Jelena Djermanov

Jelena Djermanov
University of Novi Sad · Department of Pedagogy



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Publications (21)
Conference Paper
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The current reform processes of modern school systems have been going on for decades with the aim of implementing inclusive education. Accordingly, modern pedeutological research in recent decades has focused on the study and modeling of the system of professional development of teachers. A professional development teacher represents a long-term an...
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The authors of this paper start from the position that horizontal learning implies a reflective dialogue among participants in the learning process within the professional development of teachers and preschool teachers, critical examination, observation, and understanding of theory and practice from different perspectives, building common knowledge...
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In this paper, teachers’ horizontal learning is discussed from the perspective of creating a stimulating environment for its implementation. The questions of the role and competence of the school principal in that process have been analyzed, as well as the questions of whether and how the school can develop into a learning community by means of tea...
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Код нас и у свијету заступљен је велики број школа са комбинованим одјељењима, гдје један наставник ради са ученицима из два, три и више разреда. Ова одјељења деценијама егзистирају махом у сеоским срединама и сусрећу се са различитим изазовима у организацији васпитно-образовног рада. Проблематика комбинованог одјељења се посљедњих година у свијету...
Conference Paper
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Political, economic and cultural changes in the world and in our country have resulted in increasing attention, and thus numerous researches in the field of education, professional development and new roles of teachers in the educational process. are important in setting priorities in professional development. In this paper, the relevant documents...
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Učitelj je ključni faktor uspešnosti promena u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu. Da bi došlo do željene promene, učitelju/nastavniku su potrebna mišljenja učenika o njegovim osobinama. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanje na uzorku od 185 učenika drugog, trećeg, četvrtog i petog razreda, čiji je cilj ispitivanje razlika u stavovima učenika...
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У комбинованим одјељењима гдје је наставник одговоран за ученикеразличитог узраста који похађају наставу у два или више одјељења, у исто вријеме, циљје пружити квалитетну наставу и учење. Први од мноштва изазова је интеракцијско-комуникативна димензија, јер се њеним обимом, квалитетом и интезитетом повећавазначај образовног приступа и зависе ефекти...
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Егзистенција комбинованих одјељења данас је реалност великог бројашкола, дјеце и наставника и то не само код нас, него и у свијету, те модел васпитно-образовне праксе који се посљедњих година иновира, реафирмише и све више заговара збогниза предности које омогућава. Наставник у комбинованом одјељењу је кључ запланирање, пројектовање и управљање раз...
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The results of the research on the emotional literacy of students are presented in this paper. The primary goal of the research was to examine the general level and characteristics of the emotional literacy profile. The secondary goal was to determine the similarities and differences in levels of emotional literacy between pupils in relation to the...
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New technologies, combining aspects of communication through mass media and direct " face to face " interaction, have brought new challenges to the theory of communication (and to human existence in general). The attempts to synthesize and classify visions of many theorists according to the dominant principles of their paradigms result in two respe...
Conference Paper
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN SERBIA BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE M. Djukic, J. Djermanov, M. Kosanovic University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy (SERBIA) Today, in the global and planetary level, there is a quite obvious impact of the social inclusion, as a leading idea of a contemporary democratic society, on the pedagogical theory and pract...
Conference Paper
INDICATORS OF GENDER EQUALITY AS AN ASPECT OF EDUCATION EVALUATION J. Djermanov, M. Djukic, J. Vukicevic University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy (SERBIA) Gender identity, the degree to which an individual identifies with masculine and feminine personality traits (Palan, 2001), is an inherent characteristic of each individual. Education, as...
Conference Paper
PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION IN THE INCLUSIVE SCHOOL: WHAT, WHY, AND HOW M. Djukic, J. Djermanov, M. Kosanovic University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy (SERBIA) The paper presents initial results of the research on the Project: "Inclusive Education: From Pedagogical Concepts to Practice", which is partially funded by the Secretariat for Science...
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This article discusses the concept of humane schools in the context of contemporary knowledge society, from pedagogical aspect. The authors specifically indicate that the knowledge society achieves its true meaning and proper importance as well as full pedagogical potential, only when the values on which it is based are defined, and what kind of kn...
The thesis on quality as a universal phenomenon which becomes imperative of the time in the 21 century is being elaborated and the thesis "that the quality starts and ends with education" is being strongly promoted. This paper points out the persistence of the idea of quality in the historical perspective, quality as a general concept is being cons...
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FACILITATION - TEACHERS’ ROLE IN THE CONCEPT OF LIFELONG EDUCATION Abstract: At the moment, the most common and the most influential concept in European documents concerning education- lifelong learning- is mostly based on modern knowledge in the field of education, and especially on the results of research on the learning of adults, such as the r...
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The authors start with a generally accepted belief that education is one of the most important factors of society's development, then that its adjustment to changes that follow today's information age is indisputable and significant. In this regard, in this paper it is pointed to the social expectations for as rapid as possible modernization of edu...
Authors believe that in most of con temporary world societies, whose com mon determinant is diversity plural ism, inclusive education is being observed as pedagogical response to challenges of ever grow in differences among students in every class and/or school. School to day “has to be come different, be cause children be came different. Their lif...


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