Jeanne Hersant

Jeanne Hersant
Jeanne verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Jeanne verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile | UC · Escuela de Trabajo Social

Associate professor School of Social Work Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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Jeanne Hersant is a faculty member of the School of Social Work at te Catholic University of Chile. She does research in Sociology of Law and Qualitative Social Research. Her current investigation deals with access to justice, criminal justice and therapeutic jurisprudence. She also led an investigation on "Women in mathematics in Chile. Sociology of a scientific field from a gender perspective".
Additional affiliations
June 2008 - June 2010
University of Freiburg
  • PostDoc Position
September 2005 - July 2021
University of Bordeaux
  • Lecturer
June 2013 - March 2016
Playa Ancha University of Educational Sciences
  • Senior Researcher
October 2001 - October 2007
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Field of study
  • Turkish and Balkan Studies, sociology
October 2000 - June 2001
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Field of study
  • Turkish and Balkan Studies, sociology


Publications (50)
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This article delves into the social, political and judicial processes that led Chile, a historically conservative country in terms of sexuality, gender and family, to approve a law recognizing marriage and parentage for same-sex couples in 2021. To this end, the empirical design combines 42 semi-structured interviews with activists, lawyers, judges...
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Résumé Cet article rend compte d’un processus de recherche sur le champ des mathématiques au Chili, et en particulier sur la carrière des femmes dans le milieu scientifique, et l’ethos mathématicien. Ce projet a été mené à bien par une équipe de chercheur·e·s composée à parité de sociologues et mathématiciennes, ce qui constitue selon nous une expé...
Technical Report
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Este artículo, parte de la Serie Temas de la Agenda Pública, examina las virtudes y desafíos del enfoque de la justicia terapéutica, a través del análisis del programa de Tribunales de Tratamiento de Drogas (TTD), implementado desde 2004, destacando su potencial para la rehabilitación y reinserción de personas en conflicto con la ley, en contraposi...
Chile has gone through two consecutive periods of exceptionality between late 2019 and mid-2021. By exceptionality, we refer to the suspension of fundamental rights such as freedom of movement, access to education and justice. The protests known as the “Chilean October” of 2019, characterised by many human rights violations performed by police forc...
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En este artículo se presenta una investigación realizada en el contexto del curso Estrategias de Producción y Análisis Cualitativo, el que tuvo una modalidad de aprendizaje más servicio, de forma tal, en que estudiantes y docentes realizaron un estudio sobre los Círculos de Escucha en San Joaquín, ubicado en La Legua, para así brindar resultados y...
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A través de este estudio etnográfico y archivístico, queremos reflexionar sobre la manera en que se aborda el acceso a la justicia y la penalidad cotidiana en Chile en la década del 1990 y el 2000. Estos temas han sido a menudo opacados por el análisis de los procesos de justicia transicional. En los Juzgados del Crimen, la investigación y la perse...
Hasta fines de los años 1980, numerosos ciudadanos griegos musulmanes de Tracia occidental emigraron clandestinamente a Turquía para pedir asilo político pese a que eran ciudadanos europeos. El estudio de estos flujos migratorios permite operar una sociología histórica de la construcción nacional en Turquía. La primera parte de este artículo indaga...
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On Victims, Social Proof, and Hand-stitched Judicial Files in Chile’s Inquisitorial Criminal Justice System (1991-2004) This article handles the issue of the elaboration of judicial proof in the Chilean inquisitorial judicial system where there is no status for victims. We address the issues of access to justice and ordinary punishment in Latin Ame...
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Merit and Kindness: Making a Career in the Legal Administration of Chili (1974-2016) There are few studies of the public administration in Chili. The present article examines the court employees who oversaw investigations in the Chilean judicial system between the 1970s and the 2000s, with particular attention given the illegal but at the time very...
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This article analyzes how the lower criminal courts in Chile transitioned from an inquisitorial to an adversarial justice system between 2000 and 2005 as part of the Criminal Procedure Reform. Drawing on the frame analysis of the street-level bureaucracy and judicial ethnography, I examine the transition between two different types of judicial bure...
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This symposium focuses on judicial politics at the micro level. Its aim is to shed lighton justice in action, drawing on an ethnographic approach to explore the routinedecision-making practices of judges and other legal actors, and to study their interactionswith citizens and politicians. Each article is based on close observation of the interactio...
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Cet article propose un panorama de la féminisation de la recherche en mathématiques au Chili, ainsi qu’un programme de recherche qui permette l’étude sociologique de ce champ scientifique. La première partie passe en revue les théories féministes de l’histoire des sciences ainsi que l’état de l’art en sociologie des mathématiques. La seconde partie...
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This article provides an overview of the feminization of research in mathematics in Chile and a research program that advances the sociological study of this scientific field. The first part reviews the feminist theories about the history of science and the state of the art in sociology of mathematics. The second part gives a first glimpse on the p...
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La investigación presentada en este artículo propone una cabo en Chile entre el 2000 y el 2005. Es decir, una mirada desde la perspectiva de aquellos que no deciden, que no hacen ni interpretan la ley, aquellos que aplican reglamentos y procedimientos y que son el rostro visible de la Justicia, y por consiguiente del Estado. Las reflexiones present...
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Research relationships in the social sciences are becoming increasingly codified through formal procedures set by ethics committees. This article addresses the virtues of improvisation based on two fieldwork experiences in countries where ethics protocols are not institutionalized and are left to the judgement of researchers. The first involves the...
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Sovereignty and Governmentality : The Greek-Turkish Rivalry in Eastern Thrace The question of the largely Turkish-speaking Muslim minority of Western Thrace is usually seen as a simple component of the “Turkish-Greek dispute”. With two competing state logics inscribed in the social body, it is worth retracing the processes that have resulted in the...
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Hometown (hemşehri)organisations are associations and foundations regrouping people from the same place or memleket (village, town, county). The current thematic issue also deals with organisations regrouping migrants (göçmen) from the ‘Turkish World’, mainly the Balkans and the Caucasus. In Turkey, hometown organisations have appeared in the 1940s...
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Ce texte évoque d'une part à la façon dont l'État turc, par différents canaux (religieux, scolaires, économiques), à l'extérieur de ses frontières ou en les faisant venir en Turquie, forme, recrute ou fidélise des personnes prêtes à « servir l'État ». Pour ces personnes, qu'on nommera par commodité Turcs des Balkans (malgré la référence à une rhéto...
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Until the end of the 1980s, many of the Muslims living in Greek Thrace –who are European citizens – used to emigrate illegally and to seek asylum in Turkey. Beyond the trivial or unusual aspect of this statement of fact, the study of such migratory fluxes allows us to carry out a sociology of the Turkish nation-building process. The first part of t...
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This article examines the construction of a Turkish minority in Western Thrace from a historical perspective. It suggests that the identification of Turks in Thrace as a minority is due, first, to the fact that Greek authorities impeded the economic development of the region and its Muslim minority, and, second, to the Turkish state's promotion of...
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‘Identity mobilisation and political representation of the ‘Turks’ in Western Thrace: the 2004 Greek general elections.’Western Thrace is a Greek region bordering Bulgaria and Turkey. Two of its administrative divisions (nomos) – Rhodopi and Xanthi – are mainly inhabited by members of the so-called ‘Muslim minority’. Muslims remained in Greece afte...
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L'adhésion de la Grèce à la CEE en 1981 a nécessité plusieurs années de négocia-tions. Côté grec, à une résistance ouvertement politique des dirigeants jusqu'à l'adoption de l'Acte unique européen s'est substituée une résistance de type insti-tutionnel qui se traduit surtout par un contournement des principes comme la libre circulation, au nom de l...
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This paper deals with the politicisation of the so-called Batı Trakyalı (members of the Turkish speaking minority in Western Thrace, Greece)in Turkey. The network of their associations is connected to ‘politics’ in both senses of the word: firstly, as the conduit by which collective awareness and involvement led to the construction of the Turkish n...
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Soucieux du sillage tracé par Raymond Williams3, le présent dossierpose en préalable la nécessité d’une interrogation sur les mots clés, le vocabulaire de la communauté
Qu’est-ce qu’une « communauté » ? Partons du constat que ce terme estéminemment polysémique. D’un point de vue étique, il s’agit d’uneconstruction intellectuelle inscrite dans plusieurs traditions sociologiques,et qui a parfois pu être constituée en idéal-type d’une organisationsociale, ce qui pose une question centrale : la communauté estelleun un...


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