Jean Gabin Ntebutse

Jean Gabin Ntebutse
Université de Sherbrooke | UdeS · Department of Pedagogy



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Publications (29)
E-learning studies have identified challenges related to the viability of e-learning systems (ELS) and the relevance of instructional design models and methods. The authors implemented an iterative design experiment of ELS prototypes, using the engineering method of learning systems (EMILSO), for the learning of chronobiology in an agri-food master...
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This conceptual paper draws on a wide range of research and policy literature, providing a contemporary view of issues, factors and practices that affect education for digitally excluded populations. Concern for how education for digitally excluded populations can be supported is focal to this paper, with different sections offering key related per...
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Les technologies numériques (TN) participent à la consolidation de la formation à distance (FAD) à l'université. Avec la pandémie, les professeur•es ont accéléré la médiatisation des cours et des évaluations pour assurer la continuité pédagogique. Plusieurs défis sont rencontrés par les professeur•es dans l'évaluation des apprentissages en contexte...
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In line with a socio-critical approach to digital uses, which includes both the school and the extracurricular contexts in its analysis of student’s relationship to digital technologies, this article presents a review of the scientific literature on the transfer of learning regarding the three disciplinary skills of French as a first language induc...
This article presents a conceptual model of cross-cultural alignments in education in the digital era. The intention was to explore and respond to urgent questions regarding learners and the learning environments in today's networked society. The model explores the enabling or constraining influences of educational systems, digital environments, le...
Conference Paper
La formation à distance (FAD) est en plein essor au Québec (CSE, 2015). Cet engouement est lié aux progrès des technologies numériques (TN) (Audet, 2011). Cela inclut l’accessibilité des ressources et la diversification des formats d’enseignement (classe inversée, hybridation et présentiel enrichi) (Roy, 2011). Cependant, dans les pratiques enseign...
Responding to a controversy in the literature about the digital skill of digital natives, this exploratory qualitative study examines the beliefs of future high school teachers regarding students’ digital skill. Interviews were conducted with 36 participants from three Quebec universities and subjected to thematic analysis. The results uncover that...
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This paper builds on work undertaken over a number of years by a group of international researchers with an interest in the potential of connecting academic and everyday practices and knowledge. Drawing extensively on literature and our own work, we first discuss the challenges around defining informal learning, concluding that learning is multidim...
Ce self-study propose l’analyse d’une expérience de supervision à distance d’enseignants en formation à l’aide d’un dispositif numérique lors d’un stage à l’étranger. Au coeur du dispositif de cette « e-supervision », on retrouve la rédaction d’un blogue par le superviseur-chercheur. L’étude porte sur les manifestations de présence sur ce blogue qu...
Background and context Historically there has been an interest in the relationship between informal and formal learning since a call to action was made at EDUsummIT 2009. In the 2015 EDUsummIT in Bangkok one of the main discussions was the challenge of how to ensure that educational institutions recognize and accredit informal learning. This paper...
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Interest and value of the phenomenological narrative : a dicovery of logic and rigor The aim of this paper is to highlight the interest and the value of the method of phenomenological narrative as the result of a rigorous approach of phenomenological examination of the data that allows a fine understanding of phenomena. The exercise leans on two st...
The aim of this paper is to highlight the interest and the value of the method of phenomenological narrative as the result of a rigorous approach of phenomenological examination of the data that allows a fine understanding of phenomena. The exercise leans on two steps of research about different objects but which both ended in the construction of p...
Conference Paper
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Cette communication propose un retour sur une expérience de supervision à distance de jeunes enseignants en formation à l’aide d’un dispositif d’e-formation lors d’un stage à l’international ou loin de leur lieu d’études. Au coeur du dispositif de cette «e-supervision», on retrouve la rédaction d’un blogue par le chercheur-superviseur. L’intention...
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Cet article a pour objectif de contribuer à formaliser une approche sociocritique du numérique en éducation. Telle que nous la concevons, cette approche consiste à étudier les relations entre le profil et le contexte socioculturel des élèves et leur disposition à s''éduquer et se former avec le numérique. Elle se situe au croisement, d’une part, de...
Some results of a survey on professional ethics conducted among francophone college teachers in Quebec are compared with a review of the literature and the results of focus groups previously held on the subject. The justification reasons behind the ethical nature of certain professional concerns, along with the guidelines and the resolution strateg...
La formation des enseignants connaît actuellement une modification structurelle considérable qui minimise l'alternance entre la réflexion et l'action. Les recherches réunies dans ce volume par Didier Moreau ont été conduites au Québec et en France par des spécialistes de l'éthique de l'éducation ; elles portent sur tous les ordres de l'enseignement...
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In the field of education, master and doctoral studies are considered too lengthy, and the dropout rate too high. One solution for improving the situation is to support supervision of studies. An explanatory study has been carried out at the Faculty of education at Université de Sherbrooke where material, financial, relational and intellectual cond...
Une recherche mixte a ete effectuee afin de mettre au jour les preoccupations ethiques vecues par les enseignants du collegial dans l’exercice de leur profession. A partir de donnees issues de huit groupes de discussion, un questionnaire a ete elabore et envoye en ligne aux enseignants permanents ou a temps complet du reseau collegial francophone q...
This article deals with the various conceptual approaches in the study of risk and protective factors in young children. We also consider the contribution of the resilience construct from the perspective of reconceptualizing our understanding of the problems of adaptation. We present a brief but critical description of current concepts, and some ec...


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