Jean Toupin

Jean Toupin
Université de Sherbrooke | UdeS · Department of Psychoeducation



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July 1989 - September 2014
Université de Sherbrooke
  • Professor


Publications (107)
The quality of peer attachment in adolescence is an important determinant of psychosocial adjustment. To date, few clear conclusions can be drawn about the most important factors associated with the quality of peer attachment. This study aimed to identify the most important individual and relational factors associated with peer attachment quality,...
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Introduction Risky sexual behaviors in adolescence are associated with negative health and psychological functioning outcomes. Although the association between behavior problems and risky sexual behaviors is well established, addressing these problems requires understanding the mechanisms that help explain this association. Adolescent attachment, w...
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Background: Attachment to parents during adolescence has been identified as an important indicator of psychosocial adaptation. However, the relative importance of the adolescents’ behavior problems and the larger relational context likely to influence the quality of these relationships remains relatively underexplored. The present study aims to ide...
Le CBQ-SF (Children’s Behavior Questionnaire - Short Form, Putnam, Rothbart, 2006) permet d’évaluer le tempérament des enfants. L’objectif de cette étude est de valider une version canadienne francophone du CBQ-SF. L’échantillon compte 318 enfants âgés de 6 à 9 ans. Le tempérament a été évalué à deux reprises sur une période d’un an. Les problèmes...
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The Dual Failure Model suggests that peer victimization (social failure) and academic difficulties (academic failure) mediate the association between externalizing and later internalizing problems. The present study sought to better understand why children with externalizing problems develop later internalizing problems by testing the Dual Failure...
Parent and Peer Attachment in Early Adolescents with and without Disruptive Behavior Disorder Several studies have shown associations between attachment insecurity and externalizing behavioral problems from childhood to adolescence (Fearon, Bakermans-Kranenburg, van IJzendoorn, Lapsley & Roisman, 2010, Madigan, Brumariu, Villani, Atkinson & Lyons-R...
Objective Clinicians may specify the diagnosis of conduct disorder (CD) as “with limited prosocial emotions” (LPE). This specifier is thought to identify youths with particularly severe and stable symptomatology. However, few studies have examined the clinical usefulness of the LPE specifier among children with childhood-onset CD. The current study...
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Studies suggest that girls with externalizing problems (ExtP) who receive school-based mental health services may have more severe impairments than boys. In addition, girls with ExtP who receive mental health treatments have been found do so for shorter durations, but this remains to be confirmed among children receiving school-based mental health...
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Early onset conduct problems (CP) are at high risk of persistence throughout childhood. In addition, previous research has suggested that CP are at higher risk of persistence when they co-occur with psychopathic traits. Among the three dimensions of psychopathic traits in children (callous-unemotional, narcissism, and impulsivity), research has mai...
Youth with conduct problems present frequently depressive symptoms. Academic skills are thought to be a mediating variable by which conduct problems could lead to depressive symptoms. No studies have longitudinally compared this model among school-aged boys and girls with different levels of conduct problems. Cascade models were tested to examine t...
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This study investigated the relationship between the three DSM-5 categories of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms (irritable mood, defiant behavior, vindictive behavior) and anxiety/depression in girls and boys with conduct problems (CP) while controlling for comorbid child psychopathology at baseline. Data were drawn from an ongoing long...
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Youth with conduct problems (CP) may experience high rates of depressive symptoms (DS). However, little is known about the direction of the longitudinal associations between CP and DS in this specific population. Although girls with CP appear at greater risk than boys for presenting comorbid depression, empirical research on gender differences in t...
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Students with conduct problems (CPs) may present heterogeneity in terms of behavioral manifestations and service needs. Previous studies using Latent Class Analysis (LCA) to capture this heterogeneity have been conducted mostly with community samples and have often applied a narrow definition of CP. Considering this context, this study investigated...
Aggressive behavior is one of the most challenging symptoms in psychiatry, and biological markers for aggression lack of large sample validations. Serotonin (5-HT) and other neuroactive compounds deriving from Tryptophan (Trp), including kynurenine (Kyn), have not yet been investigated in large cohorts of aggressive individuals to validate their po...
En milieu carcéral, la prévalence des troubles mentaux et des décès par suicide atteint des proportions largement supérieures à celles de la population générale, le risque de mourir par suicide étant de 11 à 14 fois plus élevé. À partir d’un échantillon de 565 individus nouvellement incarcérés, le lien entre les tentatives de suicide et les trouble...
There is limited empirical research on the correlates of conduct problems (CP) and depression comorbidity during childhood. This study investigated 479 elementary school children (48.2% girls). It compared children with comorbidity to children with CP only, depression only, and control children on individual, academic, social, and family characteri...
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Objectives: Examine possible differences in patterns of maternal functioning related to physical and indirect types of aggression one year later and to determine whether patterns were gender-related in children. The hypothesized coercion model assumes that maternal emotional distress indirectly influences children's aggressive behavior through the...
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Résumé: Les troubles des conduites (TC) qui surviennent dès l'enfance chez les filles n'ont fait l'objet que d’encore peu de recherche pour comprendre les facteurs qui affectent leur développement et leur évolution. Cette étude est basée sur l'hypothèse qu'en raison de facteurs de protection propres aux filles, les niveaux de risque associés à leur...
Studies have shown strong continuity between conduct disorder (CD) in adolescence and antisocial personality disorder (APD) in adulthood. Researchers have been trying to explain why some adolescents with CD persist into adult APD and others do not. A few studies reported that overt and covert CD symptoms have a differential predictive power for APD...
Studies show that identifying persistent delinquents on the basis of early antisocial conduct yields a significant error rate. However, evaluating childhood or adolescent psychopathic traits is likely to improve matters in this regard. This study seeks to verify the contribution of psychopathic traits in adolescence to antisocial conduct prediction...
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Depuis deux ou trois décennies, les médias dénoncent les dangers des sectes. Depuis dix ans, des sondages indiquent que les citoyens s’inquiètent pour leur famille. De nombreux pays diligentent des enquêtes parlementaires, créent des observatoires ou promulguent des lois. Une controverse scientifique et philosophique s’en suit. Pour certains, la se...
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The association between the Five-Factor Model of personality (FFM) and antisocial personality disorder (APD) symptoms was investigated in a sample of young males with a history of severe antisocial behavior. Results were compared against those of an expert-consensus study (Lynam and Widiger Journal of Abnormal Psychology 110:401–412, 2001) and thos...
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) are frequently seen in primary students being monitored for behavioural problems. While they may be associated with cognitive problems, few studies distinguish between ODD and CD in this association. Our research compares the performances on a battery of cognitive tests of 169 students d...
Cet article s’intéresse à l’étude de l’interaction des variables familiales et de tempérament sur la persistance des conduites antisociales chez les enfants âgés de 6 à 11 ans. Ces variables sont identifiées comme des facteurs associés de près à l’émergence et au maintien des troubles de comportement chez les enfants. Le cadre conceptuel sur la per...
Recent research suggests that personality traits are associated with delinquency. T-tests were run to identify which traits and facets of the Five-Factor Model of Personality contributed to differentiate persistent juvenile delinquents (n=48) from normative peers (n=48). Results showed that two traits, namely Agreeableness and Neuroticism, and 12 f...
This study aims at establishing a comparative psychological profile of male and female adolescents at the moment of the application of measures in juvenile centers in Québec (centres jeunesse du Québec, CJQ) as well as their family and social characteristics. The study compares 213 adolescents (12-17 years old) receiving services in CJQ in accordan...
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This study is testing the psychometric properties of the French version of the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD, Frick & Hare, 2001). Reliability and validity of the scales (impulsivity/conduct problems, callous/unemotional), as well as the total scale are tested on a sample of 306 children (mean age: 9.9 years) receiving special educatio...
Cette etude etablit le profil psychologique comparatif des adolescentes et des adolescents au moment de l’application des mesures dans des centres jeunesse du Quebec, de meme que les caracteristiques familiales et sociales de ces jeunes. La recherche compare 213 adolescents (12-17 ans) qui recoivent des services en CJ en vertu de la Loi sur les jeu...
To describe symptomatology and specific psychological, social, and academic adaptation in adolescents with depressive disorder and comorbid disruptive behaviour disorder, as well as their family situation. Using binomial logistic regressions, this study compares adolescents with depressive disorder and comorbid disruptive behaviour disorder (n=25)...
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Although intervention for adolescents with concomitant conduct disorders and substance abuse must be adapted to the individual, familial and social characteristics of the adolescent, few studies have examined the characteristics specific to the concomitance of these problems. The objective of this study was to examine the differences between adoles...
A number of studies have shown the assessment of psychopathy to provide a useful basis for predicting adult criminal recidivism. However, where research on delinquent adolescents is concerned, the findings have been derived from rather small samples, such that additional investigation is warranted. The objective of the present study is to conduct a...
Objectif Décrire la symptomatologie ainsi que l'adaptation psychologique, sociale et scolaire spécifique des adolescents qui présentent un trouble dépressif cooccurrent à un trouble de comportement perturbateur, de même que leur situation familiale. Méthode Cette étude compare, à l'aide de régressions logistiques binomiales, des adolescents ayant...
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Résumé L’article porte sur les caractéristiques familiales et sociales qui distinguent des élèves présentant des troubles du comportement au primaire (n=306) d’élèves non à risque (n=101). Ces caractéristiques sont examinées selon la nature et la sévérité des problèmes comportementaux présentés, c’est-à-dire selon qu’ils répondent ou non aux critèr...
Various lines of research point to the overrepresentation of individuals with intellectual disability (ID) in the criminal justice system. Studies have also shown that individuals with ID are vulnerable to mental health problems. To date there have been no Canadian studies of individuals with an ID in the criminal justice system. The present study...
L’étude examine l’évolution d’un groupe d’élèves suivi à l’école pour des troubles de comportement dès le 1 er cycle du primaire et cherche à déterminer si leur adaptation scolaire et sociale au 3 e cycle devient comparable à celle d’enfants n’ayant pas eu de troubles de comportement en début de scolarité. Les résultats montrent que les troubles de...
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Résumé Les résultats de la présente étude, menée auprès de 191 filles d’âge scolaire primaire et de leurs familles accréditent l’hypothèse voulant que le développement des filles qui manifestent fréquemment des conduites agressives indirectes soit qualitativement différent de celui des filles non agressives, mais analogue à celui des filles directe...
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Cette étude brosse un portrait de l’adaptation scolaire, psychologique et sociale d’adolescents inscrits en Centre jeunesse pour troubles de comportement sérieux (N= 78). Ces adolescents sont comparés à un groupe témoin recruté dans des écoles secondaires (N=78). L’étude s’intéresse aussi à l’évolution de ces jeunes une année plus tard. Les résulta...
Malgré les politiques d'adaptation scolaire favorisant l'intégration en classe ordinaire, le quart des élèves en difficulté de comportement est placé en classe spéciale au Québec. Afin d'identifier des facteurs déterminants de ce placement, cette étude examine les caractéristiques comportementales, cognitives, scolaires et sociales d'élèves du prim...
Despite the politics on social integration and mainstream in general education, a substantial proportion of children with behaviour problems are placed in special classes. In order to identify potential determinants of the educational placement, this study examined the characteristics of a sample of 300 elementary school students with behaviour pro...
La fréquence des troubles de comportement chez les adolescents, leur stabilité relative, de même que la récurrence de l’utilisation de services dans les Centres jeunesse pour un sous-groupe de jeunes et de familles suggèrent de mieux connaître les services mis à la disposition des jeunes et des familles. Il est en effet opportun de vérifier la corr...
Un nombre réduit d’études a évalué la réduction des difficultés chez les jeunes et les familles suite à la réception de services dans les Centres Jeunesse au Québec. De telles études sont pourtant utiles pour identifier les effets potentiellement attribuables à l’intervention, de même que pour vérifier si l’intensité des services reçus est associée...
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Despite being essential for defining and planning special educational services, very few data are available in Quebec regarding the nature and extent of behavioural difficulties presented by children who receive special educational services at school. This study provides a picture of the frequency of disruptive behaviour disorders (that is, attenti...
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Résumé Les études contemporaines suggèrent que la plupart des enfants qui manifestent un trouble des conduites présentent également des difficultés personnelles et familiales. Ceci est particulièrement vrai pour les jeunes dont le trouble est précoce. L’identification des caractéristiques personnelles et des facteurs sociaux et familiaux de risque...
Maternal support received by sexual abuse victims is considered a key factor in coping with the aftermath of abuse. The present study looked at four groups of potential predictors of maternal support: mothers' psychosocial characteristics, abuse characteristics, victim's characteristics, and disclosure characteristics. A total of 120 adolescents ag...
Contemporary studies suggest that most of the children who manifest conducts disorder also present personal as well as family problems. This is particularly true for children whose disorder is precocious. The identification of personal characteristics as well as social and family risk and protection factors associated with children with such proble...
Objective: This prospective study of community cases examined: (a) needs for care; (b) whether services meet the needs; and (c) personal factors associated with unmet needs. Method: Two separate ‘Needs for Care Assessment Schedule – Community version’ evaluations identified 38 subjects with No Need (NN), 19 with Met Needs (MN) and 25 with Unmet Nee...
Although young children with conduct disorder (CD) are suspected of having verbal and executive function deficits, most studies that investigated this hypothesis did not control for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, relatively little is known about the interaction between cognitive deficits and familial factors in explai...
Although young children with conduct disorder (CD) are suspected of having verbal and executive function deficits, most studies that investigated this hypothesis did not control for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, relatively little is known about the interaction between cognitive deficits and familial factors in explai...
Although many studies have shown that delinquents are impaired on certain executive function tasks related to frontal lobe functioning, whether psychopaths present with such impairments is still controversial. Lapierre et al. [1995. Neuropsychologia 33:139–151] have investigated a more specific hypothesis of orbitofrontal deficits in psychopaths an...
Compelling findings demonstrate that persons who develop major mental disorders, as compared to those who do not, are at increased risk to commit non-violent and violent crimes. This conclusion has recently been shown to apply to persons with major affective disorders. Thirty males with major affective disorders and 74 with schizophrenia were follo...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether an association exists between neuropsychological deficits and conduct disorder (CD) with and without concurrent attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition, we explored the differential neuropsychological performance of aggressive and nonaggressive CD adolescents and the combined e...
This study examines factors related to the utilization of services for mental health reasons by Montreal residents. Data were drawn from telephone interviews. A random sample of 893 respondents completed a questionnaire on service utilization and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Self Administered to assess DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders. Results...
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Robust evidence has accumulated showing that individuals who develop schizophrenia are at elevated risk when compared to the general population to engage in violence towards others. This violence impacts negatively on victims as well as perpetrators and poses a significant financial burden to society. It is posited that among violent offenders with...
Evidence has been accumulating since the 1960’s indicating that greater proportions of persons who suffer from major mental disorders than non-disordered persons commit crimes, commit crimes of violence, and behave aggressively towards others. Three types of investigations have addressed the relation between the major mental disorders and crime: fo...
Large-scale mental health surveys have provided invaluable information regarding the prevalence of specific mental disorders and service use for mental health reasons. Unfortunately, because vast surveys conducted face to face are very costly, many countries and provinces do not embark upon this path of research, thus depriving themselves of a rich...
An important number of studies have obtained associations between social and familial factors and antisocial behaviors. Some researchers have distinguished between adversity factors, such as life stresses, monoparentality and parent’s mental health, and proximal factors such as parental education practices and family interactions. Studies have demo...
Synopsis One hundred and nine adults were screened in the community using the abridged version of the CIDI (CIDIS). The subjects comprised DSM-III-R current cases ( N = 48), lifetime cases ( N = 31) and non-cases ( N = 30). The interviews with the 109 subjects were conducted by one of two pairs of clinicians and videotaped. Each interviewer–pair in...
Programs for the social and professional rehabilitation of people suffering from mental illness are more or less successful. A substantial proportion of people cannot with this help, find or maintain a job; moreover many prematurely leave their rehabilitation program. This retrospective study attempts to identify variables associated to 1) the fact...
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RÉSUMÉ Les programmes de réadaptation socioprofessionnelle offerts aux personnes présentant des troubles mentaux connaissent des succès mitigés. Une proportion substantielle de personnes n'arrivent pas, avec cette aide, à trouver ou à maintenir un emploi ; en outre, plusieurs quittent prématurément leur programme de réadaptation. Cette étude rétros...
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This investigation was carried out on 31 unemployed schizophrenic outpatient men. The general purpose was to explore new aspects of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. A 108-item version of the Nathan Kline Institute scale of soft signs, the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia psychiatric interview, the negative and positive sy...
With a view to examining the appropriateness of relying solely on pharmacotherapy rather than on a program of multimodal therapy, the goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that there is little relationship between psychotic and affective symptoms on the one hand, and life skills and social functioning on the other. Eighty-four male subjects...
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Thirty-one outpatient men with schizophrenia were assessed with various measures of lifelong history of physical violence as well as psychopathology, neuropsychological performance, and neurological intactness. Most of the results consisted of nonsignificant positive relationships between physical aggression and neuropsychological performance in th...
Studied correlations between symptomatology and social functioning to determine the appropriateness of relying solely on pharmacotherapy in the treatment of schizophrenia (SCZ) and major affective disorder (MAD). Ss were 54 male inpatients (mean age 35 yrs) with SCZ and 30 male inpatients (mean age 36 yrs) with MAD. Correlations between questionnai...
With a view to examining the appropriateness of relying solely on pharmacotherapy rather than on a program of multimodal therapy, the goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that there is little relationship between psychotic and affective symptoms on the one hand, and life skills and social functioning on the other. Eighty-four male subjects...
Examined the reliability and the validity of the French version of the Psychopathology Checklist (PCL-R; R. D. Hare, 1991) adapted for adolescents (A. E. Forth et al, 1990). Ss were 52 13–17 yr old males with a diagnosis of conduct disorder. The overall results support the reliability and the validity of the French version for adolescence. The resu...
Recently, evaluative research has yielded a procedure, the Needs for Care Assessment Schedule (NFCAS), which articulates the problems and the corresponding interventions required by psychiatric patients in a systematic and reproducible manner that is of interest to both administrators and clinicians. Although the NFCAS decisions are ultimately subj...
It is well known that psychotic patients have severe social and life-skill deficits. Psychiatric rehabilitation programs are designed to teach these skills to patients. Before implementing such a program, patient deficits should be evaluated with reliable measures. The present study assessed the psychometric properties of the French version of the...
Synopsis The Needs for Care Assessment Schedule (NFCAS; Brewin et al. 1987) is an itemized and systematic procedure that aims to evaluate the needs for care of long-term mentally ill patients. The present study pursues reliability and validity related issues with the NFCAS in a different cultural context applying the procedure to 98 severely mental...
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This short paper proposes a general computing strategy to compute Kappa coefficients using the SPSS MATRIX routine. The method is based on the following rationale. If the contingency table is considered as a square matrix, then the observed proportions of agreement lie in the main diagonal’s cells, and their sum equals the trace of the matrix, wher...
Recognition of the crucial role of social adjustment in the assessment and understanding of major mental disorders is now well established. Deterioration of social relations is one of the criteria to diagnose schizophrenia according to the DSM-III-R. Recent findings (Bellack, Morrison, Wixted, & Mueser, 1990) suggest variable correlations between s...
La consommation d'alcool et de drogues de 162 patients présentant une symptomatologie psychotique et n'ayant pas de diagnostic primaire d'abus ou de dépendance à une substance psycho-active, fut mesurée à l'aide d'une entrevue structurée. Dans ce groupe, la consommation régulière au cours de la vie atteignait 54,3% (intervalle de confiance, IC, 95%...
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RÉSUMÉ Ce texte détaille les caractéristiques métrologiques de l'Échelle des habiletés de Vie Autonome (EHVA) mesurant les habiletés requises chez des personnes psychotiques, pour fonctionner de façon autonome au sein de la communauté. Ce questionnaire, qui comprend 65 items répartis en dix échelles d'habiletés, a été administré à 276 personnes psy...
In the present study, the types of services received by different groups of psychotic patients was investigated. Also the match between the types of services received and the patient's level of functioning are measured by independent standardized scales was examined. Two-hundred and seventy-six patients have been assessed using a structured intervi...
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Alcohol and drug use can have a devastating impact on the treatment and rehabilitation of psychiatric patients (Drake and Wallach, 1989). Beyond its psychotomimetic effects blurring the diagnosis (Hall, Popkin, Stickney, and Gardner, 1978), alcohol and drug use exacerbates cognitive deficits (Brown, Ridgely, Pepper, Levine, and Ryglewicz, 1989) and...
This paper examines theoretical, technical and operational aspects of need assessment in mental health. Need assessment methodologies are surveyed whether they are based on clinical or statistical prediction. Assessment tools issued from these perspectives are discussed in terms of psychometric properties, acceptability for users, costs and exhaust...