning teachers’ attitudes in reference to using ICT competencies in the classroom, considering the gender, years of service and education, while the problem of the research concerns the question: What are the...
Rezime: Faktorska analiza predstavlja skup statističkih postupaka kojima se, polazeći od većeg skupa varijabli, utvrđuje manji skup manifestnih varijabli ili faktora. Osnovni zadaci analize usmereni su na utvrđivanje faktora koji leže u osnovi međusobne povezanosti manifestnih varijabli. Faktorska analiza u pedagoškim istraživanjima najširu primenu...
Iako žive u sadašnjosti, ljudi planiraju i brinu za budućnost. Istorija je, međutim proučavanje prošlosti. Studije istorije veoma su važne jer pomažu u shvatanju ljudi i društva, uvažavanju različitosti kultura i promena koje se dešavaju u društvu, kao i u sagledavanju puteva koji vode u budućnost, ali i povezivanju istorije sa savremenošću. Shvata...
Summary: Education and training of students of pedagogy for professional work in our conditions is realized in different ways, through: theoretical lectures, exercises, making term papers, research projects, consulting work, professional pedagogical and methodical practice. Instit...
Rezime: Usmerenost prema razvoju obrazovanja darovitih važna je zbog njihove vrednosti za društvo u kojem žive. Razvoj darovitosti u velikoj meri zavisi od efikasnog delovanja školskog pedagoga. U istraživanju je korišćena deskriptivna metoda koja će omogućiti sagledavanje različitih metodoloških pristupa u proučavanju problema o pedagogu kao fakto...
Professional development is a complex process characterized by permanent acquisition, enrichment and monitoring of new knowledge and skills and enhancing competence, skills and attitudes necessary for the broad field of teacher roles. Because of the key role that teachers play in the realization of student achievement, improving the methodological...
Proučavanje medija i njihovih odnosa prema promjenama u odgojnoobrazovnim strujanjima vrlo je značajna i popularna pojava. Današnji mladi žive i odrastaju s medijima kao sastavnim dijelom vlastite socijalizacije i odgoja. Predmet istraživanja usmjeren je na proučavanje terijsko-metodološke zasnovanosti utjecaja medija na adolescente. Rezultati istr...
Rezime: Ovim radom objašnjava se odnos studenata humanističkih i društvenih nauka prema stranim jezicima. Glavni cilj učenja jezika nije samo ovladavanje novim jezičkim sistemom, već predstavlja osposobljavanje za međuljudsko sporazumevanje i saradnju, za unapređivanje jednakosti ljudi u obrazovanju, za kulturu i nauku. Takođe, znanje stranih jezik...
o усaвршaвaњe je слoжeн прoцeс кojи кaрaктeришe пeрмaнeнтнoст у усвajaњу, oбoгaћивaњу и прaћeњу нoвих знaњa, стицaњу и jaчaњу спoсoбнoсти и вeштинa, умeћa и стaвoвa нeoпхoдних зa ширoкo пoљe нaстaвничких улoгa. Збoг кључнe улoгe кojу нaстaвници имajу у oствaривaњу учeничких пoстигнућa, унaпрeђeњe мeтoдoлoшкoг усaвршaвaњa нaстaвникa имa висoку вaжнo...
Rezime: Akciona istraživanja predstavljaju fleksibilni proces u kome se smenjuju akcija (promena, poboljšanje) i istraživanje (razumevanje, znanje). Za razliku od tradicionalnog istraživačkog pristupa, u kojem teorija prethodi praksi u normativnoj formi, u akcionim istraživanjima teorija je nerazdvojni deo prakse. Problem između teorije i prakse i...
The needs of modern society set before teachers some new requirements with regard to the teacher's changed role. Teachers are ceasing to be agents transferring knowledge and are becoming persons who diagnose and organize the research process. As a starting point in the discussion, we have analyzed the correlation between the methodological training...
U radu su prikazani aspekti razvoja i evaluacije programa prevencije vršnjačkog nasilja, realiziranog kao akcijsko istraživanje s učenicima četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. Osnovni cilj istraživanja usmjeren je na poticanje nastavnika na stručno i profesionalno usavršavanje, kao i upotrebu različitih modela prevencije vršnjačkog nasilja, uz stvaranj...
Professional advancement is a complex process in which new knowledge is permanently adopted, enriched and followed, and in which capacities, skills and positions needed for the wide array of teachers' roles are acquired and strengthened. Given the crucial role that teachers play in supporting students 'achievement, the promotion of teachers 'profes...
Мотиви уписа на студије педагогије и задовољство студената студирањем на факултету су неки од основних чинилаца квалитета студија који одређују успех током студирања. Уколико одабране студије испуне њихова очекивања, задовољство студената је веће и позитивно утиче на успех током студирања. У последњих неколико година, припрема младих за будућу проф...