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March 2003 - March 2006
Publications (343)
Integrating Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) enhances the assessment of tropical forest degradation and regeneration, which is crucial for conservation and climate mitigation strategies. This study optimized procedures using combined airborne LiDAR, HSI data, and machine learning algorithms across 12 sites in the...
The global demand for agricultural commodities has driven extensive land conversion to agriculture in Brazil, especially in the MATOPIBA region. This area encompasses the Rio Grande Basin, a major tributary of the São Francisco Basin that is known for expanding intensive irrigated agriculture and hydropower generation. However, recent data reveal d...
The Amazon forest contains globally important carbon stocks, but in recent years, atmospheric measurements suggest that it has been releasing more carbon than it has absorbed because of deforestation and forest degradation. Accurately attributing the sources of carbon loss to forest degradation and natural disturbances remains a challenge because o...
Measuring socioeconomic indices at the scale of regions or countries is required in various contexts, in particular to inform public policies. The use of Deep Learning (DL) and Earth Observation (EO) data is becoming increasingly common to estimate specific variables like societal wealth. This paper presents an end-to-end framework ‘DeepWealth’ tha...
Full-waveform LiDAR (FWF) offers a promising advantage over other technologies to represent the vertical canopy structure of secondary successions in the Amazon region, as the waveform encapsulates the properties of all elements intercepting the emitted beam. In this study, we investigated modifications in the vertical structure of the Amazonian se...
The lack of a solid methodology defining urban and non-urban areas has hindered accurately estimating the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI). This study addresses this issue by using the official national urban areas limit together with a surrounding areas classification to define three different reference classes: the urban adjacent (Ua), the future...
This study tests the hypothesis that a more salt-excluder rootstock can attenuate salt stress in grapevine plants by enhancing photosynthesis and providing ionic and oxidative protection. Plants of ‘BRS Vitória’ variety, grafted with the rootstocks IAC 313 (salt-excluder) and SO4, were subjected to salinity by adding NaCl (0, 50, and 100 mM) for 30...
A discussion that has occurred in the scientific community is that despite the increase in the frequency of droughts, the semi-arid world may be increasing the density of vegetation due to fertilization by the increase in atmospheric CO2, a phenomenon called “greening.” Through this study, we sought to evaluate and
discuss whether this “greening” w...
O estudo analisou a degradação da terra na bacia do Submédio São Francisco por meio de índices segundo o modelo FPEIR (Força-Pressão-Estado-Impacto-Resposta). Para seleção dos 17 indicadores foi feita revisão bibliográfica e análise de correlação, os indicadores foram gerados em grades de 5 x 5 km no SIG QGIS através de dados secundários e primário...
Most of the world's nations (around 130) have committed to reaching net‐zero carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, yet robust policies rarely underpin these ambitions. To investigate whether existing and expected national policies will allow Brazil to meet its net‐zero GHG emissions pledge by 2050, we applied a detailed regional...
Indigenous societies are known to have occupied the Amazon basin for more than 12,000 years, but the scale of their influence on Amazonian forests remains uncertain. We report the discovery, using LIDAR (light detection and ranging) information from across the basin, of 24 previously undetected
pre-Columbian earthworks beneath the forest canopy. Mo...
The Amazon Forest, the largest contiguous tropical forest in the world, stores a significant fraction of the carbon on land. Changes in climate and land use affect total carbon stocks, making it critical to continuously update and revise the best estimates for the region, particularly considering changes in forest dynamics. Forest inventory data co...
Climate change can modify the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall across the globe, leading to changes in hazards posed by rainfall-induced landslides. In Brazil, an example of a location with a high occurrence of landslides and with few studies on the subject is the municipality of Cunha, located in the State of São Paulo. In this way, the...
Anthropogenic disturbances directly influence environmental processes and increase the concentration of carbon (C) in the atmosphere. Here, we compare the differences in the seasonality of the balance of carbon, energy, and radiation, as well as seek to identify the interrelationships between these environmental variables and their impact on the gr...
This research investigates Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes in the Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region (RMPA). A 30-year historical analysis using Landsat satellite imagery was made and used to develop LULC scenarios for the next 20 years using a Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) model through an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). These maps analyze th...
Geodetic landmarks (GLs) are essential for obtaining precise height, horizontal coordinates, and the Earth's gravity field. This study aims to assess the soil susceptibility of GLs for past, present, and future scenarios, considering the projected anthropogenic effect from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Version 6 (CMIP6). Therefore, the soi...
Information on pollutant trophodynamics can be crucial for public health, as contaminated food consumption may lead to deleterious effects. This study was performed in Puruzinho Lake, a remote body of water in the Brazilian Amazon from which a riparian human population obtains an important part of its animal protein intake. Samples from 92 individu...
As mudanças climáticas já estão afetando todas as regiões da Terra em múltiplas formas, incluindo incêndios florestais mais frequentes, períodos de seca mais prolongados, bem como um aumento do número, duração e intensidade de chuvas intensas. Nesse contexto, a plataforma AdaptaBrasil MCTI consolida, integra e dissemina informações sobre os riscos...
The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is an important product used in geosciences, but its extraction in dense forest areas is still a challenge. One of the major difficulties in extracting a DTM via remote sensors is in dense forest areas, as the generated information becomes degraded due to the fact that the most commonly used techniques can only measu...
O Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT) é um importante produto usado em geociências, mas sua extração em áreas florestais densas ainda é um desafio. Uma das grandes dificuldades na extração de um MDT via sensores remotos é em áreas florestais densas, pois nestas áreas as informações geradas ficam degradadas, já que as técnicas mais utilizadas só consegu...
Fire has been an intrinsic ecological component of the ecosystems, affecting the public, economic, and socio-cultural policies of human-nature interactions. Using fire over grassland vegetation is a traditional practice for livestock in the highland grasslands and has economic and environmental consequences that have not yet been understood. A bett...
Over the past few decades, a significant amount of agricultural land has been lost due to soil degradation/desertification. In addition, the increasing frequency of extreme events, such as intense droughts and forest fires, has negatively impacted various ecosystem services. Two of the main Brazilian biomes-the Cerrado and the Caatinga-have been af...
Os marcos geodésicos (MGs) são essenciais para desenvolver projetos e obras, porém, estão sujeitos à erosão. Neste estudo, foram estimadas a perda de solo nos MGs na região sul do estado de Santa Catarina considerando dados históricos e
cenários futuros de mudanças climáticas. Os resultados mostraram que a perda de solo diminuiu de 1985 a 2...
Canopy gaps are evidence of disturbances on forest landscapes. A forest stand is in constant flux, with long stretches of biomass accumulation punctuated by episodic disturbances. We used multitemporal airborne laser scanning data to compare the gap dynamics of four Amazon forest sites. We assessed gap dynamics over 1.9–3.8 years between 2017 and 2...
Forest degradation is a major issue and a key component of tropical forests and carbon emissions. In this study, we use repeated Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data to quantify carbon losses in degraded forests due to logging at the Mato Grosso state rainforests. We identified logged areas using Planet Norway's International Climate and Forests Init...
Wildfires are aggravating due to climate change. Public policies need territorial intelligence to prevent and promptly fight fires, especially in vast regions like Brazil. To this end, we have developed a fire-spread prediction system for the Brazilian Cerrado, the biome most affected by wildfires in South America. The system automatically uploads...
The vertical structure of forests provides important parameters for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and it can be measured by lidar sensors. The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) full-waveform lidar sensor collects data systematically over the Earth's surface from the International Space Station. Since GEDI became operational, it...
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) obtained by remote sensing data is an essential indicator for analyzing the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI). A factor contributing to its occurrence is the reflections of the different materials in urban and rural areas, which significantly affect the energy balance near the surface. Therefore, recent studies hav...
Monitoring changes in tree cover for assessment of deforestation is a premise for policies to reduce carbon emission in the tropics. Here, a U-net deep learning model was used to map monthly tropical tree cover in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso between 2015 and 2021 using 5 m spatial resolution Planet NICFI satellite images. The accuracy of the...
The 2030 Agenda framework represents an opportunity for the co-development of local indicators and shares the same principles of cross-sectoral integration and universality as the water–energy–food nexus. This research aimed to develop a quantitative-collaborative methodology for constructing indicators and indexes for the sustainability of the Cer...
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The Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an essential indicator for analyzing the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI). A factor contributing to its occurrence is the reflections of the different materials in urban and rural areas, which significantly affect the energy b...
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an essential indicator for analyzing the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI). A factor contributing to its occurrence is the reflections of the different materials in urban and rural areas, which significantly affect the energy balance near the surface. Therefore, recent studies have increasingly used the Local Cl...
Monitoring changes in tree cover for rapid assessment of deforestation is considered the critical component of any climate mitigation policy for reducing carbon. Here, we map tropical tree cover and deforestation between 2015 and 2022 using 5 m spatial resolution Planet NICFI satellite images over the state of Mato Grosso (MT) in Brazil and a U-net...
Climate change, which has been associated with emerging and even elevated risks on the safety and well-being of societies, has already proved to be a significant challenge in today’s world. Furthermore, a new set of IPCC climate projections reveals that rainfall and high-temperature extremes are expected to exceed the extreme conditions already exp...
Over 130 countries have committed to reaching net-zero CO2 or GHG emissions by 2050, yet this ambition is rarely underpinned by robust policies. By applying a detailed integrated assessment modelling approach for Brazil, we assess, for the first time, the extent to which the existing and planned local policies could put Brazil on the path to its ne...
Canopy gaps are openings in the forest canopy resulting from branch fall and tree mortality events. The geographical distribution of large canopy gaps may reflect underlying variation in mortality and growth processes. However, a lack of data at the appropriate scale has limited our ability to study this relationship until now.
We detected canopy g...
Background information to give context to the study: Canopy gaps are the most evident manifestation of how disturbances disrupt forest landscapes. The size distribution and return frequency of gaps, and subsequent recovery processes, determine whether the old-growth state can be reached.
The aim or research question: We used remote sensing metrics...
Accurate measurements of terrain elevation are crucial for many ecological applications. In this study, we sought to assess new global three-dimensional Earth observation data acquired by the spaceborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) missions Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) and Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GED...
Nitrogen pollution is one of Brazil's most threatening and challenging environmental problems, caused mainly by productive activities aimed at meeting the demand of food, energy, and housing by a fast-growing population. Sustainable nitrogen management involves optimizing the beneficial effects of reactive nitrogen (Nr) use and, at the same time, m...
Soil nitrogen dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems can be evaluated by analyzing the natural abundances of N isotope ratio mass spectrometry (δ¹⁵N) because δ¹⁵N integrates decades of organic matter transformations in the soil. On a large scale, the δ¹⁵N of soil organic matter across climate gradients may provide critical insights into understanding r...
Abstract The Amazon region in Brazil contains c. 5% of the palm species of the world. However, palm cover at macroecological scales has not yet been quantified in this biome. Here, we used high spatial resolution LiDAR data, acquired from 610 flightlines over the Brazilian Amazon, to map canopy palm cover for the first time using a deep learning ap...
Inequalities in benefits from ecosystem services (ES) challenge the achievement of sustainability goals, because they increase the vulnerability of socio-ecological systems to climate hazards. Yet the unequal effects of changes in ES, and of climate change more generally, on human well-being (HWB) are still poorly accounted for in decision-making a...
Understanding the variation in community composition and species abundances (i.e., β-diversity) is at the heart of community ecology. A common approach to examine β-diversity is to evaluate directional variation in community composition by measuring the decay in the similarity among pairs of communities along spatial or environmental distance...
This Report provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
This Report provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
The Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus represents, above all, a perspective, a way of looking at the world, the problems, the solutions, providing a view of the three main resource systems of food, water and energy, not in isolation, but as a system, with many and diverse cross-links between the subsystems. So, analytically speaking, it is a unifying co...
Tropical ecosystems store large amounts of carbon (e.g., tropical forests, peatlands); however, the high rates of ecosystem conversion due to intense land use and land cover changes lead to significant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere. Additionally, forest degradation, such as unmanaged timber harvest and forest fires, account...
More and more, wildfires are raging in large parts of the world due to a warmer climate, more frequent and severe droughts, and continued land-use changes. In Brazil, the weakening of public environmental policies has further aggravated wildfires with widespread impacts across the country. Here, we investigated the determinants of the impact of fir...
Tropical forest degradation (e.g., anthropogenic disturbances such as selective logging and fires) alters forest structure and function and influences the forest's carbon sink. In this study, we explored structure-function relationships across a variety of degradation levels in the southern Brazilian Amazon by 1) investigating how forest structural...
Central and South America are highly exposed, vulnerable and strongly impacted by climate change, a situation amplified by inequality, poverty, population growth and high population density, land use change particularly deforestation with the consequent biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and high dependence of national and local economies on natu...
Climate-related risks in Central and South America have received increased attention and concern in science and policy, but an up-to-date comprehensive review and synthesis of risks and adaptation potential is currently missing. For this paper we evaluated over 200 peer-reviewed articles and grey literature documents published since 2012. We found...
This study aims to map the changes in land use and land cover between 1970 and 2018, analyzing the influence of the protected area s (PAs) in the Cerrado biome, specifically in the area of the Jalapão Mosaic. Images from the Landsat 1-MSS, 5-TM, and 8-OLI satellites were used and processed in SPRING and ArcGIS software. The analyses were based on t...
Chapter 12 assesses climate change impacts and risks, vulnerability as well as barriers and options for adaptation and climate resilient development in Central and South America.
Aquaculture is currently one of the fastest-growing food production systems globally, and shrimp is considered one of the most highly valued products. Our study area is the lower Jaguaribe River sub-basin (LJRSB), located in the northeastern part of Ceará in Brazil. The aquaculture activity in this area began in the early 1990s and is currently one...
Over 420 million ha of forest were lost to deforestation from 1990 to 2020; more than 90% of that loss took place in tropical areas (high confidence), threatening biodiversity, environmental services, livelihoods of forest communities and resilience to climate shocks (high confidence1 ). Forty-five percent of the world’s forested areas are in the t...