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Jean-Louis Berger

Jean-Louis Berger
University of Fribourg (Switzerland) · Educational Sciences



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My research interests are at the intersection of education and psychology. Topics: Self-regulated learning, metacognition, motivation to learn (and teaching practices influencing it), teacher motivation, etc.
Additional affiliations
October 2008 - August 2009
University of Michigan
  • Visiting scholar
  • Postdoc fellowship
September 2009 - February 2016
Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET
  • Head of research field "Occupational profiles"
May 2011 - March 2017
Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET
  • Lecturer
  • Introduction to educational sciences Educational sciences in the context of Vocational Education and Training Learning difficulties in apprentices
October 2005 - October 2008
University of Geneva
Field of study
  • Educational Science
October 1998 - February 2003
University of Geneva
Field of study
  • Educational Sciences - Special education


Publications (119)
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En Suisse, la diplomation en formation professionnelle en alternance dans la branche du commerce passe par l'examen pratique dans l'entreprise formatrice de l'apprenti. Cet examen, certificatif et éliminatoire, est conduit par des évaluateurs actifs dans le commerce également. Malgré le grand nombre d'examens pratiques, aucune étude scientifique n'...
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The present study investigates students’ self-regulation of cognition and motivation and how they relate to motivational beliefs across three topics. Three types of topic-specific motivational beliefs (self-efficacy beliefs, achievement goals, and perceived instrumentality) and cognitive (cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in reading comprehe...
Conference Paper
Writing integrates cognitive and metacognitive processes as a function of constraints related to the context in which writing occurs (Hacker, 2009). Also, motivational variables such as self-efficacy contribute to writing processes (Ekholm et al., 2015; Zumbrunn et al., 2019). However, the types of writing self-efficacy play differentiated roles in...
Open access: https://www.alphil.com/livres/1349-1637-apprentissage-autoregule.html#/3-format-e_livre_en_libre_acces Jacques et Rania sont très engagés dans l’enseignement qu’ils offrent à leurs élèves et dans leur propre formation continue. En plus de guider leurs élèves dans les apprentissages de disciplines scolaires, ils veulent aussi les soute...
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L’engagement en formation constitue l’un de moteurs de l’apprentissage et de la réussite d’une formation. Cet engagement mérite d’être examiné pour en comprendre les sources et les conséquences au travers de divers contextes formatifs. Dans le cas du contexte de la formation professionnelle initiale duale en Suisse, les facteurs liés au degré d’eng...
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La formation professionnelle initiale est la filière suivie par 64% des jeunes Suisse après la scolarité obligatoire. Bien que le domaine du commerce de détail soit le troisième plus grand fournisseur de places de formation, il fait souvent office de dernier choix et affiche un taux de résiliation de contrat de formation élevé. Le but de la présent...
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The current study investigated teaching typologies, more specifically, motivational profiles and differences among the identified typologies based on their instructional beliefs and teaching efficacy beliefs. Data was collected using surveys from preservice teachers in the United States (N=327) enrolled in a traditional teacher training program at...
This chapter has two related goals. The first is to pay tribute to Stuart for his inspirational guidance and exceptional collaborative skills in studying self-regulated learning. The second is to offer an overview of our work and raise some related questions that might deserve attention. Based on the studies we conducted together and the conceptual...
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Invited talk at the University of the Balearic Islands
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En Suisse, 60% des jeunes qui sortent de l’école obligatoire débuteront un apprentissage qui est une formation professionnalisante, qui dure deux à quatre ans selon le métier. L’apprentissage se déroule dans trois lieux : l’entreprise avec laquelle l’apprenti·e a signé son contrat de travail et deux lieux de formation. Le premier est l’école dont l...
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Cet article entend discuter des conditions qui permettent à des examens universitaires de soutenir les processus d’apprentissage des étudiant·es. En effet, si nombre de travaux ont montré le potentiel de l’évaluation formative pour soutenir l’autorégulation de l’apprentissage, les liens entre l’évaluation certificative et cette autorégulation sont...
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Afin de contribuer aux travaux qui considèrent que les pratiques d’évaluation certificatives peuvent être au service des apprentissages, cet article entend discuter des conditions qui permettent à des examens universitaires de cours à grands effectifs de soutenir les processus d’apprentissage des étudiant·es. En effet, si nombre de travaux ont mont...
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The current study aims at analyzing and comparing novice teachers’ motivations, values, and beliefs (N=810) from two different countries, namely the United States and Switzerland. Both groups, the US participants (n=327) and the Swiss participants (n=483) were enrolled in a teacher training program in their respective countries. Study results ident...
Résumé Les tensions de rôle chez les apprenti·e·s sont un élément prépondérant dans la définition de la qualité de la formation professionnelle en alternance. Toutefois, peu d’études ont examiné les perceptions et l’importance des tensions de rôle dans ce contexte particulier. Ainsi, cette contribution s’intéresse aux tensions de rôle perçues par d...
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In a dual initial vocational education and training (IVET) system, an integration between school- and work-based learning is essential to provide apprentices with necessary trade-specific skills and to ensure the quality of training. However, apprentices often perceive a disconnection between learning sites. Accordingly, based on the concepts of bo...
English abstract below Résumé Dans le contexte de la formation professionnelle initiale (FPI) en alternance, une étude suisse romande s’est penchée sur les perceptions de qualité d’une telle formation par des apprenti·e·s. Une partie des caractéristiques de la qualité perçue en FPI est notamment liée aux divers rôles que les apprenti·e·s assument...
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There is substantial evidence that students’ use of self-regulated learning strategies is directly related to their motivation to achieve desired learning outcomes (designated outcome motivation: OM). Further, motivational beliefs about the strategies themselves (designated strategy motivation: SM) may also influence strategy use. In the absence of...
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English below La présente étude concernait une pluralité d’aspects de la motivation dans un échantillon d’adolescents en lycée : la motivation à apprendre, les stratégies d’autorégulation de la motivation, ainsi que la tendance à la procrastination. Les objectifs étaient d’une part d’observer d’éventuelles différences dans ces aspects motivationne...
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Devenir un-e enseignant-e implique un changement de ses propres croyances et pratiques liées à l’enseignement. Cette étude s’intéresse à la manière dont des enseignant-e-s de la formation professionnelle initiale en Suisse romande perçoivent le changement de leurs pratiques suite à une formation à l’enseignement. Deux types de pratiques l’enseignem...
Conference Paper
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In the Swiss dual initial vocational education and training (IVET) system, quality plays an important role. Among the quality characteristics are perceived role stress, which can differ depending on school and professional apprentices’ experiences. The aim of this contribution is to highlight different dual apprentices’ profiles based on their perc...
Conference Paper
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This paper studies apprentices’ perceptions of initial vocational education and training quality at school and at the training company. Are there any patterns in the way apprentices capture IVET quality? Are there differences regarding perceptions of IVET quality at school or at the training company? By using data from a survey of 333 apprentices i...
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Le but de ce travail de recherche était d’étudier comment développer les capacités d’autorégulation d’élèves qui viennent de commencer un apprentissage dans le système de la formation professionnelle suisse. 32 élèves ont été sensibilisés, par un enseignement de type explicite, à une démarche d’autoévaluation d’une production écrite. Les effets de...
Teachers' motivational beliefs—i.e., teachers' self-efficacy and felt responsibility for educational outcomes—can shape their professional decision-making and approaches to teaching. However, theorized associations with student outcomes remain elusive. In a multi-level analysis with 96 Swiss vocational teachers and their 1300 students, we examined...
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Survey-based formats of assessing teaching quality in higher education are widely used and will likely continue to be used by higher education institutions around the world as various global trends contributing to their widespread use further evolve. Although the use of mobile devices for course evaluation continues to grow, there remain some unres...
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In Switzerland, individuals who follow the typical dual form of an initial vocational education and training (VET) programme to learn a trade do so at two main learning sites: a training company and a vocational school. In this context, apprentices’ motivations differ noticeably between the school and the training company. Based on the self-determi...
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Afin de comprendre la qualité d’une formation par les conceptions de ses acteurs, une étude a été conduite dans le contexte de la formation professionnelle duale en Suisse romande. Par des entretiens collectifs, ont été identifiés les aspects constituant cette qualité selon les apprentis, les enseignants et les formateurs en entreprise. Les résulta...
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La planification des cours constitue une compétence professionnelle cruciale de la profession enseignante. Des recherches ont mis en évidence l'évolution des conceptions des enseignants quant à la planification au cours de leur formation. Cet article se distingue puisqu'il positionne les conceptions des enseignants en formation par rapport à leurs...
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This study aimed to examine the links between motivation to become a teacher, sense of responsibility, and classroom management style. An adapted version of the Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT)-Choice scale, a translated version of the Teacher Responsibility scale, and a vignette instrument inspired by the Problems in School Questionnaire were ad...
Conference Paper
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La qualité de la formation professionnelle duale est un sujet qui gagne en importance dans le contexte suisse. Toutefois, la notion de qualité souffre d’un déficit définitoire qui pose problème pour son évaluation. En outre, la diversité des contextes culturels et formatifs, ainsi que les objectifs variés de l’évaluation de la qualité suggèrent qu’...
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L’école et l’enseignement font l’objet d’une diversité de croyances. Chaque personne y étant passée se sent légitime et compétente pour parler de ce que représente l’école, ce qu’est un bon ou mauvais enseignant, ou encore ce qui motive ou démotive un élève en classe. Mais quelle place occupent les conclusions scientifiques dans ces conceptions ? C...
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Understanding students’ self-regulation of learning, particularly why, how, and when they use learning strategies, is highly relevant to developing students’ life-long learning abilities. In the present study, we analyzed how students’ epistemological and motivational beliefs were correlated with help seeking (HS) for 273 (pre)vocational students l...
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Teachers’ and in-company trainers’ skills constitute an important component of quality in initial vocational education and training. This study aimed at investigating how these skills are perceived by 320 apprentices from the technical and the retail fields in Switzerland. Written answers to six open-ended questions were analyzed with both an induc...
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Dual Systems like the Swiss initial vocational education and training (IVET) entail both a school- and a workplace-based learning. The connections between these two learning locations in terms of transfer of knowledge can contribute to IVET quality. This study focused on how these connections are perceived by retail and technical apprentices (N=320...
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Le modèle suisse de formation professionnelle est au centre d’un engouement sans précédent. En Suisse comme à l’étranger, il est loué pour sa gestion basée sur un partenariat public-privé, pour sa capacité à intégrer un nombre important de jeunes au sortir de l’école obligatoire et enfin, pour la qualité de la formation fournie, en phase avec les b...
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The quality of education and training is a key factor in explaining apprentices' motivations and helping sustain their efforts in acquiring the necessary skills for their future occupation. Yet, the perceived quality of initial vocational education and training (IVET) may vary according to the learning location and the occupational fields. To ident...
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Given the growing focus on initial vocational education and training (IVET) quality in Swit-zerland, a study investigating in-company training quality as perceived by 320 apprentices in technical and retail occupations was conducted. The aims were 1) to examine potential differences in the perceived quality of in-company training between the two oc...
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La qualité de l’enseignement en formation professionnelle est indissociable d’une réflexion sur les meilleures manières pour l’enseignant·e d’assumer son poste et de se sentir adéquat·e. L’enseignant·e exerce sa profession à la fois comme acteur singulier ou actrice singulière intervenant en faveur des apprentissages et comme partie prenante d’une...
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Le modèle suisse de formation professionnelle est au centre d’un engouement sans précédent. En Suisse comme à l’étranger, il est loué pour sa gestion basée sur un partenariat public-privé, pour sa capacité à intégrer un nombre important de jeunes au sortir de l’école obligatoire et enfin, pour la qualité de la formation fournie, en phase avec les b...
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Planifier des cours est l’une des compétences centrales que les enseignant-e-s développent durant leur formation. Les sources et processus régissant l’apprentissage des pratiques de planification restent encore largement inexplorés. Trente entretiens semi-directifs menés auprès d’enseignants du secondaire récemment diplômés ont permis de conclure q...
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Two studies were conducted to investigate the evolution of 71 Swiss vocational teachers’ classroom management as a result of the inputs of a teacher education program, and to identify the factors that encouraged or impeded teacher change. Study 1 consisted of a longitudinal survey, and Study 2 of interviews. Longitudinal analyses were performed usi...
Research on teachers’ professional identity integrates many constructs that are treated independently in most cases. This study described the associations between components of teacher professional identity and their association with teachers’ general pedagogical beliefs. Secondary teachers (n = 236) completed a survey about several components of t...
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Classroom management is an important topic in teacher education, as it has a strong impact on students’ engagement. However, untangling the concepts influencing teachers’ classroom management practices is a question that needs further investigation. Using data from a survey of 154 vocational teachers participating in teacher education, this study e...
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The act of newly qualified teachers leaving the profession is a growing challenge, both in Norway and internationally. To address recruitment difficulties, there is a need for further knowledge of prospective teachers’ career motivations. The current study validated a Norwegian translation of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice (FIT-Choice) Sca...
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Teachers' beliefs are important to investigate given that they are associated with teaching practices and thus, indirectly, with students' learning. The purpose of this study was to highlight the effects of experience and teacher education on vocational teachers' pedagogical and identity beliefs in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. A total o...
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L’objectif de cet article est de présenter la validation de la version française de l’Échelle du sentiment de responsabilité des enseignants ( Teacher Responsibility Scale ) élaborée par Lauermann et Karabenick (2013). Dans une première étude, nous avons soumis à 154 enseignants en formation la version française de l’Échelle du sentiment de respons...
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The present study aimed to provide deeper understanding of the factors guiding vocational teachers toward the adoption of classroom management beliefs and practices regarding the issue of student disengagement. Teachers were asked about the differences between their current and past practices, and about the reasons at the basis of their evolution....
This chapter examines whether and how teacher motivation matters for vocational teachers' instructional practices and teacher beliefs, specifically related to classroom management. Classroom management is conceptualized according to two continuua: Autonomy-support vs control, and structure vs chaos. Following a review of studies showing that motiva...
The act of newly qualified teachers leaving the profession is a growing challenge, both in Norway and internationally. To address recruitment difficulties, there is a need for further knowledge of prospective teachers’ career motivations. The current study validated a Norwegian translation of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice (FIT-Choice) Sca...
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Many studies of teacher motivation have been conducted in different contexts over time. However, until fairly recently there has not been a reliable measure available to allow comparisons across samples and settings. This has resulted in an abundance of findings which cannot be directly compared or synthesised. The FIT-Choice instrument offers the...
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Résumé court La littérature tend à montrer que l’expérience d’enseignement joue un rôle dans l’évolution des conceptions pédagogiques et identitaires des enseignants. La formation à l’enseignement bouleverserait également les conceptions que les enseignants se sont créés au fil de leur propre scolarité. Il est question dans cette étude de montrer l...
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La recherche a montré que les pratiques de gestion de classe des enseignants influencent l’engagement des apprenants dans les apprentissages. Ainsi, une question importante porte sur les facteurs qui amènent les enseignants à avoir recours à ces pratiques. Cette étude vise à examiner l’articulation de deux de ces facteurs–les motivations à devenir...
La gestion de classe constitue une compétence fondamentale du métier d’enseignant qui est source de préoccupation pour nombre de débutants mais aussi d’enseignants disposant d’une certaine expérience. Alors que la recherche s’est passablement intéressée à l’impact de diverses pratiques de gestion de classe sur l’engagement des élèves, les relations...
Conference Paper
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Classroom management has a major impact on students’ motivation and learning outcomes. However, studies are needed to understand why teachers adopt/discard those instructional practices and how the process of changes in practice takes place. Using a mixed-method design, we investigated whether and how classroom management-related beliefs and self-r...
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Despite their significant contributions to research on self-regulated learning, those favoring online and trace approaches have questioned the use of self-report to assess learners' use of learning strategies. An important rejoinder to such criticisms consists of examining the validity of self-report items. The present study was designed to assess...
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This study explored how teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) and teachers’ self-efficacy (TSE) at the beginning of teacher education differ in terms of student teachers’ individual characteristics. The study participants were 240 teachers in their first year of education who completed a questionnaire that assessed their GPK, three types of...
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Les avancées technologiques et les transformations du monde du travail requièrent la formation d’apprenants en mesure de se recycler professionnellement, de suivre des formations continues poussées, soit d’apprendre tout au long de la vie. Comment préparer les individus à un tel défi ? Une compétence clé pour y faire face est le développement de l’...
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Teachers’ motivation to engage in a specific task depends on their perception of the task costs and values and on the perception of their ability to successfully achieve it. Results indicated that one year of teacher education impacted task-related motivation, notably self-efficacy and perceptions of cost. A high self-efficacy seemed to intensify t...
Conference Paper
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Teachers’ motivation to engage in a specific task depends on their perception of the task costs and values and on the perception of their ability to successfully achieve it. Results indicated that one year of teacher education impacted task-related motivation, notably self-efficacy and perceptions of cost. A high self-efficacy seemed to intensify t...
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Abstract Purpose – Potential teacher shortage and low esteem of vocational education and training (VET) educator profession, together with the importance of attracting individuals best suited for the profession, lead to concerns about the reasons why people become VET educators as a second career. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to invest...
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Cet article presente le developpement d’un nouvel instrument d’evaluation des facettes de la motivation scolaire a l’adolescence : l’Inventaire de motivation et volition scolaires. Cet instrument comporte la particularite d’integrer des facettes de la motivation a apprendre fondees sur la theorie de l’autodetermination (Ryan & Deci, 2000) ainsi que...
Analogical reasoning involves the comparison of pictures as well as the memorisation of relations. Young children (4–7 years old) and students with moderate intellectual disability have a short memory span, which hampers them in succeeding traditional analogical tests. In the present study, we investigated if, by providing external memory hints, th...
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This study analyzes the effects of achievement goals on the metacognitive processes as 200 students solve two mathematical problems differing in complexity. Results show that the diverse achievement goals have significant effects both on metacognitive experiences and on metacognitive strategies, coherently across the two problems. Mastery-approach...
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Historical and conceptual introduction to special issue on self-regulated learning
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Historical and conceptual introduction to special issue on self-regulated learning http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1945-8959.12.2.127
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Barry J. Zimmerman has long recognized that self-regulated learning (SRL) may, and in fact often does, involve others who help learners by providing the resources (e.g., information and skills) they need to be successful. As he stated recently when describing the development of research on SRL, “Although SRL was viewed as especially important durin...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze, in a sample of 281 vocational education students learning mathematics, the relations between numerical reasoning abilities, self-perception and task value, achievement goals, and learning strategies. Path analyses revealed that various achievement goals are differentially predicted by self-perception and tas...
La capacité d'apprendre est fondamentale pour le développement de l'individu et pour son adaptation aux demandes et opportunités de son environnement. La rapidité des avancées technologiques ainsi que les développements sociétaux requièrent aujourd'hui des systèmes éducatifs qu'ils forment des apprenants en mesure de développer leur personnalité, d...
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Given the scarcity of educators in Swiss vocational education and training (VET) and the lack of scientific knowledge about these individuals, the aim of the present study was to investigate motivations to become VET educators. In order to focus on individuals instead of variables, a typological approach was adopted and motivational profiles were b...
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Ageing and the threat of shortages among vocational education and training (VET) teachers are current issues in Europe. Yet, there is little research conducted so far that has investigated scientifically the motivation and perceptions of these teachers. We examine the factors influencing the choice of a second career as a VET teacher in Switzerland...
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Motivation to learn in vocational education is underexplored by researchers in educational psychology. Yet, teachers would profit from an understanding of the goals apprentices adopt for their learning and how these goals relate to students’ learning strategies and abilities. Using latent profile analysis, four groups were identified based on the a...
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Although the prominence of motivational beliefs in learning and academic achievement has been largely acknowledged, researchers have only recently investigated the relations between these beliefs and the metacognitive aspects of learning, especially as part of self-regulated learning. We provide an outline of the different theories and of a number...
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Constatant qu’une penurie d’enseignants se profile dans de nombreux pays occidentaux, cette etude, menee en Suisse, se focalise sur les motivations des enseignants de ce pays et leurs perceptions du metier. Des analyses de pistes causales ont ete menees a partir de donnees recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire construit a partir du modele theoriq...
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Les eleves presentant de severes difficultes d’apprentissage ont souvent un deficit important dans la comprehension de texte, ceci en raison de leur manque de strategies d’apprentissage et de connaissances metacognitives. Un programme d’entrainement des strategies metacognitives et de prise de conscience de son propre fonctionnement cognitif a ete...
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L’objectif de cette etude est d’analyserempiriquement, dans un echantillon de 281 apprentis enformation professionnelle suivant des cours de mathematiques,les relations entre les habiletes dans le domaine duraisonnement numerique, les perceptions de soi et de latâche, les buts de competence, ainsi que lesstrategies d’apprentissage. Des analyses de...
Considerable evidence indicates that student motivation and use of learning strategies are related. There is insufficient understanding, however, about their reciprocal effects—whether motivation affects strategy use, the converse, or whether the effects are bidirectional—and which components of motivation and strategies are involved. A two-wave lo...