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Publications (76)
La découverte dans les années 1960 d’un gisement fossilifère à vertébrés dans les calcaires lacustres autour d’Aumelas (ouest de Montpellier) fut l’une des premières mentions de mammifères dans l’Eocène moyen du sud de la France. Rapproché du niveau repère mammalien paléogène MP13 (fin Lutétien), le gisement d’Aumelas constituait alors un jalon dét...
A new Propalaeotherium species, clearly distinct from the genus Eurohippus, is described. It is characterized by having a similar size as P. voigti from the German Geiseltal localities (MP 11 to MP 13 reference-level), but differs in several features suggesting a slighty more derived morphology. It presents indeed less brachyodont crowns with less...
Intraspecific variation of endocranial structures is not widely studied in most mammals, particularly fossil mammals, which are mainly represented by a few preserved crania. However, a description of this variation is necessary to be able to study fossil mammals from an ecological and phylogenetic perspective. To facilitate further analyses on foss...
We present here a new revision of the perissodactyls from Robiac, both the MP 16 reference-level of the Paleogene mammalian biochronological scale and the type locality of the Robiacian European Land Mammal Age. The locality of Robiac consists actually of two 500m-distant fossiliferous loci, namely Robiac-Nord and Robiac-Sud. According to current b...
A lens of marly limestone at the bottom of the Tertiary series of the Grandes Platières (Platé Massif, Savoy) has yielded the most important collection of fossil vertebrates so far known from the Paleogene of Western Alps. Ungulate mammals are represented by 35 teeth to be referred to 9 taxa (4 perissodactyls and 5 artiodactyls). This new fauna app...
A new Eocene locality in southern France has yielded a poorly diversified vertebrate fauna but does contain abundant material representing a new species of early equoid, Pachynolophus eulaliensis, sp. nov. Biostratigraphic data for this new locality of Sainte-Eulalie suggest a middle Ypresian age. The new species is the oldest representative of the...
The knowledge of the Anchilophini has been lately renewed by the discovery of a rather large amount of new material still largely unpublished. This new material offers the opportunity of a systematic revision of this tribe gathering those of European Eocene Equoidea which bear no mesostyle on upper check teeth and display a heavy trend to the molar...
A new locality in the Oligocene basin of Alès at St-Privat-des-Vieux, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna with 37 taxa. Twenty mammal species have been recognized (1 marsupial, 1 insectivore, 1 bat, 12 rodents, 4 artiodactyls, 1 carnivore), whose a detailed systematic study is in progress. The faunal assemblage and the degree of evolution of severa...
The Aït Kandoula basin is one of the richest Miocene micromammals bearing areas known in the South of the High-Atlas, whereas the large mammal remains are scarce. The Afoud section in the center of the basin is well calibrated with the Geomagnetic Polarities Time Scale (KC95), and shows a succession of six fossiliferous layers. Beside rodents, the...
Quelques sites nouvellement découverts et/ou exploités dans le paléokarst du Quercy font l’objet d’une brève présentation géomorphologique, d’un inventaire faunique et d’une évaluation biochronologique préliminaires. Ils ont fourni des restes de vertébrés amphibiens, reptiles, oiseaux et mammifères variés, dont certains sont l’objet d’études en cou...
The late field work campaigns carried out for some forty years in the Quercy Phosphorites have supplied a prominent contribution to the knowledge of the Paleogene large mammals. In spite of scarcity of the remaining deposits in most of the outcrops, about 200 taxa, with many new species, have been recovered (as an amount of ca 280 ones, old collect...
The 2002 field work campaign of the joint Myanmar–French Expedition has resulted in the discovery of new material particularly in the Bahin area (Pondaung Formation, Middle–Upper Eocene, Myanmar). The Nyaung Pin Le outcrop has yielded, among other fossil mammals, a maxillary of a primitive chalicothere, the first ever discovered in the southeastern...
The genus Plagiolophus is documented, almost solely in Western Europe, from the middle Eocene up to the mid Oligocene (MP 12 to MP 25), i.e. more than for 15 MY. Seventeen species are now recorded whose two of them are new, P. ringeadei nov. sp. and P. mamertensis nov. sp. Some anatomical variations and the deflection of certain evolutionary trends...
The Murs locality has yielded important remains of Plagiolophus yet unpublished. The study of thismaterial has shown that it represents a new species which must be referred to the nominotypical subgenus, owing to its long post-canine diastemata and to its rather shallow nasal incision. Plagiolophus huerzeleri nov. sp. can be distinguished from P. j...
A new genus and species of Palaeotheriidae is defined from a mandible of the Canlong local fauna. This form is characterized by brachyodont and bunodont teeth lacking metastylids, and a peculiar shape of the premolars, whose talonids are large and rather crescentic although lacking entoconids; the mandible is slender with a short symphysis, the pos...
The Murs locality has yielded important remains of Plagiolophus yet unpublished. The study of this material has shown that it represents a new species which must be referred to the nominotypical subgenus, owing to its long post-canine diastemata and to its rather shallow nasal incision. Plagiolophus huerzeleri nov. sp. can be distinguished from P....
A rear skull from the Quercy Phosphorites is described. It documents a new perissodactyl genus, likely assignable to the family Palaeotheriidae and probably paleogene of age. Owing to the lack of any tooth, this family assignment remains however somewhat hypothetical. The specimen is firstly characterised by the presence of a wide epitympanic sinus...
Two new vertebrate local faunas have been discovered in the Célas formation (Gard department, southern France). The Faveirol local fauna, comprising among others twelve mammal species, is particularly interesting, owing to two skulls of Paleotheriids, which document taxonomic and phylogenetic questions. The Palaeotherium skull is provisionally assi...
A strong lophodonty, an extreme heterodonty, some hypsodonty and regular overlayings of coronal cement are prominent features of the genus Leptolophus (Palaeotheriinae = Palaeotheriidae s.s.). The histological pattern of the teeth unusually joins type II enamel prisms, characteristic of advanced ungulates, together with archaic features, such as an...
Paleontological investigations undertaken since 1965 by Montpellier and Paris teams in the Quercy phosphorites have led to the discovery of more than 100 homogeneous and well dated fossil faunas. Most of these faunas range between the late Eocene and the beginning of the late Oligocene. Different groups of terrestrial vertebrates (amphibians, repti...
In: Mémoires et Travaux de l’Institut de Montpellier de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études 21:769–805.
Le paléokarst de St-Maximin n’a livré que des restes peu nombreux et fragmentaires de périssodactyles. Ils se répartissent en deux ensembles.
I) Périssodactyles éocènes du Grand Chantier. La présence d’un Lophiodon de petite taille et sans doute relativement archaïque est attestée par l’étude histologique de l’émail de plusieurs éclats de dents. D...
Depuis plus d ‘un siècle, des vertébrés continentaux paléogènes ont été décrits du bassin des Matelles (Hérault. Sud de la France). Les niveaux ainsi caractérisés sont donc datés avec précision et constituent une série de référence pour le Languedoc. La redécouverte du gisement qui avait livré au siècle dernier le “Lophiodon des Matelles” met fin à...
Paleontological investigations undertaken since 1965 by Montpellier and Paris teams in the Quercy phosphorites have led to the discovery of more than 100 homogeneous and well dated fossil faunas. Most of these faunas range between the late Eocene and the beginning of the late Oligocene. Different groups of terrestrial vertebrates (amphibians, repti...
Le bassin de Montluçon-Domérat, dont la disposition actuelle doit beaucoup à la tectonique, est essentiellement comblé par des dépôts sablo-argileux comprenant dans leur partie sommitale quelques intercalations de calcaires micritiques. Des encroûtements pédologiques rouges terminaux, mais situés seulement sur les marges du bassin, semblent prendre...
Available here: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/detail/artno/163023600/Palaeontographica_Abt_A_Band_236
A new fauna of fossil mammals from the Quercy Phosphorites, Coyrou 1-2, presents an unknown assemblage of species in Europe. Indeed, an erinaceid insectivore, an Oligocene immigrant, is associated with forms classically encountered in terminal Eocene levels. This fauna could represent an intermediate level close to the "Grande Coupure" in the bioch...
The new karstic fissure filling of Cuzal (Quercy, Southern France) has yielded a diversified small mammal fauna including to date 17 species among which 7 are new for the Quercy phosphorites. The classical taxon Paroxyclaenus lemuroidesTeilhard, 1921 (Pantolesta, Paroxyclaeninae) formerly known exclusively in the locality of Mémerlin (Lot), has bee...
Mammalian faunas from the continental Paleogene formations located North and South of the Pyrenees have largely contributed to the setting-up of a biochronological scale based on reference levels. Nine of these reference levels are defined on localities from this area. New faunas from previously poorly documented time intervals allow the establishm...
The skull remains referred to the genus Palaeotherium are recorded and described. Biometrical tests are made to elucidate intrageneric allometric relationships and to allow comparisons with various other Perissodactyls. Apart from the well known shortness of post canine diastems and deepness of the narial opening, the genus is characterized by a gr...
During the last two decades, our knowledge of Palaeogene mammal faunas of western Europe has increased considerably through the discovery of numerous new localities and reexploitation of classical ones. The quantity as well as the quality of the data now available allows a diversity analysis of these faunas. The chronological framework utilized is...
Available here: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/detail/artno/163020500/Palaeontographica_Abt_A_Band_205
Since 1965 the continuous exploitation of the fissure fillings of the Quercy has yielded more than 70 fossil mammal faunas. The observed species associations and the represented evolutionary stages lead to the attribution of these faunas to 5 reference levels of the late Eocene and 8 reference levels of the Oligocene, extending from the level of Ro...
Abundant remains of Mammals and Reptiles were recently recovered in the Gélas sandstones (upper Eocene, department of Gard, France). Their potentialities for fossils, long ago suspected, had not yet been exploited. The composite fauna so collected comprises 35 taxa. Palaeotheriids are playing in it a leading part not only in abundance but also by t...
La localité de Fons 6 (Fons-outre-Gardon, Gard) située dans les calcaires lacustres de l'Eocène supérieur (e7, carte géol. 1/50.000 SOMMIERES XXVIII-42) s'est révélée particulièrement riche en mammifères à la suite des fouilles réalisées par Jean Chaubet. Les collections de ce paléontologue amateur, qui sont à la base de cette étude, permettent une...
L'étude histologique d'un fragment d'émail évoquant morphologiquement une dent de Deinotherium, en l'absence de tout autre spécimen à rapporter à ce genre dans la faune de Beni Mellal, a révélé qu'il provenait effectivement d'un germe de molaire de proboscidien, ce qui confirme cette attribution générique. On note à cette occasion que la struc¬ tur...
Thèse 3e cycle. Sc. odontologiques. 1976. Strasbourg I.
Description and generic characterization of enamel, dentine and cement microstructures of teeth of Palaeotheriidae, by means of optical microscopy and microradiography, with comparisons to those of some other perissodactyls.
Deux types de remaniements post-mortem me paraissent caractéristiques de l’état de conservation des dents de mammifères fossiles dans les Phosphorites du Quercy
1) Des destructions localisées d’origine biologique, sous forme de galeries de morphologie très variable creusées dans la dentine et le cément, et impliquant sans doute la participation de...
Les gisements des calcaires de Fons recèlent les plus anciennes faunes à Palaeothériidés sans Lophiodon connues à ce jour, si l’on excepte celle de Lamandine. Ils ont fourni un matériel abondant et qu’on peut estimer bien représentatif des faunes de cette époque, au moins sur un plan régional, dans la mesure où 4 populations au moins interviennent...
Le développement progressif de la dentine péricanaliculaire, zone hyperminéralisée de la dentine des mammifères est nettement observable chez les périssodactyles fossiles ; pratiquement absente chez Hyracotherium, le plus ancien d’entre eux, elle évolue très rapidement chez les Palaeotheriidae, plus lentement chez les Equidae. Ce développement para...
Le genre Pachynolophus, un des plus mal connus des Palaeotheriidae, regroupe les formes brachyodontes à prémolaires réduites et non molarisées et à molaires supérieures dépourvues de mésostyle. Des caractères quantitatifs (divers indices de surface et d’allongement des dents) tout en attestant une étroite parenté avec Hyracotherium, permettent une...
Le gisement de Fons 1, un des affleurements fossilifères dans les calcaires Eocène supérieur de Fons-outre-Gardon (Gard) a livré des restes variés de Mammifères qui ont dû être dégagés par attaque de la roche à l’acide acétique dilué et imprégnation de résine acrylique.
Cette faune, riche d’une vingtaine d’espèces, se rattache à la zone biochronol...
Découverte dans le matériel récolté dans des gisements de mammifères de la zone de Robiac (Eocène supérieur) : Robiac et formation des sables du Castrais, d’un nouveau genre de Paléothéridé. Forme caractérisée par la structure de sa région nasale, son hétérodontie, sa lophodontie et une tendance à l’hypsodontie, précoce dans l’histoire évolutive de...