Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet

Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet
Université de Sherbrooke | UdeS · Enseignement au préscolaire et au primaire



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Prof. Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet currently works at the Université de Sherbrooke, Département de l'enseignement au préscolaire et au primaire. He conducts research in Science Education. His current interests are outdoor science, contextualization, learning transfer, students' interest, environmental education, elementary education, and secondary education.
Additional affiliations
December 2017 - June 2020
Université de Sherbrooke
  • Professor (Full)
  • Directeur, Centre de Recherche sur l'Enseignement et l'Apprentissage des Sciences [Director, Research Centre on Science Teaching and Learning]


Publications (47)
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Cet article met en lumière les enjeux culturels soulevés par la démarche de recherche d’un chercheur occidental dans un autre contexte que le sien. Les résultats de notre recherche exploratoire ont permis d’enrichir la typologie des représentations de l’environnement et de valider celles des représentations de la relation éducation - environnement...
Conference Paper
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One of the most important questions in science education is how to generate an interest in science. Many research initiatives have found that hands-on activities practiced in authentic environments are among the activities that promote the most interest in science. However, science education does not often take place in authentic environments; inst...
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Francophone West Africa is taking part of the international trend for standardization of educational systems. The reform of secondary education progressively implemented from 2005 in Benin prescribed changes in teaching practices, especially due to the shift to a competency-based approach. To consider the socioenvironmental problems, various elemen...
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The author reports on an exploratory study to establish a semantic base for the concept of competence in the French-speaking literature on education. Doing so will make it possible to identify neighbouring concepts or notions that researchers can use to determine definitions and applications for the concept. The research team found only one dimensi...
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The vast and rapidly growing amount of science education research makes it challenging for researchers to navigate and synthesize developments across the field, particularly concerning broad concepts evolving along divergent paths. To address this issue, a novel review methodology employing bibliometrics and network analysis was tested to identify...
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Importance Nature-based therapeutic or preventive interventions for mental health are increasingly popular, but their effectiveness for improving mental health is not well documented. Objective To investigate the effectiveness of the Open Sky School Program (École à Ciel Ouvert), a 12-week nature-based intervention for elementary schoolchildren in...
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La contextualisation de l’enseignement et des apprentissages est principalement reconnue pour être mise de l’avant afin d’augmenter la motivation et l’intérêt des personnes apprenantes envers les sciences. Derrière ce terme, on retrouve de nombreuses approches dont l’approche basée sur le lieu, l’investigation scientifique, les pratiques authentiqu...
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L’enseignement de la science et de la technologie (ST) au primaire souffre d’un certain désengagement de la part de nombreuses personnes enseignantes. Des auteurs ont proposé qu’une attitude plus positive de la personne enseignante envers la ST et son enseignement puisse rehausser l’enseignement de la ST à l’école. À cette fin, des organismes de pr...
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There are currently no methodological frameworks available to conduct semi-structured interviews in the education and social sciences fields with children of primary school age, between 6–12, having no history of trauma or disabilities. To fill this gap, we conducted an integrative review of the literature to uncover current methodological consider...
Our research objective was to investigate whether a place-based educational intervention for elementary school students leads to a better ability to make unsolicited observations about living organisms. We tested the following prediction: Elementary school students who learn about living organisms outdoors in a familiar environment will be able to...
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Les moments exceptionnels que l'humanité entière vit depuis l'avènement en 2020 de la catastrophe collective nommée Covid mettent en évidence, mis à part les innombrables problèmes que la pandémie impose à la vie quotidienne, le besoin et le plaisir que l'humain a de sortir, de communiquer et de se « réconcilier » avec l'environnement extérieur. Si...
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Background This article outlines the protocol for a trial to test the effectiveness of a nature-based intervention called Open Sky School to reduce mental health problems among elementary school children. Experimental studies show that contact with nature (e.g. walks in parks) improve mental health. A growing number of teachers have been applying o...
Conference Paper
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Science education is regularly flooded with new innovations that may be high-quality but are resisted due to "innovation fatigue". The ability to couch new programs and ideas as evolutionary rather than revolutionary, as variations of a known concept, may decrease resistance and increase the efficiency of training teachers to use new approaches. Co...
Although the school curriculum of the province of Québec, Canada, does not explicitly encourage teachers to provide outdoor learning experiences, it appears that there is a growing momentum for outdoor education. Thus, the research question that guided this study was: What are preschool, elementary, and secondary teachers’ outdoor education practic...
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Les enjeux socioscientifiques actuels liés à l'environnement nécessitent une compréhension approfondie de concepts scientifiques complexes. Cette complexité implique une éducation scientifique de qualité. Pour contribuer à une telle éducation, nous discutons de l’apport de la contextualisation des sciences de la nature en plein air à proximité de l...
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Can school-based outdoor education (OE) benefit teachers’ well-being? Multiple studies have reported the positive impact of OE on students’ well-being and the benefits of contact with nature for adults. However, a literature review revealed no research on the impact of OE on teachers’ well-being. This study explores the possible relationships betwe...
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Face aux exigences de transformations écosociales contemporaines, les universités doivent orienter leurs efforts d’innovation pédagogique envers la coconstruction d’un meilleur savoir-agir. C’est dans cette optique qu’une équipe d’un programme de maitrise professionnelle en environnement a conçu et mis en œuvre de nouveaux formats de productions de...
Conference Paper
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Landscape reviews are an attempt to analyze the broad sweep of an academic discipline. Such a review requires both a large, inclusive sample and a way to capture the rich characteristics of that discipline. Neither statistical meta-analysis nor narrative review, alone, are well-suited to this task. We instead used bibliometric network analysis, a t...
To help students build bridges between their learning and their everyday surroundings, teachers could focus on developing students’ ability to make scientific investigations, like scientific observation. Outdoor environments could be the starting point for to make these kinds of learning. Our research aimed to compare elementary students’ ability t...
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This article reports an international initiative to develop and validate a situational interest questionnaire in three cultural/linguistic contexts: Canada (French), USA (English), and Taiwan (Chinese). The 20-item solution (α = .90) presented four factors: enjoyment, value, attention/sustained work, and usefulness. These factors and the convergenc...
Contextualization is a curricular approach and a learning process in which science content knowledge is intentionally situated within a context where that knowledge can be authentically applied or observed. Many recent science education reforms include contextualization as a central tenet. The goal of this review is to examine commonalities across...
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The present study explored the impacts of a contextualised outdoor science curriculum on what and how elementary students learn when immersed in the local contexts in which natural phenomena occur. We conducted 63 individual interviews with fifth- and sixth-graders (between 10 and 12 years old) living in the inner city of Montréal, Québec province,...
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Both personality and motivational characteristics can be considered to estimate individuals’ potential for adjustment and development. That said, these characteristics are rarely studied in conjunction. In this study, we examine how personality and motivational characteristics relate one to the other and influence how students approach learning. Mo...
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This cross-lagged longitudinal study was conducted with 862 seventh and eighth graders (secondary school) in the province of Québec (Canada) to study the effects of two important perceptual variables (self-concept and individual interest) on achievement, as well as reciprocal relations between all these constructs. Considering the results obtained...
Technical Report
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Dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19, la rentrée de l’automne 2020 représente un défi pour tous les établissements d’enseignement supérieur. De nombreuses institutions ont souhaité offrir une expérience de vie de campus aux personnes étudiantes. La persévérance et la réussite étudiante étant au cœur de sa mission, l’Université de Sherbroo...
Technical Report
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[translated in English, original version in French] In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the start of the fall 2020 school year will be a challenge for higher education establishments. Many institutions are wondering how they can provide their students with some kind of campus life experience. This is the star...
Un outil permettant d'initier efficacement les étudiants et les étudiantes de cycles supérieurs aux réalités du champ de l'éducation aux sciences et à la technologie
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The research presented in this paper answers the question: What factors are most related to students’ perception of learning during outdoor science lessons occurring in schools’ immediate surroundings? Twenty-six science teachers, as well as 71 classes of seventh (51 classes) and eighth (20 classes) graders participated in our study (n = 2007). All...
Conference Paper
The Cognitive Acceleration Through Science Educaiton (CASE) materials can provide a vehicle to allow the exploration of children’s talk in the science classroom. In addition it can provide some new insights into CASE where the tasks and the discussions are explicitly orchestrated by the teacher rather than focusing upon the ‘delivery’ of the curric...
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Cognitive acceleration in science education (CASE) is a research-based teaching approach for development of students’ thinking ability that draws primarily on Piaget’s work and on the principles of Vygotsky’s theories of learning. The approach aims 1) to improve children’s thinking processes by accelerating their acquisition of a higher order of th...
Conference Paper
In recent years, an increasing number of research articles have been published in the field of outdoor science education. For many authors, outdoor environments can lead to more authentic learning activities for students, such as field scientific activities, direct experiences with science concepts, and knowledge transfer in real-life settings. Des...
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Drawing on a mixed-methods convergent parallel design, this article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the factors that are most related to middle school students’ situational interest during outdoor science lessons in their schools’ immediate surroundings. The study involved 26 French-speaking science teachers and 2007 students f...
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La compétence stagne au coeur de nombreux débats contemporains dans le domaine de l'éducation et plus particulièrement dans celui du curriculum. Ne disposant ni de cadre théorique ni de définition suffisamment validée, la compétence ne bénéficie pas encore d'une conceptualisation partagée. En ce sens les chercheurs de la Chaire UNESCO de Développem...
Conference Paper
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This paper presented results of a study that asked this question: Which factors most influence middle school students' interest toward science when lessons occur outdoors in their schools' immediate surroundings? Results from our study might benefit both science education practitioners and researchers who want to bring the field one step further by...
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This literature review synthesizes empirical data of 18 articles published between 2000 and 2015 about teaching and learning science outdoors from kindergarten to secondary levels (K–12). We asked four questions: (1) What are the general characteristics of the corpus of studies on teaching and learning science outdoors in schools’ immediate surroun...
Conference Paper
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Favoriser l'intérêt au sujet des sciences au moyen de l'éducation dans et par l'environnement Les Journées du Centr'ERE: 5 e séminaire 18 septembre 2014 Université du Québec à Montréal Luciole Crédit : René Limoges
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Cet article s’inscrit dans un processus de réflexion sur les questions relatives à une démarche interculturelle en recherche qualitative en éducation. Plus spécifiquement, il vise à mettre en lumière l’importance d’adopter des précautions de recherche comportant une dimension interculturelle au regard des choix théoriques et méthodologiques lors de...


Questions (11)
In an action-research, our research team is conducting interviews to identify key moments about professional practices in the field of education with participants.
Have you heard of any outdoor education initiatives in higher education?
I am interested in any scientific writing and project descriptions.
I am currently developing a project in which I would like to collect data to compare students' learning about a specific science topic. I would like to conduct interviews with them instead of a written data instrument. For this reason, I would like you to share your best article using students' interviews to collect data. Thank you very much !
I always use ERIC, but I would like to know if you recommend another database and why.
I am interested in conducting research that links knowledge transfer and outdoor science in the school context. I would like you to suggest appropriate literature and avenues for future research.
Many scientific articles use various expressions to describe a meaningful learning contexts (i.e. authentic learning, contextualized learning, real-world learning). Therefore, I want to conduct a meta-synthesis to better understand what kind of learning contexts are described by these expressions in articles about science education.
I am preparing a research project about elementary students' science learning following outdoor science lessons occurring in schools' immediate surroundings. To make the best decision, I would like you to give me your best ways to collect data about science learning?
I am conducting a mixed methods research. I already chose a software for quantitative data.
I would like to know what is your favourite qualitative data analysis software for transcribed interviews?
I used Atlas.ti few years ago for a qualitative research. But, I found that the hierarchical structure was deficient.
Thank you for sharing your experience!


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