Jean-Pierre DesclesSorbonne University | UPMC · Institut des Sciences Humaines Appliquées (ISHA)
Jean-Pierre Descles
PhD, Dr d'état (mathématiques)
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January 1986 - October 2015
Publications (206)
Bien que la définition de l’évidentialité fasse appel à des processus d’accès perceptif et cognitif pour l’identification d’un marqueur évidentiel, la notion de « source de l’information » ne suffit pas pour bien délimiter les contours de la catégorie et rendre compte de l’organisation des marqueurs grammaticaux au sein d’une langue comme le França...
This work is a theoretical one bridging two mathemat- ical models namely the Quasi Topological Structure (QTS) and Soft Sets (SST) theories. We prove that theQuasi Topological Structure (QTS) can be viewed as a complexification of Soft Sets, from the point of view of its capacity of analysis. Our strategy is to compare two mathematical structures,...
This chapter is a study of Quasi-Topology Structure (QTS) modeling within the framework of the Logic of the Typical and Atypical (LTA). The quasi-topology structure (QTS) is a new mathematical structure. The Logic of Typical and Atypical (LTA) is a logic that accounts for a finer categorization of the objects associated with the concepts. The epist...
Different domains use operators without giving a clear definition of the corresponding notion. In mathematics, more particularly, there is not distinction with those of function, transformation, mapping, arrow, or morphism. Starting from this imprecise notion of operator, we develop, in this chapter, different formalisms that target to analyze proc...
L’aspect grammatical est un opérateur qui actualise une relation prédicative (ou dictum) sur un intervalle topologique d’instants contigus dans un référentiel temporel (continu). L’intervalle est ouvert avec un état, fermé avec un événement et semi-ouvert (à droite) avec un processus. La notion de borne (ouverte ou fermée) joue un rôle important da...
In this paper, we give a mathematical model of the logic of determination of objects (LDO) based on preordered sets, and a mathematical model of the logic of typical and atypical instances (LTA). We prove that LTA is an extension of LDO. It can manipulate several types of “exceptions”. Finally, we show that the structural part of LTA can be modeled...
L’étude de la polysémie verbale (et prépositionnelle) revient à construire un réseau dont la racine est un invariant sémantique et les noeuds des schèmes. Chaque schème représente une signification sous la forme de relations emboîtées de situations construites à l’aide de primitives sémantiques : types primitifs des différentes entités; primitives...
This paper introduces and discusses a new algebraic structure , the quasi-topologic structure. The idea of this structure comes from language analysis on the one hand and from analysis of some real situations of clustering on the other. From the cognitive point of view, it is related to the Logic of Determination of Objects (LDO) and to the Logic o...
Anselm of Cantorbery wrote Proslogion (1077–1078), where is formulated the famous ‘Unum argumentum’ about the existence of God. This argument was been disputed and criticized by numerous logicians from an extensional view point. The classical predicate logic is not able to give a formal frame to develop an adequate analysis of this argument. Accord...
This volume brings together a collection of articles exploring tense and aspect phenomena in a variety of non-related languages: Indo-European (Albanian, Bulgarian, Armenian, English, Norwegian, Hindi), Hamito-Semitic (Berber, Zenaga Berber, Arabic varieties, Neo-Aramaic), African (Wolof, Langi), Asian (Badaga, Korean, Mongolian languages – Khalkha...
What is the meaning of language expressions and how to compute or calculate it? In this paper, we give an answer to this question by analysing the meanings of aspects and tenses in natural languages inside the formal model of an grammar of applicative, cognitive and enunciative operations (GRACE) (Desclés and Ro in Math Sci Hum 194:39–70, 2011), us...
Multi-documents sheets are viewed as semantically structured representations of textual documents. The automatic construction of these sheets is based on the automatic annota-tion of textual documents according to a set of discursive categories called discursive mining viewpoints. The automatic annotation of a text is performed using the Contextual...
This paper provides a framework to construct a computational model of conceptual metaphor. We first analyze how conceptual metaphor is described by Algebraic Semiotic at linguistic level and by Institutional Theory (an abstract model theory) at a general logical level. By the Logic of Determination of Objects, which has been used in a system of sem...
The Logic of Determination of Objects (LDO) was presented in (Descles, Pascu, 2011). The primitives of this logic are the concepts and the objects. The concepts are operators in the sense of Frege (Frege, eds. 1971) and the objects are operands. The whole language of the LDO is an applicative system (Curry, 1958). The differences between LDO and th...
In one hand, the meaning of natural languages is often described with basic semantic features and a boolean composition of these features. However, this approach is not sufficient to describe more deeply the meaning of linguistic units. In the other hand, the semantic of computer languages often starts from Church's λ-calculus and walks up to more...
In a more direct observation, natural languages appear as syntactical organizations with different semiotic units (words, grammatical morphemes, phrases…) belonging to different categories, but they are complex semiotic systems involving also metalinguistic processes of enunciation, interpretation, paraphrase, understanding, production described in...
The difference between typical instances and atypical instances in a natural categorization process has been introduced by E. Rosh and studied by cognitive psychology and AI. A lot of the knowledge representation systems are
expressed in using fuzzy concepts but a degree of membership raises some problem for natural categorizations (especially to...
French language is not a principal vector for a large diffusion of articles of sciences and technical publications. Now, it is necessary to publish in English in these fields. The use of impact factors and international classifications of scientific journals and universities (as Shanghai's classifications) increase the function of English as univer...
Topology is used in linguistics for semantic, lexical and grammatical descriptions. However, classical topology, with its notion of the limit, is insufficient. Therefore, to describe numerous semantic oppositions (such as “again” / “not again”, “already” / “already no longer”), one must invoke “thick boundaries”—internal and external boundaries. Na...
Information research refers, in our context, to information retrieval to obtain further learning information from documents. However, automatic tools for learning information retrieval from these documents based on semantic tags are not yet effective. We propose here a model which aims at automatically annotating texts with semantic metadata. These...
Users look frequently for learning information from the web or from databases to include them to their resources, or to use them in a learning process. In order to satisfy these user's needs, we proposed here a model which aims at automatically annotating texts with semantic metadata: learning category of textual segments. These metadata would allo...
We have developed an information retrieval system based on the automatic annotation using a discursive ontology. The system makes possible information retrieval of specific semantic categories related to bibliographic citations in scientific publications. We propose new ranking criteria which exploit the annotation and the structure of the ontology...
We propose text exploration tools based on semantic analyses using annotations which are carried out automatically according to linguistic ontologies. By this approach, the final user can access new types of documentary products, that offer a better document representation in an information retrieval context.
A new model is proposed to retrieve information by building automatically a semantic metatext1 structure for texts that allow searching and extracting discourse and semantic information according to certain linguistic categorizations. This paper presents approaches for searching and mining full text with semantic categories. The model is built up f...
Contemporary typology can be characterized as the study of cross-linguistic variations and the constraints that bear on them. Following the lead set by Greenberg (1963) and treating data from a wide range of languages, authors have explored numerous specific domains, including resultatives, and tense and aspect. Their methodology consists in data-d...
Comment traiter les langues naturelles par des systèmes de performance autres que le cerveau humain ? L'ouvrage Traitement automatique des langues naturelles. De l'analyse à l'application, rassemble des contributions issues de plusieurs champs disciplinaires comme la linguistique, l'informatique, la philosophie et l'analyse du discours.
Il expose d...
The basic aspectual operators “complete” (in French, accompli) and “incomplete” (in French, inaccompli) are already envisaged by the Stoics for the ancient Greek. Theses operators, from a modern perspective, are realized on the topological intervals with open and closed boundaries. We define precisely the aspectual operators of state, event, proces...
The internet is an important part of our world. Offering a large and increasing amount of information, people can use it for learning, teaching, etc. Automatic tools for learning information retrieval based on semantic tags have not been effective yet. We propose here a model which aims at automatically annotating texts with semantic metadata. Thes...
Biological papers contain a huge amount of results and ideas that are difficult to manage. Researchers are not only interested in finding relevant information but they also need to know how the authors of papers get the results. Thus, it is interesting to identify the methods used and to distinguish for example between speculations, observations an...
From a logical viewpoint, object is never defined, even by a negative definition. This paper is a theoretical contribution about object using a new constructivist logical approach called Logic of Determination of Objects founded on a basic operation, called
determination. This new logic takes into account cognitive problems such as the inheritance...
La recherche en philosophie s'effectue dans bien des cas par une exploration de composantes doctrinales, discursives, conceptuelles et énonciatives très spécifiques. L'annotation figure parmi une des activités inhérentes aux processus de lecture et d'analyse qui permettent aux chercheurs en philosophie d'explorer et de spécifier tout au long de sa...
The opposition geometry-topology / algebraic- logic pass through the field of mathematics; it is used in an analysis of language. The relations between topology and epistemic modalities are clearly manifested with the Kuratowski’s algebra. Church’s functional types and Curry’s combinatory, which is considered as a logic of operators and intrinsic c...
This paper studies aspecto-temporal representation and the temporal relations of discourse. We give a formal definition of different aspectual operators from the formal notions of states, events and process which are necessary for adequate analysis of aspects and tenses in natural languages. The aim of this work is not to present a deep comparison...
This study is anchored in a theoretical approach to aspect, tense and mood operations, of which traces are found in texts in French as well as in other languages. It is argued that a temporal frame of reference is needed in order to grasp, in a coherent conceptualization, how languages categorize temporality. The temporal frame of reference is made...
This paper provides a linguistic semantic analysis of time and aspect in natural languages. On the basis of topological concepts,
notions are introduced like the basic aspectual opposition between event, state and process or that of time of utterance (for
the treatment of deictic categories) that are used to analyse the semantics of grammatical ten...
L'étude des langues de spécialité constitue aujourd'hui une discipline propre et entière dans le champ de la linguistique appliquée. Les discours de tout genre (scientifique, juridique, médical, politique, religieux, voire linguistique) ont été jusqu'alors analysés sous l'angle synchronique. Les langues de spécialité font, dans le présent ouvrage,...
The theory of oppositions based on Aristotelian foundations of logic has been pictured in a striking square diagram which can be understood and applied in many different ways having repercussions in various fields: epistemology, linguistics, mathematics, sociology, physics. The square can also be generalized in other two-dimensional or multi-dimens...
Online publication of Phd theses gives young researchers a larger visibility for their work. The effective exploitation of these documents of hundreds of pages needs the development of appropriate filtering and information retrieval tools. Those currently available allow only hypertext navigation based on the table of contents or, at best, keyword...
We propose an application for the automatic identification and categorization of quotations. The categorization is based on a semantic map of enunciative modalities. The texts are treated in three languages: Arabic, Korean and French.
Biological research papers are replete with speculative sentences. We present the BioExcom rule-based system, which detects
speculations in biomedical literature. Furthermore, it enables to distinguish automatically between prior and new speculations
in the analyzed paper. BioExcom is based on the Contextual Exploration processing (hierarchical res...
In this paper we present the implementation of definition extraction from multilingual corpora of scientific articles. We establish relations between the definitions and authors by using indexed references in the text. Our method is based on a linguistic ontology designed for this purpose. We propose two evaluations of the annotations.
In this paper we present the implementation of definition extraction from multilingual corpora of scientific articles. We establish relations between the definitions and authors by using indexed references in the text. Our method is based on a linguistic ontology designed for this purpose. We propose two evaluations of the annotations.
Jean-Pierre Descles follows Culioli in assuming that prise en charge is performed every time an utterer combines a predicate with its arguments and adjuncts. This he captures by means of a prise en charge operator that applies to what is said: JE-DIS (« ce qui est dit »), a formula representing what minimally happens with every utterance act, notab...
In this paper we describe how the annotation methodology adopted in our approach allows us to explain the
organization of indexed references in scientific research articles. We identify the semantic values of author judgments in the text segments containing indexed references. We use an automated semantic annotation platform to annotate our corpora...
Cognitive sciences are they condemned ?
If we strive to draw up a brief history of cognitive science, we must nevertheless bear in mind that the object of its study is very complex. At the beginning, it worked toward an idealized modelization of neurobiological supports. Later, what has now become cognitivism introduced representations to the analy...
We present a work in the scope of formal ontologies, notion taken from the knowledge representation community. What we study is the concept of time and aspect described and conceptualized from linguistics. Our aim is thus to propose a formal ontology of time and aspect considering temporal concepts introduced in a formal way.
Linguists do not always use the term “ operator” clearly. Still, applying an operator to an operand is a basic operation in some applicative formalisms (λ-calculus, combinatory logics, functional programming) used by linguists. An operator is associated to syncategorematic linguistic expressions. Church’s functional types are a suitable formalizati...
Starting with Categorial Grammars, the author presents applicative formalism, where the basic operation is the application of an operator to an operand, using Church’s functional types to explain the different operations in natural languages : predication, determination, transposition operations (type raising). The general notion of operator is to...
We present an analysis of the linguistic markers of the enunciative modalities in direct reported speech, in a multilingual
framework concerning Arabic and French. Furthermore, we present a platform for automatic annotation of semantic relations,
based on the Contextual Exploration method. This platform allows the automatic annotation and categoris...
Abstract In this paper we,propose,a new,approach, to Categorial Grammars,based,on Combinatory,Logic to solve some syntactic and,semantic,problems,in the Korean language processing. We handle particularly the problems of cases, free word,order structure and coordination by developing,a formalism of the extended,Categorial Grammar,that was originally...
operands with the type α for building results with the type β . The composition mechanisms are described inside the Combinatory Logic of Curry (1958) by abstract operators, called "combinators"; these abstract operators combines more elementary operators, by intrinsic ways - that is independently of interpretations inside any domain - for building...
Abstract There are three major formalisms that are developed,around concepts. The first one is Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) by B. Ganter and R. Wille (Ganter & Wille 1999). The sec- ond formalism is Description Logic (DL) developped during the 1980s for knowledge,representation (Baader et al. 2003). The third is Logic of Determination of Objects (...
A semantics of definition category and its sub-categories used in texts, organized in a semantic map, requires a more complex structuring of the domain underlying the meaning representations than is commonly assumed. This paper proposes a three-layer ontology in which the notion of definition takes part and indicates how it can be used in Informati...
In this paper we propose a cross-lingual approach to the discourse automatic annotation of scientific articles by the Contextual Exploration method. We present an application to French and Bulgarian as an illustration of the possibility to work with different languages that the method provides. We describe the methodology for the construction of th...
The exploitation of the discourse structure of a text and the identification of the discourse categories are essential elements for the automatic summarization, as well as for the textual information retrieval. In this paper we will describe an automatic summarization strategy that uses these elements as the basis for the extraction of the most rel...
What are specific relations between Web-semantic and ontology (Uschold, 2005)? What is an ontology of a domain? What are the relations between texts relative to a domain and an ontology of this domain? How to build an ontology from texts (Aussenac-Gilles et al, 2005)? In our approach of these questions, we consider that there are different levels o...
The basic aim of the model proposed here is to automati- cally build semantic metatext structure for texts that would allow us to search and extract discourse and semantic infor- mation from texts indexed in that way. This model is built up from two engines: The first engine, called EXCOM (Djioua et al., 2006), is an XML based system for an automat...
We present an automatic semantic annotation system for Korean on the EXCOM (EXploration COntextual for Multilingual) platform. The purpose of natural language processing is enabling computers to understand human language, so that they can perform more sophisticated tasks. Accordingly, current research concentrates more and more on extracting semant...
Les citations bibliographiques ont un rôle important dans l'évaluation de la science. Cependant, il n'existe pas encore de théorie de la citation permettant d'expliquer leurs portées au sein des communications scientifiques. L'Exploration Contextuelle et la plateforme EXCOM, en annotant sémantiquement et automatiquement
Abstract This article constitutes a contribution to an analy- sis of the notion,of variable. Whithin,the frame- work,of Combinatory,Logic as a formalism,without bound variables, the Logic of Determination of Ob- jects (LDO) provides an explanation for the necessary distinction between “whatever, any” and “indetermi- nate, indefinite” used by the in...
Despite extensive theoretical work carried out on coordination during the last three decades, much research is still devoted to proving the merits of one model over another. In our article, we will show how the coordination process in French (with using the conjunction et (and)) can be explained through Applicative and Combinatory Categorial Gramma...
En quelques pages, il est impensable de pouvoir traiter de toutes les expressions de la causalite que l’on pourrait trouver au travers des textes. Nous allons insister sur quelques aspects dans ce bref article, en particulier sur la relation entre l’abduction et la causalite, d’une part et d’autre part, la necessaire prise en charge des relations c...
Pour B. Russell, la variable est peut-etre une des notions les plus difficiles a comprendre en mathematiques (The Principles of Mathematics, 1903). En effet, la variable est fondamentalement polysemique. Sa signification varie avec les domaines d'utilisation; tantot elle est utilisee pour indiquer une indetermination d'un signe dans une equation; t...
For B. Russell “The variable is perhaps the most distinctively mathematical of all notions ; it is certainly also one of the most difficult to understand” (The Principles of Mathematics, 1903). The aim of this paper is to highlight the meaning of variable in different fields of Mathematics: the expression of equations in Algebra with indeterminate...
The identification of the scientific production and the evaluation of the researchers is a problem we are facing at present times. Bibliometric methods use mainly statistical tools and their results are of quantitative nature. Consequently, this approach does not provide any tools of qualitative evaluation. It is for this reason we suggest to exami...
In this article, we are presenting a semantic annotation tool for Arabic texts with a strategy adapted to the automatic location of reported information. The method used is that of Contextual Exploration, which consists of using purely linguistic knowledge to identify semantic-discursive textual representations. This work has been carried out in th...
In this position paper we describe the actual state of the development of an integrated set of tools (called EXCOM) for automatic semantic annotation. Annotation is generally used as an operation for marking textual segments to express some morphological and syntactic information. Establishing the semantic web on a large scale implies the widesprea...
Malgré le nombre de travaux qui lui ont été consacrés, la coordination continue à représenter un défi important pour valider n'importe quel modèle syntaxique du Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. La Grammaire Catégorielle Combinatoire et Applicative, qui représente notre généralisation du modèle classique, est représentée par l'associat...
The identification of the scientific production and the evaluation of the researchers is a problem of current events. It is the reason for which we suggest being interested in the way are quoted the authors in articles. This approach allows to categorize quotation and annotate automatically a text. The computer application of this study will be int...
Ce texte est un rapport de fin de recherche issu de l'ACI cognitique.