Jean SogbedjiUniversity of Lomé · Department of Soil Sciences
Jean Sogbedji
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September 2003 - October 2012
Université de LoméSciences du Sol
- Head of Department of Soil Sciences
Publications (87)
This study conducted in Kloto District (Togo, West Africa) analysed time series land use transition carbon gains, losses, and emissions using a matrix of land use change and point-based emission and removal estimators. Land use transition experiment plots, slope gradient composite soil sampling methods across forest and agricultural lands were used...
This study analyses forest reference level in terms of loss, gain and transitions among forest, cocoa agroforestry, cassava, maize, settlement and others in the Kloto district (Togo) for REDD+ and sustainable forest and agriculture. The pixel-based classification was adopted and combined with the extended change matrix quantity and intensity analys...
This study investigates proximate drivers of cropland and forest degradation in the Kloto district (Togo, West Africa) as a way of exploring integrated sustainable landscape approaches with respect to socioeconomic and environmental needs and requirements. Net change analysis of major cash and food crops based on Landsat data from three time steps...
This study investigates proximate drivers of cropland and forest degradation in Kloto district (Togo, West Africa) as, way of, exploring integrated sustainable landscape approaches in respect to socio-economic and environmental needs and requirements. Net change analysis of major cash and food crops based on three time steps Landsat data (1985–2002...
Accurate forest reference and emission level (FRL, FREL) with related policies and regulations are the key determinants in establishing sustainable forest ecosystem management programmes (e.g. REDD+). This fundamental is for promoting and sustaining climate smart agricultural practices in a changing climate. With the aim to deliver better knowledge...
An experimental program was carried out in the year 2012 on tree main soil types: ferric Luvisols, gleyic Luvisols and eutric Gleysols in two agroecolological zones of Northern Benin. The global objective was to update the mineral fertilizer formulas recommended for maize production in these zones. The experimental design was a randomized completed...
The use of the model Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) was combined with on-farm experiments to evaluate soil nutrient status under soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques such as stone barriers and Zaï to update fertilizer formulae used in sorghum production in the northern part of Burkina Faso. Results from nutr...
Saline-water intrusion is a growing problem for sustaining agricultural productivity along River Gambia as results of sea-level rise. On this concern, the study attempts to examine farmers’ knowledge and adaptive responses to saline-water intrusion on the rice-growing areas of Lower River Region (LRR) of The Gambia. Five villages practicing swamp r...
Background and aims
Enhanced understanding of plant and nutrient interactions is key to improving yields. We adapted the model for QUantitative Evaluation of the Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) to assess cassava yield response to soil and fertilizer nutrients in West Africa.
Data from on-station and farmer’s field experiments across T...
Precipitation is one of the important variables in hydrological cycle and has important application in both irrigated and rainfed agricultural crop production. Better understanding of spatio-temporal variability of precipitation across Togo is important and useful for water users and most agricultural activities. Thus, the objective this study was...
Water management for agriculture is a worry in the world. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on water control's technologies for the crops in wetlands. Comparison research work carried out on different irrigation systems revealed that drip irrigation can lead to 28-35% of water saving in relation to irrig...
Water management for agriculture is a worry in the world. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on water control’s technologies for the crops in wetlands. Comparison research work carried out on different irrigation systems revealed that drip irrigation can lead to 28-35% of water saving in relation to irrig...
Water management for agriculture is a worry in the world. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on water control’s technologies for the crops in wetlands. Comparison research work carried out on different irrigation systems revealed that drip irrigation can lead to 28-35% of water saving in relation to irrig...
La combinaison de fertilisants minéraux et organiques est la meilleure approche de fertilisation du maïs. Cependant, en Afrique occidentale, la disponibilité limitée des fertilisants organiques favorise l’utilisation exclusive des engrais minéraux. Malheureusement, les recommandations de doses d’engrais minéraux sont obsolètes, indépendantes de la...
The land degradation in Benin becomes a major concern for the durability of the production systems. For a better maize productivity in the North of the country, the experimentation was carried out during the production season 2012-2013, on two soil types: concretionned ferruginous tropical soil and hydromorphic ferruginous tropical soil. The object...
Flooding is the most devastating hydro-meteorological disaster in Togo leading to death of people and destruction of socioecological systems each year, which calls for rainfall and return period analyses to help plan early warning systems. Hence, the foucus of this study was to examin the trend of rainfall in the basin and also estimate flood retur...
The Lower Mono River Basin has been identified as an annual flood hotspot in Togo, where human and ecological systems are negatively impacted. As a result, this paper focused on the assessment and mapping of the vulnerability of communities to flooding. Indicator-based assessment, using the MOVE Framework and GIS technique are used in mapping the v...
Maximiser l’efficience d’utilisation des nutriments en culture irriguée est un atout pour la création de la résilience agricole au changement climatique. Nous avons évalué l’effet de la fertilisation minérale sur le rendement et la rentabilité économique en riziculture irriguée pour identifier des stratégies de gestion optimales des nutriments. Qua...
La réalité actuelle en Afrique de l’Ouest marquée par une population à croissance galopante, l’insécurité alimentaire, un accès limité aux intrants agricoles, des sols dégradés et surexploités ainsi qu’un climat instable, exige de maximiser l’efficience d’utilisation des nutriments en agriculture, notamment de l’azote, pour relever le défi alimenta...
Des stratégies efficientes de gestion des nutriments sont indispensables pour une production améliorée durable. Nous avons étudié l’effet de cinq traitements de fertilisation sur la performance du gombo dans un cycle de deux cultures successives à la SEA de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie de l’Université de Lomé, sur sol ferralitique (terre de barre...
La tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fait partie des cultures maraichères les plus consommées au Togo. Cependant, sa production est handicapée par un faible rendement principalement imputable à la dégradation des sols. Ce travail a évalué la performance de la tomate sous différents traitements de fertilisation pour identifier des stratégies de...
Le changement climatique impose l’utilisation des variétés appropriées et une gestion efficiente du sol. Un essai factoriel à trois répétitions avec neuf variétés de maïs et quatre options de fertilisation a été conduit pendant deux saisons à la SEAL de l’université de Lomé. Les options de fertilisation comprenaient: témoin (T1), fumier à la dose d...
L’amélioration de l’efficience d’utilisation des nutriments et l’utilisation des variétés de culture appropriées sont exigées pour produire durablement assez de nourriture. Nous avons étudié la réponse de trois variétés de manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) à trois doses d’application de potassium (K) sur les ferralsols du sud Togo. L’objectif est d...
L’arachide fait partie des cultures dont l’importance a récemment pris beaucoup d’ampleur au Togo suite à une crise cotonnière dans le pays. Cependant, il ya peu ou pas d’information sur la fertilisation de la culture. La présente étude a été conduite à la SEAL/ESA de l’Université de Lomé avec pour objectif d’identifier des formules de fertilisatio...
Dans le contexte actuel du changement climatique, l’amélioration durable des productions agricoles reste sujette à une gestion efficiente de l’utilisation des nutriments par les cultures. Le rendement en grain du maïs et la rentabilité économique y afférent ont été déterminés sous différentes fertilisation dans une étude de deux ans (quatre saisons...
Améliorer la production du riz en système irrigué tout en protégeant la qualité de l’environnement peut être possible à travers une maximisation de l’efficience d’utilisation des nutriments particulièrement l’azote (N) et des densités de peuplement appropriées. La présente étude a pour objectif d'évaluer l’effet de deux formes d’utilisation de N et...
L’utilisation des formules de fertilisation pan-territoriales fait partie des principales causes de la non-maitrise de la productivité des sols et de l’incertitude de la rentabilité économique des productions agricoles. Dans cette étude, des essais soustractifs on été conduits en 2006 sous culture de maïs pour calibrer le model QUEFTS (Quantitative...
Dans le contexte actuel du changement climatique et de la dégradation des sols, l’utilisation efficiente de l’eau et des nutriments s’impose en production agricole en général et particulièrement en culture maraichère. Nous avons évalué la performance de la tomate sous deux modes d’apport d’eau et différentes approches de fertilisation minérale en 2...
-Ogun Area of
Oyo State, which is widely known as the food basket of South-
Western Nigeria, is a flood prone area
exacerbated by climate variability. Therefore, this study was carried out mainly to assess the impact of flood disasters on the livelihoods of
farmers in Ok
e-Ogun Region of Oyo State, Nigeria. The data collected through in-
Soils in the northern savanna zone of Ghana are poor in plant nutrients and are prone to compaction. Some amount of tillage and the application of fertilizers to enhance crop yields are necessary. To assess the performance of maize (cv: Obatanpa) on two tillage systems (Manual and bullock plough) by the application of different fertilizers on the s...
A multi-location study was conducted to assess the nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) requirements of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) for a local variety Digang cultivated in the northern Savannahs of Ghana and offer site specific nutrient recommendations. Ten on-farm nutrient omission trials involving five rates of N, P and K combinati...
It has been repeatedly argued that mineral fertiliser application combined with in situ retention of crop residue biomass can sustain long-term productivity of West African soils. Using 20-year experimental data from southern Togo, a biannual rainfall area, we analysed the effect of two rates of mineral NPK fertiliser application to maize–cotton ro...
This present study aims at optimizing the maize production in the context of climate change in southern Togo. A two cropping-season factorial experiment involving three maize varieties and four N- fertilization schemes with three replications was laid. All varieties were grown under four fertilization treatments using two sources of N (ordinary ure...
Maximizing nitrogen (N) use efficiency is needed to enhance maize (Zea
mays L.) production in the coastal western Africa. We assessed the effects of
N fertilizer rate and form of application on the yield and N use efficiency
under maize in a 2-yr study (2014-2015) with four growing seasons
conducted at the Agronomic Research Station of the Universi...
We assessed maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield and associated
economic returns of four soil fertility management strategies in a 2-yr study
(four growing seasons). The Ikenne maize cultivar was used and the
fertilization treatments included: no fertilizer application (control, T1),
application of farmyard manure (FYM) at the rate of 6 Mg ha-1...
A field study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (AMF) Glomus sp. on the plant growth, the flowering and the fruit yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.). Thus, 4 strains of Glomus sp. (M233, M353, B3 and Gd) were tested in comparison with NPK fertilizer on 3 tomato varieties ICRIXINA, TROPIMECH...
In the current context of degraded soils and the evidence of climate change and variability, the use of appropriate varieties along with proper soil fertility management is needed to sustainably improve maize production. A two cropping-season factorial experiment involving nine maize varieties and four fertilization schemes with three replications...
Objectifs : Dans la recherche des alternatives ecologiques a l’utilisation des nematicides de synthese dangereux pour l’homme et l’environnement, la presente etude se propose d’investiguer sur l’efficacite de l’association des champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires Glomus sp. et des plants de tomate contre les nematodes ravageurs de cette culture....
Improved nutrient use efficiency and use of appropriate crop varieties are required towards producing enough food in a sustainable manner. This study assessed the response of three cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) varieties to three potassium (K) fertilization rates on West African ferralsols. It aimed at identifying optimal K fertilizer applicat...
Agronomic trials were conducted on tropical ferruginous soils in a 2-yr cycle (2013-2014) in 6 family-based fields. Cotton and cowpea crops were grown in 2013 and a maize (Zea mays L.)-based nutrient omission trials (NOT) were in 2014. Nutrient omission trial (NOT) was conducted on maize in year 2014 with these producers left in two groups to ident...
Enhanced livelihoods for populations, especially smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa may be achieved
through improved cropping systems. We assessed the economic returns from maize grain yield and the effects of three
cropping systems on soil properties in an eight-year study segmented in cycles of two years each: continuous maize (Zea mays
Maize (Zea mays) is Ghana's most important cereal crop grown in all agro-ecological zones by smallholder farmers. The average yield of maize (1.7 tha-1) is far below attainable yield of 5.5 tha-1. This is due to reliance on rain fed farming, local seed varieties and low inputs use. Farmers face many challenges in their attempt to adopt the use of f...
This study was carried out to determine the effect of the combination of different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers on yield and quality traits of yam varieties of the complex D. cayenensis - rotundata. Measured parameters were yield, nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) contents of the yam tubers, dry weight matters and organoleptic qualities of...
Applying dynamic computer simulation models in integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) systems can be useful for identifying those systems with efficient nutrient use and a sustainable resource base. We evaluated the performance of the Precision Nitrogen Management (PNM) model for simulating soil profile nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) distribution an...
The concern about climate change and its effects on agriculture continue to stimulate research and policy interests. This study assessed changes in weather using observed daily rainfall, temperature and solar radiation for a 30-yr period (1981 to 2011) and determined the effects of climate change scenarios generated with the MAGICC and SCENGEN mode...
Luxuriant weed growth destroying rice crops is a major problem in tropical Africa. The objective of this study was to determine the critical period of weed infestation in upland rice varieties in order to enable the development of more precise weed management recommendations for farmers. The effects of 10 differing periods of weed management on upl...
Luxuriant weed growth destroying rice crops is a major problem in tropical Africa. The objective of this
study was to determine the critical period of weed infestation in upland rice varieties in order to enable
the development of more precise weed management recommendations for farmers. The effects of 10
differing periods of weed management on upl...
L’étude a montré que les sols des régions Sud et Centre du Bénin ont de très faibles capacités d’échange cationique. Les résultats de l’étude contribueront à sensibiliser les acteurs du secteur agricole sur la nécessité de restaurer la fertilité de ces sols. La restauration de la fertilité des sols des régions Sud et Centre du Bénin devra se baser...
Fertilizer recommendations in sub-sahalian of Africa are often obsoletes and pan-territorial despite of
soil degradation and the diversity of soil types crop and weather. It is necessary to actualize these
recommendations and to adapt them to the agroecological diversity. Therefore, a system approach
integrating the land evaluation and the applicat...
Les recommandations d’engrais en Afrique Sub-saharienne sont pour la plupart désuètes et générales malgré l’état de la dégradation des sols, et la diversité des sols, des cultures et du climat. Il s’avère alors nécessaire d’actualiser ces recommandations afin de les adapter à la diversité agroécologique. Dans ce cadre, l’utilisation d’approches de...
L’étude a montré que les sols des régions Sud et Centre du Bénin ont de très faibles capacités d’échange cationique. Les résultats de l’étude contribueront à sensibiliser les acteurs du secteur agricole sur la nécessité de restaurer la fertilité de ces sols. La restauration de la fertilité des sols des régions Sud et Centre du Bénin devra se baser...
In the arid and semi-arid regions, soil moisture deficiency largely limits sustainable crop production. In the Nigerian dry Savanna (Northern Guinea savanna, arid and semi-arid zones), dry spells commonly occur between June and July, often lasts beyond three weeks. Rainfall is unevenly distributed and results in insufficient soil moisture for crop...
A two-year emergency rice (Oryza sativa L.) initiative project was launched in 2009 in response to the global rice crisis in 2008. The objective of this initiative in Ghana was to increase rice productivity in order to improve food security. Project activities included seed fairs, dissemination of information on improved production technologies usi...
In southwestern Togo, Albizia adianthifolia is a common shading species for coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre var robusta) whose impact on soil chemistry is poorly documented. We compared chemical properties of soils collected at 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm depths in shaded coffee and adjacent unshaded coffee plots in a paired design. Exchangeable bases and...
Soil degradation in the savannah-derived agroecosystems of West Africa is often associated with rapid depletion of organic
carbon stocks in soils of coarse texture. Field experiments were conducted over a period of more than 30years at two sites
in semiarid Togo to test the impact of agricultural management practices on soil C stocks and crop produ...
This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of the Rothamsted Carbon Model in simulating the C pool in cultivated Alfisols, while also assessing the impact of climate change on C pool variation patterns and on carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. The model input data was from two 30 year experiments conducted at Elavagnon (N 7° 58', E 1° 21')...
Evaluation of the applicability and validity of hydrologic simulation models for various cropping systems in different hydrogeologic and soil conditions is needed for a range of spatial scales. We calibrated and tested the ADAPT model for simulating streamflow from 552 to 1,985 km2 watersheds in central Illinois, where more than 79 percent of the l...
Assessing the accuracy of agronomic and water quality simulation models in different soils, land-use systems, and environments provides a basis for using and improving these models. We evaluated the performance of the ADAPT model for simulating riverine nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) export from a 1500-km2 watershed in central Illinois, where approximate...
Introduction of cover cropping systems may be important to a stable food supply in sub-Saharan Africa. We examined the effects of three cropping systems in a 2-yr, four growing season study in Togo: continuous maize (Zea mays L.), maize-mucuna (Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C.), and maize-pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). Mucuna and pigeon pea were grown in...
Mathematical models may be used to develop management strategies that optimize the use of nutrients from complex sources such
as manure in agriculture. The Precision Nitrogen Management (PNM) model is based on the LEACHN model and a maize N uptake/growth
and yield model and focuses on developing more precise N management recommendations. The PNM mo...
Timing of manure application affects N leaching. This 3-yr study quantified N losses from liquid manure application on two soils, a Muskellunge clay loam and a Stafford loamy sand, as affected by cropping system and timing of application. Dairy manure was applied at an annual rate of 93 800 L ha(-1) on replicated drained plots under continuous maiz...
Mathematical models may be applied to simulate nitrogen (N) dynamics under different types of soil and environmental conditions to assess fertilizer N needs or to predict nitrate-N (NO3–N) potential impact on water quality. The research version of LEACHMN was evaluated using data from lysimeters and field experiments conducted at the University of...
Optimizing major nutrients and particularly nitrogen (N) use on maize (Zea mays L.) in West African countries is an increasing concern due to the scarcity of resources and inefficient fertilizer use. We investigated the effects of N fertilizer rate and timing of application on maize grain yield, nitrate (NO3-N) leaching and N budget, and estimated...
In settings with relatively uniform soils and land use, field-scale hydrologic and water quality models may be useful simulation tools for analyzing the effects of climate change or policy alternatives. In this study, we evaluated the performance of the ADAPT model for simulating water outflow (tile drainage plus surface runoff) from 622 to 1500 km...
Nitrogen dynamics in soils are affected by spatial and temporal processes. Drainage class is generally regarded to be the most significant source of variability for N in temperate humid climates. A 5-year study was conducted including four rates of N fertilizer and three drainage classes within a 15 ha maize (Zea mays L.) field. Variance component...
Testing of existing agronomic models is needed to ensure their validity and applicability to different soils, cropping systems and environments. Data collected from a 3-year field experiment of maize (zea mays L.) on a loamy sand and a clay loam soil were used to validate the research version of the LEACHMN model for water flow and N fate and trans...
The need for efficient use of agricultural chemicals and their potential adverse impact on critical water resources have increased the use of simulation models of the soil and plant system. Nevertheless, there is currently little or no agreement concerning model validity and applicability in varied soils and environments. The research version of LE...
Leaching loss as nitrate (NO3) is a growing concern because of its potential effect on water resources. Leaching of NO3 with drainage water from subsurface-drained field plots seeded to maize (Zea mays L.) in 1992, 1993, and 1994 was measured on two soil types (a clay loam and a loamy sand) and for three N fertilization rates (22, 100, and 134 kg N...
Thesis (M.S.)--Cornell University, May, 1997. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 35-38).
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Cornell University, Jan., 1999. Includes bibliographical references.
"Livelihoods of many people in Sub-Saharan Africa are tightly depending on sustainable watershed resources. Therefore in several countries, watershed development has become a major issue and many interdependent smallholders with low resource endowments are concerned by the use of associated natural resources. In the particular context of West Afric...
Question (1)
These measurements are to be made on soil samples taken at various depths and some are to be made on soil in-situ.