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Jędrzej S. Bojanowski

Jędrzej S. Bojanowski
CloudFerro S.A.



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Additional affiliations
January 2017 - present
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • http://www.igik.edu.pl/en/Remote-Sensing-Variability-and-change-of-cloudiness-diurnal-cycle-over-the-past-30-years
March 2013 - December 2016
  • PostDoc Position
  • http://www.esa-cloud-cci.org/ http://www.cmsaf.eu
March 2006 - December 2009
Institue of Geodesy and Cartography
  • Researcher
January 2010 - January 2014
University of Twente
Field of study
  • Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
September 2000 - December 2005
University of Warsaw
Field of study
  • Department of Geography and Regional Studies


Publications (42)
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Radiometers such as the AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) mounted aboard a series of NOAA and MetOp (Meteorological Operational) polar-orbiting satellites provide 4-decade-long global climate data records (CDRs) of cloud fractional cover. Generation of such long datasets requires combining data from consecutive satellite platforms. A...
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Forests play a key role in humanity’s current challenge to mitigate climate change thanks to their capacity to sequester carbon. Preserving and expanding forest cover is considered essential to enhance this carbon sink. However, changing the forest cover can further affect the climate system through biophysical effects. One such effect that is seld...
Well-maintained and regularly calibrated measuring instruments provide the most accurate solar radiation data. This extremely valuable research material makes it possible, among others, to analyse variability in solar radiation over the long term and its dependence on other atmospheric state elements such as cloud cover and atmospheric aerosol conc...
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The Vectorized Earth Observation Retrieval (VEOR) algorithm is a novel algorithm suited to the efficient supervised classification of large Earth Observation (EO) datasets. VEOR addresses shortcomings in well-established machine learning methods with an emphasis on numerical performance. Its characteristics include (1) derivation of classification...
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With the ever-increasing volumes of the Earth observation data present in the archives of large programmes such as Copernicus, there is a growing need for efficient vector representations of the underlying raw data. The approach of extracting feature representations from pretrained deep neural networks is a powerful approach that can provide semant...
Conference Paper
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Satellite remote sensing is a major contributor to our understanding of the climate system. It provides independent observations for climate modelling, verification and assessment of mitigation plans. Satellite imagery is crucial in inaccessible areas, such as the oceans and polar regions, that influence climate change. The challenge has been limit...
One important area where satellite-based Earth observation is applied in is agricultural statistics. The use of new digital technologies and satellite data have contributed to the modernisation of the aforementioned scientific area and is designed to overcome the problems that both agricultural statistics and the recipients of statistical data are...
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Identification of crops over large areas is necessary for monitoring agricultural production, establishing food security policies or controlling compliance with the Common Agricultural Policy. Data acquired by Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite constellations with a combination of high temporal and spatial resolutions has already demonstrated, sep...
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Timely crop yield forecasts at a national level are substantial to support food policies, to assess agricultural production, and to subsidize regions affected by food shortage. This study presents an operational crop yield forecasting system for Poland that employs freely available satellite and agro-meteorological products provided by the Copernic...
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The productivity response of a peatland ecosystem in Rzecin, Poland, was determined based on varying aerosols abundant in the atmosphere. The study was done with the use of a multifactorial model that combined atmospheric and ecosystem modules to describe plant photosynthetic ability from different perspectives. The Gross Ecosystem Production (GEP)...
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Crop classification is a crucial prerequisite for the collection of agricultural statistics, efficient crop management, biodiversity control, the design of agricultural policy, and food security. Crops are characterized by significant change during the growing season, and this information can be used to improve classification accuracy. However, cap...
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Timely crop yield forecasts at national level are substantial to support food policies, to assess agricultural production and to subsidize regions affected by food shortage. This study presents an operational crop yield forecasting system for Poland that employs freely available satellite and agro-meteorological products provided by the Copernicus...
Ground-based measurements of global solar radiation are often subject to various errors which are very difficult to detect. This is why quality control procedures and homogenisation of data are essential and should be performed prior to further analyses. We present homogeneous global solar radiation data set, without any gaps, for 16 ground-based s...
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Abstract. Radiometers such as the AVHRR mounted aboard a series of the NOAA and MetOp polar-orbiting satellites provide 4-decade-long global climate data records (CDRs) of cloud fractional cover. Generation of such long datasets requires combining data from consecutive satellite platforms. A varying number of satellites operating simultaneously in...
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Can we build stable Climate Data Records (CDRs) spanning several satellite generations? This study outlines how the ClOud Fractional Cover dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation (COMET) of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) was created for the 25-year period 1991–2015. Modern multi-spectral cloud d...
Conference Paper
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Clouds play a key role in the Earth’s radiation budget by reflecting shortwave radiation and reducing emissions of longwave radiation. A temporal shift in diurnal cycle of cloud formation leads to significant feedbacks in the climate system. The CM SAF ClOud Fractional Cover (CFC) dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation - Edition 1 (COMET...
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The CM SAF Cloud Fractional Cover dataset from Meteosat First and Second Generation (COMET, https://doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CFC_METEOSAT/V001) covering 1991–2015 has been recently released by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility for Climate Monitoring (CM SAF). COMET is derived from the MVIRI and SEVIRI imagers aboard geostationary Meteos...
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Solar radiation is the main driver of the Earth's climate. Measuring solar radiation and analysing its interaction with clouds are essential for the understanding of the climate system. The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) generates satellite-based, high-quality climate data records, with a focus on the energy...
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The study presents first edition of cloud coverage and cloud physical properties climate data records (CDRs) over Central Europe compiled from 1x1 km2 resolution AVHRR imagery. The CDRs cover a climatological period of 30 years from 1986 to 2016. The dataset was generated using a novel Vectorized Earth Observation Retrieval (VEOR) algorithm that is...
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New cloud property datasets based on measurements from the passive imaging satellite sensors AVHRR, MODIS, ATSR2, AATSR and MERIS are presented. Two retrieval systems were developed that include components for cloud detection and cloud typing followed by cloud property retrievals based on the optimal estimation (OE) technique. The OE-based retrieva...
Conference Paper
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Generating a cloud climate data record (CDR) from observations acquired by a set of polar orbiting satellites requires dealing with potential artefacts caused by lack of long-term stability, degradation of satellite sensors, radiometric and geometric calibration problems, and satellite orbital drift. The majority of these aspects have been resolved...
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New cloud property datasets based on measurements from the passive imaging satellite sensors AVHRR, MODIS, ATSR2, AATSR and MERIS are presented. Two retrieval systems were developed that include components for cloud detection and cloud typing followed by cloud property retrievals based on the optimal estimation (OE) technique. The OE-based retrieva...
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The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites' (EUMETSAT) Meteosat satellites provide the unique opportunity to compile a 30+ year land surface temperature (LST) climate data record. Since the Meteosat instrument on-board Meteosat 2-7 is equipped with a single thermal channel, single-channel LST retrieval algorithms ar...
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Cloud property data sets derived from passive sensors onboard the polar orbiting satellites (such as the NOAA’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) have global coverage and now span a climatological time period. Synoptic surface observations (SYNOP) are often used to characterize the accuracy of satellite-based cloud cover. Infrequent overpas...
Satellite-derived surface solar radiation estimates are an alternative to the solar radiation measured at weather stations or modelled from other measured meteorological variables. The advantage of satellite-derived solar radiation is its high spatial and temporal resolution in comparison with solar radiation derived from weather stations, which ha...
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The energy of the sun drives physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in the earth-atmosphere system, thereby determining the earth’s climate and making organic life on earth possible. Solar radiation provides the energy that plants need for growth. The knowledge about the spatial distribution and temporal variation of solar radiati...
Solar radiation is a key input variable for crop growth models. However, direct measurement of solar radiation is performed operationally for only a limited number of weather stations. Instead of direct measurements, empirical solar radiation models are used that link solar radiation to more commonly measured meteorological variables. Coefficients...
Conference Paper
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The European Commission requires in-season crop yield forecasts at a European level as part of the decision making process on market intervention and for policy support. For the past twenty years, the Monitoring Agricultural Resources (MARS) Unit of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) has operationally produced such forecasts using...
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Low spatial resolution of the NOAA-AVHRR images causes that observation footprints of the pixels can overlay the surface of more than one land cover type. The pure signal can be obtained for pixels covering only one land cover class. The extraction of the vegetation index (e.g. NDVI) for one land cover class can be interfered by the presence of oth...
Crop monitoring systems that rely on agrometeorologic models require estimates of global radiation. These estimates are difficult to obtain due to the limited number of weather stations that measure this variable. In the present study, we validated the global radiation estimates derived from MeteoSat Second Generation (MSG) and evaluated their use...
Conference Paper
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The area of the research is a part of the Landscape Park and belongs to agri-environment ecosystem of South-West Poland. The study on vegetation growth conditions has been carried out applying optical data from TERRA/ASTER, TERRA/MODIS, and ENVISAT/MERIS as well as microwave data from ENVISAT/ASAR. In situ data collected at the time of satellite ob...
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In this paper we briefly present a whole processing chain for the preparation of NDVI 10- day composites derived from NOAA/AVHRR in 1 km2 spatial resolution and then we put strong emphasis on final noise reduction of the NDVI time series. The method of noise reduction is based on the Savitzky-Golay filter, which was introduced by Chen (2004). It in...
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The protection and regeneration of wetlands has been of crucial importance as a goal in ecological research and in nature conservation for some time and is more important than ever now. Knowledge about the biophysical properties of wetlands' vegetation retrieved from satellite images enables us to improve the monitoring of these unique areas, which...


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