Jean-Michel Auberlet

Jean-Michel Auberlet
Gustave Eiffel University · Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulateurs et Simulations (LEPSIS)



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My research fields deal with both to perception modeling and to the interactions modeling of the road users (drivers, pedestrians). More specifically, I aim to develop computational models of autonomous agents, a.k.a. Non Player Character, in order to allow Virtual Reality studies participants to interact with theses virtual agents. My works contribute to the development and the use of the simulation tools and 3D-immersive platforms.


Publications (84)
In this paper, we present an improved collision avoidance algorithm conceived to deal with zero-speed pedestrians in a crowd. A zero-speed pedestrian is a pedestrian who stops for a short, undefined period to rest, use a phone, or communicate with others, and then resumes walking later. Zero-speed pedestrians can be encountered in places such as sh...
The temporal dimension (how long the pedestrian has been in a situation) and the social influence from the neighbor’s behaviors are important factors in street crossing decisions. In this paper, we propose a preliminary agent-based model of the street crossing decisions at a pedestrian light without traffic based on three priors. First, a pedestria...
Conference Paper
Automated vehicle driving raises the challenge of producing vehicle behaviors similar to those produced by human drivers. Automated vehicles could then be accepted more easily. Among the many different behaviors to be simulated, one is particularly important from a road safety point of view: the interaction between automated vehicles and pedestrian...
Introduction Héritage d’un centre-ville historique ou résultat d’aménagements ne considérant que trop peu les déplacements piétonniers, les trottoirs étroits sont des lieux d’interactions fortes entre piétons. Ces interactions, nommées joutes urbaines, correspondent aux situations où deux piétons se croisent sur un trottoir étroit, obligeant l’un d...
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In this paper, we propose a concept to allow asymmetrical pedestrian interactions in simulation, based on ORCA model (Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance). To reach our goal, we redefined two parameters of the model: the Time Horizon (TH) for anticipation and the Shared Effort (SE) for collision avoidance. In the default parameters model, the TH...
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the state of the art in pedestrian simulation models and the identification of key issues for further research, with particular focus on the modelling of pedestrians and motorised traffic. A review and comparative assessment of pedestrian simulation models is carried out, including macroscopic models,...
During the last decade, human behavior has been studied in various fields such as architectural design, prevention and traffic engineering. Pedestrian management requires the ability to predict the evolution of behavior in different situations, especially in terms of traffic flow analysis. Most prediction models lack experimental data to be validat...
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the state of the art in pedestrian simulation models and the identification of key issues for further research, with particular focus on the modelling of pedestrians and motorised traffic. A review and a comparative assessment of pedestrian simulation models are carried out, including macroscopic model...
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Questionnant la pertinence d’une approche psychophysiologique à l’analyse des situations, l’étude porte sur la conduite automobile. Centrée sur le franchissement de sommet de côte, elle est réalisée en simulateur, avec un parcours reproduisant le relief d’une route réelle. La fréquence cardiaque (FC) du conducteur et la vitesse du véhicule sont qua...
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Atelier des Plate-formes de l'IA : Jeux vidéos et IA, RENNES, FRANCE, 02-/07/2015 - 02/07/2015
While collision avoidance has been the most active topic in pedestrian simulation, the modelling of other kinds of behaviours appears to be essential for better realism. Thus higher cognitive levels of perception and behaviour improve simulation quality. Furthermore, giving an agent the possibility to choose the nature of its interactions with the...
The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of traffic data collection that can and should be used for the calibration and validation of traffic simulation models. There are big differences in availability of data from different sources. Some types of data such as loop detector data are widely available and used. Some can be measured wi...
Walking, the oldest means of transport and practiced used by everyone, represents the “heart of life itself” around which any other means of transport should be subordinately organized. It is necessary to detect, locate, identity, and eventually track pedestrians to understand how they interact with each other. This article concerns the detection o...
This chapter presents the different embedded sensors on the road, the selected organization for the sensors' deployment, the communication network connecting these different points of measurement and the supervisor. The study of the vehicles' trajectories is the only valid way to reveal the drivers' behavior. All vehicles will be located on the tra...
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L’étude que nous présentons porte sur la thématique de la validité des simulateurs de conduite du Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulation et Simulateurs de conduite (LEPSiS) de l’Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR). L’analyse de l’activité des expérimentateurs et des part...
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We propose a model of the driver perception suited for microscopic, agent-based traffic simulations. The model includes both top-down and bottom-up perception, and takes into account the limited amount of perceptive resource which gain access to short-term memory. The driving task is split into sub-tasks, which can be activated in parallel (e.g. ca...
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Les simulateurs de conduite sont souvent utilisés pour évaluer les aménagements (e.g., Jamson et al., 2008), l’influence de la fatigue (e.g., Philip et al., 2005) ou de l’alcool (e.g., Meskali, 2005). Très peu d’études ont été réalisées sur l’influence du type de simulateur sur les réponses des conducteurs, même si le fait d’avoir une cabine complè...
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Driving simulators are high-tech and cost-effective tools that allow performing complex tasks such as designing, testing and studying road design and equipment, e.g., road markings and signs, public lighting, specific traffic lanes. For this, IFSTTAR (The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) has develo...
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This paper reviews a cluster of recent and current researches in the field of visual attention conducted at the LEPSIS Lab (IFSTTAR). Taking advantage of the multidisciplinary structure of the research team, contributions have been proposed in the fields of image processing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cognitive psychology and etholog...
Conference Paper
In everyday life, we can see amazing choreographies of movements of crowds of pedestrians. Pedestrians run into and avoid each other but do not seem to consciously cooperate. In this paper, we track a crowd of pedestrians in a large covered and cluttered area to understand their social behavior. Additionally, we try to analyze the characteristics o...
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In the context of the French project PREDIT-SARI, we have carried out two different studies to evaluate the impact of a message posted on a variable message sign (VMS) ahead of a rural four-way intersection with deteriorated sight-distance on the major road. The VMS served to warn the driver on the main road of the presence or not of a vehicle on t...
Nous proposons un modèle de perception pour la simulation de trafic microscopique, utilisant une architecture multi-agent. Le modèle traite la perception ascendante (bottom-up) et descendante (top-down), et simule le fait que seul un nombre limité d’entités perçues a accès à la mémoire à court terme, et donc au module de décision. La tâche de condu...
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the state of the art in pedestrian simulation models and the identification of key issues for further research, with particular focus on the modelling of pedestrians and motorised traffic. A review and a comparative assessment of pedestrian simulation models are carried out, including macroscopic model...
4ème colloque francophone international du GERI COPIE, MONTREAL, CANADA, 20-/11/2013 - 22/11/2013
Aujourd'hui, les enjeux sociétaux à venir (vieillissement de la population, développement des modes de transport actifs) nécessitent d'améliorer la connaissance des déplacements et des comportements des usagers de l'espace urbain ainsi que de leurs interactions avec l'environnement, en particulier dans les lieux d'échange multi-modaux. Les probléma...
While most of multi-agent navigation approaches consider interactions with several agents as a simple combination of individual interactions, we propose an approach based on perception with both microscopic and mesoscopic representations of the environment. Indeed we consider that, during its navigation task inside a pedestrian crowd, a pedestrian...
Most of the work on pedestrian simulations places them in a homogeneous context (emergency evacuation, crossing streets, airport). They do not take into account the many interpedestrian interactions induced by a dynamical environment requiring a contextual adaptation, for instance a situation with a danger perceived. Indeed, to deviate from a dange...
Réduire l’impact négatif des effets de la circulation motorisée sur la vie des citadins est une nécessité qui s’impose de plus en plus fortement aux villes. Les actions de relance des modes de déplacement doux se développent, en particulier celles qui visent à soutenir la marche à pied, en tant que telle ou associée au transport collectif. Pourtant...
Conference Paper
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To simulate pedestrian crowds, most of the current studies use the microscopic approach, in which the pedestrian is modeled as an individual entity. With the microscopic approach, the heterogeneity in the pedestrian population is mostly based on inter-individual difference in the agent model parameters, like speed, destination, etc. In fact, what c...
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The analysis of the variability of vehicle trajectories can reveal important information about how situational constraints influence drivers’ behaviour (e.g., lateral position and/or speed). Variability in the lateral position using a driving simulator was examined. Forty-two participants had to drive on two road environments: a 3 km straight road...
Most of the work about pedestrian simulations concern situations of homogeneous interactions between them as for planning and for designing in transportation studies. These studies assume that pedestrians broadly share common behavior and goal (reaching out of a building, crossing a street, following target ...). They do not take into account the m...
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Our study focused on the lateral position of drivers in relation to risk on rural crest vertical curves, using a field site proposed by a local operator of the French road network (Conseil Général de Maine-et-Loire, 49). The final goal was to test one road treatment on this field site. The study consisted of three stages. The first, using driving s...
Conference Paper
Perception is often seen in multiagent systems and in robotics from a passive point of view. The sensors of the agent collect information on its environment ; however the potentially important number of percepts is not realistic and may decrease the agents efficiency. In this article, we introduce a contextual goal-oriented perception filtering. Be...
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Résumé La plupart des travaux portant sur la simulation de piétons les placent dans un contexte d'interaction inter piéton quasi homogène (situation de panique, traversée de rue, atteinte de cible). Ils ne prennent pas en compte les multiples interactions inter-piétons induites par un environnement dynamique et nécessitant une adaptation contextuel...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, micro-simulation is a common approach to study the behaviors of drivers in the road traffic. The main concern of most microscopic simulators is the network efficiency evaluation. The microsimulation approach relies on major models such as car following, lane changing and road crossing. Each of these models has a strong theoretical base, a...
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The simulation tools of people's displacements become more and more popular for applications emerging in the field of mobility planning, traffic management, impact assessment for city design and infrastructure modifications. Moreover, there is a lack of computational tools for the microscopic simulation of urban interactions between drivers and ped...
Pedestrian simulation is gaining more and more attention in recent years as demonstrated by the increasing number of pedestrians related paper in the literature. Whether this is for infrastructure design (stations, malls, etc.) or emergency evacuation, all fields are concerned. The different scales in modelling (macroscopic, microscopic) all have b...
An emphasis on active modes of transportation, that is, walking and cycling, has recently been renewed amid concerns for the environment and public health. However, the focus of research and practice that these modes have traditionally received is secondary to that received by motorized modes. As a consequence, the data on pedestrians (in particula...
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Les Systèmes Multi-Agents constituent désormais une des approches fréquemment utilisées dans un objectif de modélisation et de simulation de trafic routier. Des progrès restent toutefois à accomplir en vue d'améliorer le réalisme des comportements humains simulés, dont le comportement des conducteurs automobiles. En particulier, si le processus de...
Le contexte de ces travaux est l'évaluation de nouvelles infrastructures facilitant la traversée de rue en ville. Les outils de simulations actuels intègrent peu la dimension interactive entre le piéton et le véhicule lors de la prise de décision de traverser. A cet effet, nous présentons ici un outil de simulation implantant un modèle de décision...
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Amid concerns for the environment and public health, there has been recently a renewed emphasis on active modes of transportation, i.e. walking and cycling. However, these modes have traditionally received research and practice focus secondary to motorized modes. There is consequently a lack of pedestrian data, in particular microscopic data, to me...
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There are two kinds of perception : active and passive. This paper is an attempt to take advantage of active perception to improve the agent's perception of relevant information. Through the data filtering capacity, active perception is a useful tool for modeling human-like bounded perception. Using such filters, either the agent or the environment...
Conference Paper
Les recherches sur les piétons ont comme enjeu la qualité des déplacements piéton en milieu urbain. A partir d'un état de l'art sur les modélisations piétons, nous dégageons une démarche expérimentale qui a pour but de modéliser l'anticipation du piéton dans ses déplacements. Nous sommes dans une problématique SMA de coordination souvent compétitiv...
Conference Paper
Aujourd'hui il existe peu de solutions de simulation microscopique permettant d'évaluer a priori des aménagements urbains pour lesquels la mixité entre les usagers (piéton, conducteur) est prépondérante. Une des difficultés majeures pour la mise en oeuvre de modèles microscopiques de simulation piéton dédiés au domaine routier concerne l'absence de...
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The road network includes in two kind of road sections: straight lanes, and road cross-ings. For road crossings, Mandiau et al. [1] proposed an algorithm derived from the game theory, where a driver decides at each time step to GO or to STOP depending on his evaluation of the relative priorities with the other players he selected in the "game". The...
This research was carried out as part of the French national multidisciplinary research project, PREDIT-SARI. Using a driving simulator, it aimed to test the effectiveness of road treatments intended to inform drivers about the risk of losing control on rural roads with "crest vertical curves" (Landis et al., 2004). [Rosey, F., Auberlet, J.M., Bert...
Conference Paper
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The present research was done in the context of the French national multidisciplinary research project, PREDIT-SARI. Our study focused on the risk related to crest vertical curves (CVC) on rural roads, using a field site proposed by a local operator of the French road network (Conseil Général de Maine-et-Loire, 49). The final goal was to test one r...
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This driving simulator study investigated differences in the influence of lane width reduction on speed profiles and lateral positions in realworld and simulator conditions. The use of driving simulators has been expanding in transportation research. This use raises the question of the simulators’ validity. The study was developed in two steps. In...
Conference Paper
Over the last few years, the use of driving simulators has expanded in the field of transportation research. Using a driving simulator raises many questions: for example, "What is the best driving simulator for a particular type of experiment?"; "How can an experiment be replicated on several simulators?"; or "How can researchers know if the result...
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La plupart des modeles de simulation microscopique de pietons ne traitent pas les interactions pietons-vehicules. Ces interactions sont pourtant essentielles lors de la traversee de rue par les pietons, situation qui concentre des enjeux d'amenagement urbain et de securite routiere. La litterature scientifique fournit plusieurs travaux sur l'activi...
The collective behaviours that emerge from models based on formal rules are limited, especially when the models are designed to replicate human behaviour which, sometimes, contradict these formal rules. Mandiau et al. [1] showed how the possibility for an agent not to respect the highway code, formal rule, led to a more realistic collective behavio...
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Besides mathematical simulation models which describe road traffic in a statistical way, the INRETS has led research works on traffic simulation based on the actual driver’s behaviour for more than 15 years. ARCHISIM is a behavioural simulation model; traffic phenomena result from individual actions and interactions of the various and numerous acto...
Approximately 48% of all fatal collisions in Europe are classified as single-vehicle run-off-road or head-on collisions. These crashes relate to trajectory control (road departure) and represent a safety challenge. In France, single-vehicle run-off-road crashes represent 21% of all crashes and head-on collisions represent 11%. This study evaluated...
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This paper describes a multi-agent coordination mechanism applied to intersection simulation situations. In a goal of urban traffic simulation, we must consider the dynamic interactions between autonomous vehicles. The field of multi-agent systems provides us some studies for such systems, in particular on the coordination mechanisms. Conflicts bet...
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La facilité du trajet, l'accessibilité de la destination, la qualité des ambiances, le confort, l’aménagement adapté et la sécurité du déplacement sont autant de facteurs déterminants pour le choix de la marche comme mode de transport. Mais la marche en milieu urbain suppose également du piéton un certain nombre de compétences d’interaction avec so...
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In France, about 800 pedestrians are killed and over 17,000 are injured each year. There is a prevalence of these data in urban areas where the traffic is denser and the interaction between drivers and pedestrians is more complex. This can be exemplified by considering the risk taken by a pedestrian situated at a crossroads and willing to cross. Th...
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Traffic phenomena come on the one hand from supply / demand mechanisms and on the other hand from the interactions between the various actors involved. Simulation models have been developed for several decades by traffic engineers to reproduce the phenomena. Based on the identification of observed traffic, they are unfortunately limited when the st...
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Traffic jams constitute an important problem in the cities. Before improving or modifying the infrastructure and the traffic equipments, it seems necessary to evaluate and to measure their impacts on the traffic system, on the capacity as well as on the safety. The evaluation of the proposed solutions can be done by tools such as microscopic traffi...
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SARI : Surveillance Automatisée de la Route pour l'Information des conducteurs et des gestionnaires. Projet VIZIR, Action 1.5. Visuels liés à des situations routières particulières : les carrefours, les virages, les hauts de côtes en ligne droite. L'Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS - MSIS), l'Ecole Supérieu...
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SARI : Surveillance Automatisée de la Route pour l'Information des conducteurs et des gestionnaires. Projet VIZIR, Action 1.5. Visuels liés à des situations routières particulières : les carrefours, les virages, les hauts de côtes en ligne droite. L'Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS - MSIS), l'Ecole Supérieu...
Conference Paper
The road accident injuries are always too high. Thus, many governments including French's want to react. The ITS (intelligent transport systems) is an expression to regroup systems which analyze road situations to help drivers. We made a large state of the art on sensors technologies that can locate and track vehicles. Some of them are well-known a...
Conference Paper
ITS design and assessment require a systemic approach in order to take into account drivers' behaviour modifications and the impact of these modifications on traffic (capacity, safety). Since drivers' practices can be far from those expected by ITS system designers, psychological studies have to be conducted for the future situations. INRETS Modell...
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2) LIAP-5 (Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle de l'université Paris-5). France ABSTRACT The significant number of injured pedestrians shows their vulnerability in front of vehicles. From the driver's point of view, pedestrians are slow, fragile, and with unexpected behaviour; their movements can abruptly change direction (sides, step backward)...
Conference Paper
Road traffic simulation is a flexible tool used for a wide variety of applications including traffic studies. In addition to mathematical based simulation models, the INRETS (French National Institute for Research in Transportation and Safety) has conducted research based on the driver behavior and has developed a behavioral simulation model, ARCHI...
Conference Paper
Simulation modeling is an increasingly popular and effective tool for analyzing a wide variety of dynamical problems. Road traffic is an example of such problems. Road traffic constitutes a dynamic problem associated with complex processes. These processes are characterized by the interaction of the elements of the system: road users, infrastructur...
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Keywords multi-agent systems, driving simulator ROAD TRAFFIC SIMULATION WITH ARCHISIM Road Traffic Simulation Simulation modeling is an increasingly popular and effective tool for analyzing a wide variety of dynamical problems. Road traffic is an example of such problems. Road traffic constitutes a dynamic problem associated with complex processes....
Physiological systems maintain their variables within limits through regulatory processes. We have studied potassium regulation on the basis of the viability theory. The viability kernel is determined by taking into account the constraints of the variables of the dynamical system, i.e. the set of initial states for which there exists at least one v...