Jean-Dominique DurandInstitute of Research for Development | IRD · UMR 248 MARBEC
Jean-Dominique Durand
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Jean-Dominique Durand currently works at the UMR MARBEC, Institute of Research for Development. Jean-Dominique does research in Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology and Systematics (Taxonomy).
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October 2001 - present
September 2000 - October 2001
Publications (195)
The environmental DNA (eDNA) technique characterizes spatio-temporal fish diversity patterns along estuarine habitats, such as hard-to-reach mangroves, yet it has rarely been applied in West Africa. In this study conducted over two seasons (dry and rainy) in coastal Guinea Bissau, fish eDNA was extracted from water samples collected in three habita...
Molecular data from 35 of the 50 Acrossocheilinae species suggest that the species-level diversity in the subfamily has been overestimated, likely due to inadequate taxon and geographic sampling and reliance on morphological characters that vary intraspecifically. Three new genera, one resurrected genus, two resurrected species, and one new species...
The Tropical Indo-Pacific (TIP) includes about two thirds of the world's tropical oceans and harbors an enormous number of marine species. The distributions of those species within the region is affected by habitat discontinuities and oceanographic features. As well as many smaller ones, the TIP contains seven large recognized biogeographic barrier...
The Tropical Indo-Pacific (TIP) includes about two thirds of the world's tropical oceans and harbors an enormous number of marine species. The distributions of those species within the region is affected by habitat discontinuities and oceanographic features. As well as many smaller ones, the TIP contains seven large recognized biogeographic barrier...
1. The coastal marine stingrays (genus Fontitrygon) include two endemic and highly threatened species (Fontitrygon margaritella and Fontitrygon margarita) from the African Gulf of Guinea. However, the lack of robust diagnostic features due to similar external features hinders species identification, thus limiting species-specific conservation effor...
The Health Impacts of Artificial Reef Advancement (HIARA; in the Malagasy language, “together”) study cohort was set up in December 2022 to assess the economic and nutritional importance of seafood for the coastal Malagasy population living along the Bay of Ranobe in southwestern Madagascar. Over the course of the research, which will continue unti...
Molecular data from samples encompassing 22 nominal species of Poropuntius indicate that the species-level diversity in the genus has been vastly overestimated, likely due to inadequate taxon and geographic sampling and reliance on morphological characters that vary intra-specifically. The latter includes discrete mouth morphologies related to alte...
The taxonomy of the family Mugilidae has historically posed challenges, marked by discrepancies between described and valid species, compounded by cryptic diversity and a similar external appearance. Previous studies left four of six lineages unidentified within Crenimugil, including Crenimugil sp. A and Crenimugil sp. B. The goal of this study is...
Vietnam's oldest marine protected area, the Con Dao Archipelago, hosts a high diversity of fishes, but they are not taken into account in its management. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal diversity of fishes is critical to identify the ecological functions of protected habitats, including as nurseries and feeding grounds. One way to assess dive...
Fishes of the Mugilidae family are poorly known from a taxonomic perspective, largely because of their conservative morphology. In this paper, we aim to fill the knowledge gap and data deficiency regarding the genetic diversity of mullets occurring in southern peninsular India. A comprehensive mitochondrial phylogeny based on 238 COI sequences (78...
This review examines the published literature on the distribution and species richness of the family Mugilidae around six continents as well as their phylogenetic relationships in a time‐calibrated tree. Three mugilid species‐rich regions were identified globally, namely the Coral Triangle, southern Asia and southern Africa, all of which have betwe...
The taxonomic status of the keeled back mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae) has been reinvestigated. Two nominal mugilid species having keeled backs from East Asia: Mugil lauvergnii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850 and Mugil affinis Günther, 1861 have been re-evaluated through examination of the holotypes and fresh specimens. Comparison of morpho-meristic charac...
New data based on multigene phylogenetic analyses using the COI, 16S, and cytb genes and subsequent molecular species delimitation revealed that the mugilid genus Chelon contains 11 species. Of these, two species, Chelon sp. A and Chelon sp. B, remained unidentified in previous studies. While Chelon sp. B seemingly is a close relative to C. dumeril...
The Mekong River is one of the largest rivers in the world and hosts the second greatest fish diversity in the world after the Amazon. However, despite the importance of this diversity and its associated biomass for human food security and the economy, different anthropogenic pressures threaten the sustainability of the Mekong River and fish divers...
The northern Arabian Sea is highly productive in terms of abundant and diverse fish fauna (≈1,000 species) due to nutrient-rich waters. A total of 303 specimens were collected from the coastal waters of Pakistan, representing 100 genera, 61 families, and 15 orders identifiable to 120 morphological species and 18 others that could not be morphologic...
The northern Arabian Sea is highly productive in terms of abundant and diverse fish fauna (≈1,000 species) due to nutrient-rich waters. A total of 303 specimens were collected from the coastal waters of Pakistan, representing 100 genera, 61 families, and 15 orders identifiable to 120 morphological species and 18 others that could not be morphologic...
Knowledge of marine fish diversity remains largely incomplete in the Con Dao Archipelago, the oldest marine protected area in Vietnam. Previous investigations of diversity established a species checklist for Con Dao but did not specifically target pre-settlement stages of reef fishes and short-life pelagic species even though they provide informati...
Madagascar is a marine biodiversity hotspot. A recent checklist recorded 1689 marine or transitional water fish species, 2.5% being endemic. To date, studies in this country were mostly focused on adult fishes using morphological-based identification. The early life stages of fishes remain largely understudied. The present work aimed to improve kno...
We document a ~700 km northward range extension of the rare Andaman grunt, Pomadasys andamanensis McKay and Satapoomin 1994, to the Bangladesh coast of the north-eastern Bay of Bengal. Sixteen specimens (82–129 mm SL) were collected from fishermen catches in Ukhia, Teknaf and Zinjira Island, south-eastern Bangladesh, during 2014–2019 and their coun...
To improve our knowledge of the migration pathway of a highly threatened fish species along the Mekong River, strontium isotope ratios (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) and 18 trace element concentrations were measured in the water and in the otoliths of an anadromous catfish, Pangasius krempfi, to infer its natal origin and potential migration pathways. Water was sampl...
The mullets are a widespread group of ecologically and economically important fishes of disputed taxonomy due to their uniform external morphology. Barcoding and phylogenetic studies from various locations around the world largely highlighted the species diversity underestimation using morphological criteria used to establish the taxonomy of the fa...
A total 49 flathed mullet (M. cephalus) samples collected from 14 locations belonging to 4 provinces /city in South of Vietnam were used for analyses of the genetic diversity based on cytochorome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) sequence. The results showed that the genetic difference coefficient between the mating fish sampling in 4 areas in South of Vie...
The almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana, is a circumtropical pelagic fish of importance both in commercial fisheries and in aquaculture. To understand levels of genetic diversity within and among populations in the wild, population genetic structure and the relative magnitude of migration were assessed using mtDNA sequence data and single nucleotide pol...
Post-larval prediction is important, as post-larval supply allows us to understand juvenile fish populations. No previous studies have predicted post-larval fish species richness and abundance combining molecular tools, machine learning, and past-days remotely sensed oceanic conditions (RSOCs) obtained in the days just prior to sampling at differen...
Understanding the interannual effect of various environmental factors on biodiversity distribution is fundamental for developing biological monitoring tools. The interannual variability of environmental factors on presettlement fish assemblages (PFAs) has been so far under investigated, especially in Madagascar. Numerous explanatory variables inclu...
The Epinephelidae is a marine fish family that has been the focus of worldwide taxonomical attention due to its economic value. Recent molecular-based phylogenies have improved understanding of species diversity within this family. Nonetheless, species misidentification or hybridization has led to a barcode index number (BIN) being associated with...
• 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are set up to conserve biodiversity, but their design is not always based on strictly scientific considerations. Ideally, an MPA should protect all key habitats necessary for a marine species to complete its life cycle. The identification of these key habitats is complex, especially during the early life of marine...
The taxonomic status of the Bay of Bengal nominal sparid species Coius datnia Hamilton, 1822 and Acanthopagrus longispinnis (Valenciennes, 1830) are reviewed and investigated both morphologically and genetically. Because of inadequate description and no type specimen, Coius datnia has recently been considered to belong to Sparidentex, a genus witho...
DNA barcoding opens new perspectives on the way we document biodiversity. Initially proposed to circumvent the limits of morphological characters to assign unknown individuals to known species, DNA barcoding has been used in a wide array of studies where collecting species identity constitutes a crucial step. The assignment of unknowns to knowns as...
Scolopsis igcarensis Mishra, Biswas, Russell, Satpathy & Selvanayagam, 2013 was described from specimens collected from coastal waters of southern India and Sri Lanka. A comparison of recently collected specimens from Bangladesh, initially identified as S. igcarensis, with Scolopsis vosmeri (Bloch, 1792) showed morphological differences between the...
Madagascar is a hotspot of marine biodiversity with numerous endemic species. A recent update of the checklist of fish species of Madagascar recorded nearly 1,576 marine bony (Osteichthyes) fish species, 37 (2.3%) being endemic to Madagascar. To date species identification in Madagascar has been mostly based on morphology and meristics of adult ind...
The flathead grey mullet species (Mugil cephalus L.) Vietnam is an euryhaline fish whose distribution ranges from the North to the South. Currently, M. cephalus is facing the threat of overexploitation, and the number of individuals in most populations is declining fast. In order to conserve the species in Vietnam, it is necessary to evaluate its g...
TÓM TẮT Loài cá Đối mục (Mugil cephalus L.) Việt Nam thường sống ở các vùng nước ven bờ, cửa sông, đầm phá nước lợ ven biển, đồng thời là loài cá kinh tế, cho thịt chắc, ngon, phân bố từ Bắc đến Nam. Hiện nay, cá Đối mục đang bị khai thác quá mức do vậy số lượng cá thể trong mỗi quần thể ít dần. Để có cơ sở bảo tồn và khai thác bền vững, nghiên cứu...
Preliminary studies conducted on the human gastro-intestinal tract have revealed that enteric viral communities play a preponderant role in microbial homeostatis. However to date, such communities have never been investigated in the fish gut. Herein, we examined the main ecological traits of viruses in the digestive tract of a euryhaline fish, the...
Si Madagascar est connu pour son exceptionnelle biodiversité terrestre et son taux d’endémisme, la biodiversité aquatique ne reçoit une attention soutenue que depuis peu. Afin d’améliorer les connaissances sur les poissons de Madagascar, la liste des espèces de ce pays a récemment été réévaluée sur la base des informations disponibles dans la litté...
Describe the genetic structure (mtDNA + microstallite loci) of the bonga shad along Western African coastlines
Test for selection at a ’freshwater’ candidate gene in the flathead mullet
DNA barcoding is a genetic tool for identifying biological specimens by targeting the 650 base pair region of the cytochrome c oxidase sub-unit 1 gene (CO1) of the mitochondrion. Since each species has a unique gene sequence in this region, DNA barcoding distinguishes one species from another species by identifying the specific nucleotide sequences...
DNA barcoding is a genetic tool for identifying biological specimens by targeting the 650 base pair region of the cytochrome c oxidase sub-unit 1 gene (CO1) of the mitochondrion. Since each species has a unique gene sequence in this region, DNA barcoding distinguishes one species from another species by identifying the specific nucleotide sequences...
The aim of this study was to demonstrate that fish larvae identified using their COI sequences offer a unique opportunity for improving the knowledge of local fish richness. Fish larvae were sampled at the end of their pelagic phase using light-traps set off the West Coast of La Reunion Island, southwestern Indian Ocean, once per month from October...
The main objective of this pilot study, conducted in June 2015 in the Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve (Can Gio MBR, Viet Nam), was to develop an interdisciplinary approach to assess some key services provided by reforested mangroves subject to external pressures and varying management policies. We focused on the abundance of viruses, bacteria, e...
With the persistence of a drought since the late 1960s, some West African estuaries became permanently reversed in term of salinity gradient and hypersaline waters are present in their upstream part (salinity >60). To understand the mechanisms regulating fish recruitment intensity in these estuaries and evaluate the consequences of freshwater short...
Despite the ecological and commercial importance of grey mullets (fish family Mugilidae), their taxonomy and systematics are still much debated. Reasons for this are the low level of morphometric variability and the relatively poor phylogenetic information borne by the morpho-anatomical characters used thus far in diagnosing species. Here, we evalu...
In this study, the complete mitogenome sequence of a cryptic species from East Australia (Mugil sp. H) belonging to the worldwide Mugil cephalus species complex (Teleostei: Mugilidae) has been sequenced by next-generation sequencing method. The assembled mitogenome, consisting of 16,845 bp, had the typical vertebrate mitochondrial gene arrangement,...
Mugil cephalus sensu lato is a globally distributed complex of cryptic species whose distribution range and evolutionary history remains largely unknown. In the North West (NW) Pacific three species have been identified genetically among fish described morphologically as M. cephalus. Their distribution ranges are largely parapatric and has been pro...
To determine the species diversity of cichlids in the Banc d'Arguin National Park (PNBA) and their phylogenetic relationships with other species in West Africa, a morphometric and meristic and molecular phylogenetic study was conducted. Both approaches not only confirm the presence of Sarotherodon melanotheron in PNBA but also demonstrate the prese...
On the purpose to study the genetic ecotoxicology of Sarotherodon melanotheron, the degree of contamination due to two micropollutants (Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDE)) on seven sites (Foundiougne, Kaolack, Missirah, Koular, HannBay and Niayes (1 and 2) was evaluated. Seven systems (ADH, AAT, IDHP, MDH, PGM...
The flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus, is a commercially vital fish in fisheries and aquaculture worldwide. Genetic analyses have recently revealed three cryptic species of M. cephalus in the Northwest Pacific. These species are sympatric in Taiwanese waters and specific reproductive behaviors have been suggested to be a major prezygotic barrier. Spe...
Preliminary studies on reef fish postlarvae in Reunion Island during the POLARUN Project (2011-2013) were based on pictures of post-larvae taken at capture and at different periods of their development when raised in aquaria. This approach provided unique information as little had been done before in the Indian Ocean. One of the results of this pro...
Marine resource conservation highlights the needs of surveying fish communites to detect changes in marine biodiversity. In this context, surveys of fish post-larvae assemblages provide one of the basic information to be taken into account. However, identifying the post-larvae to the species level remains difficult in the Indian Ocean due to the pa...
Two new species and two new basin records of mahseers in the genera Tor and Neolissochilus are described from the upper Krong No and middle Đồng Nai drainages of the Langbiang Plateau in southern Vietnam. These new species and new records are known from streams and rivers in montane mixed pine and evergreen forests between 140 and 1112 m. Their pop...
In this study, the complete mitogenome sequence of largescale mullet (Teleostei: Mugilidae) has been sequenced by the next-generation sequencing method. The assembled mitogenome, consisting of 16,832 bp, had the typical vertebrate mitochondrial gene arrangement, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, two ribosomal RNAs genes, and a no...
Representatives of Ligophorus Euzet et Suriano, 1977 were found on the gills of Mugil liza Valenciennes caught in southern Brazil. They were identified as Ligophorus uruguayense Failla Siquier et Ostrowski de Núñez, 2009 and Ligophorus saladensis Marcotegui et Martorelli, 2009, even though specific identification proved to be difficult due to incon...